S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE FEMME PAG Mill City PTA Plan For Nov. 12 Meet Miss Joan Johnson To Be Wed Nov. 29 Mrs. Roger Nelson, president of the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Johnson this Mill City PTA wishes to extend con­ gratulations to the committees who week are announcing the forthcoming worked and planned so hard to make marriage of their daughter. Miss Joan the annual International dinner a suc­ Marilyn to Jerald LeRoy Hudgins, cess Thursday night of this week and son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hud- the appreciation of the PTA member­ I gins of Lowell. ship to the community for its fine Miss Johnson is a member of the spirit of co-operation and attendance. senior class of Mill City high school. She declared it was a grand success. Hudgins, Miss Johnson's fiance, is a The second meeting of the Mill City graduate of Stayton high school, class PTA will be held Wednesday, Nov­ of 1951. Miss Johnson and Hudgins will wed ember 12, at 8 p.m., in the Mill City high school auditorium. There will Saturday, November 29, at 1:30 p.m. be a program of interest to all par­ in the Mill City Presbyterian church. ents. Wednesday’s program is under Rev. Noble Streeter, pastor, will lead the auspices of the Marion county in the recital of the marriage vows. The F. E. Johnsons issued an in­ health department. vitation to the church wedding to Mrs. Detering, Marion county pub­ lic health nurse will be the speaker. friends of the young couple. Miss The film “Angry Boy” will be shown. Johnson’s fiance is employed as a Following the film there will be an carpenter in Lowell. open discussion period. Refreshments will be served; and all newcomers to Mill City are espe­ cially invited to this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thompson and Henry Thompson from Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sexton from Mrs. Bea Graunke Host and Aurora, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue. Mr. Thomp­ For Lucky Twelvers son is a brother of Mrs. Naue and Mrs. Bea Graunke was hostess for Mr. Saxton, a nephew of Mr. Naue. Gates Lucky Twelve Pinochle club Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmerman of members the Thursday before “Ike Portland are the parents of a son, Day”. Mrs. Graunke prepared and born Monday, Oct. 27. Mr. and Mrs. served to her 11 guests creamed Joe Zimmerman of Lyons are receiv­ chicken. ing congratulations as this is their Mrs. Marcie Peterson thrived on first grandchild. the fare as proved by the fact she Mrs. Ramie Martell honored her carved out a superior card score to husband on his birthday anniversary that of any other competitor. Mrs. when a group of friends and relatives Bert Vanderhoff brass-ringed the pi­ gathered to spend the evening. The nochle prize. Mrs. Margaret Clise time was spent in playing pinochle. clung hopefully to low prize. Refreshments were served to Mr. and LYONS Christmas Cords Legion Auxiliary Serving Dinner SUNDAY and MONDAY Idanha—As a Christmas fund rais­ ing project the Idanha American Le­ BURT LANCASTER as gion Auxiliary will serve a turkey o dinner November 11 at the Detroit school cafeteria. Proceeds from the ticket sale will be used by the auxiliary to give the Wonderful Entertainment annual Christmas party, a commu­ for the Family. nity entertainment for both Idanha Bugs Bunny Cartoon and Detroit. o lhe Mill City Ministerial association is sponsoring Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday Dinner will be served between the the showing of the film "'rhe 38th Parallel" Saturday, hours of 5 and 8 p.m. at a charge November 15, at 7 p.m. in the high school audito­ of $1.00 for adults and fifty cents | rium. This film was taken in Korea by Bob Pierce, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY for children. correspondent for several Christian magazines, and DORIS DAY and depicts the religious and economic conditions there Committee members include Mrs. GORDON MacRAE in just preceding and during the present conflict. There Floy Story, Mrs. Opal Leming, Mrs. will be no admission charge, but a free-will offering Bernadine Stoll, Mrs. Ijinelle Davis, will be taken, the net proceeds to be sent through Mrs. Myrtle Geston and Mrs. Esther "World Vision" for benevolent and relief work in Fouts. I Korea. Technicolor Comedy— Family Picture. Mrs. Dallas Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Idanha Elects Three Monroe Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker, Mr. and Mrs. George Huff­ New Council Members man, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Walker and Idanha — Three council members STEVE McNALLY and Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell. were elected to serve a four-year Karen and Sue Ellen Rue of Mill GAIL RUSSELL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead, term on the Idanha city council Tues­ in Donald, Walter and Jimmy were City were hostesses for a Halloween day. weekend guests at the home of her party at their home Oct. 30. Games Favored by majority vote were mother, Mrs. Nibford at Burnt Woods. played in keeping with the season in­ Frank Ray, Noyes Whitten and Len Jet Pilots in Training Mr. and Mrs. Harry Selenska and cluded bobbing for apples and fortune Davis. son, Richard, from Park River, N.D., telling. and Mrs. Martin Gustafson from Sil- | Costumes were worn, and the most FRIDAY and SATURDAY verton were recent guests at the home completely disguised were Shereen Mrs. John McClurg. Mrs. Viola Zander is visiting in of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker. Mrs. Muir and Sandra Thomas. MAUREEN O’HARA in Highlight of the evening was the Seattle, Wash., at the home of her Selenska is a sister and Mrs. Gustaf­ daughter and family. 1 visit from two uninvited _ guests son the mother of Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Jerry Lyons and son, Larry, The Lyons Methodist church it masked as an eerie old man and have returned home from Los An- — Plus — Mr. and Mrs. C. Rosheim. showing on Thursday at 8 p.m. this woman, geles, Calif. Mrs. Lyons and son, ANN SHERIDAN in week a sound movie entitled “All Others present were: Shereen Muir, have spent the past month at the , Claire Melting, Sandra Thomas, Elena That I Have.” home of her sister. The Boy and Girl Scouts with their Beery, Billy Provost, Terry Harring­ Several from Lyons have gone to leaders in co-operation with the PTC ton, Mike Kelly, Sandra Harrington, eastern Oregon for the Elk hunting club of the Mari-Linn school spon­ Y’vonne Dickie, Donna Thomas, Peggy Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Kid's Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday sored a Halloween party and carnival Thomas, Neal Thomas, and Carole son Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linde­ “The Return of Wildfire” held at the Mari-Linn gym Friday Warner. mann, Bill Kimery and Harvey Kan- evening. Those winning prizes were off. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Brenda Johnson, Marlene Thayer, While there she was a guest at the Mrs. Ivan Smith and Mrs. Duane Complete show can be seen any Joan Schmidt, Albert Morgan, Michael home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Minich Downing were in Albany Thursday time up to 8:30 Cruson, Kathryn Johnston, Caroline Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dalles of Port­ and Friday where they attended the Hellemn and Kathryn Carr. Judges land were Sunday dinner guests at Trainer's class in meal craft for the were Mrs. Percy Hiatt, Mrs. Cora the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roya Home Extension unit. They will Mr. and Mrs. Dalles are former resi- present the project to their local unit Home Nursing Course Jenner and Beulah Lewis. Relatives gathered at the home of dents of this city when he was super­ at a later date. Begins November 12 Mrs. Alex Bodeker, Elmer Hiatt, Mrs. Martha Hiatt Sunday to help her intendent at the Mt. Jefferson lum- Idanha—The Red Cross home-nurs­ ber company mill. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning and celebrate her 75th birthday anniver­ Mrs. Phillip Pietrok who has been Mrs. Clyde Bressler attended a house ing course to be presented by Mr». sary. A dinner was served at noon with covers laid for the honored gues^ visiting at the home of her sister, warming for the Norman Johnson Lavelle Haseman is scheduled to be­ Mrs. Hiatt, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mrs. Louis Kraph at Missoula, Mont family at 2690 Lancaster Dr., Salem, gin Wednesday, Nov. 12 at the Idanha Thoma, Mrs. Leonard Thoma and She was accompaneid by her two Wednesday evening. Mrs. Johnsan if fire hall. Enrollment is limited to sixteen James from Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Pietrok of a daughter of the Bodeker’s and is now nearly complete. The Mrs. Floyd Bassett received word Harry Elmer and son, Gale, of Al­ Stayton and Margaret Kraph of Wednesday that her father, Walter course will be presented in seven two- bany; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haitt and Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen visited at Bevier, who has been in a Salem hos­ hour sessions offering practical ex­ her mother, Mrs. Cora Jenner of the home of his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. pital for the past two years is in a perience in home nursing techniques. Lyons. Hour» for the course are 7 to 9 Mrs. Alice Huber, with Mr. and «George Allen near Belnap hot springs critical condition. p.m. Further information may be ob­ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler were over the weekend. Mrs. Alfred Shelton of Mill City were tained by called Mrs. Haseman, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrison and called to Salem Wednesday evening Sunday guests at the home of Mr by the serious illness of his sister, children are spending a few days ir and Mrs. Delbert Shelton at Rickreall They will also visit his Mrs. Myrtle Hester who has been iu Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons spent the Medford. IJon't let dUDcult brealbli.», coughin» the Lansing home for the last four sister and family at Lakeview. weekend in Marion, where the week­ • nd wheeling, due to recurring »pa»m< ot Bronchial A»thma or glmple Brunch Ills Mrs. Joe Altgilbers who has beev months. end in Marion, where they were guests ruin your sleep and energy without trying MENDACO. Works through your blood to at the jjome of their daughter and in a hospital in Portland for some help looeen and remove thick, strangling WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS mucue Thue uiually allays coughing whlcn family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gisler. Last time has been brought to the home AND INVITATIONS permit» freer breathing and eounder »leap, week Mrs. Lyons was in Portland of her daughter and husband, Mr. and (let MENDACO under money back guar­ at The Mill City Enterprise antee at drugglit». Jim Thorpe-- All American On Moonlight Grade-sters Enjoy Halloween Party Air Cadet Flame of Araby Steel Town ASTHMA COUGHS Edward Williams “The Home of Halmark Cards 330 Court Street SALEM Used Washers BENDIX AUTOMATIC LATE MODEL BENDIX LIKE NEW EASY LAUNDRY 89-50 IO995 99.50 OTHER CONVENTIONAL WASHERS THOR IRON ER. 30-Inch Roll 49.50 Foundation for Blind Observes Centennial of Braille's Death The passing of Louis Braille, originator of the raised dot read­ ing and writing system which bears his name, 100 years ago, is now being observed around the world. M. Robert Barnett, the Executive Director of the American Foundation for the Blind, pointed out that since only 20 per cent of the 260,000 blind persons in the United States know braille. “It is important to promote the teaching of this system in every» possible man­ ner.” Helen Keller, outstanding user of Braille’s sys­ tem, once wrote ■Braille is the key to books in many languages. We who are without sight the NEW SEAL celebrate achievement of one who poured the sweetness of tangible printed words into the bitter waters of our affliction.” < As part of the international ob­ • Intended not primarily to raise servance of the centennial of money, but to foster public aware­ Louis Braille's death, the Amer­ ness of the increased opportuni­ ican Foundation for the Blind ties afforded to the blind through and its affiliate, the American the development of modern teach­ Foundation for Overseas Blind, ing methods based on the use cf have jointly issued a special com­ braille. Mr. Barnett advised that memorative seal to be widely cir­ individual contributions received culated. The seals will be dis­ through the distribution of these tributed in sheets of 50 each by seals will be earmarked for braille organizations and groups which printing presses and other equip­ show a deep interest in the for­ ment for workshops and scho t here and abroad. tunes of blind people. THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE RAIJCM Him Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies DOUBLE United Trading Stamp Days H7// be Mondays and Fridays OF EAC H WEEK MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 183 N. High Street FOOD LOCKERS Court House Square The Most Show for Least Dough FROZEN FOODS Jack’s Richfield Service On Hiway 222, in East Mill City MILL CITY’