o names and addresses in to the San- tiam Memorial hospital office, Stay­ children accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ton, Ore. Willa Loucks, Roberta Loucks, Bar­ Albert Millsap of Gates motored to Madras Sunday where they visited at bara Podrabsky and Ralph Jull at­ Word has been received in Mill City the home of the Edmund Kleckere, tended a Christian Endeavor rally at and the the Crabtree Christian church last that Willis Laine, a former resident former Stayton residents, Sunday afternoon. Minister and Mrs. daughter of the Millsaps. here, is hospitalized in Sweet Home Jull, after dropping the young people Nurses Aids and women in the area for treatment. I-aVine has been a i off at the rally, drove to Lebanon to resident of Sweet Home for the past who are interested in work and Nurses visit at the Joe Vaughan home. Aid training at the Santiam Mem­ two years. Mrs. C. A. Bruder returned home Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Rambo and two - orial hospital are asked to send their last weekend after spending several days in a Salem hospital. Her condi­ tion is reported as still quite serious. George Ditto, Iryl Plymale and Obligated to no one but the Minister H. E. Jull attended the dis­ taxpayer. trict meeting of the Ninety and Nine Make public all business of the Men’s organization at the Silverton Court. Christian church Monday evening. Stop Favoritism. AN INVITATION—You are cordi­ ally invited to an open house at the Better business methods for the Christian church parsonage, Sunday, County. Nov. 9, two to five p.m., in honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of min­ County equipment purchases should ister and Mrs. Hugh E. Jull. No be made by competitive bid. gifts, please. Equitable consideration of the Dr. Mark Hammericksen has moved taxpayers’ rights. his optometrist offices from Mill City to Stayton this week and beginning next Thursday afternoon 1 to 6 p.m. he will be found in the offices oc­ cupied by Dr. Victor J. Myers, chi- ropratic physician, located in the Post Office building on the second floor. Dr. Hammericksen invites all his friends and patients to visit him in his new location, where he will be ready to serve them in the future as in the past. Paid Pol. Adv. by P. W. Hale, Salem, Ore. J. B. Love is also hospitalized this past week. He has lived here the past two years. He is suffering an iHRiiin'iiiidiiimiiiinpnnii mmmm attack of the flu. Robert Keyes, Donna Nelson and Joan Johnson, members of the Mill City high school annual and paper staffs were in Eugene last Friday and Saturday attending the Oregon Scholastic Press conference at the University of Oregon. While there they met many friends, among them was Gary Peterson, a member of last year’s staff and writer of the Hi-Lites column during last school year. “At the Bottom of the Hill” The Cub scouts Monday were around the city hanging paper Lib­ erty Bells on doorknobs reminding voters to get out and vote. Next Monday night the Scouts will again uiitnr bi it IUUIIU3 nun mu make the rounds with more bells for the doors—they urge you i not to for- get to get out and vota. October 30, 1952 •—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY » OOOOOOOOOOOOOC-OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO0-00-0O 00000-000000-0000 00<<-0°oooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Confused about Milk? This will help you vote what you believe If you are FOR If you are AGAINST RICHER MILK... LOWER PRICES vote YES THE MILK CONTROL LAW vote YES 332 YES will restore competition and remove arbitrary limits on butterfat. 332 YES will repeal ill state controls ex­ cept farmer price protection and butterfat labeling. Milk cleanliness is protected by special federal, state and city laws. FREE ENTERPRISE vote YES MILK DICTATORSHIP vote YES 332 YES will restore our declining dairy industry, allow it to grow with our popu­ lation. Our supply of pure milk will increase. 332 YES will remove these powers of the milk administrator— FARM PRICE PROTECTION vote YES Marion County CAN Have Better Roads —to dictate which farmers shall sell milk and how much. 332 YES will protect farm prices, based on cost of milk production. No longer will producers hive to take what is left after retail prices have been fixed and distribu­ tors have been guaranteed their profits. Without Raising Taxes Elect.... P. W. Hale —to say who shall engage in the milk business and where. —to prop up retail prices and cut down richness. .0 LOOK FOR COMMISSIONER - MARION COUNTY VOTE Never a Dull Moment MILK PRODUCTION AND MARKETING ACT BILL—Purpose: Authorizes governor to appoint niilk control administrator, an instrumentality of state, with annual salary of »7200, vested with power to investigate supervise and regulate the production of milk for human consumption within the state Act requires butterfat labeling of milk and licensing of milk dealers. Appropriates license fees for expense of administration. Authorizes administrator to designate marketing areas, require uniform records and accounts to be kept by producers and dealers, fix minimum milk production prices after public hearing, and require bonds of milk dealers. Appeals are provided (or and penalties for violations, all existing milk control laws are repealed. Vote YES or NO 332^^ Yea. I vote for the proposed law. 333 No. I vote against the proposed law. P.id Adv.. Aftli.i.d Milk C«»p.ign ( omiiiwi oi Oregon. Mrs. Irra« Taylor. 426 Park Building, Portland. Oregon. MILL CITY TAVERN W£ CAN'T athhw to let them cripple county & state fairs usa**” on and other agricultural shows TOP GRAPE FOODS AT Girods Super Market IF they push through the anti-pari-mutuel On the Highway at STAYTON racing bill, these things will happen ... S & W GLACE CAKE MIX Mb. jar Holiday Margarine 2 lbs SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3-lb. can 39C 2— County fairs will suffer! t 39c 79c FISHER S CAKE ELOUR 2-11». box NESTLE’S MORSELS ........ 2 packages 3J)C 19c 3— Personal rights will be taken away! Racing can and will move to Washington! Celery 2 bunches 29c HERBY’S CHILI CON ( ARNE with Beans 1-lb. can 27c RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS 2 bunches Del Monte Pumpkin SWEET POTATOES 2 cans 1— Your taxes will go up, an average of $7.27 per homeowner and if you own a farm, it will be lots more! 2 lbs. 9c |9C SURE YOU VOTE 327 X NO 35c CAMPBELL’S VEGETABLE BEEF SOUP 3 cans 50c "THE 36 COUNTY FAIRS AND Turkeys Farm PICNICS. SUGAR CURED, CAMPBELL’S BEEF NOODLE 3 cans RQC ,b 35c lb 43c RIB STEAKS. Commercial, lb g9c Pay Cash HERE save at Girods AT STAYTON OTHER AGRICULTURAL SHOWS HAVE RECEIVED $6,781,000.00'' PARI-MUTUEL REVENUES —1952 STATE GENERAL FUND ................. 38 COUNTY FAIRS @ »12.800 EACH THE 10 SPECIALTY SHOWS; Oregon State Fair............. Pacific International Livestock Show Eastern Oregon Livestock Show .... Mid-Columbia Livestock Show.......... Northwest Turkey Show................... Pendleton Round-Up........................... Klamath Ba^in Round-Up................. Spring Lamb and Dairy Show........... Oregon State Corn Show................... Pacific Coast Turkey Exhibit........... 88 480.800 00 . . . . . . . . . »35.000 00 35,000 00 7.50000 8,000 00 2.40000 7.500 00 5 000 00 2 500 00 2.500.00 2.400 00 »104 800 00 TOTAL »933.894 88 DOM'T 1er TMÍM mu KAC/HC KtVlHUlS!