o Mill City Hi-Liles By RICHARD LOVEL «PORTS PAG M MV M The ones who sold the most maga- . City's second touchdown but the con­ zines during the magazine sale two version attempt was again failed. Roy weeks ago received awards. Betty j Joyner of Monroe made his team's Lou Cree was the highest so she got only touchdown of the first half and a trophy. Phyllis Provost and Ralph j Frank Scott converted to make the Jull were the other winners and they score 12 to 6 in favor of Mill City al-o received prizes. at the half. By RICHARD LOVEL The second half started with a bang The Senior class is beginning work The Mill City Timberwolves came For Guaranteed Cleaning I on its annual play. The play will out victorious in a non-league game 'for the Timberwolves when, after I be a three-act comedy, “Here Comes with Monroe, a formerly undefeated Monroe couldn’t make a first down it’s the and punted, Dick Kanoff returned the Hattie’*. The members of the cast team, by a 26-21 score. are: Pat Brown, Joan Johnson, Betty The Timberwolves received the ball 40 yards for another Timberwolf This time LeRoy Podrabsky Cree, Donna Nelson, Dorothy Downer, opening kickoff and drove 63 yards TD. and Beryl Mason. The boys in the for a touchdown in nine plays. Dick went over for the extra point. Harry first performance will be: Bill Shep­ Kanoff made the TD and the conver­ ! Smith made a touchdown for Monroe X •• 24-HOUR SERVICE herd, LeRoy Podrabsky, and Lyle sion failed. There was no more scor­ and he also made the extra poiit to j X X Fleetwood. In the second perform­ ing in the first quarter. In the second make the score 19 to 14 at the end [ X Mill City ance are: Philip Goble, Tom Kanoff. quarter Kanoff ran 60 yards for MillI of the third period. Then Monroe ] went out in front 21 to 19 when Smith ' X X Clones at 0 P.M. and Roy Chase. Mr. LeCours, one of the Senior class advisors, will direct the play. Aside from the two eve- made a touchdown and Melvin Mar-1 X X nnKtnnanHnHHnnHnanannnnHnnnnnKosnsQHHnnnnnnnnunsiHQnnnnn) ning perfom m may be tw quardt made the conversion for extra ! X X | afternoon performances also. These point. But the Timberwolves went on I X would be for the grade school and to make another touchdown with Dick X X Kanoff again carrying the ball. Bill i X the high school. X X The Seniors are selling Christmas Hoffman made the extra point. X The Monroe boys were desperately 1 cards to raise money. « The following students were pres­ trying to make a touchdown but the | o ent at last Tuesday’s meeting of the game ended w ith Mill City ahead 26 i Chess club: Donna Nelson, Jack Melt­ to 21. The Timberwolves had two touch- | ing, Bob Sullivan, Eddie Gregory, Eddie Leach, LeRoy Emerson, Delsie , downs called back because of off-side , § Roten, Barbara Podrabsky, Viva Lee, penalties. RENT AN INSTRUMENT Once, when Lyle Fleet-, Diane Peterson, Maurice Bassett, I wood passed to Evart Brewer who 1 Donald Ellingson, Ralph Jull, Richard was on the goal line, the ball was Crook, Lloyd Ross, and Richard Lovel. , intercepted by Monroe. I The outstanding defensive Mill City Mrs. Caughey, the English teacher, 0 0 is holding an English class for stud- I back was LeRoy Podrabsky whose NEW BEGINNERS BANDS ARE STARTING O playing contributed to his team's vic­ O ents who had trouble on their gram­ I NOW IN MILL CITY, GATES and DETROIT tory. The outstanding defensive mar in the first six weeks of school. | o This class is open at 8 o’clock in the | lineman was Marvin Misner. See Your School Band Director morning for the hour before regular | school classes begin. This is very beneficial for those students because by going to this class they can catch 1 up with the other students, since the ' English classes are now engaged in I Literature study. SALEM, OREGON Mill City Wins Over Monroe NUMETHOD Start in the Band NOW Try before You Buy October 30. 1952 ♦—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE «KMffiffiCaXamCX XMX M QOXIXBOCa JCX.«.x.x AjOtWWJ* Randalls FINE MEATS 1288 STATE ST SALEM, ORE. Ph. 3-6489 BEEF PRICES DOWN! Take advantage of our new low prices on lender Young Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. Plan to buy a week’s supply! Any of our retail cuts wrapped for your locker FREE! Excellent cutting and wrapping of Ixicker Beef ready ready for you to pick up here in Salem by telephone arrangement in advance. Beef Roasts 39c 59c Arm Cut, Blade Cut Rump. lb. Beef Steak Round T-Bone Rib, lb. Fresh Hamburger 3^ Lean Short Ribs 29c lb............................................... Tender Young Eastern Oregon Hereford LOCKER BEEF Front Quarter Hind Quarter Half or Whole Wills Music Store MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs, Warren Howe and two sons of Roseburg, former Mill City residents, visited relatives and friends here over the weekend. Returning from a hunting trip in eastern Oregon Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. William McCoy. Clyde Thomas was the guest speak­ er following the Fellowship dinner Wednesday night in the Presbyterian church recreation rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas who recently returned from missionary work in Africa showed pictures of their work there. The Thomas family formerly lived in this vicinity. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­ dings. also shrubs and landscaping. 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone 3684. 42tf Dr. John Reid, Mill City physician and surgeon, has been in the Salem Memorial hospital the past two weeks suffering with virus pneumonia. Dr. Reid was reported to be improved the first part of the week. John Runyan, superintendent of the McKinley Indian Mission at Toppen­ ish, Wash., was a caller at the Chris- Itian church office last week. Plans were made for him to return Wednes­ day, November 19, to speak and show pictures of the work of the Mission. I -- — - ■ .... -...... , - KEEP COST OF LIVING DOWN ♦ VOTE 319 X NO...unless you are ready to pay higher prices on your children’s milk, your family’s food, fuel, clothing, furniture, and gasoline...everything you eat, wear or use... all daily necessities! DOUBLE United Trading Stamp Days « YOU...f/ie Consumer... will feel it where it hurts the most...IN THE POCKETBOOKS IVill be Mondays and Fridays Don’t be fooled by “Anti-Truck” propaganda... 318-319 MOTOR CARRIER HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION ACT will increase YOUR cost of living! OF EACH WEEK Rep. Robert Y. Jack's Richfield Service On Hiwaj 222. in East Mill City MILL CITY Thornton TAKE THIS TO THE POLLS WITH YOU of Tilla monk 319 X NO. I vote °g°init the Pr°P°sed '°W Candidate for State ATTORNEY GENERAL Thornton stands for scrup­ ulous law enforcement, for a bi-partisan state crime commission: simple ballot titles in plain English that tell the voter what he is* voting for. Paid Adv. by Tillamook for Thornton Nonpartisan Comm C. H Be-gstrom Mrs Earl Sweat. Tillamook. Chairmen I Illi III III IIII Illi Illi I llllll lllllll II11 III 11 mill AAntnr Carrier Highway Transportation Act KEEP TAXES DOWN! KEEP YOUR COST OF LIVING DOWNI VOTE 319 NO! THIS LAW WILL NOT INCREASE ________________PRIVATE CAR LICENSES OR GAS TAXES ♦