for What it's Worth All Building Supply Needs AT Kelly Lumber Sales M r NEW RETAIL LOCATION: East City Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MILL CITY I Scott Young Bags Large Black Bear S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE October 30. 19">2 By CLIFFORD P. ROWE Forest Grove, Ore. Editor’s Letter Box- (Editor’s Note: We are with-hold­ (Continued from Page 2) ing publication of this week’s con­ Marion Forks — The black bear Cardwell if you want a good man to tribution by Mr. Rowe, which is a which has caused excitement in the represent you is the state legislature. letter setting forth “the Case For the j Marion Forks area all summer, was JOHN T. RUSSEI.I., Sweet Home, Republicans” because of its extreme J recently shot by Scott Young, owner Former Editor-Publisher New Era. libelous character especially on the of Marion Forks lodge. Paid Adv. 527 Kay St. point that the government is perme­ This bear frightened women and ated with communism. Late news children in the nearby camp, Wilson­ reports now show that the chief ac­ ville. It was killed after it invaded Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll cuser, Senator McCarthy now appears the lodge basement and destroyed I to be the real friend of Communism property. in America, when he was the only Previously the huge bruin shredded defense witness for Communist Earl a tent belonging to Chris McDonald, Browder in his trial in March, 1951.) Art Olmstead, and "Doc”. Not con- 1 tent with ripping the tent, it smashed the gasoline lantern and pilfered BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP cooking supplies. Only one dish re­ mained unbroken in the tent after th