Canyon Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IOANN \ LYONS MEHAMA MONGOL!) By DON PETERSON This week winds up the intensive ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATL RE'S EMPIRE campaign for political office that has been waging during the past two Vol. VIII—No. 44 MILL CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1952 $2.50 • Year, ](){• a Copy months. Many will welcome the close of the political wars and be glad to settle down and go back to the quiet hum drum of everyday life. Each partisan in his own way feels that the other side has been “smear ing” his favorite candidate, but I am of the opinion that when facts are The annual International Progres being expounded and circumstances sive dinner sponsored by the Mill Peoria, Ill., Oct. 29. (UP) — A Robert B. (Bob) Jones, a present By RALPH BUSHNELL POTTS surrounding a series of events are former FBI Communist hunter told City PTA will be held November 6, member of the Clackamas county being described it is not fair to call a Volunteers for Stevenson rally that The blood of free men stains my ballot sheet. from 5 to 8 p.m. The prices of court, is a candidate for Congress to “smear”. That is just plain every “Joe McCarthy has not produced one are: adults, $1.00; children help regain the respect Oregon once Whatever others may do, I shall not carelessly make tickets day methods of trying to reach the iota of new evidence against a single under fourteen years of age, 50c. The commanded in the U. S. Congress. my mark. I vote not because I can but because I tickets may be secured from Mrs. public and gain an audience to hear individual that he has charged with and then that audience must try to being a Communist.” must. Those that died for this, my voice in govern Roger Nelson, PTA president. The Bob realizes Oregon’s need for place credence in the arguments as Edward P. Morgan, who was FBI ment, had a right to expect that I would prepare with proceeds will be used in the purchase made. It is here that we as voters assistant chief investigator from 1940 every faculty to use it wisely, honestly and courage of an audio-system, which will be must sit as judge and jury and try to 1947, said he disapproved of the by students who cannot attend ously. They did not die that fools, blind partisans used to reach a verdict at the ballot box. methods used by controversial Sen. school. or the reckless might make a game of free elections. I remember not too many years Joseph R. McCarthy, Republican of The dinner will consist of four ago that the cry was made by many Wisconsin, to make his charges of Only my secret heart knows whether I justify the courses. The first course will be that that particular election was the communism in government. definition of “voter” as they wrote it in the reddening held at the Leo Lemke home, and last one we would be privileged to will represent Ireland. The second Morgan warned that “the trick of sand. If I love my country as they did, 1 question my course take part in, but here we are again establishing guilt by analogy is a two- will be served at the Kenneth qualifications again and again. ready to go into seclusion with our edged sword. Crosier home, representing Norway. conscience inside the voting booth— “It could be pointed out that Sen- ( I carefully study the issues and candidates to The main course, representing Mex there we will weigh the charges of ator McCarthy was the only defense j determine what is best, not for me or my minority ico, will be served at the high school “Communist” and “deals”—there it witness for Communist Earl Browder recreation room. From here the but for my country. is that the “pollsters” predictions will in his trial in March. 1951.” group will go to the grade school gym be upset and the voter will do what I will not be confused or deceived by propaganda, for desert and coffee, representing he or she thinks best for him and First Time slogans or histrionics. I shield my eyes to the glitter Denmark. The former FBI agent, who said his country. . A stage program will be held at of personalities, purge my mind of passion and prej The large group of voters who will he specialized in investigations of the grade school gym following the udice, and search diligently for the hidden truth. I dinner. A ladies quartet will sing NOT go to the polls next Tuesday communism, said it was the first time ' must be free of all influences save that of conscience songs from Ireland, and there will be will be staying away because of the he had ever seen a witness testify j loss of confidence in the political for a Communist “who was not one i and justice. dances by the Camp Fire Girls and parties, thinking that they want noth himself.” On display will be Girl Scouts, I garden for dreams, but with a realistic spade. ROBERT B. (HOB) JONES Morgan, now a Washington attor ing to do with either or any party, articles from the various countries My test is not of trend or popularity, but of principle ney, said he was referring to Browd equitable and fair treatment in Con That condition has been fostered and represented. and liberty. gress and an active fight to bring encouraged by many of our news er’s contempt of congress trial last back to this state her just share of papers and “news” commentators who year. I vote as if my ballot alone decided the contest. Another speaker, Sen. Wayne Morse the millions of dollars of tax moneys show little regard for the truth in One-day Doe Season I may lose my preference, but I will not throw away which flow into the federal treasury their great desire to destroy the “ins” of Oregon, told the meeting that it my sacred vote. For within the booth I hold in my Brings Some Success from Oregon. so that the “outs” can get in, and was a “political myth” that Dwight humble hand the living proxy of all my country’s He charges that the indifferent at sometimes vice versa. The fact that D. Eisenhower was an efficient ad Mehama—This area was open only titude of the present Oregon delega honored dead. these men are still free to speak is ministrator of the North Atlantic one day of legal doe season with vary tion in congress has allowed federal proof of the strength of our form of Treaty organization. ing response from residents. Morse, who recently resigned from bureaucrats to place in jeopardy Ore- government. In many other countries Many seasoned hunters ridiculed ! gon's greatest heritage, the Oregon the Republican party and gave his they would probably be in jail. Nichols Infant Buried the right to shoot antlerless deer, 1 and California railroad revested land indorsement to Gov. Adlai E. Steven * • • while many local boys deserted school grant. Bob’s active fight this past Mill City will vote on two charter son, Democratic presidential candi Tuesday at Fairview to try to bag game. amendments next Tuesday, both re date, said Eisenhower is “about the year has helped to expose this at Several property owners with “No tempted grab of the multi-billion dol Baby Adurey Jennette Nichols, in lating to the election of city officials. last man in the military establish Detroit — Failure of a careless fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hunting” signs posted on their prop lar natural resources of Oregon. He The first is an ordinance initiated ment who ought to talk about waste.” by the city council making the office ’Inexcusable Waste' i camper to completely extinquish his Nichols of Mill City, was buried Tues erty patrolled county roads to pre claims the burden of the Oregon tax vent trespassing. One woman hear of ma'-or an elective post, and the Morse told the audience that when j campfire left permanent scars in the day morning in Fairview cemetery, ing shots near the house, excitedly payer can be lightened substantially r minutes second an initiative petition bearing he recently toured Eisenhower’s i Mt. Ml through equitable distribution of tax Jefferson primitive area recently ’ n ^ ant lived but a few pii ___ ‘ _____ Home in jumped from bed seizing her house moneys and the firm resolution of the 100 signatures urging the “election NATO headquarters in France he | where a fire was discovered burning after birth. Weddle Funeral Ho coat enroute, and ordered the hunters Oregon delegation to settle Oregon’s Stayton wras in charge. of the mayor, city recorder and the found “inexcusable waste.” near Russell Lake. police judge and the qualification of Baby Nichols was born October 26. to move on. Only then did she note problems in congress before attempt The Oregon senator told of a trip I Forest service personnel dispatched voters”. Take your choice, but if he said he made to the Republican to the fire determined that it had ' Rev. C. R. Brewer, pastor of the Free that her only attire was the night ing to settle world problems. you want to elect the recorder and national headquarters in Washington been smouldering for several weeks in Methodist church of Mill City, offi gown, and her house-coat was still Robert B. (Bob) Jones, born in clutched in her hand. the police judge, then you should vote to complain about campaign speeches the thick duff surrounding giant ciated at graveside ceremonies. 1915, is a native Oregonian. He has A few property owners welcomed against the first proposition and for made by Eisenhower. been married 15 years, has two sons, Hemlock trees, several of which were J and were the any-sex deer season the second one. He said the GOP officials told him killed. efforts of two men for three days glad to be rid of deer that had been and is well schooled in business ad • * * ministration, American economic his the statements were tnade to gain The stubborn fire required the before it could be extinguished. damaging crops. Next Tuesday my car will be avail the support of “reactionary” senators tory, and commercial law. Bob and able for use to get to the polls. Just and that Eisenhower did not really Mrs. Jones are both active in civic call me at 2651 and I will come and j them? programs and youth welfare move pick you up and take you home again. “Look out, America, if we come ments. He conducted his own busi If I don’t answer the phone leave to the point that we will do anything SOME CITY STREETS ANO COUNTY ROAOS ness for nine years before being your name and address with the tele to win a political campaign,” Morse elected to the Clackamas county court phone operator and I shall arrange said. IN OREGON in 1950. He is experienced in govern to get you to the polls. He charged that Eisenhower ment and in the problems of the peo * * * stooped “to the big lie” in Detroit ple of this disti ict. Bob V’eness, manager of the Mill recently “when he told people that During his term in office he haa City Theatre has scheduled for Sun it was the state department that brought about many drastic changes day and Monday a “newsreel short” pulled troops out of Korea before the in the administration of county busi of the “Life Story of Adlai E. Stev war. ness. He has made public, for the enson”. This is a fine opportunity “On September 26, 1947, he (Eisen first time, the business of the Court to get better acquainted with the hower) joined to recommend that and an accounting of all county-owned Democratic candidate and Bob is to I from the standpoint of military stra land, equipment, and supplies. He be complimented for giving his audi-1 tegy that the troops be taken out, has effected great savings through ence this timely opportunity. low competitive bidding and incurred Morse said.—From Oregon Journal. « * • the wrath of the favored few who Governor Stevenson said in his enjoyed county business at higher Madison Square Garden speech last prices. He is bitterly opposed by the Tuesday night, “The world will quick- j trusts and special-interest groups who ly forget what I say here tonight, I have exploited his county and this but it will long remember what YOU state. He is fighting to keep alive do next Tuesday!” Roosevelt's principles of American « • • Glenn G. Conklin, Marion county democracy and is pledged to support General Eisenhower said tonight sheriff aspirant visited the Enterprise legislation designed to promote pro in the same Garden that “he was still office Tuesday and gave vital statis gressive and harmonious relations be the same man he was when he came tics about himself. tween labor and management. He was born in Chicago, Ill., in home five months ago”. « • • 1906 and moved to Minot, N. Dak., President Truman has been doing as a youngster. He attended public a masterful job of presenting the school and a local state college there. facts and he has been drawing tre After leaving school, he worked on llis presence in the police force for three years and mendous crowds, the campaign has been very disturb- attained the rank of sergeant. He ing to the Republican cause. Mrs. Jack Lacey, former Mill City left the police department to take resident passed away suddenly at her employment with the Allied Minerals home in Richland, Wash., Saturday Corporation as a field representative. evening from an attack of chicken The majority of the years after that pox. Mr. and Mrs. Ijicey were former were spent in the army where he was residents of the Kaiser court here and able to advance from the rank of presently Mr. I-arey is employed at private to that of master sergeant the Kaiser company in Richland. Detroit — Slash burning problems While stationed in North Africa as an Funeral services were held Wednes nagged loggers and forest service enlisted man. He was promoted by day of thia week in Portland at the personnel this week as long awaited a field appointment and advanced to LETS FIX TNE MAOS!! Chapel of the Chimes, with inter rain brought opportunity to set off the rank of Captain before he was ment in Portland. Attending the retired from the service. He spent dry debris in the logging areas. funeral from Mill City were Mr. and Cooper's Ridge and Divide Creek thirty-four months in the ETO, and Mrs. Geo. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. were the latest areas presenting trou was retired from the service in 1947 Al Toman, Mrs. Geo. Veteto, Mr. and ble and crews worked all night In June of 1946, while on leave from Mrs. Kenneth Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday to hold the fires. Cedar an army hospital, he came to Salem Kenneth Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Creek slash flared out of bounds last and bought a small acreage on Haxel- Provost, Mr and Mrs. Lyle Gould, weekend and required three days of green road. He has made his home Oregon Highway Protective Association Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tickle, Mr. and fire fighting to corral the blaxe which there since retiring from the army. 203? Fairground» Road Salem. O toqob Mrs. Eldon I*nts, and Mr. and Mrs. destroyed about five acres of green He has been employed in the sheriffs office for approximately two and one- Ernie Bauer. timber. '• THI EDITO» COURTSST OP Pallbearers were Bert Provost, Lyle Boulder Creek slash was also fired half years since coming to Marion Gould, Kerne*h Neilson, Wm. Tickle, Wednesday but was being held in county. (Continued on Page 6) bounds at last report. T3 ri:::xrirx : rxxxxxstxxx xx.x ii x nxrxx unmaci I Eldon Lents and Ernie Bauer. Now Who Loves The Responsibility of the Annual PTA Dinner Jones Candidate Scheduled Nov. 6 Citizen as a Voter Communists? For Congress Careless Camper Leaves Hot Fire Conklin Candidate For Sheriff Post Mrs. Jack Lacey Passes Suddenly Slash Burning Gives Loggers Troubles Do we need money for roads or should big trucks pay less?? VOTE S i S’