Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1952)
County Libraries Prove Stimulating HUCKLEBERRY FINN October 16, 1952 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE IXoT tXACTCt- ARÉ A RCAL ARTIST? The small library with very little money is seldom able to buy enough books to stimulate and hold the in* terest of readers. Librarians and board members in Linn county are aware of this fact which is true every- where, not only in Oregon. It was a California librarian who wrote, "The small library usually has such limited funds that its book col lection quickly becomes stale. But its readers may want books on any one of a hundred subjects—books that a large library easily supplies. The li braries in an area with county service [ a great saving in time and money 1 Eva Bressler, Alma Olmstead and have access to its larger resources and I This saving might enable the library Ethel Huffman will be in charge, Mrs. Jim Crowell received word services. Any book in the system car. to keep open longer hours so that be available. The opportunity to more readers could make greater use Thursday of the serious injury of her enjoy the benefits of the county li of all the books, both the library’s I son, Manfred Boggs, PR3, who was in- brary at small cost has proved a boon own permanent collection and those ! jured in a motorcycle accident and is to the small town library, which is from the county which may be ex-1 1 in the naval hospital at Fortmouth, Va thus assured a constant freshening of changed for new titles as often as the Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. its collection with books from a county library wishes. | Alice Huber were her son-in-law and The county library would thus pro daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Keeley library." A former Oregon state librarian, vide the added resources which would of Portland, also Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Miss Long, put it this way, “A library make ‘the city library of increasing Cochran, who accompanied them. must be a constantly growing collec value to all users. Sen. Warren Gill of Lebanon will tion, in which the best of the new ap be the guest speaker at the meeting pears with the best of the old, in of the Mari-Linn PTC club at the which children are exposed to the Mari-Linn school house Tuesday eve many fine children’s books, where men ning, Oct. 14, at 8 p.m, He will talk and women may find the best book, on the “Holy Bill.” Mrs. E. L. Roye, assisted by Mrs. on al) subjects, and where the librarian i Charles Hiatt of Redmond, brother knows not only how to buy books, but ; Alex Bodeker, was hostess for the ' of Elmer Hiatt, is spending several how to get them into the hands of the . meeting of the Women’s Society of i days with relatives in Lyons. He also people. Service such as this costs , Christian Service, held at the commu* visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. money, and we know that the small | nity hall Tuesday afternoon. Carl Winzer in Mehama. Mrs. Alice Huber was in charge of community standing alone can not af Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller and ford it. The solution lies in co-opera the business meeting, with Mrs. Geo. family of Sweet Home have moved to Huffman, secretary, and Mrs. Alex the Fred Lindemann house across the tion." “With a county library,” says a , Bodeker, worship leader. street from the Variety store. Mr Ohio librarian, “each library shares in Plans were made for the coming Fuller is employed for the M and M the benefits of the co-operative county months, with Oct. 24, the date set for company. system, each has its own permanent the smorgasbord dinner, which will Mrs. Jerry Lyons and son, Larry, book collection, plus the use of a cor> be held at the community hall. Mrs. are visiting at the home of her brother- stantly rotating county collection.” I-eonard Cruson was appointed chair in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis All this could be enjoyed by the sil man of foods. Hall, at Los Angeles, Calif. public libraries in Linn county out Mrs. Glen Julian will be in charge Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christenson had side of Albany if a county library of the tables, and Mrs. Clyde Bressler, as their guests over the weekend, Mr. were established here. publicity chairman. and Mrs. Rod Gough from Seattle, Wn. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Verna, also their son and daugh November 14 is the date set for the Collections of county books would be delivered to these libraries, prob annual bazaar, with committees to Sam Bridges are her parents, Mr. and ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sieg Mrs. Phil Geisen from Sidney, Mont., and daughter Slstan, from Onamia, ably by bookmobile, all ready to lend be appointed later. Mrs. Rinke Feenstra gave a report who arrived in Lyons Sunday evening, j Minn., have moved to the Clipfell to readers. In addition, the city li brarian could call on county head on the seminar meeting held at Falls I Mrs. Clare Lee of Eugene, mother house in Fox Valley, recently vacated At the close of the meeting of Mr. Bridges, also is a guest. The by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCall, who quarters for any additional material City. needed by readers, as well as for as Mrs. Roye and Mrs. Bodeker served group enjoyed a trip to the Peterson have gone to Nevada. Mrs. Andrew Sieg is a sister of Mrs. Herman Free. refreshments to Mesdames Ed Har Rock Gardens near Bend. sistance with he- problems. Members and friends of the Lyons The city library would continue, greaves, Clyde Bressler, Virgil Rog Jerry Lyons of Lyons has shipped exactly as at present, to be complete ers, I^onard Cruson, Rinke Feenstra, out with the CBI for Jamaica. He Methodist church have received word ly independent, with its own library Joe Zimmerman, George Huffman, expectstobe there six weeks or two | of the death of Rev. W. J. Hamilton of Portland. Rev. Hamilton, who was board, librarian, local support and its ; Chester Roy, Oscar Naue, Floyd Bas- months. Mrs. Jack Christenson, Mrs. Wayne pastor here in 1941, died at the Sacred sett, Alice Huber, Ella McCoy and Inez own permanent book stock. Ransom and Mrs. Percy Hiatt were Heart hospital in Eugene. The additional books from the Ring. The regular meeting of Faith Re- Thursday business callers in Eugene Frances Garsjo and Gladys Stiffler county library would mean a larger, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sieg, Donald , were hostesses for the Lyons Garden richer, more varied selection with fre bekah lodge was held Wednesday eve- club meeting, held at the Community quent enough changes to maintain the ning at the hail, with Zona Sischo, hall Wednesday afternoon. interest of even the more omniverou, noble grand, presiding over the busi The business meeting was presided readers. Then too they come all ready ness meeting. over by Laura Neal, president, with Plans were discussed for the first to lend to the reader. The librarian Frances Garsjo, secretary. It was and book committee, accustomed to all of December, when the president of voted to sponsor the Brownie troop the work of ordering, accessioning, the Rebekah assembly will pay her of the Girl Scouts, and to give them cataloging, processing and later re official visit. Zona Sischo and Lois house plants to care for this winter. pairing their own book purchases, ar* Myers served refreshments at the so- At the next meeting a school of •pared all this with the county books. cial hour. For the Oct. 25 meeting A new form of political holding com instruction will be held to help them pany has been uncovered in Texas, one which can control both major po with the care, soil, planting and trans planting. litical parties. The Eisenhower drive Beth Prideaux, one of the Scout to carry Texas and split the South i* leaders, was a guest of the afternoon. allegedly being masterminded from Present for the meeting were Gladys 1405 N. Front St. SALEM. ORE. the Dallas law office of Lane and Kuiken, Madeline Nuttieman, Mary Savage, according to the New News Salem Phones: Lyons Phone: Loose, Mattie Stout, Celen Taylor, paper Service. The senior partner is 149 2-1924; Night 2 4417 Mae Patton, Gertrude Weidman. Mabel < Alvin Lane, Texas GOP state chair Downing, Nina O’Neil, Clare Feenstra, man; the junior partner is Wallace HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY Alice Huber, Gladys Stiffler, Frances j Savage, Texas Democratic party chai» and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Garsjo and Laura Neal. man. Both are working for the Re- Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and *«-yard ahovela. Alvin Garrison is confined to his publicans. The firm is busily en- home with what might have been more Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailer» ' gaged in its unified, double-action po- serious injuries, which he received litical maneuvering, its income is dw while at work at the Manthe planer rived from several oil companies. The mill. His arm was caught, pulling two Texas chairmen of the major him into the rolls. At first it was parties say they see nothing strange feared his arm was broken, as well about their intimate relationship I as other bones. He was rushed to After all, they say, they are seeking the doctor, where no bones were found the same goal, and we might add . broken. they are both financed by the same in 3 out of 4 cases outfits. • • w in doctors’tests! The National Farmers Union sued the Utah Farm Bureau for libel after • Here's wonderful news for women and girls who — each the Farm Bureau referred to the union month — suffer the tortures of as ” 'Communist i dominated" in a po •'bad days" of functionally- litical attack. Last week a federal caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, court jury ordered the Farm Bureau and those "no-guod," dragged- to pay the National Farmers Union out feelings. 127,000 for its smear attack. James It's news about a medicine Patton, president of the union, says famous for relieving such suf the money will be used to extend their fering ! work in Utah. Says Patton: “If this Here is the exciting news. Haw lydia Pinkham', warkt Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable suit has in any small measure con It ho* a calming" and »ooiAlna Compound — gave complete or effect on the uterus . . . quiefin, tributed to slowing up the use of the striking relief of such distress the eontrocttomi < see the chert » smear technique, we are naturally that Mt olten <-ause menetrual la an average of 3 out of 4 of pain, cramp,, other dUtreu pleased.” the cases in doctors' tests! • • • Salentiflcally Modarn Actian General Eisenhower, president of the nervousness and tension, Tea! Lydia Pinkham's has Columbia University, got a double jolt weakness. Irritability — and been proved to be scientifically pain—so often associated with from the students of his university. modern tn action! "those days"! The Columbia student paper came out This news will not surprise Remember Lydia Pinkham's, editorially for Governor Stevenson. the thousands of women and too — if you're suffering the girls who take Lydia Pinkham s Shortly afterwards, the editorial board "hot flashes" and other func regularly and know the relief it members of the Barnard College Bul tionally-caused distress of can bring. • change of life." letin. published by the women's divi And It should encourage you Oet Lydta Pinkham’s Com sion of Columbia, came out 5 to 1 in <if you're not taking Lydia pound or new. improved Tab support of Stevenson. With the girls Pinkham's> to see if your ex lets with added iron »trial size perience doesn t match theirs who know their Cet era! best, it's Adlai only 59<>. Start taking Lydia . .. to see if you. too, don't avoid Pinkham s today! I to 1. IT»S AMAZING! LYONS FRANK EDWARDS Says: Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. Pains, distress of “those days’’ stopped or amazingly relieved E duc M'0H f 0R FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT REORGANIZATION Sarah H. Knot. See , 1006 Broadway Bld, . Portland — GET YOUR QUALITY JOB PRINTING AT THE ENTERPRISE — IMdteMMtMKS THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM 141 N. Commercial St. PboM »-4AM Has Everything for Tour OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN WEINHARD FORME! suiEfeoi: r th 7 e __ hr 4