Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1952)
»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE October 16. 1952 FEMME PAGE Detroit School Plans Carnival Legion Auxiliary Entering New Year Mill City American Legion Aux Detroit — The annual Detroit high iliary launches the beginning of a school carnival is scheduled for Fri day night, Nov. 7 in the school gym« full year’s plans in its meeting, Mon nasium, With several new features day night at 8 o’clock, October 20, at added to the usual variety of enter the Mill City Legion hall. Mrs. Do tainment. The date was postponed lores Stewart, new prexy of the Aux- j iliary, has called upon the member- for hunting season. ' ship’s support of the year’s program. A carnival queen will be selected Mrs. Ina Chase, Auxiliary member- from nine candidates nominated by the (ship chairman, voiced the hope that high school students. The queen will all members will turn out and give reign at the carnival and will draw Mrs. Stewart their full co-operation. the number for the door prize, a table Mrs. Chase entered a reminder that model radio which will be given te 1953 dues are now payable. Dues the lucky number at 10 o'clock. may be paid to Mrs. Chase or de Included in plans for the gala eve posited with Mrs. Tearly Muir at ning are a large food booth serving Muir’s bakery in Mil) City, according a variety of refreshments, a good s* j to Mrs. Chase. lection of movies, valuable bingo Officers of the Mill City Legion prizes and numerous contest games. Auxiliary have set the date Nov 11. Three concessions are allotted to the Armistice Day, as the deadline on a grade school, including the cake tvalk, full membership quota. Interest in candy sale and fish pond. Items for filling this quota is running high ac- these are solicited from the parents. I cording to Auxiliary spokesmen. Thos« Money raised at the carnival is al eligible for membership are cordially located to various school activities, 1 invited to the next meeting Monday including the high school annual, the night. semi-weekly newspaper and the ath letic fund. The grade school winnings floor plan, Donald Snyder, publicity are derived from the three concessions I chairman, with Marlene Sheppard, which it sponsors. Gerald Vickers, Marla Vickers, Alice Committees for the carnival include Fryer, and Raymond Wallace assist Eva New, in charge of the carnival ing. Mr. Kettleson is carnival super rally, Don Ketchum, supervisor of the visor. DR. MARK I AHHI IKISrS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY i mi uiiiuiia:M'imilMiiii'iMii»ii:: mi IIIIIIWI Howard-Gibson Wed Evangelist Baird In Quiet Ceremony Closes Sunday At a quiet ceremony Saturday, Oct. The local Christian Bible school has 4, in the Mill City Free Methodist been challenged by evangelist Law church. Miss Mary Boncalene Howard, rence Baird to break the all-time rec daughter of Mrs. C. A. Howard of ord for attendance, which was 412 Granby, Missouri, became the bride of ! This record has stood for nearly 15 Gene LeRoy Gibson, son of Mr. and years. The goal for attendance at Mrs. Roy Gibson of Mill City. The Bible school at 9:45 a.m. Sunday is single ring ceremony was performed i 450. Every person who does not gt by the Rev. Cyril Brewer at 6:30, in tend another Bible school in town is the presence of a immediate family, i cordially invited to help in reaching after which the young couple took a i this goal. short wedding trip to Portland. The Sunday morning worship serv- The bride wore a blue suit with j ice will be the closing service of the navy accessories, a corsage of white revival meetings, and will begin this carnations, and carried a white Bible. Sunday at 10:45 instead of the usual The church was effectively decorated time of 10:55. The change in time is with autumn leaves and yellow chrys necessary so evangelist Baird can anthemums. The bride has lived in catch a 1.15 plane at Salem for hit Mill City for two years and has been J next appointment. employed at Mom & Pop’s Cafe. This Saturday evening, evangelist Mr. Gibson has lived here for 12 J Baird will present a 15-minute ‘magic’ years and at present is working at show starting at 7:30 o’clock. He Kelly’s Planing & Processing Mil). i will have many new tricks as Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will make their Baird is driving from Myrtle Creek, and will bring more of his equipment. home in Mill City after October 20. Evangelist Baird entertained th» I pupils of the Gates school with his Idanha Willing Workers ‘magic’ tricks at an assembly Tuesday of this week. Club Holds Meeting Idanha—A meeting of the Willing Workers club was called at the fire station last week for the purpose of moving and sorting the Canyon Aid clothing which had been kept in Davis clothing store. The clothing is now in the first aid station where the club arranged it after removing unusable articles Other business discussed at the meeting included plans for sewing dark room curtains for the school cafeteria which will be used for show- ing movies after curtains are hung. Mrs. Jerry' Pittam and Mrs. Jack Gul- liford were appointed to measure the windows. I President Betty Pittam announced to club members plans for encouraging attendance by offering door prizes and contest prizes at future meetings Members will be notified of the date and place for the next meeting. Toastmistress Club Discusses Issues The Mill City Toastmistiess club held its weekly meeting October 9 with Ruby Crosier as toastmistress. June Miley was moderator for the panel on issues before the voters this Novem ber by Gwen Jones, Edna Hutcheson, and Louise Palmer. Marion Todd is our new member and guests for the meeting were Mrs. M. B. Peetz, Oakland, Calif., Myra Wiernius, Albany, Frances Reed, Stay ■ ton, Elaine Keirsey, Richalyn Muck ridge, Mildred Allen and Casey ■ Chaney. a IK WK ga gUK K a a a a a :: XionofX XJC Balova's Newest Creation — America's Most Charming Watches... BULOVA ilHllWMU'h SUNDAY and MONDAY The first ■ regular meeting for the year of the Mill City PTA was held, JAMES STEWART and October 8, 1952, in the high school WEN DELL COREY auditorium. in The new president, Mrs. Roget Nelson, presided at the business meet ing. After the regular reports wera given, \ ernon Tc'd introduced the grade school faculty; and H, T Caughey introduced the high school faculty. Committee chairmen were Carbine Williams introduced by Mrs. Nelson. All com mittees are functioning in fine order Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday this year, as in the past. Mrs. Robert Veness recounted the | o TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY attractive plans which have been made for the International dinner, Nov. 6. ALAN YOUNG and « DINAH SHORE in It was announced that the Teen Canteen will meet once a month this X Aaron Slick From year, unless popular demand calls fot more frequent meetings. THURSDAY ONLY Punkin Crick Mrs. Bob Wingo reminded mothers ? of the dates for the pre-school and In Technicolor BARBARA STANWYCK well-child clinics. Bl'RT LANCASTER Rev. Noble Streeter, pastor of the in Mill City Presbyterian church, ad dressed the audience on the correl» tion of home, church and school it> fluences in the development of char acter in children. This was especial ly interesting, as it served as a guiding headline for the PTA theme for this FRIDAY and SATURDAY year, which is ‘‘The Citizen Child' -Our Unfinished Business.’’ Lon McCallister in Songs were sung by the audience, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Montana Territory Arey Podrabsky and Mrs. Wyman D. In Technicolor — Plus — Hoeye. When the meeting was adjourned, John Derek in delicious refreshments were served ill the recreation room to approximately 8 Saturday’s Hero seventy-five people. Everyone agrees the meeting was a great success Kid’» Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday I 0 a Durango 'Riders of Tomahawk* I Sorry Wrong Number 8 Mrs. Jean Wilson Hosts Lucky Twelve Pinochlers Mrs. Jean Wilson opened her home, Mrs. Louise Hinch drove to Cali Thursday to the Lucky Twelve pi fornia recently with friends who vis nochle members. ited her in Idanha, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mrs. Edna Duval was awarded first Corso of Berkeley. prize for the highest score with Mrs. Mrs. Hinch will visit her sisters in i Joan Long taking home the lucky pi that city, Mrs. James Morris, and nochle prize. Mrs. Rosella Haywood Mrs. D. O. Bell. received a prize for the low score. The hostess served a delicious sun burst chiffon cake for the dessert luncheon. All Building Supply Needs MILL CITY AT Kelly Lumber Sales NEW RETAIL LOCATION: East City Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MI^L CITY Rev. Streeter Speaks At PTA Meeting Mrs.Ada Plymale has purchased the or more has purchased a shop in La former Hendricson dry goods store, 1 Grande where he moved last week. and in the future it will be known as Dixon stayed at the home of Mr. and Ada’s Needle Shop. As soon as her Mis. Lester Mason, his relatives, while new location next to the Jenkins hard he lived in Mill City. RALEIGH HAROLD. Florist, open ware is ready for occupancy Mrs. Ply- male will move to the Linn county ■ Sundays and evenings, flowers tele side of the river, possibly about the graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, 1 planters, pot plants, corsages, wed first of November. Mrs. Plymale will dings, also shrubs and landscaping. continue her dressmaking and needle 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone work. m i 42tf Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bassett and Mrs. Fred Duffy was in Corvali» Mr. and Mrs. William Stover returned Tuesday of this week on business. Sunday from a hunting trip to Prairie Duffys received word the first part of City in eastern Oregon. They brought the week from relatives near Mt. Hood back three bucks for the party. that fire had broken out in that Mrs. W. W. Mason of Forest Grove, vicinity and that trucks were evacuat formerly of Mill City, visited rela ing their belongings. tives and friends here several days Mrs. Victor Thomas and daughter last week, returning home Sunday Jean spent two weeks at Fresno, Cal, Carl Dixon who has been working in visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gene Whitaker Shirley’s beauty shop for the past year and other relatives. KILL RATS WARFARAT, new Dr. Hess rat killer, is made with warfarin, new rodenticide developed at the University of Wiscon sin. Rat control specialists refer to war farin as “the ideal poison", and report "miraculous results”. Kills common br-iwn rats, black or roof rats, also mice. They eat it and bleed to death intern ally—do not become bait shy. Warfarat is a prepared bait. More attractive than a rat’s usual diet of farm grains. Best way to use it is to establish rat feeding stations and keep it there until all rats are killed. Rats do not develop tolerance. With Warfarat you can really get rid of rats and keep your farm clean. It is a relatively slow killer. Give it a thorough trial and you’ll say it’s the best yet. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 For Guaranteed Cleaning it's the NU METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City Close« at 6 P.M. ASTHMA Don't let coughing, wheezing, recurring at tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MENDACO, which works thru the blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviata» coughing and aids freer breathing and bettar Bleep. Get MENDACO from druggist. 8ati0» faction or money back guaranteed. > Santiam Farmers Lo-op Tbpular r—■ Stayton, Oregon ICMKXBCICWigllfSaglKM M >< ST W isxicrt-«'« m Wiltsey Music House of Salem and Corvallis 21-JEWELS * from MO“® TINIEST 21-jewel watches ever created in America! Announce the Opening On Saturdays for imprinting with your name of an Accredited School of Music in Hallmark Christmas CarJs by famous artists Lyons at the Mari-Linn School ACCORDION MARIMBA HAWAIIAN GUITAR CLASSIC PIANO POPULAR PIANO Just arrived—a whole art gallery Private instruction and Bands for the Youngest Beginner to the Advanced Professional Player. of beautiful paintings in the _____________________________________________________________________________ / Hallmark '52 Gallery Artist APPROVED FOR VETERAN TRAINING Album. See them in our greeting card depart There Are No Contracts or Obligations— ment where you can We RENT Accordions, Marimba«, and Guitars at reasonable rates, while you determine your interest and ability to play. easily and quickly DECIDE TODAY —Phone Salem 3-71SB or mail following information—all periods will be taken by November 1st: seiec* the card that i 1 To VViltsey Music House 1630 N. 20th St., Salem, Ore. reserves your selection til Christmas! . name .... Address BAKER’S MILL CITY JEWELRY EDWARD WILLIAMS "The Home of Hallmark Carda” 330 Court Street Salem, Ore. Period Preferred ........ . Instrument Have you studied this instrument before?