7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE September 25. 1952 Wants and Sales If It's in the Canyon, It's Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE — Full size interspring WANTED TO BUY — Small child's I AVON COSMETICS mattress, good condition, $20. B. B. tricycle and girls' bicycle. Write Bartlett, No. 9, Martin’s trailer See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white S. T. Moore, Detroit, or call 903 house across from Martin's trailer court. Mill City. 39-lp Detroit. 38-3p court on NW. 7th Ave. Owens-Corning Fib­ Box 658, Mill City. INSULATION erglass Blowing Wool—finest in­ FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in sulation known to man. Save over Swift addition. Inquire at Enter­ SALE — Wedgewood gas range 20 to 40% fuel costs. Phone col­ prise office or at W. L. Peterson FOR Slightly used, just like new, four lect for estimates. AMERICAN residence in Swift addition. 31tf IMPROVEMENT CO.. 975 Market burners, large oven, price $95.00. St., Salem, ph. 2-4687 or 2-8010. 6tf Call evenings after seven, telephone SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate 1283-J collect. H. B. Anderson, 2205 buys in Canyon area. Listings j 38-2p I FOR SALE — 348 Winchester lever wanted. See GLEN SHELTON,! E. 8th, Albany, Ore. action rifle, new condition, $20 less salesman with C. E. COVILLE, j EXPERT AUTO and home radio than new price. Paul Jahnke, Mill Broker, west side Mill City. Phone City, Ore. 37-3p service, 20 years experience, all 2207. 52tf J makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ FOR SALE—5 ac. with partly finished chines. We sell, rent, repair and swap all makes. Trade your old house, water system on place, more FOR SALE — 1940 Chevrolet parts, machine towards a new one. land available, $2500. $150.00 down also model A Ford parts. Clyde ROEN. 456 Court St., Salem. Barney, phone 1384, Mill City. 37-3 and rest like rent. See Joe Novak. 39tf PLUMBING SUPPLIES — Pipe fit­ FOR SALE—25 acres, no buildings, WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled plenty of alder wood on it. $75 per tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, Douglas fir poles, delivered to acre, cash or terms. See Joe Novak. bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain Lyons yard. For further informa­ prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 39tf tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, FOR SALE — Steam cabinet, vapor TARPS—Tents, new and used. Selec­ Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf tion of sizes. type, good shape, $35.00. Mill City Red’s Hill Top Trading Post Lodge, phone 1957. 38tf LOST — Ladies Benrus wrist watch, have serial number for identifica­ —Join the North San- FOR SALE—Used Montgomery Ward tion. Phone 4503, Mill City. Re­ SPORTSMEN washing machine, very clean, $20. tiam Sportsman's club now. We are ward. 38tf Phone 3478, Mill City. 38tf devoted to game conservation and propagation and need your help. NEED A TELEPHONE! —Stop in Only $1.00 per year, you will have FOR SALE—Fruit jars, pints 45c per and see the new Lech combination that much fun at one meeting. dozen, quarts 65c doz., 34-gal. 75c desk or wall phone, also used Enquire at Enterprise office, or see doz. Red's Trading Post. 30tf phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. FOR SALE—Chicago boys shoe skates Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. FOR SALE—3-bedroom home, 5 yrs. maple rollers, like new, size GVz. A. old, fl. furnace, Eng. style, bath, P. Hoffman, Mill City, second brown LOST—Small black and white terrier plenty of built-ins, on big lot, $0500, house on left, NW Alder St. 38-3 dog, near Elk lake on Labor day. easy terms. Write Charles Wolver­ Answers to the name of “Ring”, ton, 4408 N. Stevens, Tacoma, Wash, FOR SALE—Brand new flourescent reward for return to Mrs. Guy Sor­ fixtures for store or restaurant, 2 or see Dave Reid. 38tf ensen, Mill City. 37-3p tubes 40 watt. These are beautiful fixtures still in factory cartons. Will sell at less than wholesale. If planning to remodel, see these at Stiffler Radio & Appliance. 35tf LOOK TO US FOR ynUR M°NEXr FOR SALE­ TOMATOES FOR CANNING. Mehama Gardens. 38-2p LEGAL ADVERTISING The DEBUNKER STATE TIMBER SALE Oral bids will be received by the | FOR SALE—1917 Enfield 303 British make rifle; Hamilton Beach milk State Forester or his authorized rep­ shake machine; 78 radio attachment resentative, acting in behalf of the phonograph, plays 10 records; 12-ft. State of Oregon, by and through its boat and 5 hp. outboard motor, A. Board of Forestry, at the office of the i B. Langlitz. Gates trailer court or State Forester, 2600 State Street, I Box 462, Gates, Ore. 37-3 Salem. Oregon, at I p.m. Standard Time, October 15, 1952, for all desig­ STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil nated merchantable timber, standing or wood. Save at or down, located within the posted Red’s Hill Top Trading Post timber sale boundaries of the Sale FOR SALE — New collapsible wheel Areas 1 and 2, said sale aieas being chair. Call Mill City 4542. 39-lp situated in all or part of the following described lands in Marion County, Oregon: Sale Aiea 1: SV» Section 14; SH Sec­ tion 15; SEl, Section 16; NE1» North of Road No. 20 in Section 21; all Section 22; all Section 23; N1», Methods of incorporation of the SE1, Section 26; E'-NE1, Section community were explained at a public 27; all in Township 9 South, Range meeting held at the Mari-Linn gym 4 East, W.M. Monday evening by Joe Devers, Stay­ Sale Area 2: SE'iSE1» Section 20; ton attorney, with Mrs. Jack Christ­ S'», St2NEU South of Road No. 20 enson, acting chairman. in Section 21; all in Township 9 To determine the general attitude South, Range 4 East, W.M. of those present a vote was taken with Bid award for each area shall be 69 votes cast, 39 for and 30 against. Another meeting is scheduled for Oct. based upon a percentage of the aver­ age selling price of graded logs in the 13, and committees appointed to con-1 Columbia River as determined by the duct informational polls prior to this State Forester for the quarter ending time to determine the desires of the June 30, 1952. community. Prospective bidders should secure a Monday overnight guests at the copy of the written prospectus, cover­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen was ing terms of the sale, from the State his uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Forester, 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, or from Elmer Taylor, Me­ George Allen from Cascade Resort. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue have as hama, Ore. Entry to the sale area is regulated I their guest her aunt, Mrs. Minnie Thompson from Oxnard, Calif., whom by permit closure. Interested parties I Mrs. Naue has not seen since she was desiring to inspect the area may secure I 15 years old. Other Sunday dinner entry permits from: (1) Keith Phil­ lips, fire warden at Mehama; (2) State guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forester's Office, Salem; (3) or from Naue of Sandy and Mr. and Mrs. Don­ a man to be stationed at Niagara be­ ald Naue and sons of Lyons. tween the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman were on the dates of September 26 and 29, FURNITURE REBUILT and Uphol­ i Sunday evening guests with her par- lHf. I! stered, latest fabrics and plastics. Call 4884 for etsimates. Stayton ' ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard Additional guests were Upholstery. 38tf in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Laverty and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Decker and family. REAL ESTAT?] Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland are spend­ New 1952 Detroiter trailer house, ing this week with their daughter, M rs. Minnie Wagner at Lakeside.. 37*/i-ft. inside, modern. Friday evening a meeting of the 3-bedroom house for rent. official board of the Community Meth­ Apartments for rent. odist church was held at the church Highway and river frontage Stayton to elect a new treasurer to replace for sale. Albert Julian, who has moved from IT PAYS TO BUY AT See W. R. HUTCHESON the community. Virgil Rogers was HOME! elected to take his place. Following At Gates Furniture Store the meeting Rev. and Mrs. Feenstra were surprised when ice cream and cake was served honoring them on LICENSED WHEN IN SALEM i their 34th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Liehlightner re­ Visit turned home the last of the week after HUDSON CITY” I spending three weeks with relatives in Home of GOOD Used Cars Wisconsin and Nebraska. By John H «TM y Farbty, Ph.D. LYONS The two eyes of man do not con­ tribute equal amounts to the visual image formed in the brain. Ocu­ lists have found that there to ■right-handedness" and "left­ handedness" in eyes as well as m hands, and that people who are right-handed get practically their entire visual image from the right eye; while left-handed people get theirs from the left eye The other eye. in each case, merely adds a small amount of supplementary information to the main image. 4 WHEEL DRIVE gets you there! The 4-Wheel-Drive Willys Truck, powered by the high-compression HURRI­ CANE Engine, is a match for any road—mud, sand and snow—or for no road at all. Ask us for a demon­ stration of the remarkable pulling power of this sturdy truck. 118-in. w.b.; 5300 lbs. GVW. GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET FREE! FOR ANY FILLED PEN NY JAVER BOOK Silver Saddle WILLYS TRUCK GARBAGE SERVICE SHROCK'S 316 N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 ELSNER $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates. Lyons. Idanha and Detroit HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! SALEM, ORE. Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN Mom's and Pop's Mill City Mill City Real Cars CAFE Motor Co MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE We hope you are pleased with our service. SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Real Values CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 4-DOOR SEDAN Has everything, including Power Steering, Power Brak-s, Electric Power Window-Lifts, Fluid Torque Drive. and a lot more. A real buy. Come in NOW. Your Associated Dealer CADILLAC “62" 4-DOOR SEDAN A Friendly Place To While Away Tubes Tires citif ries A ccessories Business 4-WHEEL-DRIVE Has Radio, Heater, Electric Window-Lifts, fine Custom Seat Covers, New Tires. A beauty. Buy now and save. CHRYSLER WINDSOR "6” 4-DOOR SEDAN Your Idle Hours Radio, Heater, White-wall Tires, Seat Covers. A real good value, Hurry! DODGE '»-TON PICKUP De Luxe Cab. Directory - Professional Very clean throughout. Only $1495. Salem Automobile Co. TAVERN HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE Open Saturday Afternoons—Evenings by Appointment GATES 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. ♦ I)R. VICTOR J. MYERS ! • Chiropractic Physician ’ J Post Office Building. 2r 1 Floor Phone: Stayton 2271 Stayton. Ore. HARLOW L. WEINRICK •MIKE S Septic Service: Attorney at ÍMW • Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned • : Phone SALEM S-9468, COLLECT J 318 Broadalbin Albany S ore P iles Don’t let tore, fiery, painful, ltchin« »lmple Piles drive you nearly crazy. In 15 minutes CHINAROID starts giving y®« wonderful cooling, soothing, temporary re­ lating relief from pain, burning and itch­ ing or money back guaranteed Genuine CHINAROID costs only 1100 at druggists Try it today for better sleep tonight and a brighter tomorrow Attorneys at La* 180 N. Commercial Phone 3-6412 WOOD’S STORE General Dry Good« NOTIONS LINGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY 1IZIERS(WHETKA J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 414» Opposite Claude Lewis' Service Station i D. W. REID. Ml). [ ■ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON! Min City WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME OREGON Phone 3-4117 SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS THE WAY BOYS MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbare, ashes, trimming», etc. weekly pickup« $1.50 per month From the Heart of Texas Orchestra Saturday Nights Also light haulir.g Modern Funeral Service STAYTON ■ WHITIE'S j HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Only 38,000 miles. l>eonard Herman Phone 3952 amtmaaBBaBDBiiaiwaannimBKjra OPEN : 2:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m CLOSED MONDAYS IC