»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE September 18, 1952 Helen McClurg, Golda Brassfield, Gar­ GATES MILL CITY Nixon s Admissions Prove Astounding’ nett Bassett 2nd, Bea Hiatt, Helen Johnston, Esther Gisler, Golda Brass- a set of garden tools. Carol Veness celebrated her eleventh The Gates volunteer fire department Given honorable mention was Glen field, Kathleen Manning, 3rd. birthday Saturday afternoon with a Petunias, Evelyn Julian, Helen John ­ responded to a call Sunday afternoon Julian for his beautiful display of Rep. Henry M. Jackson (D. Wash.) barbecue lunch cooked in the front to extinguish a grass fire at the school specimen fuchsia blooms. Judging ston, Gladys Kuiken, Bea Hiatt 1st. Annual cosmos, Gladys Kuiken 1st, . grounds. Democratic candidate for the senate in yard, followed by the theatre matinee. was done by Mrs. Ward Engles of By EVA BRESSLER Stayton, with the following awards Helen McClurg 2nd. The fire, of undetermined origin, Washington, declared in a recent state­ Children attending were: Shereen Stock, Helen McClurg 1st. driven by a strong east wind, had ment that he Was “astounded” at two Muir, Phyllis Pate, Olive Taylor, The Lyons Garden club held its Fall given. Division I Poor Man Orhid, Helen Johnston spread to the foundation* of the new admissions made by Sen. Richard M. Karen Rue, Norma Nelson, Shirley Flower show at the Rebekah hall Fri- Dahlias, Class 1 to 9, division A to 1st. gymnasium when discovered. Burrel Nixon of California, the Republican | Veness, and Carol. Unable to com« day afternoon and evening Sept. 12. F—Mrs. Clarence Pietrok, Laura Neal. Sun flower, Laura Neal 1st. were Carolyn Harman, Sybil Dart, Cole and his son, Marlin, passing by, nominee for vice president. with Gladys Kuiken, general chairman. Elva Kuiken, Mrs. Marvin Long, For- . Cockscomb, Evelyn Julian Its and Ila Mae Albright. First, Jackson said, he was amazed : saw the blaze and put in the call. The outstanding sweepstakes honor rest Nydegger, Helen McClurg 1st; Feather plant, J. L. Chamberlain 3d The fire had already burned over quite by Nixon’s statement in a recent U. S. i Mrs. Frances Patti and children of went to the "‘Horn of Plenty” which Anges Brotherton, Mrs. Marvin Long. Tithonia, Mrs. Marvin Long 3d. an area and was headed towards the News and World Report interview that Albany visited with the Hugh Walkup* was the theme of the show, and made Helen McClurg, Laura Neal, Mrs. Perennials — summer mum, Helen school buildings and surrounding green many Republicans have been opposing Tuesday afternoon. Ly Gertrude Weidman and Laura Neal. Clarence Pietrok, Esther Gisler, Gar­ Johnston 1st. Visiting her daughter and family, timber. Democratic programs to help Europe Hydrangia, Ether Gisler 1st Tri-color award in horticulture, a nett Bassett, Beth Prideaux 2nd, Laura i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lake is Mrs. Fred solely for the sake of opposition. A reception honoring the teasers collection of fuchsias went to Helen Neal, Mrs. Marvin Long, Forrest Ny-1 Golden rod, J. L. Chamberlain 1st "What Senator Nixon seems to be i Clarke of Hardin, Mont. Mrs. Clarke of the local school and sponsored by McClurg, a box of bulbs. Arrange­ degger. Helen McClurg 3rd. Carnation, Bea Hiatt 1st, Anne Piet­ saying, ” commented Jackson, “is that arrived here the later part of the the Gates Woman ’ s club will be held Aster, class 10 to 12. Division A, rok 2nd. ments (buffet) of white gladiolus to many of his Republican colleagues may week and will stay a month or more. in the recreation rooms of the high Gertrude Weidman, a vase,. Vegeta­ to F—Mrs. Marvin Long, Kathleen Flowering maple, Gladys Kuiken 1st st up voting to undermine the strength The Lakes and her mother left Sun­ ; school at 8 p.m., Thursday, Sept, 18. Anemone, Helen McClurg, 1st. bles, a squash to Gladys Hargreaves Manning, J. L. Chamberlain, 1st; Mrs. of the free world and may begin to day for the coast where he is working. I Teachers, parents and club member* I Marvin Long, Laura Neal, J. L. Cham­ Ivay Geranium. Helen McClurg 1st, Sunday guests at the Charles Sulli- vote for p'rograms that are in the na­ are invited. berlain, 2nd, Mrs. Clarence Pietrok, Evelyn Julian 2nd. ’ van home were her sister and family tional interest just as soon as those A program has been arranged and Helen McClurg, Laura Neal 3rd. Penstemon, Helen McClurg 2nd. I of Salem—Mr. and Mrs. John Clock programs change party labels.” Zinnias, class 12 to 14, Division A Lillies—Metallah lily, Celene Taylor the president of the club, Mrs. W. s, and Mrs. Duane Demarias. Secondly, Jackson added, he was Hudson, has appointed Mrs. W. R to F. Gladys Kuiken, Eva Bressleh. 2nd. astounded by Nixon’s statement that Beth Prideaux, Laura Neal 1st, Gladys Rubrum lily, Laura Neal 1st, Helen Hutcheson to act as toastmistress. the way to get rid of McCarthyism is to get rid of McCarthyism is to elect Kuiken, Evelyn Julian, Beth Prideaux McClurg 2nd. Mrs. Kenneth Martig and commit­ to elect a Republican administration. , the ticket which supports Senator Mc- 2nd Evelyn Julian, Mrs. Marvin Long, Amaryliss, J. L. Chamberlain 2nd. tee are in charge of arrangements and “That is,” said Jackson, “the way i Carthy and wants to do everything Kathleen Manning 3rd. Mrs. Robert Levon and the members Angel lily, Agnes Brotherton 3rd. possible to elect a Republican Con­ Marigolds, Gladys Kuiken, Laura Tuberous begonias, Elva Kuiken, of the program committee have ar- gress and elevate McCarthy to the Neal 1st, Laur aNeal, 2nd; Evelyn Helen McClurg, Forrest Nydegger, ranged the program. Refreshments lin, a graduate of Gates high and chairmanship of the senate commit- leading man on the school basketball Julian, 3rd. 1st, Gladys Kuiken, Forrest Nydeg- will be served at the close of the eve- ! tee on expenditures.” team during his attendance here, will Gladiolus, Laura Neal, Mrs. Mar­ ger 2nd. ning. vin Long, 1st, Laura Neal 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush had as be hard to replace this coming season. Fuchsias, Helen Johnston, Glen Mrs. Burrel Cole and son Marlin, HRoses, Bea Hiatt, Elva Kuiken, Julian, 1st, Gladys Kuiken, Agnes their guest for three days her brother, accompanied by Miss Lorena Devine Agnes Brotherton, Helen McClurg, Brotherton 2nd. William Chittick, from Manila, Mrs. A SON —To Mr. and Mrs. Elton of Salem, were Portland visitors Sat­ Helen Johnston, Golda Brassfield 1st, Rush had not seen her brother for Division 2 Brown, Mehama, Sept. 15, at Salem urday. Arrangements miniature, Frances five years.. Chittick, a former resi-1 Mrs. Fount Paul met with a pain- ' Memorial hospital. Garsjo, 1st, Beth Prideaux 2nd, Clare 1 dent of Salem, is engaged in install­ ful accident Friday evening and is or. ! A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Everett ing electrical appliances in sugar far- I Feenstra 3rd. crutches as a result. It is thought no W. Limbeck, Lyons, Sept. 17, at Salem Arrangements floating, Helen John- i , tories in the islands that were des- | bones were broken but x-rays were to ' Memorial hospital. I troyed by the Japanese during the ston 1st, Garnett Bassett 2nd. be taken Monday to determine the Arrangements, bufet, Gertrude i second world war. He also has an PILES extent of the injury to her ankle. electrical supply store in Manila. Mrs. Weidman 1st, Laura Neal 2nd, Helen The Redwood courts was sold last (Hemorrhoids) I Rush left Sunday for a visit in Cor­ McClurg, Agnes Brotherton 3rd. week to Claude Kilgore of Salem, The Fistula, Fissure, Itching, Prolapse, Arrangements dinning table, Fran­ vallis at the home of her son and place of four apartments will continue and other Rectal disorders corrected. I wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Rush, who ces Garsjo, 1st Golda Bt assfield 2nd. to be rented by the new owners, who are the parents of a new baby girl. *Mild Treatment Leora Stevens 3rd. purchased the property from Mr. and Maxine Schroeder of Salem was in Call for examination or write Arrangements in pairs, Gladys Har­ Mrs. Higgins, also of Salem. for Free Descriptive Booklet. Gates over the weekend at the home greaves, Frances Garsjo 1st. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson re-1 Don’t become incurable, by delay. Arrangements moss, Mae Patton, of her parents and visiting old school­ cently purchased the former Jerry ! Miss Schroeder graduated 1st, Laura Neal 2nd, Anne Pietrok, mates. R. REYNOLDS, N.I). CHARLES EVANS Lyons home and will take possession from the Gates high last June and Viola Zander 3rd. I ON THE HIGHWAY as soon as the present occupants move. 1 Rectal Specialist Arrangements, as you like it, Gladys has been employed at the statehouse in Rynearson operates “Jerry’s tavern SAYS: 2073 Fairgrounds Rd.. Salem, Oregon Salem since. Kuiken 1st, Frances Garsjo, I.eora "Vote No on the Racing Bill” Stevens Bea Hiatt 2nd, Mae Patton George Clise returned home from “Here'» why we can't af­ 3rd. Point Barro, Alaska, Saturday eve­ ford to loie pari-mutuel rev­ House plants blooming, ralla lily, ning of last week and will be here EGGS Shuffleboard Good Music enue*: Mae Patton 1st. for several months before returning Fresh from the Farm and " ( 1 ) Taxe* would go up. African violet, Lewell Hartnell 1st north where he is employed. Next year the State Treas­ Candled by Our Excellent Eva Bressler 2nd. Miss Dorothy Thompson of Mt. Ver­ ury would lose roughly $1,- Angel wing begonia, Martha Cruson non, Wash., spent the past two weeks Candler 000,000 in pari-mutuel rev­ 1st, Dorothy Mohler 2nd, Berneice as guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Large doz. enue. We taxpayer* would Bridges 3rd. Tex Allen. have to make up the lost. House plants foliage, begonia, Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Schroeder are Where Friend» Meet Medium doz. L Hartnell 1st, Mrs. J. F. Edwards 2nd. receiving felicitations on the birth of A Small d°z« Coleus, Mrs. Viola Zander 1st. their first child, a baby boy, Jimmy “(2) The fair* will *uf- On Highway 222, Linn County Strawberry begonia, Maxine Berry Ray, born at the Salem Memorial hos­ fer and may die. Our tl6 3rd. pital, Sept. 9. Mrs. Schroeder was county fair* depend to a CAMPBELL’S MILL CITY Cactus, Gladys Hargreaves 1st, Bea Miss Jo Ann Lake before her mar­ large extent on pari-mutuel I VEGETABLE SOUP Hiatt 2nd, Frances Garsjo 3rd. George “Sparky” Ditter riage. This boy is the first great­ fund* for exigence. They’ll great-grandchild for T Henness. Division 3 each lo*e an estimated $1 2,- 2 cans ♦ Mrs. Haze) Rayburn of Vancouver, Vegetables and fruit, cabbage, Anne 500 annually if racing it L Wash., visited at the home of her Pietrok 1st. obolithed. brother and wife. Mayor and Mrs. Ray Squash, Gladys Hargreaves 1st. M-l) TISSUE I. Lord, last week. The Lords, their Corn, Martha Cruson 1st. " (3) Oregon and it* 36 3 rolls guest and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lord of Tomatoes, Laura Neal 1st. counties receive more than I Green peppers, Martha Cruson 1st, Bend went sage hen hunting at Hart eight (8) time* a* much a* mountain in eastern Oregon during Helen McClurg 2nd. the track stockholder* are FISHERS her stay. Beans, Gertrude Weidman 1st, paid in dividends. That's not CAKE FLOUR At a meeting of the Gates city coun­ Laura Neal 2nd. unreasonable. In addition, cil, held last Friday evening, Charles Cucumbers, Frances Garsjo 2-lh. box 1st. official records and audits Giebler was elected councilman to fill Anne Pietrok 3rd. show that over 98 7. of the unexpired term of former Mayor 1st, Carrots, Gertrude Weidman every wagered dollar that Jerry Lyons. YELLOW ONIONS Laura Neal, Helen McClurg 3rd. produces this revenue, re­ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Knapp, former Apples, Gladys Hargreaves 3rd. 3 lbs. mains here in Oregon. residents of Gates, now of Bend, and • three children, were weekend guest* ALWAYS “Joining me in this opposi­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle SW I ETN ING tion are 37 responsible men Devine. 3-11». can representing every county in Mr. and Mrs. Cole took their son Oregon. Our Taxpayers* Marlin to McMinnville Sunday after­ Committee to Retain Pari- noon, where Marlin will enter Linfield SUNSHINE ( RACKERS Mutuel Revenues is compos­ college as a student for the year. Mar- Lyons Garden Club Proves Successful L Just Arrived... Girods Super Market JOINS TAXPAYERS' GROUP URGING "NO” VOTE ON RACING BILL at STAYTON : 65c 49c 35c MEANDER 25c 29c 23c 19c 75c I F long wearing Cush-N-Crepe soles ed of ranchers, businessmen, formers and civic leader» who realize pari - n.utuel funds make a yearly contri- bution to the tax and eco- nomic structure of our state.'* 2 lbs- 39c JELLO AND JELLO PUDDING 4 pkgs. 29c I TOKAY ANO SEEDLESS GRAPES 1212c ib I, VOTE I YOUNG HENS New York Dressed I 33c » PORK SAUSAGE 49c "> Pay Cash and SAVE at Girods AT STAYTON S II it « X MEAT I * I RACING BILL We Specialize NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REMODELING >: X X 327 X NO “Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo brings amazing relief!” 4fr. W. W.t £•« Sperd amazing relief from tnurnn o( simple iMlrt, With toothing Pain»» Aeta to relieve pain, itching irj /« r // v — soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates ary. hard­ ened parts—helps prevent cracking, sore­ ness-reduce swelling. You get real com­ forting he'p. IN hi t suffer needless torture from simple p,les Get Paro for last, won­ derful relief. Ask y< • r doctor about it. Sup<***itnry form — a’«o tubes with per* for a ted p>le pipe hx easy appl»cal>on. * lu*«mffW i ms > Home Lighting Make Your House a Home Of Distinction By Adding That Personal Touch Oufa&own SHOtS FOB BOYS AND CIBISI Gentle support to active feet and more hard wearing miles per day! Light but plenty rugged, Buster Browns make a guy » going easy. Made on Live Foot Lasts modeled after the feet of healthy, active youngsters like himself. Bring vour boy in for a pair of sure-fitting Buster Browns now. TVM IN fa Sm.l.«' (d and kit Batlar Brava Got* oo >*4t a, TV Ck«» n.w,MW, LIGHTING IS LASTING BEAUTY’ Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 183 N. High Street X X I Court House Square The Most Show for Least Dough Arbuckle/s 481 State Street — For 33 Years Salem's Family Shoe Store — OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS «