LYONS HUCKLEBERRY FI.VN By MRS. EVA BRESSLER Visiting with relative« in Lyons Monday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Long from Oregon City, and Mrs. Mamie Hall from Sacramento, Calif. Long is a nephew of Elmer September 18. 1852 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Bui'S «hCTcen sehoj H im HllRSflHC fc Teg. eesgRV FOR A- CAhÊ. FCR HER bRiwre PhRly (.*« CAS* A fLOPJ ■' SSÄSSJ" . 4M «V ati OAHoer»» Hiatt. ’ -TUff A Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olmstead of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olm stead and sons Donald, Walter and Jimmie were Sunday dinner guests al z. ■ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olm • » stead, Mrs. Walter Olmstead and Don (jp F i MÍ é R. ohh mm T*’*■'?* ‘"A. TV tMxTgW. aid Olmstead. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges recently were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Artz from Bremerton, by Dick. Shaw laic You Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buireket of Salem, Warren Bridges and Miss Lea Harper from Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lyons were grizzly guests over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John at The Dalles. ear can Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Donavon from out rum Vancouver, Wash., have moved their trailer house to the John Neal place east of town. Mrs. Donavon is a sis- V/lTH A BULLET ter of Mrs. Vern Nydegger. Mrs. Paul Maddux and two •small IN IT'S HEART, nephews from Pedee called on friends in Lyons Monday afternoon. Mrs IT CAN GALLOP Maddux will be remembered as Miss Dean Thompson, a former teacher at ISO YARDS the Mari-Linn school. efore death The fire which broke out Sunday under the hill from Lyons is now under OVERTAKES IT’. control. The Linn county fire patrol was summoned and with the help of cats from the Murphy Construction company a trail was plowed around it. Keith Phillips, Marion county fire warden was also called to the scene. ones Mrs. Pat Lyons with her daughter ín Mrs. Ed Gisler of Marion spent Sun day at the coast. They were guests TOE THAN at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Keith IN YOUR a Taylor near Walport. “A Spiritual Checkup" is the 11 o'clock theme of Rev. R. A. Feenstra message next Sunday at the Lyons Community Methodist church. The re-orgauized Sunday school meets at 9:45. A junior church and nursery | class are started again for the bene fit of the parents who like to attend Lucky von—von ignored speed limits noil li veil the morning service. The NYF meets at 7 p.m. at the church with public evening service at 8 p.m. roll call by telling the number of 'and 2nd grades, Mrs. Lenard Cruson. The Lyons Women’s Society of flowers blooming in their yard, l.aura 3rd and fourth, Mrs. Alex Bodeker i Christian Service will meet at the Neal reported the largest amount with Sth and 6th, boys and girls, Mrs. Ed church Tuesday, September 23 at 1:30 (Frank Edwards is heard every 55 different varieties in bloom. An Hargreaves, 7th and 8th graders. Miss night, Monday through Friday, on p.m. Mrs. Alex Bodeker, program open discussion was held on the care, Norma Miller will teach the high Station KPOJ, Portland, at 9:15 p.m, leader and Mrs. Wood Oliver, co winter storage, pruning and pest con school group. John Prideaux, the and every Monday, Wednesday and hostess. trol of Fushlias. young adult class and Rev. R. A. Feen Friday on Station KORE, Eugene, The September meeting of the Lyons The first fall meeting of the Com stra will have the Bible class. The at 9:15 p.m.) Garden club was held at the Commu munity Methodist Sunday school board | assistant teachers will be announced I nity club house Wednesday afternoon, Former Rent Director Tighe Woods was held Thursday evening at the later. with Bea Hiatt and Madline Nuttie- | ' has been appointed as the new Price parsonage, with Mrs. John Prideaux, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Douglas and man, hostess. Each member answered superintendent in charge. Plans were family from Clatskanie, were week Control Chief. GOP Sen. Homer Fer made and discussed for the coming end guests at the home of Mr. and guson of Michigan attacked Mr. Woods Said Ferguson: months. Pupils were promoted and Mrs. Van Prichard. They also called as incompetent. “There is nothing in the record to If you are bothered by Hackache, Getting clssaes reorganized, wtih Mrs. John on the Burl Smith family. Up Nights (too frefluent, burning or sting show that he can administer a price Prideaux, general superintendent Mrs. ing urination». Pressure over Bladder, or Monday and Tuesday was a holi. strong cloudy urine, due to minor tempo control program.” Senator Ferguson Glen Julian superintendent of the pri rary Kidney and Bladder Irritation, for day for the pupils of Mari-Linn school palliative relief ask your druggist about might have added that there is nothing mary department. Teachers are Miss while the teachers attended county CYB TEX. Popular 25 years. 20 million pack in the record to show that there is a ages used. Satisfaction or money back guar Vivian Boyce and Mrs. Alice Huber work shop held at Lebanon. anteed. Ask druggist about CY8TKX today. price control program to be adminis the little folks, Mrs. Glen Julian 1st Spending several days at the home tered by anyone. Senator Fergusan of Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell were was one of those who voted to scuttle her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cory of price controls, incidentally. | Salem. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Eugene spent In Texas the Republicans showed Sunday in Portland where they were their appreciation for past perform 1405 N. Front St SALEM. ORE guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs ances by putting 15 “Democratic” can Fred Dallas. didates, including the governor, on the Lyons Phone: Salem Phones: Mrs. Van Prichard spent several Republican ballot. In Virginia, they 14.1 2-1924; Night 2 4417 days with relatives and friends last do it a bit more diplomatically . . . week at Rainier. HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MAC HINERY electing men like Byrd and Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gilman of Med on the Democratic ticket . . . knowing and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons ford called at the J. H. Johnston home, they will vote with the Republicans Including OS and 111)14 Cats, and a«-yard shovels. Mrs. Gilman is a neice of Mrs. John as soon as they get to Congress. Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, lx>w-bed Trailer« ston and they were enroute to the Pendleton Roundup. ENJOY UTMOST SHAVING Mr. and Mrs. Merle Johnson from Georgia. Iowa, a neice of Mrs. Toland EASE AND CONVENIENCE were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetherston and daughters from Prinville were also Sunday guest« Super-Speed R A ZOR at the Toland home. Mrs. Fetherston I in 3 out of 4 cases is a daughter. <7 in doctors’tests! Mrs. Alvin Garrison and infant daughter were brought home Sunday • Here's wonderful news for from the Salem Memorial hospital women and girls who — each month — suffer the tortures of The little miss was born Sept. 12 and •'bad days” of functionally- weighed 5 lbs. 2 ozs. caused menstrual cr.unps and Mr. and Mrs. William Prichard and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- family spent the weekend in Bend, out feelings. where they were guests at the home It's news about a medicine of his cousin and family Mr. and Mr* famous for relieving such suf lister McDaniels. Mr. and Mrs. Guy fering I Prichard of near Springfield were also Here is the exciting news. How lydio Pinkham'« work* guests there. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable It htu a "eslmlnf and voothin. Compound — gave complete or W. W Carter has returned from a rffrct on »He sterns . . . uuirlinp striking relief of such distress the contraction« the chart I business trip to Anchorage. Alaska, that »o often caute menrtruai in an average of 3 out of 4 of puin. cramo*. other dutreo The Carters recently purchased the the cases in doctors’ tests! Howard Naue property. Scientifically Modern Action Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duggan and the nervousness and tension, Yet! Lydia Pinkham's has daughters Sandra and Kathleen en- weakness, irritability — and been proved to be scientifically pain—so often associated with joyed a few days at Roads End oo modern tn action/ "those days”! the coast. This news will not surprise ...At. B - A HORSE A PcT SHEFFIELD,ENGLAND HP" AcTilALLY SPROUTED^'. B HWE MORE B FRANK EDWARDS Says: A.HUG0 -Ron-tp off ft CUFF.CftRSHfD -O4ffOuGH P) HOUS^ STRAIGHT INTO Pi GPS ÇOIVÉR IN -iHí CfU-RR.' ■ i ' Tífe EMSU1M6 BLAST S k V ffRf B oul DER s -íH«onGH-íHe\V fioOF BACK “i ONTO "THE. " CLIFF ! (SfttEM,oRE> All Building Supply Needs Kelly Lumber Sales AT NEW RETAIL LOCATION LOCATION: East City Limits on Highway 999 222 Phone 3215 MILL CITY BACKACHE? Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co Pains, distress of “those days" stopped Gillette or amazingly relieved BLITZ« I the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham s regularly and know the relief It can bring And it should encourage you (if you're not taking I.ydia Ptnkham si to see if your ex perience doesn't match theirs ... to aee if you, too, don't avoid Remember Lydia Pinkham's, too — if you're suffering ; the hot flashes” and other fi unc- __ tionally-caused distress of change of life.” Oet Lydia Pinkham's Com pound or new. improved Tab lets with added iron (trial size only 59c >. Start taking Lydia Pinkham's today! URAllY Urti Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN . MMRan.