Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1952)
S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE September 18. 1952 I FEMME PAGE Well-Child Meeting Held Tuesday Camp Fire leaders Plan Meet Sept. II k I I The first well-child conference was held in Mill City, Tuesday, Sept. 16 under the joint sponsorship of the Mill City PTA and the Marion county health department. Next conference is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 25th. The purpose of this service is t« help parents to understand and care for the well-child. The aim is to help them appreciate normal physical and mental development, fundamentals of good nutrition and handling of some of the common difficulties of feeding during the early years. The emphasis is on keeping the well-child well. Dr. W. J. Stone, Marion county health officer was present to examine the children and to confer with par ents. He was assisted by Mrs. Det- ering, public health nurse. Additional assistants were furnished by Mill City, Gates and Detroit communities, the three areas served. A nursing and immunization confer ence is held the second Tuesday of each month. The next scheduled is for Oct. 14 from 10 to 12 noon. Appointments may be made by call ing Mrs. Robert Wingo 3503, Mrs. Kenneth Martig, Gates, 5842; Mrs. R. C. Haseman, Idanha 4214 or with Mrs. George Veteto at the Nu-Method Cleaners in Mill City. The first meeting of the Mill City Camp Fire Leaders association was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Has ‘ man, chairman, Thursday, Sept. Il- Miss Enid Walcott and Mrs. Janice Heibert, the new field director, came out from Salem. Among subjects discussed was the formation of a local council to work with Corvallis, Dallas and Salem in the Willamette area. Mill City now has enough groups of Blue Birds and Camp Fire Giris to form a local coun cil. It was felt among those present that a local council would be a great aid in promoting Camp Fire in this area but the leaders also felt the Women's club should be consulted as they’ sponsored the Camp Fire groups in town. It was also decided that the Camp Fire Girls would help with the pro gram for the International dinner H given by the PTA in November. ja New leaders and assistants present jfl were Mrs. Leonard Herman, assistant to Mrs. Rue in the 5th grade. Mrs. L. B. Hurd who is taking over the Ralph Adams of Camp Mongold (above) started out as a guide and wound 4th grade left without a leader when up as a baby sitter Saturday at Detroit Dam's open house. Photo was Mrs. Earl Nelson left. Mrs. A. J. taken deep inside the dam while parents of Michael Gum of Cottage Yankus and Mrs. Frank Merrill, who Grove (left) and unidentified tot eaught their breath after a long walk. are starting a new second grade group. (Photo courtesy The Statesman and Charles Ireland) Others present were. Mrs. Harry Dyhr- man, Mrs. Lee Pinkston, Mrs. Court ney Rue, Mrs. Tex Agee, Mrs. Russell Holt, Mrs. Jess Lee, Miss Enid Wal (Continued from Page 1) The 4th grade Blue Bird girls and cott and Mrs. Janice Heibert, and Mrs. theatre, at the Grand and Capitol thea Mrs. Robert Veness was honored at the three groups of Camp Fire girls tres in Salem and appeared on tele- Charles Harman. I------------------------------------------------------ visited the Detroit dam Saturday a surprise stork shower Friday after vision at the State Fair. morning with their leaders. Mrs. L. noon in the home of Mrs. Al Yankus, Beginners classes will be starting j pre-school children and 1 p.m. for B. Hurd took the 4th grade. Mrs. with Mrs. John Nelson acting as co. this coming Saturday at 11 a.m. for children of school age. Court Rue the 5th grade Camp Fire hostess. Games were played and re- girls, M rs. Harman’s grolp of 6th freshments were served following the giade and Mrs. Pinkston’s 7th grade opening of many lovely gifts. girls went with them. Altogether Attending were: Mis. Jack McClin there were about 35 attending. Due tock, Mrs. Henry Chaney, Mrs. James to the shortage of cars several of the San, Mrs. Robert Wingo, Mrs. Roger girls rode with their parents. Nelson, Mrs. Jess Lee, Mrs. Arey Po- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown and drabsky, Mrs. Lee Pinkston, the twc daughter Lynn, have moved to Sacra hostesses, and the guest of honor. mento, Calif., where Mr. Brown will Sending gifts but unable to attend the | seek employment. They left Mon- were: Mrs. Vincent Palmer, Mrs. Ler> j day stopping in Lebanon overnight tn thel Ragsdale, Mrs. Arthur Kerr, Mrs visit relatives there before going John Muir, Mrs. Lowell Stiffler, Mrs south. Members of the eighth grade, George Veteto, Mrs. Charles Harman, classmates of Lynn, gave her a going Mrs. Hugh Walkup, and Mrs. Joe I away party Saturday evening. Games Ragsdale. of the and refreshments were enjoyed by all M/Sgt. and Mrs. Walen O. Ham rick of March Field, Calif., spent a week with Mrs. Hamrick’s sister Mrs Jack Colburn. They traveled via Shasta dam and returned by way of Lyons — Miss Donna Lee Dunbar, Boulder dam and Death valley. bride-elect was the honor guest at a Mrs. Dave Epps of Sweet Home bridal shower held at the home of Mrs. attended the funeral of Daisy Hend- Leland Manning with Miss Marilyn Start dancing lessons now and soon you will be I ricson here this week. Baltzer and Miss Mona Covert assist able to take more active part in programs, stage Nelson Lanphear of Stanfield spent ant hostess. a few days in town this week. shows, festivals and fairs. Games, opening of the gifts and RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open refreshments furnished the entertain Sundays and evenings, flowers tele CLASSES NOW STARTING FOR BEGINNERS. graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, ment. Those honoring Miss Dunbar were INTERMEDIATE. AND ADVANCED STUDENTS planters, pot plants, corsages, wed dings, also shrubs and landscaping. Louise Erickson, Evelyn Erickson, 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone Nellie Kirsch, Leila May Rockwell New classes for Beginners start this Saturday at 13684. ’ 42tf from Mehama, Mary Bischoff, Ruth 11 a.m. for Pre-school and 1 p.m. for School Children I* Robert C. Morris completed his work Bischoff, Patsy Hamilton from Salem, on the Detroit dam this past week, and | Sharon Gehlen, Charlene Frost, Mar- he is now taking a two-months vaca celle Nydegger, Marie Basl, Nona tion traveling via California to Meads- , Covert of Stayton. Marilyn Baltzer ville, Pa., to visit his parents and and Kathleen Manning. Those send I brothers and sisters. ing gifts were Lois Minten, Mar Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peterson drove guerite Silbernagel, Joan Silbernagel, Mrs. Addie Wells to Portland w'here and Katie Etzel. she will fly to New York to meet her QBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB husband Gilbert Wells, who has been working in Arabia. They will drive Auditor • Tax Consultant a new car home from the factory. ìb SE^I ti MELY servici Miss Vivian Hoenig of Salem was in town this week to attend the fun eral of her old friend Miss Daisy PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT; I Hendricson. Bookkeeping, Accounting a Mrs. James R. Lowe, of Auburn. Tax Service J Wash., is spending several weeks at ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ply- Comer 3rd 4 Marion 1 I ! male. Plymale and Mrs. Lowe are STAYTON. ORE. brother and sister. Mrs. Lowe visited P.O. Box 1321 ! at the Ray Plymale home in Lebanon | { Telephone 4114 I , last week. c. o«3s»»0»nian0KB»nBHSHannnnB Armstrong’s School- Bob Veness Honored MILL CITY Mrs. By Surprise Shower ANNOUNCING Fall Opening PAUL ARMSTRONG School of Dancing Bridal Shower Honors Miss Donna Lee Dunbar Lessons Saturday Only at the Firehall RICHFIELD OIL AND SERVICE Next Time You Need An Oil Change Start in the Band NOW RENT AN INSTRUMENT Try before You Buy NEW BEGINNERS BANDS ARE STARTING NOW IN MILL CITY, GATES and DETROIT Service Clyde’s Richfield CITY J MILL Specializing in PROMPT. COURTEOUS. AND COMPLETE SERVICE FOR ALL CARS AND TRI ( KS 4 iiuiumub Toastmistress Club Holds Dinner Session See Your School Band Director Wills Music Store SALEM. OREGON Mill City Toastmistress club met in dinner session Thursday, Sept. 11, President Mrs. June Miley presided. Mrs. Alene Steffy was table topic mistress, Mrs. Edna Hutcheson was toastmistress and the three speakers for the evening were Mrs. Sue Mik. kelsen, Mrs. Pat Wingo, and Mrs. Vera Hathaway. Mrs. Marion Todd and Mrs. Faus» tina Nesbitt were guests for the eve ning. Mrs. Lila Bushnell Hosts Lucky Twelve Piuochlers Gates Lucky Twelve Pinochle club is quietly piling up a fantastic record. It borders on the impossible that twelve pinochle players can continue playing cards in these hot political days. Yet Mrs. Lila Bushnell as hosV ess Thursday had no trouble in serv ing a tuna salad and sandwich lunch to her guests. Bowing low in modesty, the Lucky Twelve allowed Mrs. Margaret Clise the high prize. Mrs. Edna Duvall, spurred by some mystic force, clasped to her the pinochle prize. Mrs. Jean Wilson retired to her home with low prize. SUNDAY and MONDAY All Technicolor. All Disney Show Robin Hood — Plus --- True Life Adventure! Water Birds Feature at 5:15, 7:30 Sunday TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY o o o MARILYN MONROE and BARBARA STANWYCK in Clash by Night — Terrific! — News MacDONALD ( AREY and ALEXIS SMITH in Cave of the Outlaws In Technicolor — Plus Mothers Invited To Kindergarten Meet Mill City will have a kindergarten again this year according to Mrs, Roger Nelson, president of Mill City PTA. Kindergarten will open Mon- day, September 29. All mothers of five-year-olds who are interested are invited to a get- together with teachers, Monday, Sep tember 22, at 2:30 p.m. at the horn« of Mrs. Roger Nelson, NE. Alder and 3rd St. across from Stiffler’s appli- ance store. Presbyterian Church Plan Youth Program VAN HEFLIN und PATRICIA NEAL in Weekend with Father o Kid's Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday o Monte Hale in “Prince of the Plains” I I Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any g time up to 8:30 g For Guaranteed Cleaning As Mill City schools get back into full swing, the Presbyterian church is preparing to serve the young people of the community. The Presbyterian church is begin- ning a newly organized youth fellow- ship program for high school young people. This program includes group singing, inspirational topics, games, and refreshments. Young people of high school age are invited to bring their friends and meet their friends at these meetings which begin at 6:00 p.m. Sundays at the Presbyterian church. This Sunday the topic will be pat- terned after a quiz program and wilt be led by Ellen Shelton. A party is planned for Friday, Sept. 26, at 7:30 p.m. at the Presbyterian social hall All of high school age are invited. It’a Your Newspaper—Subscribe Now it’s the NU-METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City ('lonea at 6 P.M. 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