Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1952)
7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE September 11. 1952 Wants and Sales If Its in the Canyon, It's Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE — Two sets of Hollywood FOR SALE—1917 Enfield 303 British FOR SALE—Fruit jars, pints 45c per beds. Famous Wonder Rest with make rifle; Hamilton Beach milk dozen, quarts 65c doz., ti-gal. 75c legs. Innerspring mattresses with shake machine; 78 radio attachment doz. Red's Trading Post. 30tf matching box springs. $49.95 per phonograph, plays 10 records; 12-ft. set or $89.95 for both. boat and 5 hp. outboard motor, A. FOR SALE—5 acres with a large un finished pumice stone house, double MILL CITY FURNITURE B. Langlitz, Gates trailer court or garage, electric pump, $2500 or $150 Box 462, Gates, Ore. 37-3 FOR SALE — 348 Winchester lever down and small monthly payments, action rifle, new condition, $20 less INSULATION- Owens-Corning Fib- I 2 miles east of Mill City, in Linn erglass Blowing Wool—finest in county. Write to J. O. Herron, box than new price. Paul Jahnke, Mill sulation known to man. Save over 1 132, Gaston, Ore. 35-3p City, Ore. 37-3p 20 to 40% fuel costs. Phone col lect for estimates. AMERICAN WANTED — Several loads of barn TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma IMPROVEMENT CO., 975 Market i manure. John Plambeck, Box 223, chines. We sell, rent, repair and St.. Salem, ph. 2-4687 or 2-8010. 6tf Mill City. 36-3p swap all makes. Trade your old machine towards a new one. ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. FOR SALE—Turkey fryers for your FOR SALE—15 White Leghorn hens, locker 36c lb., live weight. O’Neils, Brownells strain. The large leg 1 mile east of Lyons. 37-lp LOST OR STOLEN—3-mo. old Dachs horns and large eggs, good layers, hund female puppy. Reward for 1-yr-old laying 75% now; White return to E. L. Cole, Mill City. 36-3 RICHFIELD STATION FOR LEASE Rock hens and Hamp. Red, meat AT MILL CITY—GOOD GALLON bird, also good layers, 15 of each, AGE, LOW RENTAL, SMALL IN TARPS—Tents, new and used. Selec 35c a lb. See George Cree, phone VENTORY, SOME FINANCIAL tion of sizes. 924, Mill City. 36-3 Red’s Hill Top Trading Post ASSISTANCE TO QUALIFIED PARTY. THIS IS EXCELLENT EXPERT AUTO and home radio NEW SINGER SEWING machines as OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT service. 20 years experience, all low as $9.50 down, and $5.07 per MAN. INQUIRE AT STATION makes. Guaranteed service. month. Includes full set of attach OR PHONE AGENT CHAS. MOR Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. ments and free sewing lessons. Lib GAN, STAYTON 5265. 35-3 eral allowance on present machine. FOR SALE — 1940 Chevrolet parts, Singer Sewing Center, 180 So. Coml. STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil also model A Ford parts. Clyde Salem. Open Friday evenings. 36-2 or wood. Save at Barney, phone 1384, Mill City. 37-3 Red’s Hill Top Trading Post USED ELECTRIC Cabinet Sewing Machine, looks like new’. Has match FOR SALE—Brand new flourescent fixtures for store or restaurant, 2 ing stool walking presser foot, sews FOR SALE—Strictly fresh eggs. Mrs. FOR SALE—Trailer, eastern model, tubes 40 watt. These are beautiful forward and reverse, full set of at sleeps four, refrigerator, hot water, Ogden, on W. Evergreen street on (Continued from Page 1) fixtures still in factory cartons. tachments, only $12.45 down balance butane. Phone Lyons 14. 35-3p 35-3p Will sell at less than wholesale. If ests and needs and capacities. Text on easy monthly terms. Liberal planning to remodel, see these at trade-in on present machine. Singer Stiffler Radio & Appliance. 35tf books would be much larger and cum Sewing Center, 130 N. Commercial, bersome if they attempted to meet Salem, Oregon. 35-3 SILVER SADDLE FOR SALE —Good C. W. pigs, $10 the needs of all types of children. Pub each. Francis Clark, one mile west lic classrooms demand GROUP teach FOR SALE—Solid oak dining room SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT of Mill City, call 952. 37-lp ing. Large table finished in walnut, Phone 903 MILL CITY “How can the library help? family size, $18.00 MILL CITY FURNITURE “Suppose we have nine children, LICENSED i Three will probably be able to com Gasoline LOST—Small black and white terrier plete the work assigned in textbooks dog, near Elk lake on Labor day. and the supplements provided; but Answers to the name of “Ring”, three are three that learn so quickly reward for return to Mrs. Guy Sor they are through long before the first ensen, Mill City. 3,-3p $1.50 per month and up group finish their work. What shall FOR SALE—1950 Zenith '.'-ft. refrig Also serving Gates, Lyons. the teacher do? Use her precious TIRES — TUBES — BATTERIES Idanha and Detroit erator; breakfast set; 30-in round time providing busy-work for these mirror, various household articles. MILL CITY restless wigglers? Other children See Ernie Brown, phone 584, Mill I (maybe yours) need her more, but if DISPOSAL SERVICE City. 37-1 1 left idle the quick, alert child will dis- Phone 3952 NEED A TELEPHONE—Stop in LEONARD HERMAN I rupt the discipline of the school and and see the new Lech combination j become a Bad Child. Suppose we hail desk or wall phone, also used ! a county library. Every two weeks BUÇS BUNNY' Warner Bros. Cartoons, tnri æ? phones from $10.00 up. Telephone or so a Bookmobile would roll up to and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. WE SELL BETTER the school house door and a Book Lady with a house full of books would help CARS FOR LESS! these small learners find beautiful REAL ESTATE books (not lessons) full of the most New 1952 Detroiter trailer house, wonderful stories: make-believe for 37^-ft. inside, modern. one type of child, true stories for the 3-bedroom house for rent. matter-of-fact, stories about our world Apartments for rent. for the embryo scientist, farm stories, Stayton Highway and river frontage town stories, animal stories, reading for sale. matter to appeal to the interest and IT PAYS TO BUY AT stir the delight of the child and all See W. R. HUTCHESON HOME! told in words he has mastered in his At Gates Furniture Store lessons. “But we had three other members of this class of nine. They are the ones who find it hard to learn because WE ARE PLEASED of various reasons. Health conditions, TO SERVE YOU! home conditions, distractions of many children for an only-child, dozens of We hope you are pleased things may account for the difficulty, with our service. but they most of all need help and f material. Perhaps the lessons are fairy tales which John cannot like, or maybe they are about animals and Dick hasn't had an idea but cars in his mind for four years and is bored Mill City with anything less. Whatever the problem, we know the child will have an inner compulsion to read IF his interest in the material is stirred enough. It is here the resources of the larger library come into play. A Friendly Place Especially when the child has the priv ilege of exploring many books in To While Away search of one he likes. It is here a FOR SALE—4-rm, house on 100x120 AVON COSMETICS lot, fenced, garage, by owner. F. See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white F. Paul, Gates, Ore. 33-6p house across from Martin’s trailer FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in court on NW. 7th Ave. Box 658, Mill City. Swift addition. Inquire at Enter prise office or at W. L. Peterson TRUCK SEATS REPAIRED AND residence in Swift addition. 31tf UPHOLSTERED—one day service. Stayton Upholstery, W. Washing SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate ton St.. Stayton. 20tf buys in Canyon area. Listings FOR SALE — 1945 Book of Knowledge wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, set, with yearly annual supplements salesman with C. E. COVILLE, $25.00. W. F. Misner, corner 4th j Broker, west side Mill City. Phone and Douglas, across from Mill City | 2207. 52tf high school. 35-3p FOR SALE—Patch of second growth fir, located near Gates. Good win PLUMBING SUPPLIES — Pipe fit tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, ter log show. Lewis Hampton Jr., bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain Gates, Oregon. 35-3p prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled FOR RENT — 3-room modern house, Douglas fir poles, delivered to furnished, on Marion county side. Lyons yard. For further informa See Daisy Hendricson at Hendric- tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 son’s Store, Mill City. 35tf Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are NEW SINGER Sewing Machines as devoted to game conservation and low as $9.50 down and $5.07 per mo. propagation and need your help. Includes full set of attachments and Only $1.00 per year, you will have free sewing lessons. Singer Sewing that much fun at one meeting. Center, 130 N. Commercial, Salem, Enquire at Enterprise office, or see Ore. 35-3 Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 Better Rural Library- GARBAGE SERVICE Safety Check Lubrication GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET trained librarian can best help over loaded teachers find just what the child needs. There are books of high reading interest with a low-grade vo cabulary, which leads the child on with few hard words to stumble over. He thus catches the thrill of finding out facts and entertainment by himself. Before he realizes that he has been studying, he can read! No longer to he slow, dull, discouraged; he is mas ter of the key to learning, a real success. “Too often we parents do not realize the need for the child to read well. Too many times all the child has at home to read is comics. Books to supply any of these nine pupils with the kind and quality of books they need are expensive; and once read, a new book is sought. This is too ex pensive for most families. It is also too expensive for most schools. And to provide ALL the books needed for ALL the schools would be a stagger ing sum. This is where the county library would serve, especially with a Bookmobile—then EACH book could be read by all the pupils of a given grade in at least eighteen school rooms by being left for a two-week period. Instead of one book to read, each child would have had the chance to read eighteen books. "While the foregoing is based on needs of six-year-olds, every grade through the twelve has needs which are equally important. Perhaps some time I will tell you of the high school junior who, having learned to find his answers in books, spent last summer studying advanced chemistry. Each month he went to Salem to the state library to find the books that were not available in Linn county; and without other help he did a fine piece of re search work. He had learned the les sons the library teaches. Samuel Johnson once said, ‘Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject our- selves, or we know where we can find information upon it.’ “If you would like to see your six- year-old land in the upper ten percent of his senior class in high school, you will see to it that he early learns how and what to read. Not all good read ers win the scholarships, but it is safe to say that those who do win have read well and widely." 4 « WHEEL DRIVE gets you therel Mom's and Pop's CAFE Directory - Professional HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Attorneys at Law SALEM 180 N. Commercial Phone 3-6412 «rarergPBglinoogHggggHHgHgngBB « aHSHiindwnaoHHBSisanaetnKiOinnp ¡Dan River Prints. Children's Books, / Wool Scarfs, Stamped Pillow Cases. ’ ! Blankets. Handkerchiefs, Nylons . : | | Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 * r 1 r r - i T íVb TAVERN HUDSON Sales — Parts — Service ♦ » » GATES SHROCK'S Phone 3 9101 I Motor Co SALEM. ORE. C Septic Tanka and Sewera Cleaned • Phone SALEM 3-9468, COLLECT • 1079 Elm St, W Salem I). w.KEII). Ml) Mill City S ore P iles Don't let .tore, Rery. painful, itchlna simple Pilei crlve you nearly crazy. In 1» mlauttz CHINAROID •tart« (Ivins you wonderful coo.Ins. aoothins. temporary ra- laxln< relief float pain, burning and lub- lns or money back guaranteed Oanulne CHTNAROtD oatt only 11 ”•> at 4ru«l«u Try It today fer Ualtar alaep lonisbt and a brlsbtar tomorrow. anmgggggggggggggggggggggg VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lew to’ Service Station WILLYS TRUCK ELSNER Home of GOOD Used Cars MIKE'S Septic Service: PHYSICIAN & SURGEON J. W. GOIN RICHARDS kt CONSISTENTLY 4-WHEEl-DRIVE WHEN IN SALEM Visit “HUDSON CITY’’ ; .316 N. < hurrh St. è IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE DR. VICTOR J. MYERS J Chiropractic Physician ! Your Idle Hours The 4-Wheel-Drive Willv» Truck, powered by the high-compression Hl’RKI- CANE Engine, is a match for any road—mud, sand and snow—or for no road at all. Ask us for a demon stration of the remarkable pulling power of this sturdy truck. 118-in. w.b.; 5300 lbs. GVW. HARLOW L WEINRICK j Albany SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS THE WAY BOYS MILL (IT Y DISPOSAL SERVICE From the Heart of Texas Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1.50 per month Orchestra Saturday Nights Also light hauling. attorney st I*« S18 Broadalbin WHITIE’S léonard Herman Phone 1952 ig OPEN: 2:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. CLOSED MONDAYS