LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom redecorating Mie interior of their plex store building located across highway from Thiel’s grocery. The Lyons variety store owned and oper­ ated by Miss Beulah Lewis has just been completed, and the goods can be moved in this week end. The other part of the building is being refinished for a plumber’s shop. Pete Rodich expects to move his equipment in as soon as the building is ready. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland left for Lakes ide, Ore., Fiiday morning when they received word of the death of their son-in-law, Earl Wagner. Miss Janice Huffman who is em­ ployed at the Miller’s department store in Salem is spending her two weeks vacation at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hellemn, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hellemn and son from Ney, Ohio, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hellemn on McCully Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom have returned to their home here, after spending the most of the summer at Walport, where he was employed in Jogging. Mr. and Mrs. Case who li.’’ between Lyons and Mill Ctiy are building a new house north of town. Case is employed at the Mt. Jefferson lumber company mill. Robert Jobb has returned from the Lebanon hospital after spending a couple of days there for observation. Mr. and Mrs. Brudett Aunenbaughl and family from Iroquois, S. Dak., ■were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oial Toland. She is a neice of Mrs. Toland. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weaver and daughter Sharon from Fairfield, Mont., are visiting at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Weaver. They will also visit relatives in Stayton. Claire Donison from Gresham called on freinds in Lyons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hargin and chil­ dren have returned home after a vaca- killing them toni trip to Omaha. Nebr., and Iowa, where they visited relatives ami friends. rival of their first grandchild, Paula Mrs. Donald N'aue and her mother Christine, born to their son and wife, Mrs. Winzer have returned after Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis, They •pending a week at Crescent City, Cal. were brought from the hospital Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis are re­ day to the home of her mother Mrs. ceiving congratulations upon the ar- Vernon Miller in Mehama. Kenneth is serving with the U. S. Army in WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Germany. Mrs. Pat Lyons spent Mondaj- and Tuesday at the home of her daughter Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Gisler and family at Every Nite—Mats Mai ion. Sunday and Saturday Mrs. Edna Waterman and Mrs. Katherine Lyons of Salem attended the morning services at the Commu- ntiy Methodist church Sunday morn­ ing, and also attended the Old-Timers SALEM picnic held at the grange hall. SAT. SAT. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens are AUG. 30 through SEPT. 6 visiting his parents at Sheridan, Wyo. RODEO STATE FAIR Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co 1405 N. Front St. SALEM. ORE. Salem Phones: 2-1924: Night 2 4417 HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Including 1)8 and UDII ('ala, and *j-yard shovels. Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Truck«. Low-bed Trailer* A «I Hot flashes” of Change of Life stopped or strikingly relieved in 63-80%* of the cases in doctors’ tests I • Those suffocating "heat waves" — alternating with ner­ vous. clammy feelings — and accompanied often by restless irritability and nervousness — are well-known to women suf­ fering the functionally-caused distress of middle life "change"! You want relief from such suffering. And- chances are— you can get it. Thrilling relief! Thanks to two famous Lydia Pinkham medicines’ *In doctors' fests, Lydia Pink­ ham's compound and Tablets brought relief from such dis­ tress In 63 and 80% (respective­ ly» of the cases tested. Com­ plete or striking relief! SUanrands Hove BanaBted Ama. ing. you say'’ Not to the many thousands of women who know from experience what these Lydia Pinkham medi­ cines can do! Their action — actually — is very modern They exert a scl- •nUflcally calming, soothing effect! Try Lydia Pinkham s on the basis of medical evidence' See if you. too. don't gain blessed relief from those tarrible "hot How Lyrfla • Inkham'i work» It acft threuga a woman • »»m- pathetic nerrou« >y«tem to gir» relief from the "hot flashet" and other functionallp-caured du- treuet of "change of life.“ flashes" and weakness so com­ mon in "change of life " Don't put it off’ Oet Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound or new. improved Tab­ lets with added iron (trial size only 59t>. Wonderful — too — for the functional pains, cramps, "dragged-out" feelings and other discomfort of monthly menstrual periods I August 28, 1952 S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN ’ f 9 ».KMJ0W<3<3<'M »X GATES Mr. and Mrs. George Edis from His father, who is in the hospital with Yoncalla were guests the past week a broken hip, is reported much im­ at the homes of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Mr. and Mrs. proved although he is 82 years old. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Oscar Osterhout and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth Hellemn are Mr. and George Arthurs. Mrs. J. R. Brown of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Louis Hellemn from Sherwood. Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Krog, is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. R. Boby and Vernon from Escondido, Cal. Hutcheson. Her husband, Maj. Brown Richard Baltzer is convalescing at I is expected to join her in a few days the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. i for a visit. Miss Carolyn Brejcha, daughter of Art Baltzer, after returning home from the Salem General hospital, ! Mrs. Hollis Turnidge of Cutler City, | where he was confined due to injuries and formerly of Gates, left last week following an accident with his motor­ by train for Lackland Airbase, Texas. Miss Brejcha, a graduate of the Gates cycle. Adena Joy from San Francisco, Cal., high school, with the clasa of 1952. is a guest at the home of her sister is the first local girl to enlist in any I and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Prid- of the U. 8. service branches. She. is the granddaughter of Mrs. Chris eaux. Knutson of Gates, with whom she Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg spent made her home while attending school. Sunday and Monday in Portland. They visited her mother Mrs. Joe Altigibers who is in very poor health. They also reiving congratulations upon the ar­ visited other relatives and friends rival of their first grandchild, a son born to their son and wife, Lt. and while there. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimery of Mrs. Dale Bassett at Fort Monmouth, Portland, will spend a week with rel­ N. J. The little guy is also the grand­ atives in Lyons. They are guests at son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Witt of Mill ¡the home of his mother Mrs. Minnie City. and great grandson of Mrs. I Kimery. his brother and family Mr. Lizzie Bassett of Lyons. The Square Dancing club held their and Mrs. Bill Kimery also his sister Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers and family. picnic Sunday at the Prichard cabin1 They will also visit another brother near the William Prichard home at, Frank Kimery and family in Mehama Jordan. Plans were made to begin Mrs. Gladys Gavette of Portland, their square dances Sept. 6 with a and Mrs. Clarence Gavette of West i corn roast at the Prichard cabin. Pres­ Stayton visited friends in Lyons Sun­ ent Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Glen day. They were guests at the home Blegan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wingo and Mr. and Mrs. Al Nesbitt and families of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian. ’’Working With God" is the theme from Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mrs. | of Rev. R. A. Feenstra for Labor Day Julian and Glen Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing, and Mr. and Sunday at the worship hour on Aug. 31, at the Lyons Community Methodist William Prichard and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrison church. At 7:30 the Methodist youth fellowship will meet to study how to family, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pen­ have fun in a Christian way. At 8 nington and daughters Paula ami p.m. another message by Rev. Ed Har­ Sheryl were among those attending greaves and music by the Hargreaves the Garrison family reunion held at Monmouth on Sunday. family. The Women's Society of Christian Service meets for a social meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 2, at the Methodist parsonage. The devotional leader w ill be Mrs. Joe Zimmerman. Mr and Mrs Floyd Bassett are re- X « X X « X X X X X X X X X X « K X X All Building Supply Needs AT NEW RETAIL LOCATION Kelly Lumber Sales East City Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MILL CITY g J0u< ¡«»(JtXJOWWfJi ».«» » a « »I» î< » a a a a a nXKKaaxaiXÎSaOt'l Never a Dull Moment ¥ “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN $30.000.00 REVIEW Ever) Nite State Fair SALEM SAT. ^\l \UG.30 through SEPT, tì r w- ¥