The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Dedicate Memorial to Father of Labor Day 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE August 28, «952 quickly run for shelter. Might men-, in the backyard of the church. Should tion an incident of the other evening mention the jewels there which are DON PETERSON, publl»h«r in which our cabbie got smacked in shown only on Good Friday. Entered an ae<*ond>claaM matter November 10. 1944 at the poet office at the face by a big, irate motorcyclist, i We were through a street, only Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879. He returned the favor with a two-foot about four blocks long which Donna CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for $1.00. tire iron right on the nose. The cyclist may be interested in—Rue de la Paix The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in really dug out after that clobbering. —fashion center of the world. Saw a sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Advertising 45c column inch. Pc’.itical Advertising 75c inch. I missed both the follies, a tremen few of their styles—huge ribbons and dous stage production, and the opera bows, suspended from the shoulder to so can’t comment on that. Can look the opposite hip I imagine. Prepond- NEWSPAPER erous bustles were common, though I forward to that for the next time. PUBLISHERS Believe it is the climate and the don’t think they were designed for the - % ASSOCIATION u2J people, together, which can describe French women. | most superbly the place. French peo The Louvre—it’s name is longer— ple are very similar to Americans in is right behind our hotel—the L’Grand “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FR’FNDS.” _______________________________________ —George Putnam._____ their taste in dress, while I hear that Hotel du Louvre. It has probably the in London it is not uncommon to see greatest collection of art in the world, men wearing a black coat with green as a matter of fact, it would be worth , pants while the women dress equally while to visit Paris for that alone. It as poorly. Many, many berets, of is actually a connected series of build Something has happened to the political campaigns course, and I think every man in Paris ings forming three immense squares. of ’52. The rule books have been thrown away. The wears a conservative suit or sport The buildings are of the usual five- One would whole thing takes on an ominous note. The solid front coat. The weather is cool, really en story castle structure. joyable, but it doesn’t get cold at have no trouble at all in getting lost of staunch republican newspapers has crumbled. Colonel night. This doesn’t affect the style in huge cubicles used for the paint McCormick has split on the republican’s campaign. The of the well-proportioned French wom ings and sculptures. The display of Scripps-Howard chain of newspapers has openly chided en. Almost every woman looks like Venus de Milo is so striking in that the general’s campaign efforts. We wonder if a new a store model, quite a few, anyway. it is impossible for me to describe, wrinkle isn’t being tried. The hero worship angle fell Their legs are more muscular and j except that you can see her down a thicker at the ankles than the average long darkened passageway, illuminated flat. May be that they, meaning those who can, are bent U.S. woman, which is probably the by a single shaft of light. Many little on making a martyr of Ike and thus elevate him to the result of their common affliction of cubicles containing sphinx and mum Presidency. mies lead off from this passageway. bicycle riding. Stevenson has a firm grasp on the intimate affairs Among the highlights we accom The only things in the Louvre which plished were the Eiffle Tower—very appear as though they wouldn’t last of his campaign and President Truman is very much on similar to a gigantic oil derrick; Arch for centuries are the wooden floors. the outside looking in on the whole thing. Stevenson’s of Triumph, where Hitler’s troops and But will bet they must be two inches way with words awes the good people of this nation. We M. A. Hutcheson, president of the United Brotherhood of armored divisions paraded through the thick. Carpenters and Joiners, places a wreath on a memorial to Peter hope this whole thing does not wind up like the Lincoln- Will wind up now—but understand famed arch while hundreds, maybe J. .McGuire, who first proposed a national labor holiday in 1882. and fought for it until Labor Day was legalized by Act of Con Douglas debates. Douglas swayed his audiences, but thousands of weeping Frenchmen mail stopped today and no more will gress in 1894 The memorial is in Arlington Cemetery, Camden. stood by. I understand the French go out. Got our mail when we got Lincoln swayed the voters. Adlai, the governor is “out N. J. Shown participating in the recent ceremony honoring .Mc still can’t have a “love your brother” back from Paris. Just finished six Guire are William Green, president of the American Federation generaling” the general, or so it seems from here. Steven of Labor (left), and Secretary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin. McGuire, hour shore patrol watch—boy these attitude toward the Germans. son has appeal. who died in 1906, was also founder of the carpenter's brotherhood. Notre Dame is an awe-inspiring sailors sure get drunk on wine. We caught a sign this week of how conflict and all- Except for new cold am doing fine sight, mostly through pure genius of out war can turn the election in November. We heard construction. It’s remarkable the and expect final five weeks of cruise expressed the thought that if we are in all-out war in number of legends which abound in, to go as rapidly as the first two—goes this cathedral. The mosaic work of fast after first port is made. Hope November, Ike should be president, otherwise Stevenson. CHINA AND RUSSIA: | coveted warm-water ports by the end the windows is varied and all very you are having fine, interesting sum This thought was expressed by one who had carefully CALCULATED AMBIGUITY of 1952 or to see its direct influence weighed the situation. We do not here repeat the idea When a large Chinese Communist in Manchurai and perhaps in North beautiful. There’s a playground right I mer. Love, JIM. immmmwwiwimiimmmimiimmmiinmmimiminii'mi im mi,nu mi iin iin iiiriin iiiriiUEniijiirinKMHjmuainm as being ours, but instead as showing how one person’s delegation headed by Premier and Korea jeopardized by the growth of thoughts of war weighed in his political thinking. Foreign Minister Chou En-lai goes to Chinese Communist power. Of course, DR. MARK is possible, and it would be Stevenson and Ike will do well if they give to the Moscow, the outside world sits up and anything asks questions. Few of them can be foolhardy to attempt to predict the people all they desire on this score. Their respective answered I assurance, but certain outcome of the Moscow talks. But positions must be clearly set out. Generalized sentences guideposts with there is at least a strong likelihood are at hand. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST and pretty phrases will not satisfy the appetite of the One basic consideration is that that Moscow will try to maintain an Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building public. May the people of the United States and the China stands in a different relation area of calculated ambiguity between Chinese and Russian power — in an Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. world have a pretty good idea about Adlai and Ike come to the Soviet Union from any of the effort to keep its own interests safe Also Thursday evenings by Appointment lesser satellties. If it is forced — part November. ly by cold-war tensions, partly by and its satellite-ally complaisant.— | HOME OFFICE: 313 W, FIRST. ALBANY | ideological commitments—into a semi From Christian Science Monitor. I satellite position, it still retains a cer in mi iiiiiRitiiiiiimuuiiinii'iiii mi mi iiu mtiiiMniimrnu iiniuii iih iitiimiiiiirnii'iiiriiniiiii iiiriiii iuiihii iHi iiiriuriiiiiuii UHiiiii nMiiiii niuniiimnuniuinuHinjnumBniMi tain degree of independence based on the massive facts of geography, his XBHMXRKMXWWM'X : k ' x - x x X X X'X'X:x''X X tory, and party leadership. To the Editor: Everything today conspires to unite Please accept my congratulations Peking and Moscow in a close work for your most successful handling of ing alliance, but from one point of the recent State Softball Tournament. » In Our Quality Guaranteed Used Cars. view it is a partnership of equals— The resultant good-will accorded Mill Check This List: and potentially of rivals. According City has made me feel proud that I to Chinese Communist theory. Mao was once a citizen of the town and 1951 Chrysler Imperial 4-Door Sedan Tzetung is co-equal with Stalin in the still a property owner. At the pres Radio, Heater; Power Steering; Power Brakes; Electric Window lifts; Whitewall Tires and Safety Tubes; Spot Lights. A real development of Marxism-Leninism, ent time I live in Sweet Home, a buy; like new. His proof that a Communist party city with more than double the popu 1949 Cadillac “62” 4-Door Sedan could come to power on a peasant lation of Mill City but I doubt whether Radio, Heater: Custom Seat Covers. A streamlined beauty. rather than on a proletarian base, and it could improve on your management largely independent of anything but of the terrific championship series 1948 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan moral aid from Moscow, has set a recently played in your town. Air Conditioned: Heating System; Almost New Tires. Beautiful new pattern for communism in Asia Light Green Color. Fine Scotch Plaid Upholstery. Very clean In case any of my friends should X in every way. and makes Mao rather than Stalin the chance to visit Sweet Home, 1 will X x cynosure of Asian eyes. be delighted to visit with them. In X 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe Radio, Heater; New Tires; Seat Covers. A nice clean car. At the same time the historic Chi fact I might even buy them a cup of Priced right. nese concept of the great “Middle Em coffee. Sincerely. DAVE EPPS. pire," to which the rest of the known P.S.: If Russ Kelly were responsible > Asian world was more or less tribu please give him ri!y vyirds of admira X f » tary, does not quite fit in with the tion. DAVE. V|11ERS historic Russian drive toward an ex HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH panded Muscovite empire in the East. WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE Especially is this true in Manchuria, Open Saturday Afternoons—Evenings by Appointment that important area of ambiguity be 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4117 (Continued froru Page 1) tween Siberia and China proper. When Mao himself conducted the steam radiators leave the familiar last great publicized negotiations with smoky stain on the sloping corners of Moscow at the beginning of 1950 he the room. It seems a natuial coating won concessions for China on paper, for the nymphs carved on the mould at least- which sunrised most ob ing. servers in the West. Some of these An amazing thing is the arrange 7* concessions had to do with retoring ment of streets greatly similar to Japanese industrial machinery looted Washington, D.C.. but with the streets does bucks by the Russians when they withdrew converging on probably twice as many We have added another pharmacy to from their occupation of Manchuria squares as Washington has circles. “The Quisenberry Pharmacies, that operate as one” Feed Albers DOUBLE DUTY Included was a promise to turn back Yet I find way (with compass direc Dairen and Port Arthur to the Chinese tions more clear to me) more easily to the whole Rabbit Family dy the end of 1952. than in Eugene. Probably no Amer This conflict of interests in Man ican city can challenge this city for For die rabbit raiser uho prefers a single feed pn»- The new pharmacy will be open until 11:00 o’clock churia' as well as the more acute truly frightening traffic conditions. gram, Albers Milling Co. (for o'er 25 years a leader in at night on week days and from 12:00 noon until 2:00 armed conflict in Korea, looms behind 1 Cyclists, both motor and manual are rabbit feed research) has developed the neu DOUBLE- the present Chou En-lai mission. It j thick as peas in Dorchester House P.M. and 6:00 until 9:00 in the evenings on all Sundays IHJ I Y. This "all purpose" ration for rabbits simplifies seems unlikely that the visit portends soup. They go wheeling through thick and all holidays. your feeding routine and still gi'es you fast .. . yet low- a sharp turn of policy for either coun- j “foreign" small car traffic and are cost gains on your friers. try. In that case Mao Himself would further endangered by taxi, bus, and There we will specialize in prescriptions and stock have gone through it is always pos- j tru< k drivers plus horse drawn carts DOUBLE DUTY IS PRICED TO MAKE FEEDING will be limited to medicines and sick room supplies. sible that the second-string figures in and hikers in shorts who prefer to YOUR RABBITS EASY AND PROFITABLE! the present delegation are there either walk in the street. Buses range in Your prescriptions will be on file there as well as to implement a secret Mao-Stalin size from 12 to 40 feet. at the other locations and will be available, for your agreement already made or to prepare Some of the streets such as the convenience, these longer hours. PRICE for a later Mao visit and more itnpor-1 Champs de Elysees are about 100 tant decisions. The new location is 130 South Liberty Street, and yards wide—a real test for anyone but Per 50 I het. $2 What is clear is that Russia is most a native or an Olympic sprinter. In the phone number is 4-3336. However, if vou dial the unlikely to be willing to give up its approximately 60 hours in Paris I saw Court Street number, 3-9123, and that store is closed, Available In Smaller Sit»» two drivers stop for pedestrians. As- the call will be relayed. $500,000.00 l sume they were foreigners. The fellows who went to the opera We are pleased to be able to offer this kind of pre last night said a fellow in an MG scription service and to have it available these longer | came careening through the crowd hours. leaving the opera house. All the pe- MILL CITY. OREGON It’s Unusual Editorial Comments EIAMME£ICI\SEN Editor s Letter Box MILL CITY MEAT MARKET WE TAKE PRIDE Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS Salem Automobile Co. Jim Cooke-- Special Announcement 130 S. Liberty St., Salem SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feeds Seeds Fertiliser Telephone 5021 Grinding and Mixing Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Lppliances Machinery Hardware Petroleum Producta STAYTON, ORE. Farm Machinery Display State Fair SALEM SAT. SAT. AUG. 30 through SEPT. I Quisenberry Pharmacies "THAT OPERATE AS ONE" FOR 24-HOUR SERVICE DAILY DIAL 3-9123