2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY. OREGON DON PETERSON, publisher Entered aw eeeond-olaea matter November 10. 1044 at the poet office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 1, 1S7*. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for 31.00. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Advertising 45c column inch. Pclitical Advertising 75c inch. • NATION AL EDITORIAL NEWSPAPER Quality Meats and Groceries yAr PUBLISHERS (r■ . ASSOCIATION FOOD LOCKERS “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS. —George Put .am. FROZEN FOODS Co-operation Pays Off Mill City’s softball team did come out among the winners. Of this we can be justly proud. May Mill City always come out a winner. This year’s softball tourney at Mill City has brought widespread publicity for Mill City. As spokesman for the citizens of Mill City we ex press our heart-felt appreciation for the interest taken in Mill City during this week. Thanks also to Mill City’s own, Kelly Boysen Paints softball team, for its outstand ing performance. That rather modest organization, the Santiam Soft- ball Association, did a marvelous job. Those officials who did the hard work necessary find their reward in a successful tournament. Consider that credit is given where due to all who have devoted themselves unselfishly of the top-interest textile display« of the 87th Oregon State Fair for a good cause. Allen Field gleamed and was the pride One will be the 75-year-old quilt displayed here by Joyce Keightley, Fair lovely. of each and every Mill City citizen. This took work. The Hand-made from diamond-cut velvet and silk cloth, the quilt, a veritable work was done and the materials got there and were fixed Joseph's garment in multi-colors, will highlight the textile exhibits, prom ised to be the largest in the history of the state exposition opening its by many willing hands. Such co-operation and spirit is annual eight-day run on Saturday, August 30, in Salem. not the usual thing in every community. Mill City is fortunate in having such a large number of fine citizens. Mill City has gone far on the route of building for the North Santiam canyon a sports reputation. If there SAUCERS AND GOOD SENSE i which so far display no menace or is one thing that this area can excel in, it’s recreation. It is possible that the "flying sauc-! outbreaks of fancy without credible If it be said that Mill City is tooting its own horn, then ers” (and other aerial lights, objects, foundation. From Christian Science we take pride in doing so. As Phil Harris says, “It’s not etc., that are making the headlines Monitor, the radio briefs) carry exploring! conceit when you say you have it when you do!” Mill and visitants from some other inhabited City has “it”. We have a spacious lighted athletic field. planets or planets. But it is not More will be heard about this facility. Though Mill City probable. is a spread-eagle type community physically speaking, It is possible that at least some of there rests here a tight community spirit that is a grand these fast-traveling formations of illu reservoir awaiting the call for use. In the sports realm sive shapes are revolutionary aircraft in scouting missions for a Mill City ranks with the best of them. Doubtless this engaged hostile power. The Department of Food prices are aiming for the sky leadership will continue in the high school sports activity. Defense cannot ignore such a contin again with the speculators using the gency. But the probabilities here. too. It seems our guests liked what they saw. drouth as an excuse to loot the con Editorial Comments FRANK EDWARDS Says: — r R. Reynolds, N. D. Rectal Specialist HEALTH AFTER 2073 Fairgrounds Rd. 20 years Salem, Oregon _______________________ / N--------------------------------- ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Don’t become a Chronic Sufferer Don’t become an incurable Correct HEMORRHOIDS (Piles), Fissure, Fistula, Prolapse, and enjoy GOOD HEALTH. Take no chance—“it may I m * later than you think". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V Free Booklet li. REYNOLDS. N.I». Proctologist Telephone 3-9160 2073 Fairgrounds Rd. ,--------------------------------------------------------- / Jenkins Hardware Dutch Boy Paints See us about your floor finishing problems. Rent our sanders Varnishes Sealers - Waxes are very slender. It is possible that a few of these mysterious celestial strangers are ex perimental airplanes or guided mis siles under top-secret development by American armed forces. The proba bilities here are higher. But they, too, could apply to but a small fraction of what is being seen or reportedly seen. They follow no recognizable pattern of form, speed, direction, or other behavior that can be reasonably traced to any purposed, man-made venture. Which narrows the probable expla nations down to “natuial” phenomena —so far incompletely understood—the conditions of our day, and the vagaries of the human mind. All that radar will and will not "pick up” is not yet fully known. During the late war many a hostile ship was salvoed, many an enemy plane intercepted that wasn’t there. Thousands of people today are watch- | ing the sky. And they are sky-con- ' scious and aircraft-conscious. What a generation ago would have been put down to sun-spots, or meteors, or istraying sparks from the aurora bo realis, and hugely enjoyed as a nine- day wonder, today is attributed to de liberate if not malign human purposes. Then was the day of cool reason when all things were neatly explained in terms of comprehensible physical laws. Today is the day of atomic fis sion which has shaken the tangible world of matter and argues that the patently impossible may be already accomplished. Today, also, is the day when nations battle with ideas as well as with guns. And many old bell bouys of danger have been set adrift. One element is not new; it is as old as the rout of the Midianite host | by Gideon’s 300 with their trumpets and lamps and pitchers, as modern as Orson Welles’ radio “invasion" from And that is the outrageous Mars. suggestibility of the human mind, This is something anyone of even ordinary good sense and balance can do something about: Refuse to accept just anything he hears; refuse to pass along every rumor; refuse to be titil lated by mystery or by ghost-story I fear. The American people have chal lenges enough to their courage, their steadiness and staying power to sur mount, without breaking their stride over their heterogeneous oddities ( $500,000.00 Farm Machinery Display Phone 2206 He MILL CITY give S<&// Green Stamps State Fair SALEM SAT. SAT AUG. 30 through SEPT. 6 sumers. For instance, speculators I sent the price of corn up 3 cents a I bushel in one day although the corn crop was damaged only slightly. And the sharpies in the market bid up cot ton prices more than $5 a bale—which means that you will pay more for the clothing you buy—by and by. • a * Illinois Sen. Everett Dirksen says that the Republican attack on Demo cratic nominee Adlai Stevenson will be spearheaded by GOP Sens. Kem, Jei-1 ner and McCarthy. As one wag ob serves, the GOP is sending up 4 Zeros against Stevenson. • * * Credit restrictions were lifted last April when bankers and manufac turers were becoming deeply con cerned about their overloaded ware houses. By the end of June, the American public was in debt to the record mark of $1334 billion. Ware houses are being emptied, the banks are getting their money back, and the wage earners are in debt up to their necks. It's wonderful if it ends well . . . in 1929 it didn’t. utiuiiiumiiiiMMiimNiiWiiniiiiniuiiiiiriiii i DR. MARK HAMMEKICKSEN REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY Special Announcement We have added another pharmacy to at The Quisenherry Pharmacies, that operate as one” 130 S. Liberty St., Salem The new pharmacy will be open until 11:00 o’clock at night on week days and from 12:00 noon until 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 until 9:00 in the evenings on all Sundays and all holidays. There we will specialize in prescriptions and stock will be limited to medicines and sick room supplies. Your prescriptions will be on file there as well as at the other locations and will be available, for your convenience, these longer hours. The new location is 130 South Liberty Street, and the phone number is 4-3336. However, if you dial the Court Street number, 3-9123, and that store is closed, the call will be relayed. We are pleased to be able to offer this kind of pre scription service and to have it available these longer hours. Quisenberry Pharmacies “THAT OPERATE AS ONE” FOR 24-HOUR SERVICE DAILY DIAL 3-9123 5W THIEF! I his spark plug is robbing its ow ner of gasoline—Yes, a cracked or worn plug, or one that has run more than Nip the worm problem in the bud With PTZ PASTURE MIX PTZ Pasture Mix is a neat combi nation of PTZ, salt, and minerals that you put in a self feeder where sheep can get to it a// fhe rime. Zf helps prevent reinfestation by keeping roundworm eggs front developing and contaminating the pasture. And it's so practical because it is self fed. You don't have to get the flock up foe worming regularly during the summer. PTZ Pasture Mix also supplies salt and essential minerals. These minerals are likely to be lacking in pasture, especially when it begins to get old and dry. PTZ Pasture Mix is the summer solution, we say. to the worm prob lem. $0 50 per 50 lb. bag. and fess in quantity. Santiam Farmers Lo-op Stayton. Oregon 10,000 miles, can rob you of one gallon of gasoline of every ten. The "stolen'' gasoline escapes through the exhaust or into the crankcase. Car-Saver Service can protect you against this kind of loss by frequent periodic inspection and replacement of worn plugs. It is just part of the service designed to re duce wear of vital parts and improve gasoline mileage and give smooth engine operation. fXPWT LUBRICATION • TIRE SWITCHING • BATTERY CARE ATLAS TIRES • BATTERIES • ACCESSORIES RALPH NIBLER 4