-4 »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE August 14, 1952 4 FEMME PAGE Flower Show Biggest Here In Many Years Monday Is Orchid Night The Mill City Garden club held their SI NDAY and MONDAY late summer flower show August 12 DAN D AILEY and with 285 entries in the diffeient divi­ Mrs. Joan Long Entertains JOANNE DRU in sions. Mrs. Ward Inglis of Stayton Lucky Twelve Pinochlers accompanied the lady student judges and acted as guide in the judging Mrs. Joan Long performed expertly The judges were Mrs. Edna Hawley, her part as hostess for the Lucky Detroit—A program for community­ Mrs. Jean Scheel and Mrs. Bronson Twelve Pinochlers by entertaining het beautification was adopted by the De­ of Corvallis. Feature at 5:30, 7:30 Sunday guests with pineapple creamed des­ troit Women’s Civic club, at the The judges awarded 161 ribbons and sert, served in an enticing fashion. Wednesday night meeting held at the one sweepstake for each division, of Marcie Peterson came up with high home of Mrs. Alfred Cokenour in the show were awarded to Mrs. C. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY prize after a long dry spell, and Rose Idanha. Dolezal, arrangement and potted be­ JOHN DEREK and Haywood coralled the pinochle prize The project calls for block chairmen gonia; Mrs, Roger Nelson beautiful JODY LAWRENCE in at the right time to take it home with throughout Idanha and Detroit to gold auraturn band lily and Mrs. El­ her, while Jean Wilson faltered and stimulate interest in yard and home mer Shaw for beautiful charteuse color only rescued the low prize for the improvements, with the possibility of corsage. Flower lovers from Mill City- day’s effort. i future garden or flower shows to be Gates and Fox Valley participated to Vanda Orchids, flown from Hawaii, will highlight ladies night on the held. make the show a wonderful success. In Technicolor Monday program. 300 of the dainty, fresh, internationally famous Twelve were present for the meet-1 Questions were asked regarding show News orchids will be presented to the first 300 feminine adult admissions to j ing, including Mrs. Edna Mattoon, a specimens, marine gardens, bi-color the Monday night games. This outstanding feature has been made guest, and Mrs. Letha Ott who joined glads and answered by the visiting possible through the contribution of Eddie Rada, formerly of Mill City judges. Mr. Glenn Julian invited THURSDAY ONLY j the club during the evening. and now representing Flowers of Hawaii, L.T.D. in Honolulu. Rada is garden club visitors to visit his home a graduate of Mill City high school and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Audrey Layman was elected Rada, well-known residents of Mill City. to the position of treasurer to replace to see his beautiful fuchia collection. Refreshments of pie, cake and coffee . Mrs. Zeda Rynearson who resigned. — The Facts of Life — were sold by Mrs. Olmtsead. A rummage sale was held Tuesday, SEGREC. ATED AI DIENCF.S SALEM The flower show chairman wishes j August 12, between the hours of 9 Women Only — 2 p.m. 4 7 p.m. a.m. and 9 p.m. at the White apart- to thank all those committees, the 9:00 P.M. Men Only — 9 p.m. food chairman, dish washers and the ! ments. Donations were collected and — High School Age and Over — ’’MUSIC IN sorted Monday evening by a commit- folks who brought all those arrays THI MOOD" f No Advance in Prices of gorgeous flowers and arrange- tee of volunteers. ments to make the show such a suc ­ Standing committees appointed by Movie star JAMES MASON says that Mrs. Opal White, club president, in- cess. The Garden club thanks one and FRIDAY and SATURDAY when it comes to food, the Turks with all — also all husbands who made trays elude the following chairmen: mem­ their centuries old culture have devel ­ Robert Young in bership, Mrs. Zetta Schlador; commu­ for their garden club wives and those oped a fine palate. While on location in who picked up flowers and cakes. THE HALF-BREED nity service, Mrs. Ella Johnson; pro­ Turkey shooting scenes for Twentieth Prizes were awarded as follows: Century Fox's "Five Fingers", Mason gram, Mrs. Gladys Alvin; library, Mrs. In Technicolor — Plus — discovered this exclusive recipe for Lillie Hellwig; music, Mrs. Ruth Skid­ Horticulture Sally Forrest in Shish Kebab, a delicious dish that orig ­ more; publicity, Mrs. Amber Ruther­ Glads, Division I—Reds, Mrs. Clara inated in Turkey. Translated from the ford; Brownies, Mrs. , Maycel Coke­ Swan, 1st; Mrs. R. Olmstead, 2nd; HARD, FAST, AND Turkish it means "Skewered broiled TICKETS AVAILABLE nour; and legislation, Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Gladys Podrabsky, 3rd. BEAUTIFUL meat". The Turks, a hearty 'outdoor AT ALL Rasnick. people, usually prepare it over an open White—Mrs. Gladys Podrabsky, 1st; fire. Take a tip from the Turks and have SALEM RECORD SHOPS Following the meeting the hostess Ford Wilson, 2nd; C. Dolezal, 3rd. Kids Matinee discontinued Shish Kebab for your next barbecue. served punch, coffee, cookies and ice Bi-color — Mrs. Clara Swan, 1st; until September It's fine for indoor eating too. cream. Mrs. Gladys Podrabsky, 2nd; Rachel SHISH KEBAB Olmstead, 3rd. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. 2 lb,, l.q ot lamb salt and p.pp.r Complete show can be seen any 1 tabl.apoon oliv. oU 1 m.dlum onion Blue-—Mrs. Gladys Podrabsky, 1st. Julc. oi on. l.mon | m.dlum tomato time up to 8:30 Bay l.av.a Unscheduled Mrs. C. Dolezal, 1st; Mrs. Rachel Olmstead, 2nd; Mrs. K. Cut meat into one inch cubes. Mix olive oil and lemon juice Olmstead, 3rd. and rub meat with it. Place in dish, sprinkle with salt and innBttKBHBBnBanafeaaöHaHnnnn pepper and cover with sliced onions and tomatoes, and a few Smokies—Mrs. Rachel Olmstead 1st, bay leaves. Leave in refrigerator four or five hours. Tax Consultant A udì tot Floyd Fleetwood, 2nd and 3rd. Arrange meat on spits alternately with tomatoes and onions Rose—Ford Wilson, 1st. and an occasional bay leaf. Broiling over charcoal is preferable, but it may also be done over an open wood fire or in oven broiler. Pink—Floyd Fleetwood 1st and 2nd; Green pepper and sliced eggplant can also be inserted between Mr». Rachel Olmstead, 3rd. meat on spits. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Pink Peach—Floyd Fleetwood, 1st Bookkeeping, Accounting and and 2nd. Tax Service Lavender —C. Dolezal, 1st; Floyd Potted plants, Geranium — Glenn Shirley Laird, 1st and 2nd; Maggie Comer 3rd 4 Marion Fleetwood, 2nd. Shaw. 3rd. Julian, Lyons, 1st. STAYTON. ORE. . Yellow—Floyd Fleetwood, 1st; Mrs. Carnations, 3 of a kind—Mrs. Paul Begonia—C. Dolezal, 1st; Joe Fencl, Gladys Podrabsky, 1st, Mrs. Evange­ Telephone 4111 P.O. Bo Smith, 1st and 2nd; Maggie Shaw, 3rd. 2nd and 3rd. line Fleetwood, 2nd and 3rd. Single spray—Mrs. Arlo Tuers, 1st; Gloxinia—Mrs. E. Plymale, 1st, 2nd. annnnnnnnnnxxnnnnnnnunnKOoaa V ellow, 3 of a kind—Fred Duffy, 3d. Maggie Shaw, 2nd; Frances Pound, African violet—C. M. Cline, 1st; Miniature—Mrs. Evangeline Fleet­ 3rd; Pound or Ford Wilson, 3rd. Clara Swan, 2nd, wood, 1st; Ford Wilson, 2nd and 3rd. Division II—Arrangements Flowering plant—C. M. Cline, 1st. Roses, Hybrid Tea — Mrs. Rachel Dining room—Rachel Olmstead, 1st; : Olmstead, 1st; Mrs. Frances Pound, Sweepstakes Awards 'i. Mrs. Veteto, 2nd; Mrs. C. Dolezal, 3rd. 2nd; Mrs. Gladys Podrabsky, 3rd. (PILES) Horticulture—Gold Band Lilly, Mrs. Twin arrangement—C. Dolezal, 1st; Roger Nelson. Florabundas—Mrs. C. M. Cline, 1st; FISSl RE — FISK I. \ Rachel Olmstead, 2nd. Mrs. Hallie Toman, 2nd. PROLAPSE AND OTHER Arrangements—Mrs. C. Dolezal. Buffet—C. Dolezal, 1st; Hallie To­ Asters, Blue — Mrs. Glenn Julian, RECTAL DISORDERS. Potted plants, Begonia — Mrs. C. Lyons, 1st and 2nd; Mrs. C. Dolezal, man, 2nd; Frances Pound, 2nd; Fred' Dolezal. Duffy, 3rd. 3rd. Corsages—Mrs. Elmer Shaw. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Coffee Table—Mrs. Clayton Balti­ Blue blanching—C. Dolezal, 1st. Naturopathic Physician Purple—C. Dolezal, 2nd; Ford Wil­ more, 1st; Mrs. H. Pound, .2nd;; C. 'i Dolezal, 2nd; Mrs. George Veteto, 3rd. 1144 Center St. son, 3rd. Arrangements, all vhite Mrs. C. Asters, 3 of a kind—Ford Wilson, SALEM, ORE. Dolezal, 2nd; M’s, Claytor. Baltimore, Every Nite Except Sunday 1st; Mrs. Glenn Julian, 2nd. 2nd. White- Mrs. Chas. Dolezal, 1st. Fruit flowers vegetable—C. Dolezal, State Perrenial Aster Blue—Mrs. C. M. 1st. Cline, 1st. Unusual container—-C. Dolezal, 1st; BOY’S WEARING APPAREL Zinnia, giant—Glenn Julian, Lyons, Don't let coughing, wheeling, recurring at­ Rachel Olmstead, 2nd; Mrs. Glenn 1st; Hattie Fencl, 2nd; Mrs. Rachel tacks ot Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep an4 2 to 16 Years energy without trying MENDACO. which Julian, 3rd. Olmstead, 3rd. SALEM works thru the blood to reach bronchial Church or Hall — C. Dolezal, 1st; tubes and lungs Usually helps nature quickly Lilliput—Maggie Shaw 1st; Frances remove thick, sticky mucus Thus alleVlatea Floyd Fleetwood, 1st; Glayds Podrab- SAT. SAT. coughing and aids freer breathing and better Pound, 2nd; Rachel Olmstead, 3rd. sleep. Get IZKNDACO from druiglst. Batto* Marigold — Evangeline Fleetwood, sky, 2nd; C. M. Cline, 3rd. AUG. 30 through Sept. 6 taction or money back guaranteed, f As You Like It—C. Dolezal, 1st. 1st. 265 N. High, SALEM Petunias, giant ruffled — Glenn Frances Pound, 2nd. : : Miniature — C. Dolezal, 1st; Ford Julian, Lyons, 1st and 2nd; Hattie Wilson, 2nd. Fencl, 3rd. Marine Garden—C. Dolezal. 1st; Fuchia single—Mrs. C. Dolezal, 1st; íbüv ^L ti MELY servici Mrs. C. M. Cline, 2nd; Mrs. Geo. Mrs. C. M. Cline, 2nd and 3rd. Double fuchia — Glenn Julian, 1st Veteto, 3rd. and 2nd. Division III—Corsages Single branching spray Mrs. C. M. Unusual —C. Dolezal, 1st; Frances BOYS T’ SHIRTS, were $1.50 Cline, 1st; Glen Julian, 2nd; C. M. Pound, 2nd; c. Dolezal, 3rd. 59c Cline, 3rd. Afternoon ■Maggie Shaw, 1st, 2nd X SIZE 6, PLAID SHIRTS, were $2.19 *1.49 Fuchias, hanging basket — Glenn and 3rd. J Julian, 1st and 2nd. Maggie Shaw, 1st. Morning— MEN’S HATS and CAPS, were $1.19 59c Snapdragons — Gladys Podrabsky, Division IV—Potted Plants 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Colored foliage—Ford Wilson, 1st; 32-P. DINNERWARE SET, regular $11.95 *8.49 Begonias, pink carnation—C. Dole- C. Dolezal, 2nd. : zal, 1st; Mrs. Joe Fencl, 2nd and 3rd. Ferns—Ms. Bert Morris, 1st; C. M. Camelia type—Mrs. Joe Fenci, 1st, Cline, 2nd; Frances Pound, 3rd. , 2nd and 3rd. Ivies—C, M. Cline, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Camellia orange — Mrs. Joe Fend, Colored Ivy—C. M. Cline, 2nd. lit, 2nd and 3rd. Planters—Clara Swan, 1st; Frances PRESTO FIRE EXTINGUISHER, reif. $2.00 ggc Begonias, red — Hattie Fencl, 1st, Pound, 2nd; C, Dolezal, 2rd. Hallie Toman, 2nd; Hattie Fencl, 3rd. Lillies, tiger—Alice Farmen, 1st; C. ] M. Cline, 2nd; Frances Pound, 3rd. Auratum. gold band, Mrs. Roger j Nelson, 1st. HUGH and ALICE WALKUP, Props. Annuals assorted — Mrs. C. Dolezal, i 1st; Mrs. Rachel Olmstead, 2nd. Unscheduled, sunflowers—C. Dole- , zal, 1st; Rachel Olmstead, 2nd; C. | Dolezal, 3rd. Phlox—Mrs. Rachel Olmstead, 1st; i Gladys Olmstead, 2nd, Rachel Olm­ stead, 3rd. Dalhias, cactus—Shirley Laird and ! Lucille Goble, 1st and 2nd. Formal—Shirley Laird and Lucille Goble, 1st; Gladys Podrabsky, 2nd; YOUR LOCAL CHEV MILL CITY Evangeline Fleetwood, 3rd. Huge Formal — Shirley Laird and Specializing in I Lucille Goble, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. COMPLETE PROMPT. COURTEOUS, AND Dalhias, Pompoms—Gladys Podrab­ Chevrolet Sale# and Service STAYTON, ORE. sky, 1st: Evangeline Fleetwood. 2nd., SERVICE FOR ALL CARS AND TRUCKS Large Cactus—Lucille Goble and Detroit Women’s Club Plans For Future TheJPride of St. Louis Mask of the Fri., Aug. 22 Because of Eve Crystal Gardens 4 MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries W. N. SIMMONS 13 FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS HEMORRHOIDS When in Salem THE BOY'S SHOP DANCE for « FAIR ASTHMA THE ECY’S SHOP < 7)7/ Clearance Sale RICHFIELD OIL AND SERVICE Vext Time You Need An Oil Change Look Over Our Bargain Table MILL CITY VARIETY Richfield Service We Need Used Cars—Top Prices Paid for Clean GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET i