By DON PETERSON The softball fever is running high in this canyon community as witness :he results of activities that have oeen accomplished under the able ;eadership of Russ Kelly during the past couple weeks. Men and boys of the community have been turning out in good numbers to pitch in and clean up the grounds, haul off the rocks and care for the grass, while the others have been busy building stands and dugouts, building a press box, installing a drinking fountain on the grounds and in general working their heads off getting every­ thing prepared for the coming big event. Mill City and its friends in the neighboring community of Gates have been in there pitching doing every­ thing in their power to make this tournament a success and second to none anywhere in the state. No one has any complaint with the co-operation received from every citi­ zen in this group of canyon commu­ nities, it has been wonderful to watch the progress of this venture, and the results will be worth while when the time comes for a little “looking back­ ward” is here. Everyone pitched in and did every­ thing possible to bring the tourna­ ment here, then they have come for­ ward with labor and materials to put the local plant in first class shape for the tournament, and now comes the approaching time for making them welcome and showing our guests » good time during their stay. Tile committee will need some help with securing sleeping quarters, so if any­ one has a room available please le. Dave Reid know how to find it, and he’ll do the rest! The Chamber of Commerce is going to be on the job to help with the entertainment problems as they arise. Everybody is nutting their shoulder to the job, from the banker and the mayor to the most remote member of our community, so it must be a success—it cannot fail! Mrs.Louisa Berry Dies In Salem Hospital Final rites for Mrs. Louisa Berry, 82, were held today at 12.30 p.m. at Mill City Assembly of God church. Interment was at Fox Valley cem­ etery. Mrs. Berry died Sunday at a Salem hospital. Mrs. Berry was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wese, valley pioneers. She was born in Kansas, June 15, 1870, coming to Oregon at the age of three. She had spent most of her life in Mill City. She was married in 1890 to Joshua Ballard. Following his death she married Reuben C. Adkins. He died in 1928 and in 1931 she married John Berry, who survives. Surviving also are four children, Charles and Louis Ballard, both of Portland, Mrs. A. J. Olson, Crescent City, Cal., and Mrs. Josephine Counts. Port Orford: a sister, Mrs. Phoebe Dow, Albany; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Korean Veterans May Now Apply for Pay Veterans of service since the start of the Korean conflict may now obtain forms locally on which to apply for mustering-out payments under the Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952, the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs announced today. The state veterans’ department has reproduced a supply of the application blanks and is distributing them to Oregon's county service officers. The department will also furnish them to veterans on request. Mustering-out pay is provided in the new “GI bill” for personnel dis­ charged from active duty in the Armed Forces since June 27, 1950, whether they had received mustering-out pay for World War II service or not. Ap­ plications are now being accepted by the various branches of the Armed Forces. The payments amount to $100 for veteran- wtih less than 00 days’ active service; $200 for those with 60 days or more of active service in the LTnited States only; and $300 for veterans with 60 days or more of active serv­ ice. some of which was outside the United States or in Alaska. Pay- ments to discharged veterans will be in a lurro sum. Those still on active duty will receive $100 at discharge and the remainder, if any, in $100 monthly in?tallments. It is paid to enlisted men and to officers below the grade of major or lieutenant commander. Discharge (Continued on Page 8) T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving : Mil 1. < II Y DKHMNT FI KHORN GATES IDANII \ LYONS MEHAM A MONGOLI» ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANT1AM HIGHW \Y — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE Vol. VIII—No. 32 MILL CITY, OREGON. THl'RSD AY. AUGUST 7. 1952 $2.50 a Year. ]()(• a Copy Judge Olliver Dismisses Case Against School Board Mill City Set For Softball Tourney Next Saturday, August 16, at 4:30 p.m. sets the time for the opening of the Oregon State Softball tournament to be held at Allen Feild in Mdl City. This year’s tourney will mark a mile­ stone in softball tourney play as a new system of an eight team double elim­ ination bracket will replace the pre­ vious system of a sixteen team single elimination type. The eight teams entering the playoffs at Mill City will have qualified by first winning a dis­ Judge Olliver’s order of dismissal trict championship and second, by de­ began with a brief statement that the feating the champion of another dis- | respective parties appeared in person trict. It will not only produce j and by counsel at the trial, then the stronger teams at the tournament, but ’ Shaion Gibson, 14-year-old daughter Judge continued, . The Court will increase spectator interest as* of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, suc­ heard the evidence adduced by the favorite teams will not be eliminated cumbed of a heart ailment Wednesday respective parties and considered the by one defeat. afternoon in the Salem General hos­ arguments of counsel written and oral Another change inaugurated this and now being fully advised, IT IS pital. year is the newly announced tourna-. Re». C. R. Brewer and Mrs. Brewer, of Mill City. Rev. Brewer is the ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that was taken to the hospital Sharon new minister for the Mill City Free Methodist church coming to the ment dates. The eight team affair plaintiff's complaint be and the same She had been ill for several Monday, Santiam canyon from North Bend. He held his first services in Mill City will open on Saturday afternoon, Aug. months, She was graduated from the hereby is dismissed . . .” A brief Sunday. (Photo courtesy The Capital Journal) 16, which is one week earlier than in seventh giade at the close of last reference to costs in the case ended previous years. Rain nearly washed school year. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson the above quoted passage and the out last year’s playoffs at Eugene and were on their way to Salem for a visit order of dismissal. with regional tournaments set to start The case was heard in the state with their daughter when her death August 30, the earlier beg’nning of circuit court in Linn county. Charles occurred. the Oregon tourney was deemed ad­ A. Powelson was plaintiff and School Sharon leaves besides her parents, visable. 129-J;, Linn and Marion two sisters, Phyllis Gibson and La District No. Mill City is moving towards a full­ Allen Field To Be Ready A prayer in the name of Gerald L. counties; Donald E. Sheythe, Ramon Donna Roberts; and one brother, Gene According to Carl Watt, conseruc- Swan, Fireman Apprentice, Navy, son blown stieet paving program. N. W. j I,. Roberts; William B. Shuey, and Gibson. tion director for the Mill City field, Haner, engineer, submitted estimates of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Swan, will Sharon's funeral will be Sunday aft­ 1 Charles E. Kelly, defendants. all new improvements listed for this The crux of the school case dealt ernoon at the Presbyterian church at on the cost of paving Mill City's years tournament will be completed be offered at the annual memorail with a conveyance of a certain parcel 2 p.m., standard time, with interment by Sunday night. Six hundred new service of the Disabled American Vet­ streets. A companion program is a of school district land. The statute at Fox Valley cemetery. glandstand seats have been erected erans 31st national convention in Bos­ drainage system for the city. Haner involved provided, "They (the board) Pallbearers will be Dale Walczak, to boost the present total to 1200 seat­ ton, Monday evening August 11. to gave the figure of $85,530 for the cost may also sell, lease, or otherwise dis­ Jim Baltimore, Charles Marttala, Ter ­ ing capacity, and this can be supple­ symbolize all of the Mill City area of paving and the $32,205 for a sound pose of any property belonging to the ry Muir, Robert Herman, and Gregory mented by 700 seats made available servicemen who died in the Korean drainage set-up. district, when authorized to do so by a Peterson, all class-mates of Sharon, campaign. A public meeting will be conducted mnjority vote at any legally called 1 at Sweet Home. A 4x12 foot score­ board will be placed in Centerfield, sur­ All names for the impressive mem­ by the city's councilmen in the near school meeting; provided, that the rounded on both sides by a six foot orial service which will be held in the future. The location and time of the j call for such meeting shall have stated fence 250 feet distant from home plate. grand ballroom of the Bradford Hotel meteing have as yet not been deter­ that such sale, lease or disposition A new five man press box and an­ in Boston were chosen at random from mined. The matter of bonding the would be one of the objects of such nouncer stand has been erected above Department of Defense casualty lists. city for the cost of these improvements meeting.” the main grandstand directly in line The plaintiff contended that the The names selected, representing will be thrashed out at this public with home plate. These new major I hundreds of communities in every sec­ meeting and future meetings if such Detroit Fire at the White apart­ school board did not comply with the improvements are only a part of the tion of the United States, will be part are necessary. ments in Detroit Friday morning re­ I terms of this statute, and entered evi­ iri-U^itynges made in preparation for of a beautiful memorial wreath in Hardworking Councilman Knowles sulted in an estimated damage of $250 dence to that effect, which was not the softbal ltourney, which can be ac­ front of the memorial service plat­ reported that everything is about or Wre. adiilvd by — ■ -fcn- An open septh^anR on the grade credited to the efforts and donations form. ready to proceed with the paving of Leakage in a gas line was reported o fa few men and firms who have so John E. Feighner of Cincinnati, as­ 2nd, 3rd and 4th stieets. All prop­ to be the cause of the fire which school playgrounds prompted atten­ willingly dedicated the time and ma­ sistant national DAV adjutant, will erty owners have agreed to help with tion to the affairs of Mill City School burned through the wall of a bedroom terial to make the Mill City tourna­ conduct the services with representa­ their share and the city attorney is District 129-J. As the spot-light be­ before it could be extinguished. Fire­ ment the best ever. tives of the Protestant, Catholic and instructed to proceed with the neces­ men found it necessary to cut through came more closely focused, certain State Softball director, Ken Kerr, citizens moved in the direction of re­ Jewish clergy taking pait in the serv­ sary legal work involved. the wall to reach the fire. will release the tournament pairings forming the situation. The school Wednesday night the council voted ices. Mrs. Otis White credited the low for publication this weekend. Brack-! case was an out-growth of this reform approval of putting on the November Approximately 3,000 disabled vet­ damage to prompt action of the three eting will be made by designating a movement. The matter of the convey­ ballot the question of whether or not number of each of the interdistrict erans representing DAV chapters from Mill City should elect by popular vote fire fighting crews which answered ance of a parcel of school land was throughout the nation will attend the the alarm, one from the Idanha fire playoff winners, as many of these used as a trial balloon. Lack of any 1952 convention to discuss problems their mayor. de; artment, one from Mongold and a results will not be known until one final decision on the case until this Due to the fai t that Lee Ross' res ­ affecting disabled veterans, their foiest service crew from th# Detroit I week dampened the reform move- day prior to the opening of the widows and dependents. The DAV ignation as city recorder was accepted Rar.ger Station, tourney. i ment’s spirit. Auxiliary will meet in national con­ by the council, Mrs. Homer Thachei The building is covered by fire in­ The parcel of property involved was was appointed as his successor. vention concurrently. surance. what is now known as the R. S. Corbin Jim O'Leary, popular councilman, National Commander Ewing W. property located west of the Mill City Mays of Little Rock, who will preside resigned his post also and Dave Real, ' municipal buildings and southeast of at the convention sessions, has just local realtor, was named for the re­ the First Christian church of Mill City. returned from an extensive tour of mainder of O’Leary’s unexpired term. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. Korea and will report to the conven­ O’Leary’s reason for resigning is his How are Linn county’s public li- i tion on his visit to the battle fronts moving to Florida where he will make Raymond Goodwin, Mill City, July 31, braries serving the people today? at Salem Memorial hospital. and hospitals. his home. The average alert citizen, whethet farmer, business man or housewife, wants books for many purposes; for self-improvement, to keep up with this Fritz M. Morrison has received a changing world; to find directions for I promotion to the position of district making and doing things; books for ranger according to word from J. R. inspiration and for recreation. He Bruckart, supervisor of the Willam­ cannot hope to buy all the books he ette National Forest. needs. Instead, if he is fortunate Morrison, who for the past year enough to live near a public library has been timber management assist- he borrows or consults them there. ant on the Detroit ranger district, will For the public library is the only in­ be transferred to the Packwood Ran­ stitution that provides books and in­ ger Station on the Gifford Pinchot formation in all fields of knowledge. I National Forest where he will assume Do libtaries in Linn county provide | his duties as district ranger about this for all? August 12. Let's look at the seven libraries in Morrison graduated from Oregon the county located at Albany, Lebanon, State college in 1941 with a bachelor Sweet Home, Brownsville. Harrisburg.' of scenice degree in forestry. He was Scio and Halsey. seasonally employed on the Siskiyou Albany, with 10,000 people, has 23,- i forest from 1937 to 1941 when he re­ 500 books; Lebanon, a city of nearly ceived a permanent appointment, serv­ 6,000 has 6,500; over 6,000 people in ing successively on the Rogue River, the other five towns have 12,500. Siskiyou, and Willamette forests. These libraries are open to the pub- ' He is married and has two children. lie 48 hours a week in Albany, 16 hours Successor to Mr. Morrison at De­ in Lebanon, and from 2 to 6 hours a troit will tie Starr Reed, 1949 grad­ week in the other towns. uate of Oregon State college, who has Over half the people living in Le­ served on the Ochoco and Willamette banon and Albany are registered bor­ forest«, at present on the Cascadia rowers. in the other places only one- ! district. Mr. Reed has a wife and eighth. , three children. Here is the number of books bor- - rowed by readers in a year: 88,600 in Albany; 16,800 jn Lebanon; 12.700 in the other five. The first place trophy to be awarded Public funds provided for library to the winner of this year’s State support are. in Albany, $l<,400; in 1 Softball tournament will be on display Lebanon. $1.000; three of the others at the Mill City State Bank as soon together $1.000 (One gets nothing, one as it 1.« received by local officials, did not report. according to Russ Kelly, tourr ament The above figures are taken from Members of (be congregation of the First Christian church of Detroit pool e'forts to orepare old machine »bop i director. The huge trophy, which is the annual reports of these libraries building moved from old Detroit, for Sunday services. Men in foreground are finishing rough steps to entrance I donated annually by the Coca Cola of building. The pastor. Rev. Jim Stock, is standing on top step holding a folding chair in each hand. Mrs. S. for the year ending June 30, 1951. 1 company is expected to arrive Satur- T Moore, »ho directed interior arrangements, is standing in door»ay. First services »ere held Sunday, Aug. 3. In the year since then, many gains 1 day morning. (Photo courtesy the Capital Journal) (Continued on Page 81 School District No. 129-J directors were victors this week in their legal tussle with Charles Powelson. Judge Victor Olliver Tuesday entered an order of dismissal of this proceeding against them. Judge Olliver’s action capped a long drawn-out legal battle. The case against the school board was begun May 18, 1950. Sharon Gibson Rites Sunday Afternoon Disabled American Vets Honor Swan City Council Plans Public Improvement White Apartments Damaged by Fire Few People Use Linn County Libraries usi Arrived Fritz M. Morrison Receives Promotion Bank to Display Trophy