Hartnell. The Jewells spent some1 time heer while he ministered at the Community Methodist church. The Capitol building in Washington Guests recently at the home of Rev. is open every day but Christmas and and Mrs. Feenstra were Miss Nam New Years. Recent visitors at the Mike Fink Sherwood and Miss Polly Sherwood of The Detroit Community Christian and John Jungwirth homes were Mr. Los Angeles. Thursday afternoon the church will hold the first Sunday and Mrs. Henry Fink and Mrs. Ger­ group made a trip to Breitenbush school and church services in the re­ trude Fink from Vibank, Canada. cently purchased building next Sun­ hot springs. day. Orville Britton, proprietor of B & Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington and Since considerable preparations will H Equipment shop in Lyons has moved daughters Paula and Cheryl left Fri- to Mehama where he will be have day morning to spend several days be necessary to get the building in his iftiain saw shop located on the at the home of her mother Mr. and order for services, a work day has been schuled for Saturday, Aug. 2. highway west of town and will be Mrs. Sid Gruggett at Newport. All volunteers over twelve years of known as the Santiam Equipment com­ “No Cross, No Crown” is the theme age will be able to help, according to pany. for the scriptural meditation from Mrs. Alex Bodeker with her father the Uper Room, next Sunday, and will Mrs. O. J. White, Sunday school su­ Elmer Hiatt accompanied the Earl be the thought brought in the message perintendent. Hamptons, Douglas and Margo Lee, by Rev. R. A. Feenstra, pastor of to South Beach Monday morning. They the Lyons Community Methodist wood, Nebr. The two women are ni­ ters of Mr. Remmenga. Visiting now returned Wednesday. ' church. Glen Julian with his horse "Black Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr and at the Remmenga home are Mr. and Bess” is a guest of Gene Ware and daughter, Gloria, Kathryn and Nadine Mrs. Gail Phillips, Laura Gayle and his Cascade Packers at Breitenbush and Mr. and Mrs. George Berry visited Jimmy from Hot Springs, S. D. James Gibson of Vancouver. Wash., hot springs this week. Sunday at the Willard Berry home spent the weekend at the home of his Mrs. Laddie Pesek of Lebanon and in Sweet Home. Clem Syster has returned from a uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. her mother. Mrs. E. L. Roye of Lyons, Franklin. vistied several days with friends at trip to Shawnee, Okla. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra went Rev. R. A. Feenstra of Lyons and Nyssa and Culwell, Idaho. to Eddyville Saturday afternoon, Rev. Kenneth Abbott of Stayton left Rev. and Mrs. O. L. Jewell from North Richland, Wash., visited in where he conducted burial services for Monday morning for Tacoma, Wash., Lyons Friday. They were guests at Mrs. Emma McBride, Oregon pioneer where they will spend the week at­ tending the ministers graduate school the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard family near Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Manroe Walker have at the College of Puget Sound. They returned from Seattle, having been will meet the new bishop while there, called there by the illness and death Bishop A. O. Raymond Grant of Port­ of his father. land area. Mrs. Feenstra accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Albert Remmenga them and will visit her sister, Mrs. ON THE HIGHWAY have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allphin living at Steilacoom, and Kenny Hopkins from Woodland, Calif., her mother, Mrs. Ella McCoy. and Earl Tilson and Judy from El- Mrs. Marvin Edwards honored their son Dale on his 7th birthday with a VELVEETA party at. her home. Games and re­ ( HEESEFOOD freshments furnished the fun for the little folks. Honoring Dale were --lb. loaf David and Tommy Prideaux, Tony, Frank and Glen Phelps Juanita and CROWN VIENNA John Morgan, Mrs. Edward and Janet. SAUSAGE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zimmerman have as their guest this week her sister Mrs. Garnette from Sandy. July 31. 1»52 ft—TRE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Detroit Church Opens New Quarters LYONS •'JOE BEAVER Girods Super Market at STAYTON 89c Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture "He’s got the 'Small Sawmill Operator's Manual1 from the Forest Service, and boy has he improved his operations " ft Shuffleboard Good Music MEANDER Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County 2 for 35c ELSINORE FANCY FREESTONE PEA(TIES No, 2'/j Can MILL CITY George "Sparky” Ditter The White House is the oldest fed­ eral building in Washington, D.C 35c each’ 3 for $1 INSTANT MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE COMPARE! NO PLACE FOR 39c FOLGERS COFFEE 85c "> AND YOU’LL CHOOSE DURKEE S MARGARINE 27c • fk i No mattress savings account ever paid off for any­ one but a burglar! Smart people nowadays want both earnings and safety for savings. No sense in being old-fashioned these days. Come in and put your savings to work at good earnings; insured to $10,000. M-I) TISSUE 3 rolls 29c y CAMPBELL’S I VEGETABLE SOUP •> for 25C i t ICE (’OLD ‘ W\TERMELLONS 4c n> GREEN PEPPERS MILL CITY STATE BANK 19c Knowledge is Power 1. WOW LON& POES T he AVESAÛE YOuNMua w^rcHTvr CALIFORNIA CELERY 10c »’ RED MAI. \G \ GRAPES ----- MEAT ----- SLAB BACON Cascade Sugar Cured 45c . FRYEKS Colored Fresh 69c 2 QAN YOU AFSC8P I L SAVE at Girods AT STAYTON ACKACHE F»»r quick comtor'ityr help for Backache. Hheumalk Pai:.», Gatling Up Night*. at rung ciemd* urine, Irritating paasagr*. Leg Pain», eircira under eye*, and »w alien ankle», due to non-organic an«1 Tton-»yat*mic Kidney and Bladder trouble» try Cvstea Quick. eon plate •atisfaction or mo« of back guara teed. A«k your dru^Ttei f r < gaHa today. $ TO WE IN EKS Swift’s Premium Pay Cash and Hfe wont be outbid for 9„ur .M Nobody — but nobody—is going to out bid us for your old tires. Come in and we ll prove it. Our sales depart­ ment has been instructed to purchase the unused mileage from our customers at highest prices on tires traded-in on new Generals. f 19c 59c «’ GENERALS 3 WHIM » A.MÍI CAJ 10NMJT FOCATA’«» (1) A study made in Cincinatti reports that the average youngster watches TV for 3.7 hours on school days and 5 5 hours each on Saturdays and Sundays, or 29.5 hours a week. The same child spend’s 25 hours a week in the classroom. Looking at TV, says "Changing Times” magazine, is an activi­ ty in which the child plays a completely passive role. The con­ tribution to the child's character and personality is nil. There are three ways of coping with tele­ vision and the child: (1) don t own a TV set, (2) lay down the law, (3) use intelligent discipline to make TV a constructive force <21 Gossiping pours emotional energy into things we cannot change. This goes for men as well as women, writes Dr Dorothy C. Fmkelor in her book, "How to Make Your Emotions Work for You.” Our purpose in gossiping, she explains, certainly isn’t to we gossip ke emotional mt F our emo We tional budgets to see whether we can, in terms of our happiness, itfford to spend emotional energy without getting anything tn re turn for it. That energy, if direct­ ed toward making us happy, would put sparkle far outshining physical beauty into our person­ alities. 131 If you start at the southern end of the Appalachian trail alongside Mt. Oglethorpe, Ga, you can walk north 2.100 miles to the top of Mt. Katahdin in Maine. Dorothy M. Martin describes the through trail in "American For­ ests” magazine An ex-GI hiked the 2,100 miles in four months, averaged 17 miles a day. He had his boots resoled twice on the way. I.ast June the final stretch of trail was cleared for hikers. It winds through dense woods, over mountains, in­ to valleys, past lakes and streams. Information in this feature is selected from articles in the July Catholic Digest. AMAZING! buttrue ! 670x15 Allowance 710x15 Allowance 760x15 Allowance 800/820x15 Allowance 600x16 Allowance 650x16 Allowance He will pay these prices for your worn tires on New GENERALS $610 goo J.50 820 5-60 £.90 EASY TERMS — Use your allowance for a down Payment! PHILIPPI TIRE SERVICE ‘Saving YOUR Tire* Is (H R Business’ MEHAMA. OREGON PHONE: LYONS 113 «