—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE July 31, 1932 Wants and Sales S *n Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE—Fruit jars, pints 45c per’ LEGAI, ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE OF BUILDING dozen, quarts 65c doz., l3-gal. 75c • Sealed bids will be received by the doz. Red’s Trading Post. 30tf CALL FOR BIDS undersigned until the hour of 8:00 _____ „---;—;------------------- T (Continued from Page 2) Bids will be opened by Mari-Linn FOR RENT—One bedroom apartment. p.m., PST. on August 12, 1952, and Inquire at Enterprise or phone 2652 tlons *nd there were plenty of them Board of Directors of District 29-J, immediately thereafter opened by the or 2602. 30tf i —probably never will forgive Adlai Linn and Marion Counties at their Board of Directors of School District j Stevenson, the drafted nominee of the next regular meeting August 6th. 1952 No. 129-J, Mill City, Oregon, for the EXPERT AUTO and home radio Democratic party. at the hour of 8 p.m. Standard Time, sale of a lti-story, six-room residence service, 20 years experience, all for the purchase and removal from His speech of acceptance, following the property of the former Lyons building, located on Evergreen avenue, makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. one of President Truman's give-'em- School District 57, the school building at Fourth street, in the City of Mill City. Building will be sold to the FOR SALE—Gas range, perfect con hell attacks on the 80th congress, the with the following stipulations: bidder offering the best price for said dition; electric water pump. See Taft-Hartley act and the press—had 20% of the bid to be deposited with building; and each bid shall be accom terrific impact. It was far above any Don Brotherton, Lyons, Ore. 31-2 the bid and the balance to be paid panied by a bid bond, certified check other speech made at either convention upon acceptance of bid by the Board. or cash deposit’in the amount of 10% FOR SALE—14-ft. Birchcraft boat, —in heart, mind and context. Building is to be removed within 60 of the total amount bid, said check to 22 hp. Evinrude motor, $350. Geo. days of acceptance of bid. be payable to Clerk of Linn County Governor Stevenson labored under a Brasmer, Idanha, Ore. 30-3p The Board of Directors reserve the School District No. 129-J, as a guar terrific handicap. The hour was late. AM WRECKING A 1940 Chevrolet The delegates were exhausted. And right to accept or reject any or all antee of good faith. The Board reserves the right to sedan, lots of good parts for sale they were understandably irked (as bids. Sealed bids may be mailed to or trade, including radiator, starter, were millions of radio and TV listen Alice Huber, clerk. Box 53, Lyons, reject any or all bids, and to waive Ore. 29-3 informalities. motor, tires, wheels, transmission. Specifications may be obtained from Clyde E. Barney, Phone 1384, Mill ers) by Chairman Rayburn’s stubborn No. 39061 Clerk of District. City. 31-3 insistence that they wade through hours of senseless balloting, after Sen SUMMONS EDNA F. ROSS, Clerk, TARPS—Tents, new and used. Selec ator Kefauver had tried to throw his IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE School District No. 129-J, Linn- tion of sizes. convention strength to the winner. STATE. OF OREGON FOR THE Marion Counties, Mill City, Ore. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post COUNTY OF MARION. DEPART But Stevenson rose to the occasoni. FOR SALE—Ducks, rabbits, one milk His short, scholarly, intensely earnest MENT OF DOMESTIC RELA goat, two small goats, make good and moving address lifted his listeners TIONS LICENSED pets for the children. Ruth G. right out of their seats. LOUISE MATTINGLY, Plaintiff. Some of Barney, ph. 1384, Mill City. 31-3 vs. them were in tears. LLOYD MATTINGLY, Defendant. NEED A TELEPHONE Stop in Stevenson dealt with the awe-inspir TO: LLOYD MATTINGLY. and see the new Ix*ch combination ing responsibility of the presidency desk or wall phone, also used Defendant. $1.50 per month and up phones from $10.00 up. Telephone which he did not seek. He carefully IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Also serving Gates, Lyons, and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. avoided cheap partisan denunciation OF OREGON, You are required to ap 1405 N. Front St. Idanha and Detroit SALEM, ORE. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. and abuse. He warned his fellow pear and answer the Complaint filed Salem Phones: MILL CITY Lyons Phone: Democrats anil his fellow countrymen against you in the above entitled Court 2-1924: Night 2 4417 143 that the ordeal of the 20th century, and show Cause, within four weeks DISPOSAL SERVICE REAL ESTATE “the bloodiest, most turbulent age of from the date of the first publication Phone 3952 3-bedroom house for rent. HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY LEONARD HERMAN the Christian era," is not over. He of this Summons, and if you fail so Apartments for rent. and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons urged them not to be afraid of ugly to do, for want thereof Plaintiff will Highway and river frontage Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and ^4-yard shovels. truths. He told them straight from take a Decree against you dissolving the marriage contract and bonds of for sale. the shoulder that the years ahead re matrimony Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers now existing between you WHEN IN SALEM quire sacrifice, patience, understand and the Plaintiff herein and such other See W. R. HUTCHESON ing and implacable purpose if America and further relief as prayed for in Visit At Gates Furniture Store is to serve its destiny. He declared Plaintiff’s Complaint. “HUDSON CITY’’ quite bluntly that it will be better to This Summons is served upon you Home of GOOD Used Cars lose the coming election than to mis by publication thereof pursuant to an SILVER SADDLE WE SELL RETTER lead the people. Order of the above entitled Honorable HUDSON SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT ( ARS FOR LESS! One telling paragraph summarized Court entered herein on the l«th day Sales — Parts — Service of July, 1952. Phone 903 MILL CITY the Stevenson thesis: First publication of this Summons— “Let's tell them (the people) that July 17, 1952. the victory to be won in the 20th Gasoline HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN century, this portal to the golden age 31« N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 By GLEN V. SORENSEN, of man, mocks the pretensions of in- 29-5 of Attorneys for Plaintiff. rividual acumen and ingenuity. For Stayton it is a citadel guarded by thick walls of ignorance and mistrust which do IT PAYS TO BUY AT TITAN ONt MAN IAW not fall before the trumpets’ blast or HOME! TIRES — TUBES — BATTERIES the politician’s imprecations. They must be directly stormed by the hosts AND AUTO SUPPLIES You'll get the best when you get of courage, morality and wisdom, TITAN. Pioneered for use in West standing shoulder to shoulder, un x :XX>« x : k MXMMXDCD«M ern timberlands, TITAN chain saws afraid of ugly truth, contemptuous of mean lightweight, fast-cutting, pow lies, half truths, circuses and dema erful performance. Fell trees; cut goguery.” cordwood, posts, railway ties; prune; It could have been Woodrow Wilson clear land; square timbers. Ask ut, TITAN speaking, or FDR when he told Amer your reliable, nearby TITAN dealer, ica it had nothing to fear but fear, for a free demonstration. or Churchill exhorting the beaten Bri TWO.MAN IAW (A tons to stand fast, Instead it was a YOUR can who doesn’t want to be president yet who promises to do the best he Martell Ô* Walker L.„ can do with “staggering task you have assignei^me.” Z FREE LYONS, ORE. \ DEMONSTRATION f ' It was a great speech, one that will make some other convention speakers feel like stuttering schoolboys. And, they won't love him for it. Our regret; WWXDQCKDC ktckx x x k K m . m , >< :t x3C»x:x «■« >< x-x xixix rx’xixixnsx :rx:>cxi! is that Rayburn's stubbornness pre vented millions of Americans (who gave up and went to bed) from hear ing it. Regardless of party, every American should have heard it.—From With a Guarantee from Your 611 N. CAPITOL 351 STATE ST Oregon Journal. FOR RENT—One-bedroom duplex in AVON COSMETICS Swift addition. Inquire e. at Enter ’ I See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white at p n er prise office or at W. 1 . 1 eteoS.°.» house south of Beebe Apts, on NW. residence in Swift addition. llon- 31tf 7th Ave. • Box 658, Mill City. SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate buys in Canyon area. Listings TRUCK SEATS REPAIRED AND UPHOLSTERED—one day service. wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, Stayton Upholstery, W. Washing salesman with C. E. COVILLE, ton St.. Stayton. 20tf Broker, west side Mill City. Phone 2207. 62tf PLUMBING SUPPLIES —Pipe fit tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, FOR SALE — ’47 Universal 25-ft. bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain trailer house, very good condition; prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 1951 Chev. 4-d sedan Powerglide, undercoat, radio, heater and sun TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma chines. We sell, rent, repair and visor. Inquire J. Westgaard at swap all makes. Trade your old Martin’s Trailer Court. 28-3p machine towards a new one. ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled Douglas fir poles, delivered to SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- Lyons yard. For further informa tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are tion call or write Allen Gould, 1424 devoted to game conservation and Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, propagation and need your help. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf Only $1.00 per year, you will have that much fun at one meeting. INSULATION—Owens-Coming Fib Enquire at Enterprise office, or see erglass Blowing Wool—finest in Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 sulation known to man. Save over 20 to 40% fuel costs. Phone col lect for estimates. AMERICAN STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil IMPROVEMENT CO., 975 Market or wood. Save at St.. Salem, ph. 2-4687 or 2-8010. 6tf I Red’s Hill Top Trading Post Editorial Comments GARBAGE SERVICE Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co SHROCK'S GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Safety Check Lubrication Best Chain Saw When in SALEM Ì Shop the MIDGET MARKETS 2 2 LOCATIONS Quality Used Cars CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Low Mileage Cars Below Ceiling Salem’s Retail Packing Plant Business Directory - Professional BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBD HEWITT, ESTEP 4 SORENSEN Attorneys at Law 180 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 3-6412 Dan River Prints. Children's Books, I Wool Scarfs, Stamped Pillow Cases, J I Hendricson’s Store} Blankets, Handkerchiefs, Nylons I j BBBBBBnBBBRBBBBHBBnnBBHBnn mmgpnnnn a HStStnnxüCtHHHnHB» H B MÍST0J I). W. REID. MI). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON von city nnuniiBBBHBBBWDBBnwnnBnBBBB mmmexucx-jexurxTX'xixnocg.g « yicxpoog WOOD’S STORE General Dry Good« NOTIONS LINGERIE RrADYTOWKAR HOSIERY 1.4 ZIERS COSMETICS .1. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude lewis’ Service Station Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modem Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON Albany Ford 2-Dr. Plymouth 4-Dr. Chevrolet 4-Dr. Plymouth 4-Dr. Plymouth Club Coupe Dodge 4-1 >i. Buick Sedanette Special Buick Super 4-Dr. Salem Automobile Co TAVERN HOME OF CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH WE TRADE —LOW, LOW INT. RATE Open Saturday Afternoons— Evenings by Appointment GATES Phone 3-4117 Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned ; S ore P iles Don’t let tore, fiery, painful, itcblnf aimpie Piles drive you nearly crazy In 15 minutes CHINAROID starts giving you wonderful cooling, soothing temporary re laxing relief from pain, burning and itch ing or money back guaranteed Genuine CHIWAROID costs only SI 00 at druggists Try it today for better aleep tonight and a brighter tomorrow. MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Aino lirht hauling. Attorney at latw 318 Broadalbin 1942 1946 1947 1939 1941 1936 1941 1940 MIKE'S Septic Service: Garbage. ashes. trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $150 per month HARLOW L WEINRICK RICHARDS Ford Custom Olds 98 Club Studebaker 4-Dr. Chrysler 4-Dr. Chrysler 4-Dr. Plymouth 4-Dr. Pontiac 4-Dr. Pontiac 2-Dr. 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commereiai St. Phone SALEM 3 946«, OOLIJCCT • 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE DR. VICTOR -I. MYERS : Chiropractic Physician ! 1949 1949 1950 1949 1948 1951 1948 1948 A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours Good Transportation I/eon a rd Herman Phone 3S52 Whîtîe’s SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS Wondering Waddies i-Piece Orchestra Orchestra Saturday Nights OPEN: 2:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m CLOSED MONDAYS