The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, July 31, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    Editorial Comments
July 31, 1952
men as Senator* McCarthy of Wi*-
eonsin, Kem of Missouri, Bricker of
Entered a* eecond-claws matter November 10. 1044 at the poet office at
It would be ironic, to «ay the least, Ohio, Cain of Washington, Ecton of
Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March J, 18T0
if General Eisenhower were elected Montana, Martin of Pennsylvania and
and carried a lot of Old Guard and Malone of Nevada, now facing stiff '
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for $1.00.
The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in­
extremist senator, into or back to the fights for survival, might ride back |
| in on Ike’s popularity.
sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display
nation’s capital on his coat-tails.
Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch.
Take some of the “Class of ’46"
And in such a case, they would prob-
senators, most of them fought him ably give him plenty of trouble as |
tooth and nail at Chicago.
It just they are against most of the things
could be that if Eisenhower wins by j he favors.
a sizeable majority—if, we say—such
The U. S. News & World Report
makes another telling point. It re-
calls that Old Guard members of the
senate are tough and determined.
—George Putram.
And they’re going to hold on to or
W HICH 18 THE BEST AND WHICH may get many of the key chairman-
1 ships.
The national political conventions
Taft would head the majority policy
are ovgr: General Dwight D. Eisen­ . committee. He’s still a No, 1 power
Discobolus activity has stolen the publicity spot-light hower received the Republican nomi­ in congress. Capehart would become
from the political arena. Who or what is tossing these nation and Governor Adlai E. Steven­ I chairman of banking and currency.
received the Democratic nomina-' McCarthy, if re-elected, would draw
‘‘flying saucers” is giving us disc-itis. The Air Force says son
tion, to carry their respective banners the chairmanshiy of the committee on
“saucers” ain’t—the public says they are. The Air Force through the national election of 1952. i government operations and he’s al­
is broadminded so it gives the citizens of the United States The electorate should reflect back­ ready a member of a subcommittee
the benefit of the doubt and orders a thorough investiga­ ward and examine the past records that passes on appropriations for the
both the major political parties, state department. He could be almost
tion. In view of the fact that the Air Force has launched of
which will give you pause.
troublesome for Ike as he’s been
a campaign regarding “flying saucers”, the results should The Spanish American war broke- j as
for Truman.
prove interesting. The mere assertion that they do not out in 1898, which lasted close to four Senator Bridges is in line for the
exist has not been enough. If the Air Force determines years, before conquering the rebels in | chairmanship of either armed services
or appropriations in a Republican-con­
that they do exist, what must it do then? It clearly must the Philippine Islands.
This war was followed by a semi­ trolled senate. Millikan, another Old
discover just what “flying saucers” are. The Air Force depression,
which occured during a Guarder, would be slated for the top
now is dealing with a problem that truly is unusual, bombs Republican administration, William spot
on the finance committee. But­
will not solve this one!
McKinley was president.
ler would head interior and insular
Sometime ago we advanced the idea that “flying In 1907 came a drying-up of the affairs. Cain, if returned to the sen­
money flow causing a down-ward ate, might become public works chair­
saucers” were “conscience saucers”, i.e., this peculiar air spiral
of business, terminating in man. Dirksen, Taft stalwart with an-
activity stems from space patrol activity of a higher order which the government issued scrip for i other
four years to go, and Jenner
than is familiar to us. Much has been written about the medium of exchange to break the might be headaches to Ike.
“Other Worlds Watching”. The reason for the close at­ stagnation of business and low econ­ Down-the-line supporters of the
The Republican party was still general, such as Lodge, Duff, Salton-
tention we are getting, allegedly is our research into the omy.
in power, and Theodore Roosevelt was stall and Morse, have no important
mystic realm of the atom. If it is true, as some believe, president.
chairmanships in sight.
that we are on the threshold of a wonderful new era of We made it along thereafter through Thus Eisenhower could have his
the atom, might not it be that friendly fellows from other a slow economy and much unemploy­ troubles with the senate. If he can­
until 1916, when we were sucked not work out a reconciliation deal with
planets are guiding our approach to this new life ever so ment
in World War I which lasted until Taft and his Old Guard supporters,
gently? There comes to mind no report where “flying the
autumn of 1918. The Democratic let alone satisfy the Dixiecrats and the
saucers” have done real damage.
party was in power then, and Wood­ extremists in the Republican party,
Writers and observers are puzzled that both the Re­ row Wilson was president.
he's got troubles—if he becomes pred-
This war was followed by a semi­ dent.
publicans and Democrats chose political “unknowns". depression
lasted until 1923,
Fortunately Eisenhower is noted for
Writers thought Taft had the nomination in the bag. during which which
we suffered much un­ his ability to get along with people,
Others thought Truman would run again. Taft did not employment and low economy.
no matter how diverse their views.
get the nod. Truman pulled an unusual stunt and stepped We got along from then, in a live- Maybe he can repeat, if he makes it
aside for Stevenson. Having no better explanation we able economy until 1928. The Re- to the White House.
publicans were in power then, and
As the U. S. News suggests the Re­
can blame “flying saucers" for all this breaking with Calvin
Coolidge was president.
publican honeymoon period glimpsed
tradition. If indeed this is a correct view of what did In 1929 the stock market crashed at Chicago could be of short duration
happen, what can we expect in the future? Will these throwing our country into a very bail —if and when the scene changes to
elusive objects exercise their will over the November elec­ depression which lasted until 1942. rough and tumble Washington.—From
tions? Assuming they do, how will we know they did? The Republicans were in power the Oregon Journal.
four years of this depression
The plain and simple reason we are writing this piece in first
period, and Herbert Hoover was presi­
this manner is that no one has a good logical basis for dent, and the Democrats were in power The STEVENSON'S
windbags of both parties who
saying what "flying saucers” really are. We think it the last nine years of it, and Franklin made bombastic, hate-filled or party­
perfectly fair that “good" should 1)e imputed to them and D. Roosevelt was president. During hack speeches at the Chicago conven-
thirteen-year depression we suf­
(Continued on Page 7)
that they beckon us to a new way of life—a peaceful way this
fered much unemployment and very
of life. For how can we fight among ourselves when hard times.
congress. The measure will be­
something seemly far superior exercises such a great in­ The Japanese air armada struck our of
come law, taking effect Sept. 1. The
fleet at Pearl Harbor in December increase is to be $5, or 12Vi%, which­
fluence over our lives?
Rather than think of “saucers" as being evil, we 1941, and we were sucked in World ever is the greater. The basis of this
War II. We have been in that war increase is that of NEED. That this
prefer the idea that they bring tidings of peace and happi­ since
the first of 1942, that war is
the spirit and intent of congress
ness for all mankind. The ancients looked skyward for still raging unsettled over in Korea. is is beyond
inspiration. Might not we learn something of this art? The Democrats have been in power However, some weeks ago this
Ideas are more powerful than physical things, the Air since 1932, and at present they are writer heard that in the cases of those
in their 20th year at the top of our elderly citizens whose awards from
Force is now discovering this. The Air Force can do a government,
anil Franklin D. Roose­ social security are small and inade­
wonderful job of selling to the world the idea of peace if velt and Harry
S. Truman have been quate, and who are therefore receiv­
it uses its present world position properly. We hope that our presidents. Our national deficit ing part of their allowance from the
the master-minds in Russia are having "flying saucer” as of July 1, 1952 is 270 billion dollars, county in which they reside, this in­
trouble also. We think this intense siege of discobolus and too much spiraling inflation can crease by congress will be deducted
curtail or destroy our established so- from that part of each pensioner’s
might well be the prophet of peace.
I cial reforms and since both of our allowance that each county allows.
major political parties’ platforms have The writer wrote to Governor McKay
become almost identical.
and to the state public welfare com­
Which is the best and which is the mission, and has been informed that
worst? The fore-going is a review such deduction will be made.
since 1898, to say not a word about
The recipients of any allotment by
every war we entered into prior to the public welfare commission, regard­
that date, including the Civil war. less of what nart of their total sub-
which took the American tax payers , sistence is from social security, will
40 years to pay for.
get no increase. This action will be
If our major political parties can directly contrary to the intent of con­
create a good economy and good times gress. Moreover, all persons who are
based on war, by the same token, w hy receiving only a social security award
can’t they do the same in time of will get the increase. This is a gross
peace? It can be done. Good times inequity if those who are getting a
created by war is false prosperity.
part of their total allowance from a
We hate to feel like we are enjoy- county get nothing by the action of
ing prosperity, established by our the counties in deducting the increase
American brothers being slaughtered from their part of each person's al-
on the firing lines of the battle fronts lowance.
in other parts of the world. Respect­
The governor and the state public
1 fully, DICK Tl'RPIN. Mill City
welfare commission try to defend the
Registered Independent voter. impending action by stating that al-
lowances for pensioners are on the
basis of NEED. That is exactly the
To the Editor:
basis on which congres» almost un-
Legislation to increase social secur­ animously passed this legislation.—
Phone 116
ity benefit» has passed both branches VICTOR H PACQVET. Milwaukie.
Branch Store Lyons
Gooch Logging Supply
"Everything tor the Logger
Elsner Motor Co.
Special Announcement
We have added another pharmacy to
“The Quisenberry Pharmacies, that operate as one”
130 S. Liberty St., Salem
The new pharmacy will be open until 11:00 o’clock
at night on week days and from 12:00 noon until 2:00
P.M. and 6:00 until 9:00 in the evenings on all Sundays
and all holidays.
There we will specialize in prescriptions and stock
will be limited to medicines and sick room supplies.
Your prescriptions will be on file there as well as
at the other locations and will be available, for your
convenience, these longer hours.
The new location is 130 South Liberty Street, and
the phone number is 4-3336. However, if you dial the
Court Street number, 3-9123, and that store is closed,
the call will be relayed.
We are pleased to be able to offer this kind of pre­
scription service and to have it available these longer
Quisenberry Pharmacies
This spark plug is robbing its owner of gasoline-Yes, a
cracked or worn plug, or one that has run more than
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every ten. I he
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exhaust or into the crankcase.
Car Saver Serv ice can protect you against this kind of
loss by frequent periodic inspection and replacement of
worn plugs It is just part of the service designed to re­
duce wear of vital parts and improve gasoline mileage
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