The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, July 31, 1952, Image 1

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    > Y
Local softball enthusiasts are work­
ing hard and long to get the local
ball field in A-l shape for the.state
meeting of softballers on August 16.
$2.50 a Year. ]()(•» Copy
Chairman Kelly has been directing the
building of dugouts and additional
seats on the side-lines and a general
clean-up is now in progress on the
field. High school boys are urged to
come out Sunday morning armed with
rakes for a thorough clean-up of rocks
on the field. Others are urged to come
with a hammer and saw prepared to
help on the stands, or any other work
At the Chamber of Commerce meet­
ing Tuesday noon the members turned
out in good numbers in response to a
call by Secretary Bob Veness and
President Bob Hill Jr.
They were
Through the services and contribu­
enthused with the prospects of taking
tions of an energetic band of men and
hold of the job of entertaining guests
basic plan for readying Allen field for
at the softball meeting. Committees
the coming tourney has produced
headed by Wm. Hutcheson were named
startling result^ in the first full week’s
to watch out for our guests and see
that they are well cared for. Head­
Silverton One of the colorful sights
Fence Being Erected
quarters will be set up at the Fire hall
of this year’s Western Horse show
In addition to the new dugouts,
for the purpose of handling the prob­
at Silverton, Aug. 1, will be the pres­
lems of the visitors and their needs.
ence of mounted posse groups, reports bleachers, water fountains and other
proposed improvement, a 6-foot port­
Finding rooms for those who wish
Elmer Lorence, chairman.
able form fence is under construc­
to stay over night during the tourna­
The Tillamook sheriff’s posse has
tion. It will embrace the entire out­
ment is one problem and anyone hav­
sent word that it will make the trek
field at a distance approximately 250
ing a room available can get in touch
to Silverton from the coast country
Photos show two views within the new Detroit dam. At left two huge hydraulic cylinders stand astride
feet from home plate, and should af­
with Dave Reid and he will register
with its own chuck wagon. Members
horizontal passageway, Either may be used to open or close the regulating valves controlling the flow of water
ford tourney fans with many thrills.
what you have and direct the softball
passed through the dam. At right is shown stairway that runs from the top to bottom of the dam, extends as
Advertising space will be available,
visitor to your place.
pitch tent at McGinnis field, Silverton,
a passageway across the Itottom. and then returns to the top on the opposite side, Later an elevator will be
and it has been requested that those
* * *
installed for the convenience of visitors and workmen.
that evening for an overnight stay.
(Photos courtesy Capital Journal and Robert Veness)
who are interested should contact Bill
We discovered this week that we
The posse will lead the Western Stewart, tournament advertising di­
were in error when we said last week
Horse show parade, a special event rector.
that D. B. Hill put up the $1500 check 1
scheduled for downtown Silverton Sat­
Charged with showing Mill City’s
for the softball tournament guarantee.
urday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The good will towards softball players and
He gave a certified check all right,'
show starts at 8 p.m.
fans are the members of the enter­
but only after some seven others had
Another sheriff's posse is that from tainment committee: Wm. Hutcheson,
signed a note guaranteeing the sum.
Last rites for Harry Earl Smith I
Corvallis— More than $66,000 has
.Mill City Garden club will hold a Clark county, Washington, known for I Wm. Stewart, Robert Veness, Charles
I’m sorry that I didn’t give credit been given to the Shriners’ hospital of Mehama were held at 10 a.m. Mon­
late summer flower show in the Pres­ its skilled, aggressive riding person­ Kelly, Bob Hill, ami George Veteto.
where credit was due.
for Crippled Children in Portland from day at the Weddle mortuary in Stay­ byterian Recreation hall Tuesday, nel. This group will lead the grand
* * *
Urge Early Ticket Sales
donations received during the past six ton. The Rev. Noble Streeter of the August 12, 1952.
entry into the arena.
Paul Smith, our fatnous walking annual Mary's Peak Trek-, according Mill City Presbyterian church offi-
Bill Tickle, co-assistant tourney
All amateurs may exhibit in this
The special downtown parade this
[ Hated.
man is getting some real publicity to Percy Locey, Trek manager.
uiges that the public pur­
year will see many relics of the past,
these days. Today’s L. H. Gregory’s
chase their season tickets now. There
To further support the many serv­
Smith died Friday at a Salem hos-
No exhibitor may have more than the committee hopes, in buggies, hacks,
Gossip column in the Oregonian de­ ices at the nationally-kr.own children's I pital.
will be just 509 of these sold and will
one entry in any class, except that styreys (with fringes on the top) to entitle only the holders to the reserve
votes most of the column to Paul’s hospital, four Oregon counties will
Surviving are the widow, Fonta-
remarkable story. Paul is currently untie again this year in sponsoring the i della; a daughter, Mrs. Howard Ross, he may have one entry in each sub- add extra atmosphere of the old west seat sections. Ticket sales have been
to the proceedings.
division of divided classes.
trying to get competitors for a walk­ seventh annual Trek.
good, but the entire 500 must be sold
Mehama; a brother, Ralph Smith of
Named varieties will be given pref­
Norman Eastman will be the com­ 1 to assure the association of financial
ing race from Salem to Portland and
On Sunday, August 3, the road to Omaha, Nebr., and a sister, Mrs. Mil­
erence in close decisions.
mentator at the stand at Main and ( success. Tickets are available at Mom
back to Salem again—100 miles. To Mary's Peak will be opened for “lend­ dred Swafford in Iowa.
Containers will be furnished in hor­ Water streets during the parade.
date he has received one challenge ing a helping hand” by Polk, Linn,
Pop’s Cafe, Mil) City Tavern, Me-
ticulture classes.
from a man in Portland, who is the Benton and Lincoln county Shrinei
! under Inn, Stewart's Grocery and the
Exhibits must be in the hall by 11
son of one of the racers of former groups. ,
Gates Furniture Store.
to compete for prizes and re-
Barbecued beef, bread, and coffee
t enitentiary Team Invited
moved between 8 and 9 p.m.
Paul’s manager, M. J. Brown of will be served at fifty cents a person.
Russell Kelly, softball tourney
club will not be responsible for any '
Portland, called up Paul one day this This picnic-style lunch will begin at
The Oregon Farmers Union will property left at the hall, though due I
I chairman, has extended an unofficial
week and wished to see Paul in Port- 12 noon.
hold its annual picnic at Champoeg care will be taken to preserve it.
invitation to the strong penitentiary
land. So Paul says. “I'll walk up to
Festivities at the top of the high­ State nark Sunday, August 3.
“Six out of every ten persons in
Ar- J
to participate in the final night
see you next Monday morning, I’ve est neak in the northern part of the
Linn county live in areas with NO tournament play to vie with the 1952
rangen.ents are being made by Rich­ tainer.
been wanting to get a little exercise Coast range will begin at 12:30 p.m.
library service — and this at a time champion in an exhibition contest.
ard .Moeller of Cornelius, president
Only the judges, flower show chair­
anyway and try out the road from DST.
Music, stage show, air show of the Oregon Farmers Union.
when it is so important to have facts Favorable comment by local organiza­
man and clerks will be permitted on
Salem to Portland!”
and prizes will be featured at the free-
The public is invited. There will the floor while judging is in progress. available on every kinci of a subject,” tions assures an official invitation to
Anyone wishing to witness the admission program.
be a picnic lunch at noon, program Decision of judges is final and they declared a group of rural women who Warden O’Malley to make this un­
shake-down walk may line up in front
Turnoff road to the peak is 16 mile.- starting at 1:30 p.m.
have been studying Linn county li­ precedented concession.
may reserve the right to withhold
of the capital steps in Salem at mid­ west of Corvallis on the Philomath-
brary facilities.
night Sunday. Paul expects to walk Waldport highway. Donation receipts
It was found that the six libraries
of a ribbon.
up to the old Heathman hotel in Port- will be available on Trek day on the
in towns outside of Albany as well a*
land Monday morning about 9 a.m. peak road. Locey said.
the rural school libraries are limited,
where he will have coffee with his throughout the ana have contributed
ust lic from 2 to 8 p.m.
leaving only the city of Albany with
manager, who will he waiting with many expensive merchandise prizes.
adequate facilities. Information ha*
a welcoming committee at the coffee
been assembled on what books and
Kelly’s Boysen Paint softballers,
literature rural people read, how
• • •
contenders for this year’s state title,
A SON To Mr. and Mrs. Chester
will be hoit to two of the northwest
Work is fast reaching the half-way
G. Tinney. Mill City, July 28, at Salem gon counties in library facilities, serv­ ranking dubs Clear Fir Lumber and
point on the Santiam Memorial hos­
Mill Citj State Softball tourney
ices of the state library, needs in rural Coppings Big Buck- playing a dou-
General hospital.
pital building, according to informa­ officials ask every able-bodied in­
schools, and suggestions on how li­ bleheader with the Lumbermen Satur-
tion from M. I.. Martin, contractor. dividual interested in a successful
A DAUGHTER- To Mr, and Mrs.
brary services are extended to rural day night and a twin bill with Cop-
The exterior brick work will be all tournament for their help.
H tv . M'-.-<«l<'r. I.yoii..
24, at
pings Sunday afternoon.
finished and the building will be 90 school boys bring your rakes and
Salem Memorial hospital.
The Big Bucks were last years’ state
In a series of write-ups during Aug­
percent framed, Plumbing, heating, the men are invited to bring ham­
and regional champions, ranked fifth
ventillating and electrical work is all mer and saws to Allen field, this
papers in the county, which are giving < 1 in the national nlay-offs. They are
roughed in.
the present leaders of the strong
Sunday morning at 8 a.m.
whole-hearted co-operation in this
* * «
Eugene league hut closely followed by
This is all donated labor. Those
Lee Ross has presented his resigna-
the Clear Fir Lumber nine.
who take part in this project must
brought before the public.
tion to the city council as city clerk
teams will feature many University
be volunteers. The softball tourna­
effective August 1, according to in­
The work of this group comes in of Oregon star athlete*.
ment starts August 16 on Allen
formation received this week.
response to a recurrent interest in
field. Much work must yet be done,
Ross has taken over full ownership
better library service and was taken
according to local officials.
up by the l.inn County Farm Home
of the Red & White store and feels
and Rural Life committee at its March
his time is too limited to devote to
meeting. The subcommittee of this
city affairs in the future.
• • •
group which has been studying the
Washington, D.C. - Up to July 9,
matter since that time with the help the 62 steel companies involved in the
General of the Army Douglas Mac-
American legion Auxiliary 3d Mon
of Eleanor Davis, city librarian of current stoppage had spent about $50,-
Arthur isn't interesteel in holding down
Lions club meeting
Albany, is made up of Mrs. Floyd 000,000 in newspaper ads and direct
our costs of government.
He still
A.F. A AM. No. ISO stated meet­
Edwards and Mr*. Glenn Ohling, R. mail in a "saturation barrage” cam­
holds his $19,548 a year job with
ing third Monday.
FD, Albany, Mrs. Jess Peterson. RED, paign to confuse the American people,
THREE army aides all paid by the
O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month.
Ia*banon, and Mr*. Roy Hedlund, RFD, and estimate in an article in Forbes,
U. S. government. Now that he is in TUESDAY—
the gravy on his reported $100,000-a-
a magazine of business, declared.
Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Tues
year job, isn’t it about time he resigns
The American people will pay for
129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues
from the public payroll? Of course,
Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday
that barrage themselves, since the
we all realize that this $100,000 job
Riders of the Santiam, 1st Tuesday
companies can charge it off their in-
is just a pay-off for services rendered WEDNESDAY—
come tax as “a cost of doing busi­
in the past few months as a Repub­
Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation
lican hatchet-man and speech-maker
City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m.
Eleven spotter! cucumber beetles are
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m.
by the anti-union labor-hating Rem­
now invading vegetable gardens in
at Mill City fire hall
ington-Rand company.
What Mac-
large number* as field crop* are har­
Santiam Rebekah l«» lst and 3rd
Arthur does is okay, but don’t YOU
vested and non-irrigated vegetation
do it, or McCarthy will investigate.
dries up, says O. E. Mikesell, county
Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p m.
extension agent.
Even the Civil Aeronautics people
PTA. second Wednesday 8 p.m.
are getting into the act of putting
trol are DDT, methoxychlor, rotenon», objects into the air. Thia week thia
Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d
'» • =
cryolite, and pyrethrum. DDT is not organization so handled a captive bal-
» »
and 4th Thursdays.
recommended for cucumber*, squash, loon that it* tether got fouled wtih
Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m.
mushmellon. and pumpkin, nor where Mountain State« power lines between
American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs.
edible parts of vegetable* are exposed Stayton and Scio, according to R. B.
Garden club fourth Thursday
and ready for harvest. Cryolite al»o McClain local company official.
Firemen Auxiliary meet« 3d Thurs
The shorted power line caused the
Toastmistress Club, 2d & 4th, 7 p m.
has a residue problem.
The other
— Mr*. Mike Fink tleft) »nd her sister-in-law Mr*. John
dust materials have no residue prob­ dousing of light* inathe Mill City area
miD ay —
Jungwirth, back up to the Hymalian lilies at the Fink home to
for about 25 minutes. McClain re­
LO O F meeting
• how how really tall a lily of th:* variety can get. These measure
Mill City TWA meeting last Friday
Mikesell «ays that thorough cover­ ported that the Civil Aeronautics
•ver 12 (ret which micht indicate that the Santiam Canyon climate
i* quite
ght thinr
thing for the Hemal*'".
ite 'the
the r’rht
age and regular dusting every 10 day* authorities’ using of their captive bal­
Farmers Union roeetirg at Mehama
loon* caused the outage.
is necessary for good control.
Woman's club, 2nd
(Photo Courtesy The (
Allen Field Development
Progressing in High Gear
In preparation for Mill City’s first major sporting event,
the State Softball tourney, which opens here August 16.
rapid developments assure Mill City residents that they
will be host to the finest softball tourney ever sponsored
in this state.
Silverton Horse
Show Saturday
Mary’s Peak Trek
Sunday, Aug. 3
Harry Earl Smith, of Mill City Garden Club
Mehama, Dies Friday Plans Flower Show
Farmers Union Picnic
Sunday at Champoeg
Eugene Teams Play
Here Sat, Sunday
Just Arrived
Rural Women Siuuy
Library Facilities
Saturation Barrage' Ads
Cost Big Steel $50 Million
Coming Events
Cucumber Beetles Invade
Vegetable Gargens
Civil Aeronautics Balloon
Causes Power Outage Here