Ill í KLLHfRRY H!\N 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE 11.50 per month and up Also serving Gates. Lyons, Idanha and Detroit MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 3952 .EONARD HERMAN IT’S AMAZING! A sia contains PRACTCALLy^** OF "THE. / WORLDS POPULATION ' \O1CE THAN y3 OF P> SECOND TO T^PiVEL 87 'TELEPHONE GROUND THE" W orld » Ccst is low and produc ían h gh when you feed ycur hens Albe's EGG MAKER. {J h P ino ent G reece at a fast rate A. SUITOR WOULD ' CARVE HlS SWEET HEART’S NAME ON THE SOLES OF HIS SHOES, IN ORDER T hat * IVHEREVER HE TROD, HE MIGHT LEFWE R WITNESS OF HIS pEJCVOU 75 HER ! H E gg maklh MASH Santiam farmers lo~op “Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo brings amazing relief!" MYRON’S Sewing Machines Pfaff, Sew~Gem, Viking, Regent New and Used Sewing Machines I I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I Pains, distress of “those days" stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 cates in doctors’ tests! pesponsible • msciitm«,;., Modern Kelly Lumber Sales QUESTTON' I arn planning to construct _ a masonry fireplace in my new home and would like to know whe’her the firebrick must be laid in cement mortar or in fire clay. If fire clay, what is the proper way of mixing it? D.K., Uniondale. L I., N Y. ANSWER When firebrick are laid in mortar, cracks usually develop tn a short while. Fire clay is better, more endurinq Mix the dry, powdered clav with water to the consistency of putty, or mortar-an easily workable mix ture. Do not build a fire before 48 hours have elapsed. QUESTION: I am unable to get paint to adhere satisfactorily to the house tn which I* live. I use the best quality paints, yet now it is beginning to peel again I have been ad vised to use shellac by one person-an under coat of aluminum paint by another person. Can you offer a solution to my problem? -ALM., Roanoke, Va. ANSWER The advice vou received is sound tn both cases Shellac and aluminum paint are are excellent wood sealers and should cure the paint peeling problem. Be sure to remove all old and defective paint before application of either of these undercoats. X K M « ll NEW RETAIL LOCATION: East City Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MILL CITY Í“~ THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 8AIJCM 141 N. < iimmerclal St. Phone S 4M4 Ila* Everything for Yonr OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies QUESTION Can you tell ma how to refinish a mirror that has spots showing through from the back which mar the clear vision? There ‘must be some solution for this purpose. -A.W.. Reedsburg, Wisconsin ANSWER: The only real cure is reailvermg your mirror. This is a professional job requir ing special equipment, including a tank large enough to contain th» mirror, plus knowledge of proper chemical mivturea Oxidation of the silvering coat causes the black spots You can acrape the loose material awav at these points, cover the area with aluminum foil held down with clear shellac, but the patchwork will show Thu column is prepared by the edi tor« of THE FAMILY HANDYMAN MAGAZINE as e serve» to home owner«. If you have any questions or problems relating to your own bom», please address a lett*rf stating vour problem to THE FAMILY HANDY MAN. 211 East 37th Street, New York, New York Attention of News Syndicate Editor If the question has widespread appeal m the opinion of the editors, it wul he printed with the answer tn this column at a later date However, we cannot enter into detailed correspondence with everyone THE FAMILY HANDYMAN is available at newsstands and hardware stores everywhere Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN — responsible to you, and to your physician. Io all seriousness Now Lydia Finkham'« work« It has a ••calmi’if ‘ and toothiwf effect on the uterus . . Quirttn? the contractions i are the chart • that so often cause menstrual pain, cramps, other distress this we accept responsibility for safeguarding your health and w elfare. hen you bring a prescription here the nervousness and tension, weakness. Irritability — and pain so often associated with "those days "I Remember Lydia Pinkham's, too — if you re suffering the hot flashes" and other func tionally-caused distress of "change of life." Get Lydia Pinkham's Com pound or netr. improved Tab lets with added Iron i trial size only 59<*. Sturt taking Lydia Pinkham s today! m espertly compounded and (he price will be fair. Capitol Drug Salem hisuio _ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X :■ x x x x x x x.x x x X •: x :■ ■: :: x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x xx'x;x x Pharmacy is responsible Action Ye«! Lydia Pinkham's has been proved to be scientifically modern In action! This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief It can bring And it should encourage you <if you're not taking Lydia Ptnkham s) to see If your ex perience doesn't match theirs .. to see If you, too, don't avoid AT • Yr», ihii Prescription it will be promptly and SciuMifUolly V/ hen T he PbcxET- knife was used To mend Q uill PF n P oih TS l All Building Suppig Needs GATES daughter Carole, all of Salem, motored to Seattle, Tacoma, and Mt. Rainier over last week-end. Recent guests at the home of Mr. At the Tex Allen home over Sunday and Mrs. Elmer Stewart were her were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lenley of i<y« Mr. M. W., Lot Angelas, Calif. brother, Hugh Fancher, and George Portland. Speed amazing relief from miseries of Harold, of Seattle. Fancher and Har simple piles, with soothing Pazo»! Acts Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier to relitve pain, itching inslanlly —soothes old are engaged in reseeding at the had as their guests over the weekend, inflamed trsues—lubricates dry. hard Tillamook burn. Sunday dinner guests their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ened parts—helps prevent cracking, sore ness—reduce swelling. You gi t real com at the Stewart home were Miss Dor Mrs. Charles Stutzman and two son.« forting help. Don't suffer needless torture othy McCullah anil Loren Swanson of of Portland. from simple piles. Cel Pazo for fast, won derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. Eugene. Mrs. Joe Joaquin entertained a num Suppository form — also tubes with per Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hudson, accom forated pile pipe for easy application. ber of friends informally at her home » Pinlmrnt anj ituppoMtorir, panied by their son and family and last week. The hostess served re freshments at the close of the evenit g to Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Bob Bon ite, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier, Mrs. Clare Henness, Mrs. Dan Morrison, Mrs. Glen Hearing. Mrs. Bob Oliver, Mrs. Kenneth Mai tig, Mrs. W. S. Hudson, Mrs. Albert Mill sap, Mrs. Velma Carey, and Mrs. Irene Authorized Dealer for Nettleton of Salem. Mrs. Glen Hearing and two children have returned from a visit to Pasco. Wash., at the home of her parents. and others Mrs. Charles Smith, formerly of I Gates, now making her home in San EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE I Fiancisco, and her aunt, Mrs. Anna I Andrews of that city, were Gates vis on all Home and Industrial Machines itors for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and son Lee visited Mr. Bailey's aged mother in Eugene Sunday. Lee had SALEM Phone 3-5773 I just 153 S. Liberty returned from a vacation spent maD»aannnnnnnnannnnna)a)aiaHn«ann»»ci»n«rooBninna»ctnnannnE in Vancouver, Wash., spent at the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Funk. Mrs. Janies Overlock and daughter, of Seattle, who had spent the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis, left the first of the week for the beach, where they will join the Overlock family. • Here's wonderful news for women and girls who - each month — suffer the tortures of "bad days" of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain — headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering ' Here is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound — gave complete or ttriking relief of such distress in an average #f i out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! USED MEAN ‘ftKKET-KMFE’ IS Pi REMINDER OF THF DSYS XX X.» X X XX XX X X XX X XX X X XX X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXX X XJffl: X Xi! Lucky von—von slammed through traffic and escaped the consequences St ay ton, Oregon T he term "P fmkmiff .... stiu E WEINHARD FOR