The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, July 24, 1952, Image 1

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    Canyon J a
This week we witnessed another co­
operative effort when the businessmen
and the softball enthusiasts met at the
Fire hall and got behind the local soft-
ball organization to sponsor the State
Softball Tournament to be played here
in August. It was a piece of decisive
action and everyone put their shoulder
to the idea and it was taken on as a
good community enterprise to help sell
this community to our visitors when
they come to spend a few days tQ enjoy
the games.
Vo). VIII—No. 30
$2.50 a Year. ]()t< a Copy
State Softball Tournament
Scheduled Here Aug. 16
Mill Citv at the eleventh hour lured the Oregon State
Softball tournament for 1952 into its open arms. Mill
City’s nearest rival, Corvallis failed in the last moments.
Russell Kelly, enterprising Mill City industrialist and
sports enthusiast, learned that Corvallis was having dif­
ficulty putting up the $1,500 guarantee required by the
state softball commission.
Kelly put up an argument in
Annual Shrine Trek behalf of Mill City’s new
softball field. The softball
Mary's Peak Aug. 3 authorities were impressed
The 7th annual Shrine and agreed to a visit to Mill
Trek to Mary's Peak has been sched­ City and an inspection of the
uled for Sunday, August 3, all for
new lighted field.
aiding the crippled children confined
It all depends on how well we treat
our guests when they come to visit us
whether they come back again at
another time. We will need to furnish
adequate housing facilities and enter­
tainment for their spare time, they
will want to see the surrounding
country, the dams, perhaps a little
fishing in the mornings. This job will
be taken care of we are sure, but be
ready to lend a hand when you are
called upon for assistance and we must
not fail to please our guests and make
them want to come back another time.
Councilman Lee Knowles has been
working hard this week getting the
property owners out to a public meet­
ing at the Legion hall to discuss pav­
ing 2nd, 3rd, and 4th streets from
Evergreen to Broadway. At a meet­
ing this evening the property owners
voted to pave a 20-foot wide street
with a 2-in. mat at an approximate
cost of $5,000, or, so that you may
know what it might cost for your
neighborhood, approximately $2.50 per
foot 20 feet wide.
Knowles has also succeeded in get- I
ting Fairview street oiled out to the
mill, which solves the dust problem
for those residents living along >that
The Vancouver Plywood, Lee
Logging and the city divided the cost
on this street which has been such a
headache to everyone.
♦ ♦ »
The Boy Scouts are enjoying a week
of camp this week and we are all
grateful to Charles Kelly, as scout­
master, for his interest in this worthy
civic duty. Not all of us are quali­
fied to do the job and I have no doubt
that Charles feels his inadequacy to
fill tY’-
but when yon ask your
boy what he thinks of Charley then
you will know that Charley is doing
an excellent job. We should all re­
member to thank him for his efforts
to carry out scouting for the boys
of our community.
» * »
We note the IOOF building has just
been given a new coat of paint and
(Continued on Page 8)
Kenneth Kerr, Oregon City, stat«
to the Shriners’ hospital in Portland.
softball director; Ralph Guynes, Ore­
According to Percy Locey, Trek gon City, State Softball association
manager, more than 10,000 peonle will president, and Jim Dimit, Salem area
attend the benefit outing in the huge softball commissioner, liked what they
meadow.- and shaded picnic spots atop I saw. D. B. Hill, Mil) City banker,
one of Oregon’s majestic viewpoints. plunked a $1,500 check into the laps
The neak is located just 17 miles west of the visiting softball officialdom as
of Corvallis on the Philomath-Wald­ Mill City’s guarantee to the State
New Bridge on New North Santiam highway built with concrete arch type across the Little North Fork of the
port highway.
Softball association. All this so over­
Santiam near Mehama, is due for completion this fall as another link in the new North Santiam road between
A receipt will be mailed for each $1 whelmed the officials that they cau­
Salem and Mill City. Arch span of this 387 foot, two-lane state highway bridge will be 207 feet.
donation sent to Trek headquarter* cused via telephone with other offi­
(Photo courtesy the Capital Journal)
in Corvallis. Donation tieketsare also cials throughout the state and voted
available from every Shriner, and in to accept Mill City’s invitation to the
hundreds of restaurants and stores state softball tournament for 1952. A
throughout the Willamette valley and large representation of Mill City'»
On the peak road on businessmen and civic leaders joined
All Little Leaguers are urged to coast areas.
come out Saturday afternoon and Trek day, receipts will be exchanged Kelly and Hill Sunday morning in urg­
work on the grounds picking up for donations by Shriner salesman, ing softball officials they should bring
their tournament to Mill City.
Directors of Camp Pioneer, Boy out through the week for policing stones to clean up the field for the Locey reminded.
Monday, Mill City’s leaders again
Scout camp situated high in the Cas­ campgrounds, and an auction awards state tournament.
Monte Blue, Hollywood radio anil
cades on Pine Lake, report that en­ treats to the holders of the most waste
Workers will be rewarded with a screen star, will be master of cere­ went into conference on the important
rollment may reach 500 before the paper.
More than matter of the coming State Softball
This program is completely free pass to the opening day's game monies at the benefit.
close of the season August 2.
successful in maintaining a clean of the tournament, according to Jim J $66,000 has been turned over to the Tournament. Russel) Kelly was named
' hospital the past six years from Trek I chairman of the tournament commit­
Hale, playground director.
When the third of four weekly ses- campground.
I profits, helping little folks to walk I tee; Wm. R. Hutcheson, chairman of
sions got underway Sunday the eight
Tents are provided around the lake
the citizens’ committee and William
lake side camp sites were teaming shore for the various camp groups,
Events at the main outdoor amphi­ Tickle, chairman of the teams’ com­
with activity by evening as a new with cots and mattresses for each
theater at the peak will begin at 12 mittee.
group of scbuts gathered for six days scout who supplied his own bed roll.
After Mill City was
noon (DST) with barbecued beef
of camp activities. Another and final
Dining facilities are to be improved
bread, and coffee served for a small Softball officials mapped out a ached-
group will enroll next Sunday to com- within the next few weeks when a
charge. Families are urged to bring ule for the eight top softball team»
plete this season's camp schedule for new kitchen and new roof for the din­
James Storey, 28, of Mill City lost
scouts of the three counties which ing hall are to be constructed. The his life Tuesday in a logging accident the remaining food to round-out a that will compete here for the state's
top softball honors.
The schedule
comprise the Cascade Area Scout kitchen is equipped with propane gas in the Blowout Creek area near picnic feed.
Featured free entertainment will in­ starts Saturday afternoon. August 16
Council, Marion, Polk, and Linn.
for cooking and modern refrigeration Idanha.
clude the Shriner band, air show,1 and continues through Wednesday
Enrolled from Mill City under the to protect food supplies. A gasoline
Storey was killed when a tree was
night and the championship game or
guidance and care of Charles Kelly, poweied generator supplies lighting felled and in its fall crushed his skull music, stage show, and loads of im­
games. Four games are slated for
scoutmaster, were: Loren Dart, Bill
causing almost instant death. James
Direction of Camp Pioneer is under Poole Sr. and Henry Heibert had four sponsoring Shrine counties—Ben­ each of the first two days, two Satur­
Haun, Jerry Foster, Maurie Basset,
— have day afternoon; two Saturday night;
David Jones, Marc Boothby, Arthur professional scout personnel including yelled out a warning that the tree they ton, Linn. Polk and Lincoln
for the two Sunday afternoon; two Sunday
Cox, Ray Steiner, Gaydon Bolding. Jim Kerns of Salem, camp director, were working on was about to fall. donated impressive prizes
i night; three games Monday night;
Lahny Podrabsky, Larry Laige Don
They even called out Storey's name,
two games Tuesday night and then th*
Lempke, Richard Ziebert,, M chael and Clark Lethin of Albany, explorer but received no response. When in-1
Since final game or games Wednesday night.
Lents, Tommie Fend, Terry Muir,
vestigating the fallen tree, the pair I
Those Mill City men charged with
scout executive for the Cascade Area discovered Storey’s body under the then, hundreds of youngsters under
Michael and Gregory Peterson.
Repoits of unscrupulous, transient
folrteen years of age, whose parents the responsibilities of the coming state
top portion.
Arlo Tuers, Sunday afternoon drove
septic tank cleaners operating in the
are unable to provide adequate med­ softball tournament here issue call»
in Salem.
Storey was working for the Savage
county have recently come to the a load of Mill City scouts to Camp
ical attention, are admitted each year. for co-operation among townspeople
Logging company, of which Heibert
in every way so that the matter can
office of J. W. Guepe, M.D., county Pioneer in a logging crummy. Don
is a partner. He had just started
be handled smoothly. These men are
health officer. These operators solicit Peterson also took up a load in his
work the previous day as a bucker.
proud that Mill City can demonstrate
business by claiming that a septic car. Lee Ross transported the boys
Storey is survived by his widow, Kath­
its hospitality in an effective manner
tank is badly in need of cleaning. Their camping equipment in his delivery
leen, and three small children of Mill
via the coming big softball conclave.
original estimate for the job is low truck.
City. Storey was the son-in-law of
Surrounding a scenic mountain lake
Kelly’s Boysen Paint softball team
but when the work is done they de-
Detroit—Clara Young, experienced
A. T. Barnhardt, Gates contractor, Poole.
will represent Mill City in the state
mand a much higher fee.
reached out further in the construc­
The Funeral will be Friday after­
tourney as host team.
Septic tanks need to be cleaned out types of primitive outdoor recreation,
tion field by purchase of the Jung­ noon at 2 o’clock at the Weddle fun­ ' added a new one to the long list of
only when the collection of scum and
Advance Ticket Sales Start
wirth Sand and Gravel company hold­ eral home, and burial will be in Lone
sediment make up a third or more of ing, as well as a carefully worked out
Tournament tickets are on sale at
I heard, witnessed and reported from
the depth of the tank. This can be training program in fish, game and
her lofty viewpoint another accident the following places in Mill City: Milt
determined with a stick. Under ordi­ wild life conservation and fundamen­
on the dangerous detour curve at the City Tavern, Mom & Pop’s Cafe, and
Barnhardt, a short time ago, pur­
nary conditions a 500-gallon tank serv­ tals of forestry.
CCC camp between Idanha and De- Meander Inn, and at the Gates Furni­
chased the redi-mix company that has
Scouts who are eligible join the ex­
ing a family of five can be used for
ture Store at the bargain price of
I troit.
long operated and served the canyon.
several years before cleaning is nec­ plorer trail group which leaves camp
each. Tickets will admit holder
By his purchase of the Jungwirth en­
essary. There is no need to add yeast , Monday for five days of hiking and
two months, last week ticked off two to all seven sessions or a total of 16
terprise Barnhardt has put himself in
The American Legion Auxiliary of
or other compounds to start action camping at high mountain lakes where
a position so that he can serve the Mill City convened Monday, July 21 more occasions of cars turning over games. The holder will be entitled
primitive camp conditions prevail.
in the tank.
when drivers failed to negotiate the to a seat in the reserved seat section
sand and gravel needs of this area as at the Legion hall.
Kay CYilburn,
Local septic tank cleaners are reg-1 The younger boys take part each
curve on the down grade.
of the stands.
well as perform contract and concrete Mary Toman and Thelma Jenkins were
istered with the County Health de-1 week in an over-night hike of six
The call is out for volunteer work­
Involved in Sunday's crash ware
work efficiently.
the hostesses.
partment and have been issued a per-1 miles to Marion lake, each transport­
next Sunday morning at 8 o'clock
Jungwirth's sand and gravel busi­
Miss JoAnn Johnson gave an inter­
mit. Residents who are solicited for ing his own bed roll and food.
ness located west of Mil) City on the esting and inspiring report on Girls’ and Bud Michael, both of Salem, No to clean up the ground and to start
Campfire ceremonies are held three
this service can check the identity of
Marion county side of the North San­ State. Auxiliary members were very injuries were reported and the car building new bleachers, according to
the cleaner by asking to see his permit nights each week in the natural amphi­
Russ Kellv, committee chairman.
tiam river has a well-established rep­ proud of JoAnn and the splendid show­ was not seriously damaged.
Friday night climaxes the
or by contacting the County Health theater.
utation in the canyon.
Barnhardt ing she made at Willamette.
unique treasure hunt system carried
feels that thia sand and gravel busi­ Girls’ State program, sponsored each
ness will equipment him for fully serv­ year by the American Legion Auxil­
ing this area’s building needs.
iary, is new to the Mill City unit. ‘‘I
am sure, after hearing this thrilling
talk that all realize that it is money
well invested in our comnig American
citizens; and we were sorry that all
Mill City couldn’t have heard this
report,’’ Ina < hase, Auxiliary scribe,
Mr. and Mrs. “Tex’* Blazek and noted.
daughter Carol, Nola Duval, and Mr.
The Au xiliary is in need of an old
and Mrs. Ted Dorothy from Dayton, sewing machine and would appreciate
Wyo., spent a few day*
days at Long Beach, it very much if someone would donate
Wash., , t this week and got in on some a sewing machine. Men in the Vet­
good cla m tides. This is the Dorothy» eran'» hospital need ditty bags and
first ex perience and they developed many other things to make their stay
some so re muscle*.
at the hospital a little more pleasant.
"Tex" came up with the prize of
A sewing machine would speed up
the day while surf fi»hin< when he this wonderful service the women of
’ hooked ” a whale! He brought home the Auxiliary give to American Legion
the tail in
rdence and says he took hospital program.
pictures of the six-foot mammal to
Anyone having rummage, please
A. M. Minden, well known valley breeder of Palamino hor «, shown
prove his story.
contact T<ar!y Muir at Muir’s bakery
here with his nri»e horse "Showboywill be grand marshall of the San­
Nola Duvall found she had difficulty or call Ruth Stovall. Rummage will
tiam Bean F fm I k al
Parade to be held in Stay ton, Saturday, Aug. 2
Boy Scout« standing on dock at < amp Pioneer in < a«cades. while
The 13th annual Be»n Festival is a four-day affair—July 30 through
getting out of the car on her arrival be picked up or may be left at the
Scoutmaster give« lesson in proper »ay to handle a row boat.
August 2.
(Photo courtesy Capita! Journal!
home, due to many sore muscles.
Boy Scouts Enjoying Week-Long Outing
At Camp Pioneer Mountain Retreat
James Storey Killed
In Logging Accident
Linn Health Officer
Issues Gip’ Warning
Bornhardt Purchases
Sand and Gravel Pit
Auto Accident Reported
From Lofty Perch
Legion Auxiliary Hears
Girls’ State Report
Tex Blazek Catches
Whale While Fishing