liberal Republicans Old Guard’ Captives THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE l'UCKLEBERRY FINN July 17, 1952 “The few liberal Republicans such | as Senator Morse have become cap­ tive of the old guard by their cham-' pioning of General Eisenhower,” in' the opinion of A. F. Hartung, presi­ dent of the International Woodwork- , ers of America, CIO-CCL (Canadian Congress of I-abor) with headquarters in Portland, Ore. “Though the defeat of Taft was generally looked upon as a defeat of the Hoover-MacArthur wing of that party, the party’s new platform and choice of vice presidential candidate shows the very opposite to be true,” «aid Hartung, highest elective official of the 140.000-member Woodworkers and son from Jefferson and Mrs. Ray Colgan and Miss Myrtle Cloyd, both of Salem. A CHILD Mi . and Mrs. Warren Varcoe spent union. Mr. and •Mrs. Jesse Moses were was born “Eisenhower’s choice of Senator a three-day holiday in Portland at vacationing at Wheeler over the past ith one eye Present was Nixon as his running mate is highly the Joe Marriage home. weekend holiday. ironic to say the least. After General Mrs. Varcoe's mother. Mrs. Rose Ste- Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley were in as iilustra ed Eisenhower’s pleading for senate ap­ art of Portland. Gates Saturday from Salem, where SHE L\YED proval of our sending troops to Europe Mrs. James Overlock of Seattle and Miley is attending summer school at 15 YEAR'S. a year ago April, Senator Nixon— daughter Kathryn are at the home Willamette university. He is super­ along with Senator Taft—was among of he rparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, intendent of the Gates public schools. the majority of Republicans who voted for the week. Mrs. Overlock has just Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul were Ban­ against it! Nixon is a junior Taft. returned from a visit in Washington, don visitors over the holidays, re­ P ieces of . CQfiŸOfi) “Nixon also voted against aid to D.C., and other points in the east. turning Sunday night. They also for actual currency India last year, which is directly op­ CURRENCY in im parts f^RTTS Mr. and Mrs. Don Gessner left visited relatives in Eugene enroute. DF MADAGASCAR posite to the so-called GOP policy in Monday for San Francisco where they Earle Henness, son of Mr. and Mrs. regards to increased aid to Asia, will make their home. The Gessners Glen Henness, accompanied Mr. and Nixon is a true example of the ma- just recently sold their home and tour­ Mrs. Willis Webster, daughter Elda jority of anti-labor Republican legis- ist cabins near here. and son Ed to Grand View and Pros­ latora in pur congress.” Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin cele­ ser. Wash., over the holidtys. Æ m 8 YEAR OLD SOY, A Hartung also charged that it was Floyd Fleetwood spent Tuesday brated the Fourth in Bend, taking in the Taft-Nixon forces which managed OOD SHIMMER,RECENTLY SAVED the 3-4ay water pageant while there. fishing at Clear lake. in December of 1949 “to cut funds Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole and son -) 225 LB. MAN FROM drowning ! Mrs. Lula Collins has been seriously which the Democratic administration Marlin, Miss Lorena Devine from (PDPTSMOUTH, FMGlMO) advocated for arms and economic ex­ ill for the past two weeks and is at Gates and Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Turn- the home of her daughter, Mrs. Claude penditure to aid South Korea. And idge and daughter Carolyn of Cutler then the Republicans had the effront­ Sellard, in Salem. City, were visitors at the St. Paul Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick en­ rodeo over the 4th. ery to accuse the Democrats of leav­ MCE A YEAR/faE LITHUANIANS QPTME ing the door open for the Communist tertained Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cochran Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and attack the following June. The Re­ son spent several days during the IN THE NEAREST CREEK V/IT h ALL publican plank on foreign policy is a congressional filibuster which has pre­ holidays in Gresham at the home of T heir clow on .... in order T o chase sham front put up to deceive the vot­ vented passage of an enforceable fed­ her father. out evil spirits T hat may lurk ers into thinking the administration eral fair employment practices law,” Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin and and Eisenhower views on aid to Eur­ Hartung said. in TreiR garments / daughter, accompanied by his mother, ope and Asia will not be dumped.” “Vice presidential candidate Nixon Mrs, Laura Joaquin, visited over the Hartung said the Republicans ap­ has shown by his voting record that weekend at Coos Bay with relatives. pear to have all but “abandoned labor. he opposes FEP legislation. Eisen­ « « « v. » it » it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it » it it it it it it it it :: :: it it it it it it:« « « « « Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Findley spent to the camp Sunday afternoon. The contributions made by organized hower addmittedly opposes it. the weekend in Portland and The Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Corner moved labor in the struggle against the tot­ “But if the Democrats adopt the Dalles visiting relatives. to Sheridan the last of the week. alitarian forces were completely ig­ same watered-down civil rights policy The Everett Limbecks were among nored by this so-called rejuvenated as that of the GOP, the Republicans local residents installing a telephone X politial party. wil have a good chance of winning 5 in their home the past week. “If Eisenhower is elected to the back those lost votes.” White Hou e. Senator Taft likely will Hartung said he thought the "GOP Mrs. Harley Scott and her daughter « be head of the senate labor committee opposition to federal health insurance Maxine were Salem business visitors X By MRS. J. H. JOHNSTON X AT as well as GOP policy chairman in also is in direct opposition to the Friday. W George Neal was a Thursday eve- congress. According to the Wall majority of organized workers’ hopes.” Mr. and Mrs. Clair Humphreys and XX Street Journal, Taft has pledged to He commented on Republican con­ ning caller at Jack Johnstons. family of Myrtle Creek were visitors X Lynn Rodich is spending this week at the Johnston homes from Tuesday XX obtain pas-age of laws to further re­ demnation of corruption by saying strict labor’s civil 1 berties as to free “neither party can claim a monopoly i at Silver Creek Falls Youth camp morning until Saturday afternoon. xi X NEW RETAIL LOCATION: collective bargaining. So far as I ' on cleanliness, as shown by the ex- sponsored by the Christian churches. Mrs. Earl Sandner and son Alan and X East City Limits on Highway 222 can see, General Eisenhower is in per I - posure of ‘odd’ deals made by ex­ Mr. Hugh Jull, minister of the Mill Mrs. Pearl Humphreys all of Salem ». X feet agreement with Taft and Nixon Republican chairman Gabrielsen and , City Christian church and Mrs. Jull were Thursday evening visitors at the X I’hone 3215 . MILL CITY in this field. And none of these men ex-Senator Owen Brewster of Maine. ' are both at the camp. Lynn accom­ Jack Johnston's. A picnic luncheon « :: « :: .-: « :: « :: :: :: « .: « :: : :: •• :: :: :: :: ■: : :: :: •• « :: :i « •: :: ;; :: « « « :: >:.J( ■ have repudiated the Hitler-Stalin If a poll could be taken of all the 5 | panied the Julls and several others was enjoyed under the apple trees at methods of smear technique as iden- percenters, the bribers, the income tax I of the youth group from Mill City the Johnston home. tified by the word McCarthyisc.” evaders and the other political crooks *\ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scheiwek and As to civil rights, the Republicans both in and out of office, I’ll wager | family spent sometime the past two For Your Next Trip have "doomed themselves to lose most it would show a majority to be Re- I weeks attending the Assembly of God of the negro and lubor vote because publicans, if that means anything. | 8ALEM To Salem, Try camp meeting at Brooks. The two of their failure to adopt a platfrom The majority of Democrats are the oldest Scheiwek children stayed at 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 5-4AM which would call for elimination of the working people who can’t afford to Brooks for the two weeks meeting support corruption.” and returned home with their parents Has Everything for Your As to Communism, Hartung said he late Saturday evening. recalled that some of the Communists Mr. and Mrs. Clair Humphreys exposed in public office were aides to I visited at the Harley Scott home Fri­ Republicans as well as to Democrats. I day evening. Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies and “Communists make no differenti- The M and M pond is being filled M/1 Mrs. A. W., San Antonio, Teeas ation as to what groups or parties Speed amazing rebel (rom miseries of the past several days. Considerable simple piles, with «»thing Pazo*! Acts they try to infiltrate. Both parties; water seems to leak out and is temp­ For Lunch or for Dinner relieve pain, itching instantly— soothes are pledged to the defeat of Commu­ iimiimnmnminm Inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard­ orarily irrigating the land around the nism. Labor thinks it can be done ened parts—helps prevent cracking, sore* pond acreage. reduce swelling You gi t real com­ new« by helping our friends in other lands; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Amich of Port­ forting help. IXm't suiter needless torture the Republicans apparently want to I from simple piles. Get Pazo for fast, won­ land were here with the Orville Brit­ derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. concentrate their fire on the small per­ tons the past week. Mr. Amich helped Supers''"'* Imm .il--> tub. with per­ centage of fairly-well squelched Reds forated pile pipe for easy application. Britton with carpenter work on the rPeee Omtment end Snppeiumirs >J) at home.” saw shop Britto nis erecting on the Children under 10—lust 44c highway just west of Mehama. Mr. Hi-Chairs I and Mrs. Amich are Mrs. Britton’s parents. Look At This Typical Mr. and Mrs. Persons of Tillamook were looking for a house to rent in Buffet Menu this locality, He is a logging oper- “At the Bottom of the Hill” ator. is busy trucking alfalfa Ben McCall In 63-80%*of the cases Assorted Crsckers-Potato Chips 15 Varieties of Delicious Salads hay from central Oregon. in doctors’ testsl W , T . Qb Ail Building Supply Needs Fox Valley Kelly Lumber Sales THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE “Was a nervous wreck from agonizing pain until I found Pazo!” OFFICE NEEDS FAMOUS bJFFET All You Can Eai for 99c Never a Dull Moment “Hot flashes” of Change of Life stopped or strikingly relieved • Those suffocating "heat waves” — alternating with ner­ vous. clammy feelings — and accompanied often by restless irritability and nervousness — are well-known to women suf­ fering the functionally-caused dlstressof middle life "change”! You want relief from such «uffering. And—chances are ?ou can get It. Thrilling relief! ‘hanks to two famous Lydia Pinkham medicines.' *In doctors' tests. Lydia Pink­ ham's Compound and Tablets brought relief from such dis­ tress in 63 and SO'I- < respective­ ly» of the cases tested. Com­ plete or striking relief! Tboviartd« Have Banafltad Amazing, you say? Not to the many thousands of women who know from experience what these Lydia Pinkham medi­ cines can do! Their action — actually — is very modern. They exert a sci­ entifically calming, soothing effect! Try Lydia Pinkham's on the basis of medical evidence! See if you. too. don t gain blessed relief from those terrible "hot [v lotntr] Relish Sticks • Cold Cuts Pickles • Cheese - Applesauce Hot Boston Baked Beans ROAST OREGON Tl RKEY RAKED l’REMll M HAM with Potatoes and Vegetable Homemade Clover-teat Rolls Cotfee by the Silex-full Homemade Cake a la mode Ice Cream, Sherbet, or Hot Boysenberry Sundae How Lydia Pinkham « werkt It acte through a woman » »»m- pa the tie nervous elftem to girr rollet /rom the "hot /teehee and other /anctlonaliy-caueed du- treeeee of "change of life.“ flashes" and weakness so com­ mon in "change of life.” Don't put >t off' Oct Lydia Pinkham s Vegetable Com­ pound or new. improved Tab­ lets with added iron (trial sire only S9<>. Wonderful — too — for the functional pains, cramps, ''dragged-out'' feelings and other discomfort of monthly menstrual periods! All you can eat — of anything and everything! From ll:30-B:30 on Weekdays From 12 to 8 on Sundays With Mary Barton's Organ Melodies Downtown Salem - State Street Old Indian campgrounds are located at the upper end of Owyhee reservoir where Indian writings are found on rocks. MILL CITY TAVERN