S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 9 * July 17. 1952 NEW TOY FIREFLY iSÄ"* FEMME PAGE Mill City’» American Legion Auxil- iary holds its regular meeting, Mon day, July 21, at the Legion hall in Mill City. Monday’s meeting will be the last one over which Tearly Muir, outgoing president will preside. Plans for in stallation of the newly elected Legion Auxiliary officers will be the main business before Monday’s session. President Muir urges that all mem bers of the Auxiliary be present for this important planning meeting. AUXlllOry KCpOFÌS iiin miM t Höl U ■U li lfc ■ ■■ SUNDAY and MONDAY The Women’s Auxiliary of the San tiam Memorial hospital has been an CORNEL WIL,DE and active organisation during the past o MAUREEN O'HARA year. in Monthly meetings of the board of directors have been held to supervise Mill City Garden club will meet at activities. The organizing of chapters Joint installation of officers of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris of the Auxiliary in all women’s or In Technicolor Odd Fellows and Rebecca lodge of for a picnic supper on the lawn fol ganizations of the area took up a good Mill City was held Saturday evening, lowed by the regular business meet Feature at 5:30, 7:30 Sunday share of time during the months of the following officers were installed: ing, on July 24th at 6:30 p.m., stand December and January. George Veteto and Ada Plymale, ard time. Each member is invited to At a recent board of directors meet noble grands; Walter Thomas and An bring their family and potluck supper. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ing Mrs. Earl Alen, chairman of the tonia Thomas, vice grands; Bertha Mrs. Leona Morris, sister-in-law of equipment and furnishings committee Baltimore, secretary; Jennie Smith, CHICAGO — Youngsters every DANNY KAYE reported the sewing planned for the treasurer; Charles Thomas and Mabel the hostess and a member of WyEast where in the country are finding in Garden club of Columbia district will hours of aniaser.ierit with the color spring months was completed with Bruder, wardens; Al Yankus and Dora ful new light-up toy above. Funny talk and give a demonstration of the the balance to be done in the fall. Findley, conductors; Otto Koeneke and Firefly dangles from an elastic Salem—Lincoln Henness was hon- All cutting of garments was super Alma Thomts, RSNG; Charles Mc many things her club is making from string so that at every bounce its In Technicolor ored of his 89th birthday anniver vised by the past president’s club of greens and dried materials. tad lights up momentarily in a Clintock and Jessie Heath, LSNG; Lee sary by his many friends at the home realistic glow. Tremax Industries, Final plans for the August flower the American Legion Auxiliary and Dike and Ruby Brisbin, RSVG; Chas. Newa Inc., here manufactures it as a low of his daughter, Mrs. James Wiltsey. was done in the recreation hall of the Each cost Stewart and Mabel Yankus, LSVG; show will also be discussed. toy that is available locally He was honored by many relatives Methodist church at Lyons. member is urged to attend this meet for about 39c. Vern Thomas and Gladys Podrabsky, and friends from both nearby and out- To date a total of $394 has been inside guardian; Elmer Stewart and ing and be prepared to give their help of-state of the occasion. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and to make the coming show a bigger and spent for materials and the value of Dorothy Vail, outside guardian; Irl SATURDAY Guests attending from Gates were garments made is approximately $1, Plymale and Wilma Stewart, chap better one. Mrs. Henness, Mrs. Lillie Lake and 400. The materials were purchased lains; Ada Dart, color bearer; Grace All Technicolor Comedy Show! T Henness, who will celebrate his 98th from Don Roach, who furnished them Hutchinson, musician. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Davis, and birthday in September. Lincoln and to the auxiliary at actual cost. Visiting were Charles Niccolson of I BETTY GRABLE son Charles, of Carroll, Wash., spent T Henness are brothers. Garments which have been com Forest Grove, and Margaret Liberty in the weekend with his parents. On pleted include 36 needle wrappers, 36 of White Salmon, both members of Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, and syringe wrappers, 60 inside glove Santiam Rebekahs and former resi After a week’s vacation because of Mrs. W. H. Davis attended a camp wrappers, 60 glove wrappers, 36 in dents. the Fourth of July weekend, hostess meeting near Corvallis. strument wrappers, 24 large wrappers, Visiting from Salem Rebekah lodge Mrs. Inez Teal served lunchean sand More than 30 members of the local 4 T binders, 24 abdominal binders, 6 No. 1, was Mrs. Ethelyn Thompson. wiches to the Lucky Twelve pinochle Lions club with their families enjoyed Detroit — Mrs. Jennie Thompson, scultetus binders, 24 breast binders, Those receiving 40-year Rebekah members Thursday afternoon at their an abundant and delicious buffet style mother of Mrs. Ray Johnson, is con 6 pneumonia jackets, 24 hot water veteran jewels were: Susie Haynes, regular meeting rendezvous near picnic dinner at the city park Monday fined to bed again at the Boyce sani — Plus — bottle covers, 12 dozen baby gowns, Mabie Schroeder, Jessie Heath, Mary Gates. evening. The food was furnished and tarium in Salem after breaking her 12 dozen baby bands, 15 dozen large McClane, Eva Jewell, and Frankie LORETTA YOUNG Guest players were Mrs. Tacy Long served by the men, with Shields Re arm recently in a fall. Mrs. Thomp size patient’s gowns, 4 dozen children’s Johnson. in and Mrs. Jean Wilson. Both former mine and Bill Stewart in charge. son had been making satisfactory gowns in two sizes. Yet to be made Blanche Syverson was given a 30- members of the club, who have been progress at the sanitarium after a Mrs. William R. Silverwood of Mc are all articles which will be used in year veteran jewel. Minnville and formerly of Mill City, long illness and expected to come the surgery and delivery room. A potluck lunch was served at the visiting friends in the canyon. visited at the Harry Wood home Sun home to Detroit soon when the acci First prize was won by Rosella Hay Mrs. Allen reported members of the close of the meeting. dent happened. wood who had high score with Mrs. day. auxiliary chapters had continued to Mrs. Ray Johnsop was in Salem call for sewing after it was all dis Kids Matinee discontinued Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chance and Tacy Long receiving the traveling Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jessup of Cot o until September daughter have moved to the La Vista pinochle prize. Mrs. Edna McCreary tage Grove spent the 4th of July week Monday to visit her mother and re tributed which shows a very find spirit p received the low score prize. trailer court at Gates. end with his brother-in-law and sister ports that Mrs. Thompson is not yet and desire to work in this humani 5 *--------------- Doors open at 7:20 P.M. tarian enterprise. All areas were rep Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Pound. Mr. and able to sit up in bed. Complete show can be seen any resented in doing the sewing. Mrs. Pound returned home with their : time up to 8:30 During the year the resignations n guests an dspent the week there and just returned from Europe attending, of Mrs. Mae Neitling, Mrs. Marion ♦ at Eugene with the Harold Pound Jr. the world conference of churches. ♦ family. Mrs. Herbert Schroeder is visiting Miller and Mrs. Edna Ross have been ' ?aanBttnnnnnnannnan»aaKaaoni ♦ accepted the regret. Mrs. A. I. Prugh I Getstartedl Writ, or Phon.I FRH trial l.sson. will Dick Wilson of Salem is spending a her sister in Albany this week. Tax Consultant Auditor has been elected to fill one of the ♦ answer your questions. The Friendship class of the Pres few days at the home of his brother ♦ We are proud Io offer the Stenograph ... and proud of the Ford Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dun byterian church held a picnic in Kuhl vacancies on the board. The operation of the Red Cross distinction it gives us in the business training held. can were additional guests on Sunday. man’s Grove Monday evening. »r m »•«. U. S. rsl on. mobile blood bank has been discussed Hugh Walkup of Salem visited his Mrs. Frank R. Stovall of Mill City recently and the fact that our hospital PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT has just returned from Chicago where grandparents Monday, Mr. and Mrs. will receive blood from it for transfu Hugh Walkup. Guests of the Walk Bookkeeping, Accounting and she was a delegate to the national sions as soon as the Santiam Memorial Tax Service convention of the Progressive party. ups on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred hospital is in operation has been noted On her return west, Mrs. Stovall Braly and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stenberg Comer 3rd & Marion For this reason it was voted by the spent a few days in San Francisco all of Albany. STAYTON, ORE. board to accept the responsibility of Remember dance club members no visiting her sister and brother-in-law, assisting with the Red Cross blood Telephone 1114 more dances until fall. P. O. Box 1321 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hersh and their Approved for G.I. Training Mr. and Mrs. C. Zigler were visitors bank in the future. For this purpose daughters. • ♦ at the Charles Umphress home. Mrs. a permanent committee headed by aHnnnHannnnnnnuHHnnHHiguaaai Salem, Oregon Henry Roten of Ogden, Utah is : 345 Court Street Zigler is a sister of Mrs. Umphress. Mrs. A, I. Prugh will be set up as a visiting at the Ben Roten home. ♦ TELEPHONE 3-5987 Lloyd Wells left for Alaska Tues part of the Santiam Memorial hos ♦ Barbara Smith has gone to Castle day flying his own plane, Mrs. Wells pital auxiliary to completely organize ♦ Rock, Wash., to live with her mother, left for Oklahoma Tuesday to visit1 blood donations in the area in order to Mrs. Ben Thomas. have sufficient quantities of blood (PILES) her parents. n Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brosig and FISSURE — FISTULA Dr. Lawrence Remus, >, will «■>> become I available at all times. family of Gates have moved to Mill associated with the Dr. William H. i Because of lack of storage space PROLAPSE AND OTHER City to make their home. RECTAL DISORDERS. Burrell dental office in Stayton start-1 and insufficient planning it has been Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Timm, and ing Monday, July 14. Come in for1 decided that the canning committee daughter are on a vacation trip appointments. . 28-3 will not function for this season. through California. early next Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lake were in Plans will be completed __ Naturopathic Physician RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Mill City over the weekend from Cut-1 year for the canning operation to use 1141 Center St. Sundays and evenings, flow’ers tele ler City. surplus foods and this committee will graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, »SALEM, ORE. The program committee for the Mill begin then to function. planters, pot plants, corsages, wed City Women’s club met Thursday eve-I Many of the committee will not be ». dings, also shrubs and landscaping. ning with the club president, Mrs. M. active until after the hospital is opened 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone G. Rambo, to outline program for the but all will be activated as they are 3684. 42tf coming year those on the committee needed. Also, some women who have Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Palmer and were Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mrs. Vernon joined the auxiliary have not been BOY’S WEARING APPAREL daughter have gone to Los Angeles, Todd, Mrs. Lester Hathaway, Mrs. O. named to committees so a reserve may Don't let coughing, wheezing, recurring at tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin nleep and Calif., to visit Mrs. Palmers sisters, 2 to 16 Years energy without trying MENDACO. which be kept for emergencies. Any woman M. Mikkelsen and Mrs. Rambo. works thru the blood to reach bronchial Mrs. E. Cramer is staying at the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mowe of Cor in the area who would like to join is tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly Palmer home during their absence. remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviate« vallis were Sunday callers at the Chas. urged to sign a card at the Santiam coughing and aid« freer breathing and better Visiting at the Harry Wood home Umphress family. Bleep. Get MENDACO from drugslst. Satie» Memorial hospital office. There are faction or money back guaranteed, r are Deveer and Robert W'ood of Duns Work is progressing nicely on the no dues and only one annual meeting muir, Calif., brothers of Harry Wood. parsonage for the Assembly of God. is held. 265 N. High. SALEM Mrs. Mary Flanders of Compton, Calif., is spending a few weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Wesley Green and ¡SÍAÍ TIMELY SERVICE Mrs. Woody Heller. M rs. Margaret Liberty and daugh ■ ter Sandra, of White Salmon are visit ing at the Howard Kanoff home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Donaldson and two sons of Hood River spent a week at the Al Yankus home. Mrs. Don aldson is a sister of Mrs. Yankus. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hendricson left Monday for Heppner, Ore., to visit Mrs. Hendricson’s mother before re turning to their home in San Leandro, Calif. Ernest Swan and two sons of Napa, Calif., and Kenneth Swan and daugh ter of Salem were visitors in Mill City Tuesday. Miss Patty Thomas, niece of Mrs.] Al Yankus returned to her home in Cottage Grove, Sunday. - Mrs. Clara Corbin, left for an ex tended trip to Findley, Ohio, where Hi • - ; she will visit a son. Mrs. Lee Joiner went to Monitor II Sunday after the church service to visit her sister and family on Mon day they attended a ministerial meet ing at Crystal Lake, where Mrs. Mau rice Brock is pastor. Mrs. Brock j r served dinner to the visiting ministers. The outstanding speaker of the meet ing, was Mrs. O. C. Harms who had Odd Fellows Hold Joint Installation Mill City Garden Club Meets at Morris Home At Sword’s Point Lincoln Henness Feted At Home of Daughter Up In Arms MILL CITY Mrs. Inez Teal Entertains Lucky 12 Pinochle Club Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend Mrs. Jennie Thompson Confined To Her Bed Half Angel ^STENOGRAPH W. N. SIMMONS CAPITAL EASINESS CCLLECE HEMORRHOIDS When in Salem Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic THE BOY'S SHOP for ASTHMA TLE LCY’S SLCP Try Wally Riggs Sport Shirts RICHFIELD OIL AND SERVICE Now Available Pia ce Ordern Today for IMMEDIA TE DELI VER Y Next Time You Need An Oil Change I 1XLUL Always in Stock at the Service Clyde’s Richfield MILL CITY Gates General Store Specializing in _____ C0MpLETE COURTEOUS, AND PROMPT. SERVICE FOR ALL CARS AND TRI CKS n r