♦ Gates Bible School In National Contest IN OUR Congress Approves BPA Appropriation 3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE July 17, 1952 ship institute for tow nand country'Roll call was responded to by each churches at Corvallis this week. They member wearing a home made hat, will report on the meeting next Sun- made from flowers, a cooking utensil day morning, using the theme of con- or something from the garden. Ger- ference, "Rural Resources and Rural trude Weidman wore the pretty one Resourcefulness.” and Anne Pietrok the funniest one. Mrs. Norman Johnson and son Chris Plans were discussed for the fall gar- of Salem spent a couple of days this den show with date to be set later week at the home of her parents Mr.' «nd Gladys Kuiken appointed general and Mrs. Alex Bodeker, while her hus chairman. Plans were also made to band who recently’ joined the state attend the annual picnic held at Wil- police is attending school in Corvallis, i 8°n park near Jordan with several Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thayer and Mr. Joining clubs Each committee of the and Mrs. Leo Cruson have returned month are to carry out th« th‘>,ne of home after a week’s trip to California tbe n,ontb- This months theme was and into Mexico. While in California Independence Day. The center piece they visited Mrs. Crusons brother in was “ l,ttle >‘»g labln with ‘«'tie giaz- San Francisco. Mrs. Thayers uncle wlth a »Pring and « miniature at Costa Mecia, and Mr. Thayer’s Vn‘‘le Sam "¡'h the flag proudly fly­ uncle at San Diego. lng representing the pioneer days of The Lyons Garden club held their Lincoln. Present for the meeting meeting at the community club house were Gladys Kuiken, Anne 1 ietrok, Wednesday afternoon with Laura Neal Mattie Stout, Frances Garsjo, Ger- the new president presiding with trude eidman, Bea Hiatt, Mary Fink, Frances Garsjo secretary, with [.aura Garnett Bassett, • Doris Roy and the Neal and Nina O’Neil as hostesses.! hostess Laura Neal and Nina O’Neil. “Votes for Victory campaign’’ is Bonneville power administration ap­ | the title of the summer contest that propriations approved by Congress for ■ the Gates Community Church of Christ the new fiscal year beginning July 1, IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Bible school has entered. The contest 1952, include $27,470,000 for major Sunday school 10 a.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. emphasizes that moral victory over 230.000-volt transmission grid facili­ Morning service 11 a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. by James all kinds of sin can only be accom­ ties wholly or partially in the south­ Evening service 7:00 p.m. Stock, minister. plished by Jesus Christ. Thus, every west area, and $2,657,000 for area Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Y’outh meeting at 2:30 each Sun­ person is urged to attend Bible school facilities serving key load centers, to­ Bob Unger, Pastor day afternoon. ' during July and August especially day annonuced W. E. Trommershau- • • • • * * and cast his ballot for victory. sen, area manager. COMMUNITY CHURCH ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Full Gospel Preaching The Bible school has divided into Major construction activities will CHURCH, MILL CITY two opposing parties, the Northern center on the two 230-000-volt trans­ Mass at 8 a.m. on Sunday, June 22.1 Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. and the Southern, with the river auto­ mission lines from McNaA' dam to Mass at 9 a.m. every Sunday. matically being the boundary line. the Portland and southern Oregon Confessions heard before Mass. 1 Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. Fr. Franz Schubert, Pastor I Prayer meeting Tuesdays 10 a.m. to Murvon Haun and Patty Stewart are olad centers, together with secondary 3 p.m. • • • Preaching services Wednesday and the nominees for president of the re­ facilities to serve key area load cen­ OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH Friday 8 p.m. spective parties. ters, said Trommershausen. Other Jordan. Oregon On the first Sunday the South took transmission facilities will link Detroit Rev. Lee M. Joiner, Pastor Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 6th Sunday at * * « the lead and held it on the next Sun­ dam with the Columbia river grid 8:30 a.m. day also. The total for the two Sun­ when initial genertaion is installed in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mill City days is 85, with the Southern party the fall of 1953 at Detroit. Fr. Leander Schneider, SDS., Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. only one vote ahead, 23 to 22. The Appropriations for major 230,000- • * « Morning worship 11:00 a.m. average for the two Sundays is 42 Vi volt grid facilities include: ST. PATRICK S PARISH Music by choir. which is 34% better than last year’s McNary - Maupin - Detroit line and Lyons, Oregon - Young People 6:30 p.m. average for the months of July. At­ terminals. $3,778,000. Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at Evening services 8:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Detroit-Albany line, Detroit termi­ Midweek service Wednesday 8 p.m. tendance is expected to grow the rest Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 a.m. of the sumer. One Bible school in nal and Albany substation additions, Mehama Fr. Leander Schneider, SDS.. Pastor ! Morning worship 9:45 a.m. the contest has a 160% gain over last $850,000. ... year's average. Detroit - Chemawa line, Chemawa Sunday School 10:45 a.m. You'll get the best when you get Midweek service Thursday 8 p.m. SANT1AM CHAPEL The Gates Bible school is only one substation and associated communica­ TITAN. Pioneered for use in West­ Rev. Noble Streeter, Pastor. Lyons, Ore. of the hundreds competing in the an- tions, $1,760,000. ern timberlands, TITAN chain saws » » » Midway - Big Eddy-Maupin-Detroit Sunday school 9:45 a.m. I nual summer contest sponsored by the mean lightweight, fast-cutting, pow­ L.D.S. of JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Morning worship 11:00 a.m. "Lookout” magazine. All are invited line, $360,000. erful performance. Fell trees; cut Detroit Detroit-Alvey line, substation and Young People’s service 7:15 p.m. cordwood, posts, railway ties: prune; Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m. to attend the services and cast their Evening worship 7:45 p.m. ballot for victory. The loosing party communications facilities, $409,000. clear land; square timbers. Ask us, in high school building. Detroit. Detroit substation additions, $47,- Prayer meeting every Friday 7:30 p. will treat the winners to a party at your reliable, nearby TITAN dealer, Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. 000. Luster Young, Pastor Zealand Fryer, Presiding the conclusion of the contest. for a free demonstration. North Santiam Valley substation « * * * * * facilities, $53,000. YOUR FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FREE METHODIST CHURCH North Mill City Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 10:55 a.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Martell Ô* Walker Young Peoples meeting 6:30 p.m. Morning worship 11 a m. Evening Services 7:30 p.m. Junior church 11:00 a.m. LYONS, ORE. Wed., 7:30 p.m. Bible study hour. Evening service 7:30 p.m. By MRS. EVA BRESSLER Mr. Hugh Jull, Pastor Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm. Tuesday night pastor Loren Swan­ Phone 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spaulding from • * • son of the Gates Community Church Rev. C. O. Tremain, Pastor of Christ was presented with a check Fresno, Calif., were Sunday evening ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Sunday Sehool 10 a.m. for $150 by Gilbert Christian, execu­ guests at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Morning Worship 11 a.m. tive secretary for the Oregon Council Merrill Brassfield and Bob, Mr. and Young people's service at 6:30 p.m. LOW AND WIDE... BIG INSIDE of Churches. The church was entered Mrs. Boyd Midell of Salem, and Mrs. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Earl McCoy of Hillsboro also visited in the second annual Town and Coun­ Prayer meeting and Bible study, The two try Church Improvement contest which at the Brassfields home. Thursday at 8 p.m. ladies are sisters of Mr. Brassfield. the Oregon Council sponsors. The Rev. W. D. Turnbull, Pastor. ...AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL...pliLs iip Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman at­ awards are donated by the Sear’s Roe­ • • * tended the South Dakota picnic held buck Foundation. LYONS METHODIST CHURCH The church is very happy for the at Jantzen beach Sunday. Church school at 9:45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Martin and Worship service at 11 a. m. award and the honor. It is largely Evening service at 8 p.m. 35 miles per Million, vvilli overdrive. due to the construction of their new his fathei Aldre dMartin of Albany Choir at morning service. sanctuary, but the award was based were recent visitors at the home of For Guaranteed Cleaning on improvement in three areas, (1) Mrs. Inez Ring. Choir practice at 7 p.m. Thursday. Rinke R. Feenstra, Pastor Miss Betty Bentley, daughter of church buildings and equipment, (2) ... it’s the grounds, and (3) church and commu­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bentley, rteurned GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH nity service. "The church wishes to home the last of the week from Port­ OF CHRIST take this opportunity to thank all in land. She was teaching in fellowship j Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. the area and community who made Baptist Bible school there. She re­ Morning worship 11 a.m. this award possible by donating their cently completed teaching a Bible Loren R. Swanson, Pastor 24-HOUR SERVICE time and money to the new building,” course in Stayton and Aloha. This | * * * said Pastor Swanson. He continued, gives her a $110 scholarship to Lin-■ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Mill City “With God's help we shall continue fiedl college where she will be a soph- | 3rd and Juniper, Mill City Closes at 6 P.M. Sunday 11 a.m. I to build and enlarge our community omore next year. Wednesday meeting 4th Wed. 8 pm I 1 service program.” Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carter from Anchorage, Alaska, have bought the Howard Naue property. The N’aues are now living at Sandy where he is employed as a west coast lumber Wilfys TODAY grader. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Naue received j word of the death of her father Amel j Winzel of Crescent City, Calif. Mrs. i Naue was m California returning home ' the middle of the week. Funeral serv­ ices were held at Sweet Home on Saturday. SALEM, OREGON Mrs. Lula Collins of Gates is at | the home of her daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roseheim. Mrs. Collins recently suffered a stroke, but iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih is reported to be improving. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byers, Benny and Tom­ my from Sacramento, Calif., Mr. and Phone 2206 MILL (TTY Mrs. Herbert Perkins, Robert and Kathie of St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Byers Veneta, and Jimmie of Port­ land, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Byers and Louise of Clackamas. The Womens Society of Christian Service held their meting at the Al­ bert Julian home between Stayton and Scio Monday. A potluck dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour. Those at­ tending were Mrs. Alice Huber. Mrs. James Hollinghead, Mrs. Inez Ring, Mrs. Ed Hargreaves, and Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra from Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bentley and daughter, Betty were weekend guests at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bonebrake at Rose- Painter Products burg. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Clip- , fell, present were their daughters and per gal. Sg.20 GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE families. Mrs. Don Sheppard from Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turnidge per Rai. Sg.13 INTERIOR GLOSS ENAMEL of Jefferson, Mrs. Elaine Hadley of Lyons, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Clip­ SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL per Kal- Sg-M fell of Mehama. Payroll money circulates! It pays rent and taaes and buys gro­ Rev. Rinke A. Feenstra and wife WONSOVER ceries and insurance. It buys medical and dental care and supports will be attending the Oregon leader- Best Chain Saw Gates Church Places Second in Contest LYONS NU-METHOD Elsner Motor Co. Jenkins Hardware « See Us for the Best in PAINTS We Carry Dutch PacflMt HELP EVERYBODY churches and home industry. Nineteen percent of the money Moun­ tain States Power takes in from the sale of its services is paid out as wages to its employees. The company's 1951 payroll amounted to $3,- 826,000.- A steady year 'round payroll is another of the important community benefits provided by Mountain States Power. A Iso WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with oor eerviee. Mom's and Pop's CAFE Mill City LINSEED OIL THINNERS — — TURPENTINE — PUTTY BRUSHES LADDERS — RENTAL FLOOR SANDERS — WALLPAPERS PHONE 2206 MILL CITY X