I The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Editorial I insured with only six quarters of cov­ FLUORINATED CITY WATER DON PETERSON. Publisher There is considerable discussion in erage. A quarter of coverage is any ——B Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Salem as well as many other commu­ calendar quarter in which a wage Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1873. nities al lover the nation on the addi­ earner is paid $50 or more in wages CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for SI.00. tion of fluorine to a city’s water sup­ ■ from covered employment. Persons who anticipate retirement The Enterprise will not he responsible for more than one incorrect in­ ply for preservation of teeth by the sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display in 1952 should talk it over with their elimination of dental decay. Advertising 45c column inch. Politica) Political Advertising 75c inch. social security office. Their retire- Fluorine has proved during the past I ment date might be important in seven years beneficial in many places I deciding the amount of their future NEWSPAPER \ where tried in reducing the incidence benefits. The Portland office of the PUBLISHERS of dental decay in children not older I Social Security Administration is ASSOCIATION than 12 years, who have not yet de­ located at 104 Old Post Office Build­ veloped their permanent teeth. With ing, Portland 4, Ore. Other Oregon the good start of elimination from field offices are located in Salem, •THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.’’ decay, permanent teeth would reflect Eugene, Medford, Klamath Falls, and —George Put: am. the benefits. LaGrande. Social Security represent­ Any doubts of the benefits of fluord- atives also make regular scheduled ization has been settled by the ap- stops in many other towns. — From provel received from the Public Health Oregon Teamster. The Democrats are gathering in Chicago. According Service, the American Dental Associ­ the National Institute of Denttl to the spokesmen of the recent occupants of convention ation, Research and the National Research hall, each Democrat should ride up to said hall in a Council, the Oregon State Board of Cadillac with a mink-coated blonde on each arm. Also Health, the Marion and Polk County The following appeared in a recent these fabulously rich and corrupt individuals should stride Dental Society and many other dental issue of the Oregon Journal, Portland one Oregon daily newspaper. We think it might arrogantly into convention hall and as they do • so toss< >associatlon ’ fluordizes ; Seaside its is water _ *’ _ - -- ... « •«« 1 mlu city that that fl be of local interest: a few old, dirty ten-dollar bills to the cowering and beneficial results. There may with be NOW HE HAS THE $1.20 .starved on-lookers. others. | To the The Democrats take their conventions rather seri­ The process of treating water with After Editor: hearing speakers at the GOP is similar to that of treat­ ously. For the past few years those they have nominated fluorides ! convention tell how rotten the present ing it with chlorine by a battery of became the leaders of our nation. It is clear that the machines now universally adopted, Democratic administration is, I felt Democrat delegates must have pleased more than just which had the same initial opposition so dirty I had two baths in one day of my usual one a week. other Democrats by their choices. The Democrats in that now faces fluordization by ad­ instead Maybe it’s just a bad dream, but vocates of “ pure mountain water, ” an Chicago need not hurl vile words at anyone; and if they exploded myth because it no longer in the early ’30s I seem to remember do, it certainly will be in bad taste and very unbecoming. exists walking the railroad track looking for in quantities for city supply. The Democrats have been the leaders; they have taken Fluorinated water, as proved in San cinder-covered stale bread that had discarded by dining cars. the bitter with the sweet. They can expect more of Francisco, Washington and other large been I packed wood and sawdust from cities, does not affect industrial prod­ the same. ucts. Beer is now brewed with fluor­ curb to basement for 25 cents per cord It is simply not possible that we can figure out who inated water without changing its or load and most of the time had to will be the Democrats’ choice. We will not sink to the taste. No evidence has been produced take food for payment. I have seen men and women fight over the level of saying that it will be determined by President that natural or artificial fluorinated both first chance at a garbage can. I water presents either health or indus ­ Truman. The Democratic party will have reached lowly trial problem. heard a banker’s wife say she had not depths, indeed, if one man can chart its course. Our Fluorides are toxic, but mere traces been able to pay her housekeeper any experience is quite the contrary. are added to water supplies and there money for two years. Well, it is no dream that under the If the Democrats do not conduct themselves as strong is no valid opposition to their con­ so-called rotten Democratic adminis-1 trolled utilization. The cost is trivial men and women we will be miffed. Democrats must and the proof of its benefits have been tration, and with a low-bracket rating, .juggle some pretty hefty problems, like the Korean con­ demonstrated by its acceptance by I have accumulated property, a few flict, our foreign policy and the national debt. The people over 5 million Americans living in 63 bonds, a small savings account and of the United States have been looking to the Democrats cities in 16 states who have been drink­ I expect to retire with an income of ing fluoridized water daily for year almost $100 a month. for leadership. The Democrats must continue worthy of — It is true, I am paying high taxes, From Capital Journal. that respect. but in the early ’30s I did not have Stalin’s slimy hand has a nasty way of thrusting ABOUT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY any money to pay taxes with and had nothing to pay taxes on. PROGRAM itself into our politics. Stalin’s boys routed U. N. Forces Today I paid $1.20 a pound for a The Social Security Act amendments in Korea during the U.S. congressional seat fights in 1950. of 1950 will come of age in mid-1952. steak. Twenty years ago this steak Many believe the fear this created cost many Democrats By that time, most employes retiring was only 25 cents a pound. Twenty their seats in Congress. Stalin isn’t above pulling some under the program will have earned years ago I did not have 25 cents. $1.20. similar performance just before November this year. We that six quarters of coverage after Today I had L. the R. BARRETT, Portland I December .11, 1950, needed to avail have no doubt but what the reaction would be again against the Democrats. Given the facts, the people will themselves of a benefit figured under To the Editor: the new benefit formula. make a proper choice. I wonder if any of your readers have For claims filed before April 1952, only the old mtehod of benefit figur­ driven out the “Old Mill Road” just ing could be used, but for most per­ east of the Theater, behind one of the sons 65 years of age or over, who logging trucks operating out that Republican hi-jinks in Chicago are over. u "Ike” and filed claims after April 1, 1952, their road??? Nixon are their men for November. Someone who is not beenfit may be figured by the most It is an experiene I cannot recom­ mend! The logging trucks all seem to exactly a friend of these two gentlemen coined a new idea advantageous method for them, either operate rate of speed, and the old or the new formula. “Nix-on Ike”. Little gimmicks like this “Nix-on Ike” Under the new formula, it will be this, plus at the a high weight of the truck and can catch on and do a lot of harm to political ambitions. possible for some retired workers to the road, manages to throw up a cloud Fortunately newspapers a n (1 magazines that pushed draw a benefit of $80 per month, while of gray, chalky, dust, making it abso­ “Ike’s” cause may now really hold forth, There will be under the old formula the highest pos­ lutely impressible to see where one is This happens each time a log­ no necessity for "eating crow” which would have been sible late is $68.50. Benefits will going. vary in amount from a $20 minimum ging truck goes along that road, and necessary had Taft been nominated. to $80, depending upon average month­ all of us are in despair. Those who feared Taft’s domestic policy can keep ly wages. The average monthly bene­ What are out there, anyway-the for­ the same old feeling with "Ike" as the Republican stand­ fit in Oregon is only $40.50 per month gotten people?? 1 understand this mat­ ter has been called to the attention of present. ard bearer. “Ike" has been led into the political arena at Those who retired before July 1,' responsible officials in Mill City, also as a battler for our present foreign policy or something I 1952, will not qutlify for the maxi- I the matter of a speed limit on this road similar, how similar we do not know. "Ike" must be mum beenfit except in rare cases and has been discussed, but NOTHING ha- asked for a clear understandable statement regarding his only in certain cases can the $80 bene­ been done about it. All the homes along there get a big foreign policy. Dewey engineered the nomination of fit rate be paid before January 1953. cloud of gray, chalky buet as each log­ The new method of figuring benefits i “Ike" because he believed "Ike” is a winner. With the does not mean an automatic increase ging truck passes, and believe me they big number states in the bag for "Ike" at the convention, in payments to present beneficiaries; pass frequently. The same thing his nomination was a cinch. nor does it mean that all future bene- ‘ occurs when an individual driving his ficiaries get $80 per month. It car sees fit to press his foot down on A new twist to the old McCarthy technic of guilt by is simply will a benefit computation form- 1 association is the hinting hither and yon that Truman ula basing benefits on average month- , with once offered "Ike” the Democratic nomination for Presi­ ly wages paid after December 31. stomach dent. This little bit of gossip pictures "Ike" as having 1950. It can be used in computing MILL CITY. OREGON Democratic Decision Editor's Letter Box Abilene Ike Truman’s stamp of approval. Truman has in jest offered the Presidency to many though they be young or old. "Abilene Ike" has been hoisted on the back of the creak­ ing GOP elephant. He can expect no steadying hand from the Democrats or Truman. r DR. Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p m. Also Thursday evenings hy Appointment HOME Ol Fl< I .11.1 W. FIRST. Al HWY MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS -9 KILL EVERY RAT with Warfarat bä Or. Hess Product Containing Warfarin Use DrfHess Warfarat according to direc­ tions and you can kill every rat on your farm. It kill* three kinds of rats—also mice. It’s a safe, sure killer. Easy to use. It's a prepared bait. No mixing or prebaiting. Rats do not become bait shy nor develop tolerance. They keep on eating it till the last rat bites the dust. SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feeds Seeds Fertilizer Grinding and Mixing Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliances Telephone 5021 Machinery Hardware Petroleum Products STAYTON, ORE. THANK HEAVENS' Most attack* »re ¡u*t acid indigestion When it strikes, take Bell-ans tablets. They contain the fastest-acting medicines known to doctors for the relief of heartbum. gas and similar distress. IS«. This spark plug is rohhing its owner of gasoline-Yes, a cracked or worn plug, or one that has run more than 10,000 miles, can rob you of one gallon of gasoline of .ÜiCM.GAÑ UA- REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST the gas as far as it will go, and j big scallion to the logging truck driv­ because of the absence of cross-streets ( ers who don’t care how fast they roll in that area it seems to be regarded as —and also to the above mentioned a “no limit” speedway all the way out! | speed demons who put the gas to the It is not only a discouraging and, floor when they turn the corner east disheartening situation to those of us ■ from the theatre—and leave it down who are property owners along that1 all the way out. road, but it is also dangerous- both to j Please — won’t someone come out children and grownups walking along ' that way and take a good look at the the road It is impossibe to see anyone j situation, and check this condition on the road at all immmediately after when the logging trucks are rolling? We have all invested money in our one of these dust clouds in raised. I have heard much talk around town, homes — why should our property to the effect the “road will be paved”; values be decreased in order that the “the logging companies will pay part” logging companies may operate? Cer- “they are going to black-top road” tainly they have to haul their logs, each story has given all of us out there but let’s fix the road so they CAN new hope but NOTHING HAPPENS! continue their hauling without all of An orhid to the moderate drivers us along the road paying a penalty! How about it? Sincerely, and my who realize this condition, and try to give both the people on the road, and , thanks for any help you can give us! the pedestrians, a break—by driving j A practically axphyxiated property owner! at a reasonable speed—and a great I CHOKED benefits only for wage earners who are fully insured by virtue of wages j paid since December 31. 1950. Any wage earner that will attain the age of 65 before July 1, 1954, can be fully Our Great America iMmUBMM* July 17, 1952 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE -rwf l O ní F í ’ eOAfTk.Nf (3 CO M ) OF any «TATt IN THC UNION *»'1^ FffONlAfON lAatM rupfwioa M.S»ON AN? - r.jnra S MAfTi we M) every ten. The stolen" gasoline escapes through the exhaust or into the crankcase. Car Saver Service can protect you against this kind of loss by frequent periodic inspection and replacement of worn plugs. It is just part of the service designed to re­ duce wear of vital pans and improve gasoline mileage and give smooth engine operation. EXPERT LUBRICATION • TIRE SWITCHING • BATTERY CARE ATLAS TIRU • BATTERIES • ACCESSORIES Gooch Logging Supply » » Everything tor the Logger' BASSETTS WELDING SUOI* I'hone Illi Sweet Home. Philomath I'hone 116 Branch Store Lyons RALPH NIBLER