Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1952)
Purchasing Power Sets New Record A recent survey by the Brookings Institution covering the economic his tory of the past 100 years concluded that the 1940’s were “our most active decade.” The results of the survey are pub lished in a book, The Dynamic Econ omy, by Harold G. Moulton, and sum marized in a booklet, America’s i Wealth. The booklet says the fears of many I Americans that another great depres- | sion would grip the country after World War II proved groundless be cause: “1. There was a great vacuum to be filled—shortages resulting from suspended production during war time. “2. American aid to the rest of the world continued on a much larger scale than had been expected. “3. Most important of all, there j had occurred a great rise in the j real income of the masses.” The Brookings Institution, which reflects, in general, a conservative economic outlook, observes that “there were more breadwinners per family than in earlier periods of peace” and that “families could buy 30 percent more goods than before the war.” In 1920 only 28 percent of Amer ican families had incomes of from $2,000 to $5,000 a year. By 1946, 50 percent of all families had incomes in the $2,000-$5,000 bracket. "The 1940's emerged as our moat active decade— a decade of full em ployment, full production, large-scale buying, tremendous war production followed by reconversion to peacetime production and unmatched expansion,” the Brookings Institution concludes. “Broad sharing of economic gains is necessary to fulfill the deeper re quirements of democracy,” states the Brookings Institution. “Stability of our institutions depends on it.” V IT’S AMAZING i Lengacher, Laverne, Ronald and! Floyd. A picnic dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain By MRS. EVA BRESSLER spent several days at the home of her Sunday afternoon visitors at the daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.. home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester William Talbott at Grand Rounde. i were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kalina Returning home Sunday evening. Mrs. Art Baltzer and daughter, Miss and Mrs. Fannie Kalina of Scio. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson of Marlyn Baltzer have returned home j Cathlamet, Wash., and Mrs. Betty after a two weeks vacation trip to! Rollins and son Maurice of Salem were San Diego, Calif., where they were I Sunday guests at the home of Mr. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin WestoVer, another daughter I and Mrs. Burl Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell received of the Baltzers. Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux and 1 word of the sudden death of her children spent the weekend at thte father C. V. Averill of Halsey. Leon Smith of Pendleton visited coast. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brotherton friends in Lyons Sunday. The Smiths were also among those on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie McClurg and are former residents of this city. family of Baker were Fourth of July Mr. and Mrs .Thomas Putman and weekend guests at the home of his daughter Mary Lynn of Eugene were father Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Lyons callers Sunday. Putman who Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard and was principal of the Mari-Linn school, family from Rainier, have recently has taken a school near Eugene for purchased the Mike Schwindt prop the coming year. erty located back of the Free garage. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Chamberlain The Schwindts have moved to their and daughters of Lebanon were Satur new house they built southwest of day night and Sunday guests with rel town on the Scio, Jordan road. Mr. atives in Lyons. Mrs. Chamberlain Prichard will be custodian at the Mari- is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Linn school this coming year. Walker. Glen Julian Jr., Michael Cruson, Ray Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Lengacher, Mr. Arnonson, Errol McWhirk and Dick and Mrs. Howard Lengacher and sons James boys from the Lyons Commu Donald and Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Wil nity Methodist Sunday school left Sun liam Marneillie and children Billie and day morning for Camp Magruder, at Roselda, Mr. and Mrs. W’hite and son Barview, Ore., on the coast, where Quality Job Printing at of Portland spent the Fourth of July they will spend most of the week. The Mill City Enterprise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John The boys were taken to camp by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber honored 1 ODDLY ENUF I by Williams their daughter Donna on her third The Wall Street Journal points out FAMOUS MumSASNASIEMEL birthday anniversary Sunday after that if the Republicans win the 1952 noon. Ice cream and cake were served elections “it’s almost certain that STALKS TEQOCIOUS'TIGRES' to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey, Mr. there will be a new effort next year ARMED ONLY WITH and Mrs. Glen Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. to crack down on the unions.” A SPEAtt ! Maurice Mu'.key and daughter Diane, A recent article in the Journal, Wt DOESN'T USE A QU« 18 THE. Mrs. W. E. Parrish all of Silverton, which oftgn reflects the opinions of HEP UNDERBRUSH DECkUSE Mrs. Alice Huber, Mr. and Mrs. Don the leaders of the Republican party, WE WOULD BE CLAWED ____ ald Huber. Dennis, Donna and Darrell stated that many GOP congressmen To DEATH IF HIS all of Lyons. would like to pass anti-labor legis FIRST ^HOT I Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdery and I lation this year. WERE. NOT Ul daughter Shiiley from Talent, Ore., INSTANTLY I However, the newspaper continued, spent the Fourth of July weekend at the Republicans fear that if they voted fatal / r usr the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Olm for such legislation this year, no work stead and family, returning home Sun ing man would vote for the GOP in T oast ofcìood day. Sunday guests at the Olmstead November. FE llû W SU i P ! home were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cooper The Wall Street Journal goes on to of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Larmar from say that Sen. Robert A. Taft (R, Scappoose have purchased the Free Ohio), is one of the prime movers be .....ÇuoM O hi T u « ivts m apartments next to the garage. He hind the proposed anti-union legisla PUERTO RICO, u s.A., ruh v is connected with the N'ygard logging tion, but, “not surprisingly, Presiden c APHhi 0» «It wom.0. wutRE f ) Wt SUU SAKES JfcO WSATlM.I \___ / company. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Free and tial-hopeful Taft is not advertising sons moved to their new home east of his views too widely.” Taft wants to outlaw collective bar town, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Free and family moved to their new home west gaining on an industry-wide basis. In of town, formerly known as the Mur effect, this w’ould let big business divide and conquer unions represent phy place. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing the workers in big industries. Taft Walter Arnson are Mr. and Mrs. W. even would like to do something about workers in one plant or area finding Nelson from Duluth, Minn. Clem Dyster is in the hospital fol- out what those in other plants or OF U e T hirteen ordinal C olonial loing back injuries he received by areas were doing. DRIHRS, io HAO A <aMBA$tf [j The Journal says Taft "concedes” driving tractor at the Detroit dam. that “you can’t stop them from read He fell over a 15-foot bank. Mr. and Mrs. Truman McCllean of ing the newspapers or finding out in Corvallis are receiving congratula other ways what fellow negotiators tions upon the arrival of a baby boy. are doing.” Mrs. McCellen will be remembered as Miss Valerie Walker, daughter of Mr. children have returned from California and Mrs. Monroe Walker of Lyons. after spending a vacation trip with I Mrs. Ray Mohler was honored on relatives. [ her birthday anniversary when a Donna Peabody has returned home | group of friends took her out to din- after spending a month in Aberdeen, j in 3 out of 4 cases [ ner in Salem she was presented with Wash. She was a guests at the home ' in doctors’tests! 1 a gift and corsage. Those attending ’ of her grandmother. • Here's wonderful news for , were the honored guest Mrs. Mohler,! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt were Sun women and girls who — each Mrs. Walter Arnson, Mrs. Hugh John- ' day guests in Portland at the home of month — sutler the tortures of ston, Mrs. Ernest Garsjo. Mrs. I. W. her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Harry “bad days” of functionally Nelson,and Mrs. Jack Christian. Reeves. caused menstrual cramps and pain hca Mr. and Mrs. Albert Remminga have and those “no-good,” dragged- as their guests her sister Mrs. Don! out feelings , Copperstone and daughter Sharrel It’s news about a medicine Ann from Omaho. Nebr. famous for relieving such suf Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rosen of New fering ! berg were Fourth of July guests at Here is the exciting news. How Lydia Pinkham*« work« the Remmenga home. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Zt h«« a •'calminf and »ootfctnf Compound — gave complete or Mr. and Mrs. James Phelps and effect on the uterus . . . quieitnp ttrikmg relief of such distress the contractions taee the chart LYONS GOP Plans To Crack Down’ On Labor Pains, distress of “those days” stopped or amazingly relieved in an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! Scientifically Modern Action Yes! Lydia Pinkham s has been proved to be scientifically modern in action! This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring. And it should encourage you (If you're not taking Lydia Pinkham s) to see if your ex perience doesn't match theirs ... to see if you, too, don t avoid that eu often cause menstrual pain, crampi, other distress. the nervousness and tension, weakness, irritability — and pain—so often associated with “those days”! Remember Lydia Pinkham s, too — if you’re suffering the ' hot flashes" and other func tionally-caused distress of change of life.” Get Lydia Pinkham’s Com pound or new, improved Tab lets with added iron i trial size only 59<>. Start taking Lydia Pinkham's today! July 1$. 1952 g—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN “Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo brings amazing relief!” lay« Mr. M. W., Lot Angtltt. Calif. Speed amaring relief from miseries of simple piles, ».th soothing Paio*! Acts to relieve pain, itching instantly— soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard ened parts—help« prevent cracking, sore ness—reduce swelling You get real com forting help. Don’t suffer needless torture from simple piles. Cet Part» for fast, won derful relief. A«k your doctor about it. Suppository form — also tubes with per forated pile pipe for easy application. * Ci*■ mtnl anJ ¿nppvsi.aufS & INFURIATED BEAVER BANGED his huge TAIL AGAINST A MAN....... AND KNOCKED HIM DOWN ....COLD1 JASON LEE FORMERLY OF THE EUGENE OREGON BAR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE THE MULTNOMAH COUNTY BAR AND OREGON STATE TAX COMMISSION WHO IS A MEMBER OF THE BARS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON THE UNITED STATES TAX COURT ANI) THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ANNOUNCES HIS RETURN TO THE PRIVATE PRACTICE OF LAW MASONIC BUILDING SALEM, OREGON PHONE 4-4424 -/ MimrmiW’nTrMmwwwMrffn’miiimiffimi mrmvM-mi«mi'9mmn'fninfftmniiimiiiiinininiimt«»riin*nNmn!NM mi nil nn umiii imm itnm'm nmtHi r Never - - a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN NMHMM MiHMK KI MlMl Wtt MMMl >