i 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE_________ 4 July 10 FEMME PAGE 1 Women’s Civic Club Planning Picnic Three Links Club Honors Mrs. Chrissie Henderson The Three Links met Tuesday eve­ ning with Mrs. Bert Morris with a covered dish dinner at 7 o’clock on the beautiful lawn overlooking the river. Later the meeting was called in the living room, and dessert served of home made ice cream and cake by the hostess. The honor guest of the evening was Chrissie Henderson who is leaving for eastern Oregon to make her home. The Three Links members presented her with a bone China cup, also she received some beautiful hanrkerchiefs, Mrs. Henderson has been a faithful worker in the Rebecca lodge and Three Links activities and will be greatly missed. Those enjoying the evening were Dorothy Vail, Ida Fleetwood, Jennie Davis, Goldie Rambo, Mel Robinson, Mabie Veteto, Elsie Potter, Ruth Hess, Ruby Brisbane, Bertha Baltimore, Minnesota Society Picnic Blanche Syverson, Lettie Swan, Ra­ chael Olmstead, Hattie Fencl, Gladys At Jantzen Beach Park Podrabsky, Eva Duffy, Alma Thomas, The Minnesota State society will the honor guest Chrissie Henderson hold their grand annual picnic at and the hostess, Clara Morris. Jantzen Beach park, Sunday, July 27. F. G. Quimby, president, is making preparations for an attendance of over 5000 Minnesotans. Friends are in­ vited. Free passes at gate. Mrs. Runar Stone and daughter Program at 2 p.m. includes Sher-| Jerry Lynn of San Francisco, arrived man and Clay accordian band super-I yesterday by automobile to spent a vised by Grace Whitehead. Governor week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. Emma Teters. McKay or representative will speak. Introduction of presidents of other I Mrs. W. S. Swan of Napa, Calif., states' to follow. Prizes will be given is visiting at the home of Mrs. Arthur to the largest three counties repre- i Catherwood. The Christian and Presbyterian ented—also largest family. Detroit — Families and friends of the Detroit Women's Civic club mem­ bers will hold their annual potluck picnic at the Mongold park on Sun­ day, June 13 at one o’clock standard time. Games and recreation for the chil­ dren have been planned and will be directed by Mrs. Brad Humphrey. Woody Burgess will lead group sing­ ing and entertain with his guitar. Coffee and punch are to be served but all attending the picnic are re­ quested to bring food, dishes and sil­ verware. The committee in charge of arrange­ ments includes Mrs. Harry Rutherford, Mrs. Bob Manning and Mrs. Otto Russell. In case of rain the picnic will be held in the Hut at the park. MILL CITY ir « f When in Salem Shop THE BOY'S SHOP for BOY’S WEARING APPAREL 2 to 16 Years THE ECY’S SHOP- 265 N. High, SALEM SERVICE Try RICHFIELD OIL AND SERVICE Next Time You Need An Oil Change Clyde ’s Richfield Service 1 MILL CITY Specializing in ................. ----- ' COMPLETE PROMPT. COURTEOUS, ANO SERVICE FOR ALL CARS AND TRI ( KS r Porter-Repp Wed at St. Patrick’s Church Lyons — Miss Virginia Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Porter of Mehama, and William Repp, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Repp of Sublim­ ity exchanged their wedding vows at the St. Patrick’s Catholic church with Rev. Father Schneider officiating, Miss Annette Repp, sister of the groom of Sublimity and Miss Ruth Clason of Mehama were the brides­ maids. Stewart Clason seated the guests. A reception was held follow­ ing the wedding at the Rebekah hall. Cutting the bride’s cake was Mrs. Edith Rogers and Mrs. Leona Daven­ port. Mrs. Goldie Peck presided at the punch bowl, and Mrs. Albert Seiger served the coffee. After a wedding trip to Reno, the young couple will be at home in Mehama. churches will hold joint Sunday eve­ ning services beginning this Sunday. These services will be held in the Pres­ byterian church July 13 to August 3 inclusive, with Rev. Streeter bringing the messages. During the remainder of August the meetings will be held in the Christian church, with Minister H. E. Jull in charge. All the serv­ ices will begin at 8 p.m. Mrs. Agness Allen received word this week that her son Paul had ar­ rived in London, where he is now as­ signed to the armed forces of our country. The Gay Nighters Dance club have recessed for the summer. The first dance in the fall will be September 19, at the Fire hall. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hendficson of San Leandro, Calif., are visiting this week with Mr. Hendricson’s sister, Miss Daisy Hendricson at her home. Minister and Mrs. H. E. Jull, Wilma and Ralph, returned last Thursday from a three-week’s vacation trip to Montana and Nebraska. Mrs. Harold Pound is visiting her son in Eugene for a week. Mrs. Glen Schaer of. Gates enter­ tained her old school-mate Mrs. G. A. Fink and daughter Marjorie at her home last Saturday. Mrs. Fink anu daughter are visiting at her mother‘3 home in Mill City, Mrs. Emma Teters. Mrs. Teters, Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Robert Lavon were Satur­ day guests at the Schaer home. Mrs. James Poole is employed at the Mill City State bank. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ graphed anywhere. Funaral sprays, planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­ dings, also shrdbs and landscaping. 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone 3684. 42tf Sam Delany and son of Hood River spent a few days with the W. H. Davis family. Mrs. Dell Smith left Monday for Pacific Grove, Calif., to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Florence Donnell, a former resident of Gates. Miss Eleanor Simmers of Portland and Carl Carlson of the U. S. Air Corps stationed at Moses Lake, Wash., visited her mother Mrs. Bert Morris over the weekend. Mrs. Smith was joined by a brother from Portland and a sister from Al­ bany, who made the trip together to Pacific Grove. Mrs. J. E. Lindermayer of Eureka, Calif., visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dike. Mrs. Dike who has been ill, is slightly im­ proved. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mattson, Kathy and Jan and Phillip Goble celebrated the Fourth at Mollala. Mr. and Mrs. James Rose and chil­ dren visited the Art Robison family over the holidays who recently moved to eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hyden, and children and Mrs. George Steffy I picnicked on the river Wednesday eve­ ning. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Daniels and three children of Olympia, Wash., stopped for a short visit at the Ed Cooke and Don Peterson homes Tues­ day. They were traveling through on their vacation to California. Mrs. Daniels is a cousin of Mrs. Cooke and Mr. Peterson. Mr. Daniels is pastor of the Olympia Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farris, former residents here and employed on the | Detroit dam as an engineer are due i | to arrive at Bombay, India, Saturday, July 12 by plane. They stopped over I in London on their way, and will be ¡employed on construction engineering I in India. Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto spent I the holidays at Klamath, Calif., taking their granddaughter Sharon Gray who | is spending the summer with her aunt : at Klamath. Mrs. Ernie Brown is helping Mrs, i Kellom this week in Kellom’s grocery during the absence of Mrs. Dell Smith j iiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi 1952 POLIO PRECAUTIONS DON’T DON'T MIX WITH NCW GROUPS GET CHILLED SUNDAY and MONDAY JANE RUSSELL and VICTOR MATURE in The Las Vegas Feature at 5:30, 7:30 Sunday TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY DAVID WAYNE and TOM EWELL. a« WILLIE and JOE in DON'T GET OVERTIRED Up Front News THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ZANE GREY’S FAMOUS STORY L Wanderer of the Wasteland BUT DO - KEEP CLEAN RECOMMENDED BY THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR INFANTILE PARALYSIS Seven-year-old Karen Blecha enacts 1952 polio precautions recommended by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. When polio is around, the National Foundation cautions parents to watch for these signs: headache, fever, sore throat, upset stom­ ach. tenderness and stiffness of neck and back. A person showing such symptoms should be put to bed at once, away from others. Then, call your doctor and follow his advice. If polio is diagnosed, call your local chapter of the March of Dimes for advice and assistance, including needed financial help. who was called to California for the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Folrence Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fields of Bend attended the funeral of A. F. Cather­ wood. The Fields were former resi­ dents of Mill City. Ed Kellom, proprietor of Kellom’s grocery collapsed in his store last Wednesday. He is confined to his home under his doctor’s care. Mrs. George Stewart and son Merle drove to Tyhe valley to visit Mrs. Stewart’s sister over the holidays. Minister and Mrs. H. E. Jull will take a load of young people to the Christian Youth Camp at Silver Creek Falls Sunday afternoon, and remain for the week. Mrs. Jull will assist in the kitchen, and Mr. Jull will serve as camp manager. Dr. Lawrence Remus, will become associated with the Dr. William H. Burrell dental office starting Monday, July 14. Come in for appointments. Mrs. Elsie Potter and Mrs. Mildred Allen spent the holidays at Roads End. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swan, John Swan and George Stewart attended the Water pageant at Bendon the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podrabsky re­ turned home last week from a lengthy visit to points east as far as Minne­ sota. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poole and John Slagle drove in to Washington to the home of Mr. Slagle’s parents and en­ joyed some fishing over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Leary attended the ball games in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Jay Palmer, Mrs. Warey Wallace and Arthur Palmer from Albany Sunday afternoon at their home. The Christian Women’s Fellowship met Wednesday with Mrs. E. K. Fish. — Plus — GROUCHO MARX and MARIE WILSON A Girl in Every Port I Santiam Hospital Kids Matinee discontinued until September (Continued from Page 1) Sublimity, four; West Stayton-Aums- ville, one; Scio, one; and four at large. The director may qualify for serv­ ice by living in the area or by having his principal business in the area, The amendments were presented to the directors by J. C. Kimmell of Mill City, vice president, Acceptance was by unanimous vote of the di­ rectors present. Filing of five suits for collection of delinquent amounts due to the San­ tiam Memorial hospital corporation was authorized by the hospital’s board of directors Tuesday evening. The committee on delinquent ac­ counts reported excellent response to its recent appeals for payment of past- due accounts; but, since the corpora­ tion must keep funds coming in con­ stant flow, the directors were unani­ mous in feeling that legal steps must be taken in some instances wherein requests for payment have been re­ peatedly ignored or refusal to pay has been made without justification. The building committee, of which T. G. Freres is chairman, reported ex- celent progress is being made on the hospital construction job, with pros­ pects good of completing it earlier than planned. This situation also pointed up an increased demand for prompt collection of pledges which are in the form of promissory notes. Mrs. E. D. Cooke was the program chairman, and Mrs. H. E. Jull led the devotionals. Visitors were Mrs. Cleah Fink of Klickitat, Wash., and Mrs. Connie Stone of San Francisco. The next meeting will be held August 13 at the home of Mrs. Eathel Hill. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 Auditor Tax Consultant W. N. SIMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service Corner 3rd 4 Marion STAYTON. ORE. Telephone 4114 P. O. Box 1321 HEMORRHOIDS (PILES) FISSURE — F1STI I \ PROLAPSE AND OTHER RECTAL DISORDERS. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturopathic Physician 1144 Center St. SALEM, ORE. ASTHMA Don’t let coughing, wheezing, recurring at­ tack« of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MENDACO, which works thru the blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus allevtaWa coughing and aids freer breathing and better sleep. O»t MENDACO from druggist. Batia- faction or money back guaranteed. Wally Riggs Sport Shirts Now Available Place Orders Today for IMMEDIA TE DELIVER Y JXJLUl i Always in Stock at the Gates General Store