/ The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Editorial Comments PLAYING POLITICS WITH YOUR proved an agreement tieing EDC— and DON PETERSON, Publlaher POCKETBOOK thus West Germany—to the North At- Congresa brazenly played politics 'antic Treaty Organization (NATO), Entered a« •econd-claM matter November 10. 1044 at the poet oTFice at Mill City, Oreaon. under the Act of March I, 1*7» with your pocketbook when it enacted Tbe effect is for the U.S. and 13 other the new, watered-down control* law. NATO ^members to extend Jheir mu- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for 11.00. defense guarantee to West Ger- The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in The bill, for example, actually pro- tual ‘ sertion. Errors in advertisinjt should be reported immediately. Display many. The Germans in turn agree hibits controls on some itemr fruits *— Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. _____ fresh frozen or to help defend NATO members from and vegetables, It guarantees pre-Korean attack. canned. 1 __ NATIONAL EDITORIAL The United States thus became the profits to food wholesalers and re all the docu- tailers. But it doesn’t guarantee pre- first nation to approve — - Korean take-home wage profits to ments, hailed by sponsors as usher [ ing in a new era of European co-op workers. Experts forecast almost immediate eration. Now it is up to West Ger price increases on all types of fruit many and the rest of western Europe. “THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.” It looks at present as though action -—George Putram. and vegetables, hotel and restaurant meal», milk and other items in many by the German Bundestag may be held up until fall in the face of bitter op areas. With living costs already at an position on the part of Kurt Schu all-time high, how on earth does the maker’s social democrats. By DENNIS SALVON, 14-year-old Delays also seem certain in France, GOP-Dixiecrat controlled congress ex- Netherlands, and half- a dozen On the topic of the swimming pool problem in Mill pert the American consumers to stand The other countries. The great debate City I thought I would give my views on the situation. still for this one? Well, when prices begin to go up swirls around fears of a resurgent Personally there are quite a few young people who would again, congress hopes to shift the Germany, on the one hand, and the like very much to see the cool refreshing scene of a blame to the administration. It hopes feeling in some quarters, on the other swimming pool on the city’s premises. Just how the that voters will be short on memory I hand, that the allies should have an- other try at meeting with the Rus- city’s finances stand to date I wouldn’t know, but it but long on wrath by the time No- sians on ---------- German -------------- unification.— ------- From vember elections roll around. —- — seems to me that the city could provide a place where It also counts on the prospect of Capital Journal. young citizens can have some good clean fun. -— millions of American doing most of TAFT-IKE TUG-OF-WAR IN As of now they have had to travel some 30 miles to their beefing about high prices every CHICAGO where except where it counts — at the Breitenbush or about six miles to the safe swimming The Eisenhower forces won the first ballot boxes. holes along the Little North Fork. They'll get away with it, too, unless test in the Chicago convention when Many people have tried in the past to organize a you’re registered and unless you vote. Governor Langlie’s motion covering voting rights of delegates whose seats group in favor of the idea, but have not succeeded in —From Oregon Teamster. were in contest was adopted. This carrying it out. Maybe we should get up a petition and prevents the Taft forces from getting WORDS FOR EUROPEANS then we might succeed in reaching our goal. General Ridgway could hardly have the benefit of the votes of delegates chosen better words than he used on from Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia arriving in Europe to take over the when decisions are made on the report This supreme Allied command. Replacing of the credentials committee. may have an important effect on the Because more sweat than is usual is being expended a greatly loved soldier who has shown result of the balloting for the nomi a positive genius for persuading men this week on The Enterprise, its clear its hot this week' diverse backgrounds and beliefs to nation. Not only are those who are hard-pressed for a topic of of The first test, however, does not work together, the general showed his conversation talking about the weather, but also plenty keen awareness that this was to be prove that Ike is assured of victory. Many were ready to support the of others. Heat records toppled. Sweat-miirked report his primary task also. Langlie resolution on its merits; and His experience as United Nations ers kept the weatherman’s telephone jangling with the perhaps some of the Taft following commander in Korea, he said, had con two questions, “How hot is it? and How hot did it get?' vinced him that a successful fighting thought it wise to vote for it to head Fourth of July holiday ushered in fair weather, and force could be composed of units from off the charge of “railroading” and it has.stayed. Though the Fourth welcomed clear weath many countries. There troops from “steamroller.' Adoption of this res- puts quite firmly into the er, we have a hunch that the hot weather that has de 16 nations of differing languages, olution hands of the convention the decisions creeds, races, and colors “ found com scended upon us may in some way be tied to the “heat” plete mutual confidence in battle.” on contests, making it an “open con rising from a certain political convention hall. vention” which was what Eisenhower And he added: Gladly we welcome the comments of Dennis Salvon If we can do that in one place in demanded. A Taft nomination in this spite of all the differences of lan circumstance could hardly be called a on a swimming pool for Mill City. Hot weather turns guage Conceivably — and this is and nationality—even diet— “steal”. thinking about swimming into doing it. It certainly I see no reason why it cannot be pure speculation—the Taft loss on this would be nice if to Mill City’s good qualities were added done elsewhere—providing common test may prove to have been the “sac purpose is there. rifice hit” of the ball game. a swimming pool suitable for all. Thus the European nations were Just now the battle is raging over reminded that the success of the new whether Taft can win or not. Stanley supreme commander’s task rests in High wrote a piece for Reader’s Di large part on the strengthening of gest which, without mentioning Taft, When the road looks safest, be at your sharpest their own common purpose, already “proved” the latter can’t win. This battle-tested in Korea. But they were stirred up another publicist, John T. behind the wheel. also reassured that the new com Flynn, bitter foe of the New and Fair This is the advice of the secretary of state’s traffic mander— whom Communist propagan Deals, whose piece proving that an safety division after a look at Oregon accident records da greeted as a bloodthirsty butcher other "me-too” candidate (Eisen and germ-war criminal — is a man hower) can’t win is being broadcast covering January through June of last year. committed to the UN ideal of by big newspaper ads over the signa The division said a straight, level road was the scene deeply There ture of the National Citizens for Taft peace through co-operation, of 85 out of the total of 169 fatal mishaps during that should be inspiration for Europe in committee. period. that fact. — From Chritsian Science Well, perhaps both are correct. We'll In 115 fatal accidents, the road was paved and center Monitor. not know until November, assuming one or the other is the GOP nominee. stripped. The weather was clear when 128 of the six- We heard that Averell Harriman, WEST GERM \N PACTS RATIFIED month’s death crashes took place, and 74 happened in when out here candidating for the The senate showed commendable hours of broad daylight. in ratification by an overwhelm Democratic nomination, said that Taft Admitting that favorable road and weather condi speed ing vote the three West German peace , would be the toughest man for the tions tend to generate more traffic, and thus add to compacts after brief debates which Democrats to defeat, that Ike wouldn’t accident “exposure”, the division believes some drivers ought to inspire speedier action in the be hard to beat. This opinion is may fall victim to a false sense of security when the going parliaments of Europe and convince pretty apt to be colored by the glasses candidate is seeing through at the seems easy. Of the 125 fatal smash-ups taking place on I all of them that full co-operation of moment. Again, it is just specula the United States is pledged, The rural highways, 65 resulted from colliding with a fixed only opposition was by a few isola- tion. At the moment the Republicans object, overturning on the roadway or running off the tionist republicans. are spending their energies running roadway. One agreement between the U.S., After Chicago against themselves. Germany Britain, France and West Such mishaps, the division said, usually stem from they'll have to do a lot of internal ends the allied occupation of West speed too fast for the driver to control. Germany and returns the federal re pacification to insure victory in No public of Germany to the family of vember.—From The Statesman. nations as an almost equal member, WEDDING WNOl N< EVENTS seven years after the collapse of Hit AND INVITATIONS ler's "thousand-year Reich” which was to dominate the world. at The Mill City Enterprise A second document in the network of pacts signed in Europe last month . We have added another pharmacy to would create a European Defense | with Community (EDC) with a single army | stomach “The Quisenberry Pharmacies, that operate as one” « of units from France, Italy, West THANK HEAVENS' Most attacks are Just aetd Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands indigestion. When it strike«, take Bell-an« and Luxembourg. tablets. They contain the fastest-acting The senate was not called upon to medicines known to doctors for the relief of The new pharmacy will be open until 11:00 o’clock ratify the EDC contract, but it ap- heartbum, gas and similar distress. 25f. at night on week days and from 12:00 noon until 2:00 MILL CITY. OREGON Guest Editorial July 1», IN] 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE <52 & YCU By INDIA EDWARDS Vice Chairman Democratic National Committee You’ve heard it. The opposition goes about crying, “It’s time for a change.” I heard it the other day in Cleveland. But let me tell you the answer that I also heard. While waiting for the redcap to bring my bags out of the airport, I found myself standing by a group of taxi drivers who had left their cabs because of the terrific heat. What Do Y041 Mean—Time for a Change? One of them sputtered, “I think it's time for a change.” Whereupon, a great big fellow advanced upon him booming, “What do you mean—time for a change? You’re better off than you ever thought you might be in your whole life. You've had a new car every year for the last five years that I know of. You have a huge TV set. Your wife has a washing ma chine. What’s the matter with you anyhow? The heat? You ought to have your head examined.” As I drove away, the other drivers were loudly supporting the big fellow. Twenty Yours of Change— For the Better As a matter of fact, the United States has been changing all the time for the last twenty years—changing for the better. America has achieved miracles under Democratic adminis trations because Democrats are not afraid of change. We believe that the best is never good enough for our country. By constantly working for a better life for all of our people, we have constantly raised the stand ard of living in our country. The very poor have become fewer by two thirds and even they are better off. The well-to-do and the rich have become more numerous. In the 30’s, only one family in about fifty was in the $5,000 a year class, and only one in a 100 in the $10,000 class, To- day one family out of six has $5,000 or more a year and one out of every 20 American families has an annual income of $10,000 or over! Americans will not vote for ‘‘a change” in November. uanaiuwi m ini m uii.ra'iwuinmmiKii’Wi DR. MARK EAMMEKICESE N REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment Hot Weather Here HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY 5 5 :: All Building Supply Needs AT M Kelly Lumber Sales Jt «I w NEW RETAIL LOCATION: East City Limits on Highway 222 Phone 3215 MILL CITY gRKBEEKMXKK^^ Ä X®KKM8H8aX^ m ' j K X» JTRZRWS Safety on the Highways MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS Special Announcement CHOKED GAS? 130 S. Liberty St., Salem P.M. and 6:00 until 9:00 in the evenings on all Sundays and all holidays. There we will specialize in prescriptions and stock will be limited to medicines and sick room supplies. Your prescriptions will I m * on file there as well as at the other locations and will be available, for your convenience, these longer hours. The new location is 130 South Liberty Street, and the phone number is 4-&136. However, if you dial the Court Street number, 3-9123, and that store is closed, the call will I m » relayed. We are pleased to be able to offer this kind of pre scription service and to have it available these longer hours. Quisenberry Pharmacies “THAT OPERATE AS ONE” From where I sit... ALUMINUM FARM GATES GUARANTEED for LIFE_ Joe Marsh End all your gate annoyances for life with Dering Life- Time Gates made of Aircraft Aluminum This gate is so light, yet so strong, it can't possibly sag or drag. (Sixteen- foot gate weighs only 59 lbs.) Rolled edges can't snare or tear clothing or animals. Can't rust or conode. Latch is positive, automatic, strong. Can be padlocked Hinges of sturdy cast aluminum Six-inch hinge screws provided. This is the ideal gate for ranch and farm. Try one and you won't be happy until you are completely equipped with Life-Time Gates. 52 in high, in lengths from 4 ft. to 16 ft. Priced so low you can't afford to be without Life-Time Gates Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. How Nervy Can a "Tenant" Get? “Harry the Hermit” dropped in to see Judge Cunningham the other day and «tarted complaining about that dilapidated house he lives in over near Greenwood luike. “Who’s my landlord?” Harry wanted to know."Whoever you pay rent to,” says the Judge. "Don’t pay any rent,” says Harry. "Moved into that house twelve years ago and nobody ever came to collect.” “Well.” says the Judge, looking mystified, “what do yoa have to eomplain about?”“Plentjr,”replies Harry. "Rain's pouring in my liv ing room and if someone doesn’t fix that roof. I'm moving out!” Now llarry was only having a little joke, but from where 1 sit I've seen people act just about as nervy as this sometimes—«*r I.ike those «ho enjoy all the rights Americans have worked for. and yet wou'd take away some of those freedoms from others—for exam ple. our right to enjoy a friendly glass of beer I say these "leaks of intolerance" have no place in the "home of liberty.” Feeds Seed.« Fertilizer Telephone 5024 FOR 21-110111 SERVICE DAILY DIAL 3-9123 Copyright, SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP I Grindin* and Mixing Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliance« Machinery Hardware Petroleum Prodotta STAYTON. ORE 'tatti H'cwrt F ‘u-ij.r >a 4