The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, July 10, 1952, Image 1

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    Canyon sfa
Ml II \M I
The Republican fiasco, popularly
known as the Republican National con­
vention is going on full blast and
*2.50 a Year, |()t. a Copy
Vol. VIII—No. 28
generating tremendous amounts of
>team at the convention city of Chi­
It takes a lot of steam to
operate a steam-roller such as the
Taf-ooverites have oiled up and placed
jn operation.
The Eisenhower supporters have
been calling the Taft forces every-1
It's going to be a day to remember
thing under the sun, and the Taft
—next Sunday that is—when well over
supporters have been accusing the i
100 home-made miniature Soap Box
Eisenhower boys of all kinds of fel-|
Derby bugs will buzz down that espe­
onies. Nothing was bad enough for
cially constructed raceway in Salem’s
one to say about the other, which all |
Bush’s Pasture park.
Santiam Bean Festival guests will
goes to help prove what the Demo­
Kids from all over the mid-Willam-
crats have said all along that the Re­
etta valley., between the ages of 11 see in Stayton an outstanding exhibi­
publicans have never had the welfare
and 15, will be speeding down thai tion of trained horseflesh according
of the nation uppermost in their plans.
runway until an area champion is to Gene Teague, chairman of that
phase of the big annual affair Satur­
Eisenhower will probably come out of I
this convention a very disillusioned
There’s a prize for every entry In day, August 2.
Starting at 1 p.m. Saturday six
general, when he recalls the efforts
the race, and, of course, the Salem
of his former superior, MacArthur,
champion gets the big prize of a trip different riding groups will perform
to sway the convention toward Taf- J
to Akrin, Ohio, for the All-American and compete among themselves and
ooverism of the latest brand. Jeal- I
Derby, in addition to many other gifts. independent riders for an array of
ousies of every description is rampant
Just so you’ll know, you kids in awards and trophies. The governor’s
n that motley organization.
Dalas, Stayton, Woodburn, Hubbard, guard, Linn county sheriff’s posse,
Eisenhower knows the Democratic
and many other points in the valley, Salem saddle club, Santiam riders,
Cougar saddle club of Aumsville and
foreign policy is getting results, be­
here’s the dope:
cause he has helped to sell it all
Parade day is Saturday, Jqly 12. the Silverton saddle club are the six
over Europe, if he did not believe in
You’re to be at Marion Square by riding groups billed.
Parade horses owned by Denny
it, then why did he have any patt
10:30 in the morning with transporta­
R se Frankie, and Mr. and
in it?
tion for your racer. In an emergency,
Dulles has been trying to write a
we'll be able to afford you trans­ Mrs. Lyle Cobb will go through their
paces. All riders are invited and may
platform that any Republican can
stand on. But haven't all the Repub­
The parade winds up at the top of participate in the contests.
licans been trying to run on the Demo­
the Derby Downs course, where free than 200 horses are expected for this
cratic platform for the past three or
hot dogs and cokes will be dispensed popular portion of the Bean festival.
four elections? "Me too4 Only I can
to al) of you. Following the lunch­ Anyone wishing to enter their horses
do it better!” is all they have been
eon period, the course will be formally may write to Gene Teague, Stayton,
able to say.
The Republicans are
Waters of the North Santiam river slowly fill Detroit dam lake. Lake now stretches several miles up­
dedicated. Then, each of you will and get any further information nec­
totally devoid of any ideas that can
stream. North Santiam highway may be seen at upper left skirting highwater level of lake.
get a trial run on the raceway, so essary.
Saturday, August 2, will see plenty
boom to catch floating debris may be seen across lake in center of photo.
satisfy the people, they cannot offer
that you'll have the “feel” of the
(Photo courtesy Capital Journal)
of activity in Stayton in the form of
bigger incomes or more prosperity
games, drills, races, pie eating con­
because the Democrats have given
After the trials, all official entries
every man an opportunity to better |
will be impounded under guard and tests, wild calf riding, a pack horse
his living standards and given more ]
you won't have access to your bugs contest and even a greased-pig catch
Teague stated happily that
men an opportunity to go into busi-1
until Sunday morning, when they will race.
nes for himself or set himself up on a |
be taken to the ton of the hill and
farm with some assurance of making
placed in compounds. The big race
Detroit—Campfire permits are now’ starts Sunday, at 1:30 p.m. standard
a living when he did. And we have
Detroit—Lookouts and firemen of
Elmo Smith, 49, passed away at
made enough to be able to pay an in­ his home here in Mill City Monday the Detroit ranger district of the Will­ required on national forest lands ex­ time. It’s free to all.
come tax, which is more than we could evening about 7:30 p.m. of a heart amette national forest are moving into cept at posted forest camps, according
Age limits govern the A and B
ever do under Republican administra­ attack. He had been in good health ] their summer stations, sixteen of to S. T. Moore, Detroit district ranger. classifications, with youngsters in the|
and his passing comes as a shock which will be occupied within the next
Persons camping outside of posted 11 to 13 year old brackets placed in
The cry is raised that we m^t lower to his many friends in the canyon, week.
camps are required to carry an axe, the B division and those in the 13 to
Arthur Franklin Catherwood, 41-
ncome taxes as MacArthur said in his He had lived heer most of his life.I Heavy snows in the higher altitudes shovel and water bucket unless travel­ 15 year old group in the A classifi year resident of Mill City, succumbed
.••ynote speech, but he knows that
Funeral services will be held at have delayed somewhat this year the ing on foot.
cation. The final race for the cham­ at his home Thursday, July 3. Fun­
cannot be done.
Our military re­ Jordan Saturday morning at 9 a.m. schedle for placing lookouts on duty.
Permits for camping on the Detroit pionship will find the B champ and eral services were held Sunday after­
quires 80% of our income and no one at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Trail and telephone maintenance to district of the Willamette national the A champ racing for the Salem noon in the Mill City Presbyterian
oelieves we can dispense with it. He church and burial in the family plot each station must be completed be­ forest may be obtained free of charge title and that trip to Aaron, where a church. Rev. Noble Streeter gave the
deliberately lies when he makes the at Jordan where his mother and father fore the lookout can be of service.
at the Detroit ranger station, Marion $5,000 college scholarship awaits the funeral oration.
claim that the administration squand­ are buried.
The body is at the
The elder Catherwood had been
Mule pack trains are used to carry Lake guard station, Breitenbush guard I winner.
ers money foolishly in foreign ala Weddle funeral home in Stayton.
troubled with asthma for several
in the season’s supplies, which means station, or Pearl Creek guard station.
programs, or did he do that in hla
Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. R. that trails must be reasonably free
Posted forest camps for the Detroit
years. He was born October 29, 1879,
W. Carter of Mill City and Mrs. F. of snow before the move is under- area include campgrounds located at
operations in Japan?
in Vernon county, Missouri. His par­
MacArthur criticised the war in C. Moodenbaugh of Portland, and one | taken.
Pearl creek, Elk lake, Humbug camp,
ents were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cather­
Korea. Yet he blundered in his march brother, Leslie Smith of Detroit, Mich. |
wood. He married Miss Rachael Swan
Many lookouts on the Detroit dis- Breitenbush, Big Springs, White
to the Yalu border and allowed thous­
November 16, 1903.
trict are in isolated areas requiring
ands and thousands of his men, yes.
After the first of July a no-smok-
Surviving are his widow; three sons,
your boys, to be slaughtered and en- , Republican Women Give
ranging from one and one-half to ten ing-while-traveling law is effective met at the Gates furniture store Fri­ Cecil W. of Sweet Home, Raymond E.
traped. That is recognized as a col-
for all forest roads. This does not
miles for the most remote.
day evening after visiting their new of Mill City and Dwighme E. of West
losal military blunder, but he has the
apply to the North Santiam highway
Linn; two grandsons, Dwight Woody
Two of the lookouts are more a< nor to the Breitenbush road to the club house to inspect and decide what
gall to come back here and criticise
The Republican women of Mill City
Catherwood of West Linn and Arthur
the administration for his mistakes. are invited to attend a picnic at the
j hot springs.
house has been under construction for Franklin Catherwood of Sweet Home.
If it were a lieutenant who had made home of Mrs. Winifred Pettijohn, at on Kinney Ridge, each within one-
At the time of his death Cather­
several months past and they hope
such a mistake MacArthur would have 145 N. 14th St., Salem, Monday, July
was 72 years of age and was
to decide whether to complete the
Lookouts and fire stations are oc­
14 at one o’clock.
Please bring a
ordered him shot as a traitor!
in retirement. Interment was in Fair­
Hoover spoke in the vain hope of covered dish and own table service. cupied until the middle of September
view cemetery. Ed Cooke, Otto Witt,
the outside of the building.
helping to re-intrench more of his Ice cream, coffee sugar and cream will or later, depending upon fire weather
Clyde Rogers, Lee Ross, J. P. Smith,
1929 calamity boys in the saddle for be furnished by Salem unit of the Re­ conditions in the fall.
and Tom Booth were pallbearers.
president, presided at the meeting,
“another chance” to gobble up the publican women’s federation of Ore­
Six of the summer protection force |
Those attending the funeral from
Lyons—Henry Thomas is confined when plans for the coming year were
are located at guard stations, four of
finances of the country back in Walt gon who are sponsoring the affair.
a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, state president, which may be reached by automobile,
Street for them to spend lavishly
Nixon, West Lipn; Mr. and Mrs. Rob­
including those at Pearl Creek, Breit- injuries he received Saturday morn­
The next meeting of the club will ert George, Cashmire, Wash.; Mr. and
while the working men and their fam­ will be the speaker.
A regular feature of meetings this enbush, Marion Forks and Blowout
ilies can have the privilege of “selling
be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Mrs. A H. Sme n' Portland; Mrs.
apples on every street corner” as they year has been white elephant sales I creek, More isolated stations may be by his tractor.
Millsap with Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson
Thomas was preparing to chop some land Mrs. Harold Wilson, assisting W. S. Swan, Napa, Calif., and Mr. and
did in 1929, or find a bread line to and this month it will be vases—pro- reached by trail at Marion lake and
Mrs. Henry Dunigan, Salem.
hay and in putting on a belt the ma- hostesses, Thursday, July 17.
Pamelia lake.
get a bowl of soup to try to sustain ceeds used to help defray expenses.
their bodies and souls. No, I don’t
him and continued to circle about1. At the next meeting a decision wd)
think the people of this great country
His wife called her father John be made regarding the completion of
want to try any more Republicanism
Silbernagle who stopped the tractor. | the club house.
or Taf-ooverism.
Refreshments were served by the
Thomas was rushed to the Salem
The voters of this great country
General hospital by ambulance where new officers, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. How-
don’t want to buy any more "white
it was found he had a fractured pelvis ] ard Means, Mrs. Vernon Anderson
(and Mrs. Arthur Kindley to Mrs. W.
and several broken ribs.
With low humidity shortening log­
R. Hutcheson, Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs. gers’ working hours at least one com­
Joe Joaquin, Mrs. Harry Keiser. Mrs.
pany is beginning to “hoot owl”. Part
j Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Dan Morrison, Mrs.
of the state observes daylight savings
Walter Thomas, Mrs. Albert Millsap, i time; some workers call early morn-
and their guest Mrs. John Rock.
I ing hours “the graveyard shift”; but
Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson was hostess to western Oregon loggers, commenc­
Completion of asphaltic concrete I
at Monday luncheon entertaining the
surfacing by September 15th is the]
The board of directors of the San- new officers and out-going officers of ing work at daylight is “hoot owling”.
Parkett Logging company operating
goal set for contractors working on a
tiam Memorial hospital, Tuesday eve­ the club.
near Marion Forks, employees of
15-mile stretch of highway between
ning, adopted an amendment to the
which drive from Mehama, are leaving
Niagara and Dry Creek near Idanha.
by-laws of the corporation which will
at 2:30 a.m. preparatory to starting
According to E. N. Moore, resident
change the method of nominations
work at 4:30 a.m.
highway engineer for the bureau of
and election of directors.
Public Roads, the base course should
On the first Thursday of each Jan­
Logging operations in the national
be laid and paving of the stretch be- i
uary, under the amendment, the asso­
forest demand many fire precautions.
gun by the first of August, Unless |
ciation will hold its annual meeting
One man is employed as a company
Council Smith of Mill City had his fire warden. It is his duty to check
unexpected delays due to weather are
in Stayton.
seams and excessive water have beer. |
.Vacancies on the board of directors arm badly csewed by a saw Thursday ' fire implements. A shovel and fire
encountered the project should reach )
will be filled by a vote of the member­ afternoon as a result of a freak ac- I extinguisher must be on every piece
completion by early fall. Dense clay |
ship which will be mailed ballots ten cident. Smith was clearing a block ( of equipment, A box of fire tool* is
complicating factors in this area.
days prior to the date of the annual of wood from the immediate area of handy near the donkeys, A fire truck
the saw when a fellow workman full of water is kept in readiness,
Approximately three and one-half i
I meeting.
miles of the highway from Detroit to j
Nominations may be made by a com­ slipped and in his fall moved the lever somewhere on the logging operation,
the Idanha Veneer plant are still un-1
This man is also required to watch
mittee or by petition bearing the setting the saw in motion.
Smith was taken to the Salem Mem­ for fire three hours each day after
der construction. J. W. Briggs and
names of 15 members of the corpora­
orial hospital by Mill City ambulance , the crew leaves the woods,
his associates are doing the grading
Directors will be elected from each after being given first aid by Dr. most vacate when humidity drops to
on this stretch.
Jack Reid. Amputation of the arm 30. By starting at daylight the log-
The contract for rock production for (
! of the following areas:
the highway surfacing is held by Rog- j
Idanha-Detroit, one director; Gates- was at first thought necessary. Smith , ging company hopes to get in an eight
ers Construction company, and the
Mill City, three directors; Lyons-Me­ works for the Riverside Lumber com­ hour day. At the high altitude of
A» well m protecting our liberties, we ought to protect our renewable
two; Stay ton, five; pany in Mill City. He and hie family Marion Forks, the season is short
paving contract is held by the M ar-,
resources before we get to the bottom of the barrel!”
live in Mill City.
becauce of early winter snow.
ren Northwest company.
(Continued on Page 8)
Soap Box Derby Bugs
To Race Sunday
Elmo Smith, Passes
With Heart Attack
Bean Festival
Horse Show
16 Lookout Stations Campfire Permits in
Manned in District Forests Required
Arthur F. Catherwood
Succumbs Here July 3
Gates Women’s Club
Lay Plans for Future
Lyons Farmer Ran
Down by Tractor
Loggers Work "Hoot
Owl’’ Shift Now
Surfacing of Santiam
Hiway Set for Sept. 15
Santiam Hospital
Changes Bydaws
Council Smith Injures
Arm in Mill Accident