r ■X For Your Noxt Trip t— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN To Salem, Try M<O »'*’ to«» [tMptíú • <•••»••••••• SETS JUG ne*W Sc Bees watt ertTfaiT. DEFAWTS . 1b RtTuKri IMW Ar»D *O< STue* or xxì FAMOUS BUFFET For Lunch or for Dinner AH You Can Eat for 99 Children under 10—Just 44c Hi-Chaira! Look At This Typical Buffet Menu Assorted Crackeri-Potato Chips 15 Varieties of Delicious Salads Relish Sticks • Cold Cuts Pickles - Cheese - Applesauce Hot Boston Baked Beans ROAST OREGON Tl'RKEY BAKED PREMIUM HAM with Potatoes and Vegetable Homemade Clover-leaf Rolls Coffee by the Silex-full Homemade Cake a la mode, Ice Cream, Sherbet, or Hot Boysenberry Sundae All you can eat — of anything and everything I From 11:30-8:30 on Weekday* From 12 to 8 on Sunday« With Mary Barton*» Organ Melodies Downtown Salem - Stale Street »u» f J* ; RiíxTcme/ LOOKS ÎH'h MO MiftW1*) *X. • ♦X <>»• LYONS By MRS. EVA BRESSLER After spending 10 days at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Toomb, A/IC John R. Toomb left for Chanute, Ill., where he will enter elec tronics specialist school. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore have as their guests Mrs. W. W. Carter, and daughter Virginia Ann from An chorage, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son Cecil spent the weekend in Klamath Falls. They were guests at the home of her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rogers have as their guest her mother Mrs. Kora Allen from Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Edna Waterman of Salem spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Inez Ring. At the special meeting of the Peo ples Co-operative Telephone company Phil Bell was elected secretary to replace Jim Lande who resigned. Mrs. John McClurg went to Port- ( land Friday where she spent the rest I of the week with her parents who are I both in ill health. Mr. McClurg went for her Sunday returning home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry spent the weekend in Portland. They were ; guests at the home of her brother and j family. David and Johnnie Trahan of Lyons JOMi T h S GAriö spent several days at Suttle Lake. They were among the boys attending the retreat for tha Oregonian carriers. Their trip was made possible by ob O6S HRME taining subscriptions for the paper. ADAM'S APPLES The regular meeting of the Santiam Valley grange which falls on Friday /ALSO night, the Fourth of July has been T onsils postponed until Friday, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux went to Portland Monday morning, where they attended funeral services for his mother Mrs. Frances Prideaux who passed away in that city Thursday morning. Rev. and Mrs. Rinke Feenstra will spend several days this week at the coast, at the Devil’s Punchbowl, They will also visit in Toledo, a former charge of the Feenstra’s During the absence of the Feen- stra’s the pulpit will be supplied by tthe Newberg laymen who visited here last summer, Mr. A. A. Anderson will bring the message and L. L. Putman will lead the singing and bring mes sages in song. Sandra Kay and Roger Knox, chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Knox have gone to Corcoran, Calif., where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry ano son Allen of Sweet Home visited re!- atives in Lyons Sunday, They were guests at the Paul Pennington, George Berry and Alex Bodeker homes. Mr. and Mrs. Myles Henderson of sight-seeing at Yellowstone park. Salem were Sunday guests at the Hazel Lewis left Thursday morning home of Mrs. Ina Stockwell. for Portland, she will visit relative* Mr. and Mrs. Vern Nydegger and there, and go on to Seattle where she daughter Barbara, spent last week | From there sh» will visit friends. wil visit her father at Des Moines, Wash. ' OF* - E3. Sunday dinner truest* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neal were Mr. and Mrs. Dell Westenhouse and daugh ter Charmano, of Scio, and Florence Flande from Albany, Mr. and Mrs. I Dell Westenhouse and Mr. and Mrs. I Holly Westenhouse were Tuesday eve ning guests at the Neal home, honor ing them on their wedding anniver sary. John Neal and Howard Baldwin from the Baldwin clothing store left June 20 on a ten-day vacation trip. They will visit Grants Pass, Medford and go south as far as Redding, Calif. apPiftPi ON AtSMflSt»« I» LANCASHiRt I q— 1 M ART6MS Atf fOklO Of SafAKIHOr INÍ0 CAMP Aï NI Gril' YO $1*6 AL B ACO K) gádrS / PM PMP í M ÉúGSHfkL ! gold plan to spend a month’s vaca tion driving to New York. In Portland last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Cal Schlador who visited Mrs. Schlador’s brother, ill at the Vet erans’ hospital. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore at the Detroit ranger station the past weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Payette and daugh ter of Snow Peak, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stigmuller and family of Cor- vallis. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean their children spent the weekend at Lapine. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Morrison and family were called to Grants Pass for the weekend where Mr. Morrison's father is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hellwig of Mon gold spent the past weekend in Port land where they attended a house- wraming at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Halsey. NATURALLY THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE S.AI-EM II bat makes z so different? Surely you have noticed the dif ference in water . . . some may he too hard or soft, too acid or alkaline. Many are chemically treated. The quality and character of O lympia Beer are due not alone to premium ingredients, but also to the rare brew ing water from our subterranean springs. «I Hot flashes” of Change of Life stopped or strikingly relieved Its the Water* In 63-80%* of the cases in doctors' testsl • Those suffocating “heat waves'*— alternating with ner vous. clammy feelings — and accompanied often by restless irritability and nervousness — are well-known to women suf fering the functionally-caused distress of middle life "change"! You want relief from such suffering. And—chances a re volt can get it. Thrilling relief! Thanks to two famous Lydia Pinkham medicines! •In doctors’ tests, Lydia Pink ham's Compound and Tablets brought relief from such dis tress in 63 and iO'k (respective ly» of the cases tested. Com plete or striking relief! Tkawtand* Nava (anaRfad Amazing, you say? Not to the many thousands of women who know' from experience what these Lydia Pinkham medi cines can do! Their action — actually — is very modern. They exert a sci entifically calming, soothing effect! Try Lydia Pinkham's on the basts of medical evidence! 8ee if you. too. don t gain blessed relief from those Urrible "hot i I ight Refreshment Bever.ige of Ûi/linns of Temperate Penpie MTWM MKWIRC Cl Now Lydia Finkham i works It acts through a rom«n'i jym- pathetic nervous system to fire relief from the "hot flashes” and other functionally-caused dis tresses of "change of life.** flashes” and weakness so com mon in ' change of life " Don't put it off’ Get Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound or nnc. improved Tab lets with added iron (trial size only 590. Wonderful — too — for the functional pains, cramps, “dragged-out” feelings and other discomfort of monthly menstrual periods! KWH* (4SI ILL Was a nervous wreck from agonizing pain until I found Pazo! Tetat ” ray, Mrs. A. W., 5an Antonio. Speed amazing relief from miseries of simple piles, with soothing Pazo«' Acts to relieve pam. itching instants soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard ened parts—help« prevent cracking sure- neos reduce swelling. You g< l real com forting help. IXm't «ufler nenili*« torture from simple pile«. Get Paso for fast, won derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. Suppository (orm — also tubes with per forated pile pipe for easy application. DETROIT IDANHA AND By MRS. S. T. MOORE Motoring in Canada on a vacation trip are Mr. and Mrs. Huber Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haseman. The Idemo Star club met Thursday with Mrs. Huber Ray. Club members revealed secret pals by means of gifts to each other, since many members are expected to be moving away soon. Next regular meeting of the club will be held in September. The Idanha lumber company is shut down to give employees a vacation holiday. until after the July Fourth The former scaler’s house and gar age at the old ranger station site have been moved to the new station where the house will be occupied by Carl Ball, prevention guard for the forest service. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Morrison and family were called to Grants Pass or the week end where Morrison’s father is ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Koch of Mon Commeretai St. Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN einhnrd