c June 1», 1952 •—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Two new overnight camping grounds will be opened to the public Coming Events . . . at Wallowa ljtke and Silver Falla MONDAY— state parks in Oregon thia year. American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. L Girods Super Market I ON THE HIGHWAY at STAYTON KRAFT SALAD OIL 39c Qt SUNSHINE KRISPY KRÄCKERS 21c ,b < k I Old Fashioned Licorice GUM DROPS 19c M-l) TISSUE 3 rolls 29c GOLDEN WEST COFFEE 85c * SANTIAM BEANS No, 2 2 for 35c MAYFLOWER ICE (REAM Qt 39c “«I $1.49 The Santiam Softball league got The recreation program is going over with a bang. The first three underway Monday night with the Llona club meeting. A.F 4 A M. No. 180 stated meet­ days of the program saw 102 boys promise of an eventful season. In the opener, the Golds defeated and girls taking advantage of varied ing third Monday. the Blue 6 to 1. The Gold team was programs including archery, badmin ­ O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. ton, tennis, little league baseball, represented by Lee, Mehama, and TUESDAY— ping pong, croquet, softball and horse­ Kellys and the Blue team w’as repre­ Women's club 8 pm. 1st, 3rd Tues shoes. sented by CBI, Chuck’», and the Fire- 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues Next week’s schedule includes the men. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday The line score: R H E following: Riders of the Santiam. l»t Tuesday > Mornings—all playground activities Golds 000 030 120—6 y 2 WEDNESDAY— 000 010 000—1 3 4 Participants — all girls — and boys Blues Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation under 13. In the second half of the first night City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. Afternoons—arts and crafts—little activities the Mill City Babes defeated Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. league and junior baseball. the Gates Gals 17 to 2. This was at Mill City fire hall. No restriction or age limits in the the first game of the season for the Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd afternoons. girls from Gates and the combination Wed. at 8 p.m. Miss Letha Thomas is in charge of 14 hits and 8 errors gave Mill City Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. of arts and crafts and the girl's pro­ a wide margin. PTA, second Wednesday 8 p.m. gram, with Jim Hale in charge of The regular league schedule opened THURSDAY— boys’ activities. Tuesday night and saw the surprising Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d Last week saw the selection of Dick Engineers sink Lee Logging 10 to 0 and 4th Thursdays. Crook, Ralph Jull, Maurice Bassett, in 5 innings. The Engineer’s Wall­ Gaites PTA 1st Thursday 8 p.m. American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. and Mike O’Leary as playground as­ ingford gave only one hit to Lee’s sistants. Their assistance with little and never allowed more than one man Garden club fourth Thursday. Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. league aspirants has created much on base at any time. The Engineers Toastmistress Club, 2d 4 4th, 7 p.m. interest in the program. In the very made one miscue in the field while near future a game with Stayton is the Loggers made six errors. FRIDAY— contemplated under the lights. The line score: R H E I.O.O.F. meeting. CBI 121 06—10 8 1 Mill City IWA meeting last Friday Lee ......................... 000 _____ 00— 0 .16 Farmers Union meeting at Mehama In the second game Tuesday, Kelly Woman's club, 2nd smothered Chuck’s 15 to 1 in five I A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Lynn innings. Don Carey held Chuck’s hit­ There are 557 varieties of Jasper Nelson, Mill City, June I k , at Salem less in the official five innings. The Memorial hospital. agates found along the 400-mile Ore­ big stick for Kelly was Ron Davidson. I A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. gon Pacific ocean coastline. Ron collected three hits and a walk [ Lyle Ray, Mehama, June 18, at Sajem to score three runs. Dombrowsky j Memorial hospital. batted in five runs and scored twice I A DAUGHTER—To* Mr. and Mrs. himself with three hits and a sacrifice | Arthur Bassett, Mill City, June 18, at in four trips. Salem Memorial hospital. The line score: R H A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kellys .................. 523 23—15 14 French, Mill City June 18, at Salem Chuck’s 100 00— 1 Highw ay 222 Memorial hospital. Wednesday night in the game of I’/i miles East of Gates A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Story. Mill City, June 14, at Salem Mem­ the week, the Firemen edged Mehama 6 to 5. The Firemen came from be­ SPECIALISTS IN orial hospital. hind twice and played heads-up ball MULLIGAN STEW all the way. Jimmy Smith pitched Appearances of gypsies in Europe a fine game for the Firemen. He cannot be traced farther back than gave up four hits, walked two, and the 14th century. struck out five. Leo Poole drove in the winning run in the bottom of the sixth inning. The line score: R H E Good Music Shuffleboard 4 3 Mehama 100 030 0—4 « I Firemen 001 112 x—5 9 1 4 In the second game Wednesday, the : Engineers defeated Chuck’s 7 to 0 in : five innings. The Engineer's Wall­ 4 « ingford turned in another 5-hit pitch­ ing performance by limiting Chuck’s Where Friend» Meet to three hits and allowed only three men on base. The Engineers played On Highway 222, Linn County Side errorless ball and they are currently MILL CITY playing the best ball in the league. George “Sparky” Ditter R H E The line score: 051 01—7 4 0 CBI 000 00—0 6 4 Chuck's I i i : * DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JI K'E 46 oz. can 25c 0 Authorized Dealer for Sugar Cured SLAB BA( ON 43c Pay Cash Girods AT STAYTON B ackache n>r «nick roaforttn< help tor Bockoeho. kknmiU: rous» itviilag Up Hi«his. Mron< clonds urine. Irrttuin« |nnr> Lea Faina, circles under ores, and swollen ankleo. duo So swo-orasnlc and r'.'n-eyeUritr Kldise? and ■Uddrr troubles, lit Crsles Quirk, romplele •Btafactlon or mot et back (uara. tced. Ask pour dm,'»lei tor Cpsfaa Soda». SAN I I AM SOFTB ALI LEAG IE STANDINGS Pct. W I. 1.000 0 2 Engineers 1.000 0 1 Firemen 1.000 0 1 Kellys .000 1 0 Mehama .000 0 1 Lee Logging ,ooc 0 2 Chuck’s and others CE1L1MO PRICE 1 Soups 2 Fruit Juices 3 Shrimp Cocktoil 4 1/2 Doz CLAMS 5 1/2 Doz Oysters 6 Club Sand 3 Bev. 7 Chopped Steok Sond 8 Bev. 8 Veal Fricassee Lch. 9 Rst Beef Sand " 10 Chicken Croquette Lch. 11 Shrimp Creole Lch. 12 Omelette 8 Bev. 13 Chef Salad 8 Coffee 14 Solod Bowl 8 Coffee 15 Pie or Layer Cake 16 Hot Coffee or Teo l7 • • h Coffee or 15 .15 .70 50 60 too 75 1.10 IJ0 110 HO 100 100 .75 20 10 •5 « . . AND DRIVE ON THE FINEST TIRES EVER MADE! I I I I I Pay as little as $125 on all Home and Industrial Machines 153 S. Liberty SALEM » PER WEEK k «' New and Used Sewing Machines 6:70x15 SIZE Phone 3-5773 MAYFLOWER M ilk " / J h AT YOUR STORE or AT YOUR DOOR WITH AN FHA TITLE 1 LOAN Ganarol SvparSquaagaa and SAVE at MEALS FOOD ITEMS. AND DEVEDACE5 (lea akahelk) Pfaff, Sew-Gem, Viking, Regent WATERMELONS 61 2C ,b ----- MEAT PRIME RIB ROASTS 69c ,b Quality and Quantity art required to be maintained. Actual telling prices may be lower. MEANDER INN MYRON’S Sewing Machines SUNKIST ORANGES Medium 2 dozen 45c 59c Q<- POSTED PRICES: Th. Office of Prie. Stabilii.Itos now requital all Pacific Norlhweit teils«. tanfi and Ovtrns I to display doll.r- and-cent Ckil’ng prices on all food and beverage itemi. They mint bo posted on the official OPS chart (a templi of which is shown hare), and dis- played prominently. This chart is your protection. When you eat at your favorite restaurant, check your bill against the posted coiling prices. The Maples Cafe & Tavern JUMBO (ANTALOUP 2 for 29c DURKEE MAYONAISE flDC CEILING®® Urd PRICES IB* Just Arrived... NEW No. 1 POTATOES 10 lbs. 69c RADISHES 2 bunches 9c Summer Recreation Canyon Softball Program Underway League Results With a Title 1 loan you can reroof, repaint, re- model, insulate, add a room, improve your yard, install heating system, install new plumbing, or make other improvements. You simply sign a note for the amount required and pay it off in 12 to '6 months. It’s the simplest loan plan ever devised. Any homeowner is eligible for a Title One Loan. Come in and let us explain this loan in detail. Have the improvements you've wanted NOW! MILL CITY STATE BANK General Sof-T- Miler Highest Prices in Town for Your Old Tires 90% of tire trouble comes in the last 10% of wear. Why risk it? Your worn tires will apply as down payment on new. safe General Tires. Easy weekly terms on balance See us today. Philippi Tire Service MEHAMA. ORE MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSl RANCE CORP. ♦