O Editorial Comments The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY. OREGON GRANGE RAPS TEACHER OATHS ventions to platform drafting bodies, It is encouraging to note the cate as well as giving the people a direct Kntered as ne<-ond-elas» matter November 10. 1344 at the post office at gorical manner in which delegates to voice in choosing their presidents. It Mill Q|ty. Orearon, under the Act of March 3. 1373. the state convention of the Oregon was Wilson's idea that the conven- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for 11.00. state grange rejected the idea of sub . tions then should consist, not of dele- The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in jecting Oregon school teachers to an ' gates, but of “the nominees for con sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display gress, the nominees for vacant seats anti-Communist oath. Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. ! In other states farm organizations in the senate of the United States, the have sometimes been among the lead-1 senators whose terms have not yet NATIONAL EDITORIAL NEWSPAPER ers in advocating teacher oaths under I closed, the national committees, and PUBLISHERS the mistaken belief that such pledges the candidates for the presidency ASSOCIATION could be a means of eliminating dis-; themselves, in order that platforms loyal instructors from the class room, j i may be framed by those responsible Such oaths actually do not serve that to the people for carrying them out.” This makes more sense than the THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.' end. They do, however, subject the —George Put-am. teacher to a humiliation imposed on present system, in which the platform no other class of public employes; and,. of the party in power consists chiefly what is much worse, they introduce I of boasts and that of the party into the schools an atmosphere of feai | of power chiefly of denunciation and suspicion in which true freedom promises to do better than its Sober scientists have said, “The universe is light.” of expression and inquiry cannot exist ponent.—From The Oregonian. The warmth that blesses this earth proceeds from the sun. Oregon grange have learned these Titan Power Chain Saws pack plenty of power to do the job, whether the ISRAEL’S TROUBLES This miracle is not as yet explained. The Bible reads in truths. Their vote at La Grande was The launching trees are large or small. The combination of lightweight and a powerful of a new nation unanimous against a resolution motor is what makes Titan saws famous as being “the easiest saw you'll substance that God decreed that there should be light and almost loyalty oaths for Oregon i never been an easy business. The new ever handle”, Martell and Walker, local Titan dealers explains. Their there was light. What puzzles us is the darkness that favoring shop is located at Lyons, and they say “that demand for Titan Power Chain teachers. Their action should help con- J Republic of Israel is no exception. shrouds the minds of Man. Poets have written in beauti vince zealots who from time to time Carved out of Palestine when the saws continues to grow in this area, as more loggers are learning the benefits of owning this modern and efficient power saw.” propose such teacher tests that the j British withdrew from their mandate ful terms about this matter. climate of Oregon public opinion is not in 1948, the historic land has been a Without being much impressed, we read that mice favorable to the questioning of the in- i I refuge for persecuted or displaced are taught how they may reach a bit of tasty cheese hidden tegrity of its teachers.—From The Jews from Europe and an attraction j to Zionists from other areas. in a maze of nooks and corners. Researchers pile up Oregonian. It has not, however, drawn as many data how other dumb animals close the gap between their immigrants from the United States as THOSE PARTY PLATFORMS desires and the satisfaction of them. Are we human Foreign policy in the Republican its founders hoped for in the process being less than mice, monkeys and other so-called “dumb" convention; of developing work and sustenance for civil rights in the Demo- the many thouands who arrived with animals? crtic convention these are the only im BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP little more than their hands. The seri portant platform planks which are Is it possible that we are eternally doomed when to be fought out on the floor. ousness of the country’s economic trying for a goal such as peace and good fellowship likely problem is implicit in the currency Phone 1141 Phone 116 And the odds are that master phrase among all mankind? It is indeed a strong indictment makers of the resolutions committee exchange just ordered by the Israeli Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store Lyons Government. By this drastic means of humanity if it can not rise above the tooth and claw will smother these controversial and the treasury will take a forced loan properly sharp issues so completly of the dark jungle. Must Man continually run about of 10 per cent of bank deposits and that their generalization will be ac fighting, killing, maiming, and ranting? Surely Man, cepted challenge by the paper money. This follows an ingenious foreign with his large brain, should build a community where such backers of without the presidential candidates. exchange plan under which Israel is absent and foreign. The civil rights plank which the Americans for Democratic Action offers pounds at reduced rates of $1 to When God commanded that the world be lighted, we branch investors and $1.40 to tourists, in com the Democratic party, led by think that it was intended that the minds of men be filled Mayor of (now Senator) Hubert Hum-. parison with the official value of $2.80 REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST with light. Often repeated truisms flick from the tongue phrey of Minneapolis, substituted for for foods and ordinary commodities. It would help greatly if Israel could Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building on this subject. One old saying along this line is in the committee's sidestepping versionI obtain an early and generous settle Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. in 1948 — and which led to the revolt substance, acquire knowledge and it shall make you free. ment of claims against Germany for Also Thursday evenings by Appointment of the Dixiecrats—was the exception Clearly knowledge is the light of the mind and only Man to the rule. material losses by Jews under Nazi can have it and pass it on to his successors. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY Senator Taft and General Eisen rule and to assist in the resettlement of refuges from that country. hower are farther apart on foreign There must be something very wrong about the Obviously, Israel will need much fi and particularly foreign mili world’s educational system since past mistakes are re policy, nancing from outside if it is to be a real tary and economic aid, than they are peated again and again. Somehow each newborn babe on domestic policy, judging from homeland for the Jews. Its present dif- — GET YOUR QUALITY JOB PRINTING AT THE ENTERPRISE — ficulties by no means indicate that the must gain the feeling that his life will be blessed with Eisenhower’s two press conferences I dream has failed or is failing. But since his entrance into the campaign. freedom and a course of creative work. Light must flood Israel is still in a period of pioneering But the resolutions committee may every avenue into which he may turn. The sun does not be that blends the hardships of American to draft foreign planks accept dictate upon whom its rays shall fall. Neither should one able able to both, The presentation of the j homesteaders with those of Old Testa- man single out another and deny such other the warmth platform to the convention will be on j ment worthies. S A I.KM The world cannot but wish them of the sun. Many times we say it, that is, that Democracy the second or third day, before the well 141 N. Commercial St. both in their task of rejuvenating puts everyone in the “sun”, but the day is here when we delegates get down to nominating the the land in the necessary under candidate who will have it tied around must see that it does. taking of establishing peaceful rela Has Everything for Your his neck. with their Arab neighbors. — The very heart of love, peace and good will once beat So long as the Republican party tions From Christian Science Monitor. upon the shores of the United States of America. The contains such diverse elements as those represented by Senator Wayne light of liberty was erected into a statue in New York Morse and Senator Robert A. Taft, Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies harbor. That light was given in honor of this great new and the Democratic party those typi idea nation. Events have since pictured that torch of fied by Senator Humphrey tnd Sen. liberty as an eerie light. It is time we tore down the Richard Russell, no platform which BY JOHN HARVEY FURBAY PH D meet isssues squarely could conceiv screen of ignorance that surrounds this gallant light and ably be drawn to satisfy all. Only let it stream down upon stumbling humanity all over the differences of degree may be detected, world. The warmth of friendship is better than the as a rule, in statements of party posi flames of war. tions by the Democrats and Repub licans. It is to the candidate nomi nated after the platforms are made that the public looks for a clear defi AT nition of what may be expected of him in office. The platform of the na- i tional convention, of course, does not bind members of congress. President Wilson's proposal for na NEW RETAIL LOCATION: tional nominating primaries, in 1913, Oysters do not naturallly grow East City Limits on Highway 222 would have reduced the national con- thick and fat. When you buy them that way you may be getting Phone 3215 MILL CITY a lot of extra water, for when oysters are soaked in water they :: x x x x x x x xixpgx.xixxx x x.x x x x x x X x xxxx xx x x st swell and give the appearance of • FISSURE • FISTULA being large and fat. Government PROLAPSE and agencies are trying to stop the RECTAL DISORDERS TIMELY SERVICE practice and to regulate the • Stomach and Colon MEANS amount of water that can be Ailments soaked into oysters before they NO HOSPITALIZATION are sold. So don't be too sure ' Dwacnpti«« Bcokl«« that your plump specimens arc Z | R.qvwat actually fat. DON PETERSON. publlnher Let There Be Light Gooch Logging Supply Everything for the Logger" I AHHI ll(IAI> THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS ^VDebunkei’ All Building Supply Needs Kelly Lumber Sales HEMORRHOIDS ’,l" mi DR R REYNOLDS CLINK MOCKXOG/SY NATUiaPATHlC ' 1 ' 1 7 ’ *- PHYSICIAN 1144 UNTIt STRUT - - TtltPWONI 1 «444 SALIM. ORISON CHOKED « h ■ ! with stomach THANK HEAVENS' Ural sliscki »re Just acid indltestlon When It atrikra. take BeU-ans tablets They contain the tastest-actlns medicines known to doctors tor the rebel ot heartburn, gas and similar distress. 2S<. KEEP OREGON GREEN RICHFIELD OIL AND SERVICE Next Time You Need An Oil Change Saw for Profit! N«ed «xtra cish? You'll earn mor« wI'h • TITAN power chain taw. Power to spare in this lightweight, rugged saw; tough alloy steel chain to cut fatter, stay sharp longer Ask us, your nearby TITAN dealer, how to make more with a TITAN saw— cutting pulp or sawmill logs, posts, cordwood, clearing land, pruning. Martell & Walker LYONS. ORE Richfield Service MII.L CITY Specializing in PROMPT. ( OI RTEOL S. AND COMPLETE SERVICE FOR AI.I. CARS AND TRUCKS % ♦ »