7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE June 12. 1952 Wants and Sales HELP WANTED—Female, Christian i AVON COSMETICS woman for housekeeper. Write Mrs. I See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, white D. W. Donaldson, 2596 Hollywood I house south of Beebe Apts, on NW. Dr., Salem. 24-3p 7th Ave. Box 658, Mill City. SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate WANTED — Strawberry pickers, 4 buys in Canyon area. Listings miles west of Mehama. Start pick­ wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, ing June 9th. Frank Peters, Rt. 1, salesman with C. E. COVILLE, I Stayton. Phone ll-F-25. 23-3p Broker, west side Mill City. Phone i 2207. 52tf I PLUMBING SUPPLIES — Pipe fit­ tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, FOR SALE — 1948 Spartan Manor bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain Trailer house in first class condi­ prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. tion, tent house complete with bunk beds, mattresses, linoleum and oil TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ chines. We sell, rent, repair and stove; 1938 Chev. sedan with new swan all makes. Trade your old motor and good rubber. See at machine towards a new one. Martin’s Trailer Court, directly N. ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. of washhouse, at home Sat, Sun. and evenings after 6:30. 23-3p SPORTSMEN—Join the North San- tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled devoted to game conservation and Douglas fir poles, delivered to propagation and need your help. Lyons yard. For further informa­ Only 11.00 per year, you will have tion call or write Allen Gould, 1424 that much fun at one meeting. Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Enquire at Enterprise office, or see Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet's. 9 SPINET PIANO for sale. Bargain. STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil Write Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., or wood. Save at P.O. Box 403, Salem, Ore. 23-3 Red’s Hill Top Trading Post Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. 1405 N. Front St. SALEM, ORE. Lyons Phone: 143 Salem Phones: 2-1924; Night 2 4417 HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and i-i-yard shovels. Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT MILL CITY Phone 903 Gasoline Safety Check Lubrication TIRES — TUBES — BATTERIES AND AUTO SUPPLIES If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED M ANTED — Strawberry and cherry LEGAL ADVERTISING —Register now by phone 14-F-51, pickers, Siegmund Brothers, Rt. 1, Stayton, or write Joe Schmitz. Rte Box 234. Ph. 14F78, Stayton, 24 NOTICE 1. Box 243, Stayton. Truck will (Continued from Page 1) Bids will be opened at 7:00 P.M. pick up at Stewart’s store. 22-3p FOR SALE—'50 Buick Super Riviera, Standard Time, on June 16, 1952, at low mileage, clean, private owned, indicates that today's estimate for the Mill City High School, by the FOR SALE- Large unfinished pumice Oregon's strawberries is the same as Board of Education of School District bargain. Phone 1641, Mill City. house, double garage, good well with 23-3p the May forecast. This is about a third N ; _ _ _________ I 316 N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 Boles-Aero Total General Fund STREET FUND: State Highway Fund County Road Fund Franchise, Power Street Work Equipment Rental Total Street Fund GATES a In the place you buy your Used Car. Our guarantee is backed by our 34 years of honest dealing in Salem. Check this list; then come in and ‘ see the DIFFERENCE. PARTS AND I South Side Trailers 1949 ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E 1919 1919 Business - Directory - Professional DR. R. ROY QUICK DENTIST Telephone 2261 for Appointment Tuesdays: 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office in Jenkins Bldg.. Mill City ♦ j | Dan River Prints, Children's Books, I IWool Scarfs, Stamped Pillow Cases,! Blankets, Handkerchiefs, Nylons 1 Hendricson’s Store | DR. VICTOR .1. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton, Ore. bbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb S ore P iles Don’t let sore, fiery, painful. Itching simple Pile« drive you nearly crazy. In 15 minutes CHINAROID starts giving yon wonderful cooling, soothing, temporary re­ laxing relief from pain, trarntng and itch­ ing or money back guaranteed Genuine CHTNAROID coats only H 00 at druggisU Try It today for better sleep tonight and a brighter tomorrow. Modern Funeral Service STAYTON (IRFAOy Opposite Claude Lewis' Service Station $1595 MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1.50 per month HARLOW L WEINRICK Also light hauling. Attorney at la* 318 Broadalbin Albany l-eonard Herman Phone 3952 uamBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $12,450.00 TOTAL Estimated Receipts $17,200.00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Fiscal Year 1952-1953 GENERAL FUND: Recorder and Judge —... $ 1,800.00 250.00 7,620.00 Police Salaries 150.00 Board of Prisoners 1,000.00 Police Car Expense 680.00 Insurance 500.00 Playground Program 300.00 Jail Maintenance 250.00 Civil Defense 350.00 Interest on Warrants Other Expense (Legal, 650.00 Advertising, etc.) Total General Fund STREET FUND: Maintenance and Repairs Materials Equipment Operation Equipment Repairs Salaries Street Lights Park Grader Payment, Final $13 600.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 5,400.00 2,650.00 600.00 . 2,250.00 $ . . . . $995 Total Street Fund $17,400.00 EMERGENCY FUND 3,200.00 TOTAL Estimated — $915 Expenditures $34,200.00 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1952-1953 ■ Total Estimated Expenditures $34,200.00 PLYMOUTH Less Total Phone 3-4117 | Estimated Receipts 17,200.00 HOME OF CHRYSLER — New Willys PASSENGER CARS — 2- and 4-WHEEL DRIVE STATION WAGONS 4-W.D. PICKUPS — JEEPS PANELS Immediate Delivery WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Phone 414» $1395 $10,500.00 400.00 1,200.00 100.00 250.00 Salem Automobile 405 — 435 — 495 N. Commercial St. Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone SALEM 3-9468. COLLECT 1079 Elm St., W. Salem IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE STAYTON $1715 MIKE S Septic Service Attorneys at Law 180 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 3 6412 J. W. GOIN 1917 $3395 •■■■ K a k »- k « s K K K a « xTtpqxia0C9Oto<:>cacxuoc>a