THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE June 5, 1952 FEMME PAGE M. C. Churches Hold Memorial Service Mill City Ministerial Association SI NDAY and MONDAY observed Memorial Day by special J ANE M 4 MAN and services Friday morning tn the Mill CH \RLES LAUGHTON City grade school auditorium. This in program was the first such Memorial services conducted by the leaders of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman Sr. Mill City's churches. Mill City Amer­ Leaders of Camp Fire Girls in the were hosts in their home. Saturday- Feature at 5:15, 7:30 Sunday ican Legion members presented the Wilamette area council had a one-day evening for a formal party to honor colors during the ceremony. session of fun, fellowship and train­ members of the '52 graduating class Rev. W. l>. Turnbull of the Mill City TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ing in directing their groups when of Mill City high school, Games were they met at Camp Kilowan on May played, Patricia Cree and Dolores Assembly of God church led the con- JANE RUSSELL and gregation in group singing. He and 27. There were sixty leaders from the Poole having charge, The hostess ! l.RDIfHO MARX his wife sang “Some Golden Day- three counties, Marion, Benton and awarded prizes. Group singing was in break ” . Rev. C. O. Tremaine of the Polk counties which comprise the Will­ also enjoyed. Free Methodist church gave the invo ­ amette area council. Three leaders The hostess served refreshments to attended from Mill City. An author­ Mrs. Edith Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Henry cation. The principal speaker for the | services was Rev. Noble Streeter of ity on nature, Mrs. Elwood Smith of Chaney, Misses Leia Kelly, Donna Corvallis conducted several interesting Cooke, Patricia Cree, Dolores Poole, the Presbyterian church. The names of those who have given excursions during the day. Vera Loucks, Ardith Jones, and Del- After gorging themselves on tasty mer Skillings, Bob Shelton, David their lives in the armed forces of food, the group assembled near Lake ' Keyes, Gary Peterson, and Dennis our country in the Civil war, World war I and II and the Korean conflict church Sunday school, Bubble" Forest Grove, are visiting their grand­ Kiloqua where they could supervise Mart tala. BETTE DAVIS and were read by Hugh Jull, minister of Sunday if you are not in SS elsew here ' mother for two weeks, and attending their young children playing in the i B \RRY SULLO' \N the First Christian church. come and find out just what “Bubble daily vacation Bible school. shallow water, and Mrs. Ben Green­ Taps was sounded by Gary Peterson Sunday means”. wood of Corvallis told some of the Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Stewart, former at the conclusion of the program as Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Linse of Bend district superintendent of the Free history and traditions of Camp Kilo­ the Colors were retired. Mill City were weekend guests of the Frank wan. Mrs. Greenwood was the first Methodist church and active in build­ director of camp in the early years ' The Salem unit of the National Fed­ band under the direction of professor Barneys. They were all Sunday din-' ing the church here was a visitor at when there were no cabins on the' eration of Republican Women's clubs Earl Loucks presented music for the ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark. ( the Rev. Tremaine home Sunday. He II D James Day, serviceman Those attending the graduation of has just returned from Joplin, Mo., present site. The younger high school | will meet Monday afternoon, June 9 at occasion. It FRIDAY and SATURDAY buried at sea during World war II was Miss Mildred Toman from Lewis and 2 o’clock at the Senator hotel. girls’ unit now is named for her. and will visit a daughter in Salem. Aloha Ed Lune will play a group given special recognition during the Clark college in Portland Sunday were Mrs. Carl Bryan, a Blue Bird leader ALL COLOR SHOW! Mr. and Mrs. James Swan and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman Sr., Mr. from Salem, led camp singing. Mrs. marimba numbers. Dave Hoss will be service Memorial Day. Marion Pecheck spent the holidays Stephen McNally in Mill Remembered Memorial Day in the speaker and his subject is "Europe and Mrs. Albert Toman Jr., Mr. and Sylvia Forbes demonstrated an inter­ fishing at East Lake. APACHE DRUMS City were: Percy S. McElroy, Richard Mrs. Jack Scott and Mrs. Edith Mason.' esting craft project which could be as I See It”. The Christian Woman ’ s Fellowship Cl — Plus — D. McNgott, Cpl. T. S. Hensley, W. Monthly white elephant sale will be Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder done with simple equipment. Mrs.1 Frankie Laine in Forbes is director of Camp Kilowan held. Members will please bring any P. Dard, W. Jackson, William E. Fear­ were visiting her brother and family, will met Wednesday, June 11, at the object that is suitable to use in a flow­ heller, Minnie S. Mulkey, E. S. Chase. the Harvey Beesons in Otis, Ore., over home of Mrs. Ed Cooke. There will Sl'NNY SIDE of the STREET this summer. be a no-host luncheon at 12:30 o’clock,' Mrs. Charles Harmon and Mrs. Lee er arrangement, such as bowls baskets, Cpl. Don A. Smith, G. W. Collins, W. the holiday weekend. Kid's Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday Pinkston of Mill City gave short, clear frogs, figurines, artistic driftwood B. Robertson, Matthias L. Patton,, Mrs. Frank Merrill, Carol Lea, followed by the business meeting and Rex Allen Feature Isiah Kitchen, Charles Henery Graves, Diane and Grant, Mrs. Francis Bod- program. The officers elected at the and very helpful demonstrations of pieces, etc. — Also — last meeting will be installed. Wm. Thomas, Washington Thomas, All interested women are invited to iker and two children drove to Selleck. bed-rolls and packs. Mrs, Portland Mrs. Frank Bass is making a trip MEIR'S “Cake of the Week” George W. Jacobs, Thomas Z. Drais, attend. Wash., over the holiday to visit their Rue also attended from Mill City. Birthday Cake for: through Washington, California and N. B. Herron, G. McCleary, Herbert mother Mrs. Robert Sayers Carol Camp Kilowan is owned and oper­ some of the middle western states Michael Ia*nts and Smith, Sgt. Darrel S. Hayward, Sam- [A.a stayed for a longer visit, ated by the Willamette area council visiting friends and relative. She is Trisha Peregoy ual C. Dike, Wililam B. Carter, F. M. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Faust are visit- of Camp Fire Girls, which is an agency (Iriday) Charpilloz, David Roy Mar- ¡ng at The Dalles with his brother making the trip with her son and his of the Community Chest. However, Doors open at 7:20 P.M. family. vin, Charles A. Marvin, Arthur Flat- anj famj]y. no chest funds are in any way used Complete show can be seen any Bill Jull, who visited last week man, George W. Heath, William Clark, for camp, which is supported by the RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open time up to 8:30 June 1st marked the first Sunday Elmer Gallen, Louis Kanoff, who was Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ with his parents. Minister and Mrs. co-operation and endeavor of members and friends of the Willamette area in the new church auditorium for the killed in the Spanish American war; graphed anywhere, funeral sprays, H. E. Jull, left Sunday morning for | council of Camp Fire Girls, who do­ congregation of the Assembly of God Hapold Vayle Dean, Melvin R. Ohms, planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­ Seattle where he was called from the , nate their time, work and finances so church. The building is still in the Cpl. Jas. Edward Harmon, Robert Lee dings, also shrubs and landscaping. Naval Reserve into active service. N ADIRALI Y Floyd Shepherd was able to return Calkins, who was killed in action in 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone that this fine camp may serve their process of completion. 42tf to this work near Molalla, Monday, | Rev. P. C. Walcher of Stayton was Nurenberg, Germany, April 18, 1945, 3684. daughters in this area. Mill City has had seven fine groups of girls in this guest speaker at the morning and son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Calkins' The Free Methodist church congre­ after being confined to his home for j of Lyons, and Gerald Lee Swan, E.M. gation held a picnic in Gates park about 10 days with an infected knee. character - building organization this evening services Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughan and ' Evangelist Phil Wayman of Everett, F.A., born December 13, 1932, killed Friday, Memorial day, with about 40 past year. This work can be carried on mine sweeper, Dextrous, in North daughter, Caren, of Lebanon were attending. A fine time together was Wash., will be holding special revival on only by means of the help and sup­ guests Sunday in the H. E. Jull and reported. port of the Community Chest which services at the new Assembly of God Korean water January 11, 1951. Recognition was given to Lawrence | Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oderman Geo. Flook homes. aaDfinnnnnunnHHnBHHnnnnHnMl contributes to the Willamette area church, starting Sunday evening, June Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bushnell, Jerry 8 at 7:30, and continuing every night W. Talley who was killed in France moved their household goods to For- council of Camp Fire Girls. Tax Consultant Auditor during the Battle of the Bulge, Jan. tuna, Calif., this week. Mr. Oderman Vinton and friends from Dalas, and except Monday and Saturday. Bob Morris spent the weekend fishing 9, 1945, and James Wright Day who is employed as a machinist there. Mrs. Paster W. D. Turnbull extends a Jim Cooke has returned home for a few weeks visit before leaving on a cordial invitation to all to attend the was listed as mssing for one year Oderman, Kathleen and Jimmie are at Crane Prairie. Mr. anil Mrs. Eddie Woods, Mr. and before the death notice, Feb. 12, 1945. spending this week with her parents meetings. summer cruise with the navy. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Day was born Dec, 11, 1923, in Su- and expects to leave the first of the Mrs. Jim Duvall, Mr. and Mrs. Bert matra, Mont., came to Mill City in I week. | Vanderhoof spent the holiday week- Bookkeeping, Accounting and 1924. He was killed on Guam in the j Johnny and Kathy Schroeder of end at Redding, Calif. Tax Service South Pacific. »««»•aXXXlIXXXJUtXX «B.» XiMiXK i: « : Corner 3rd & Marion STAYTON, ORE. Camp Fire Leaders Hold Training Camp Tomans Entertain ’25 Graduating Class The Blue Veil Double Dynamite I Salem Republican Women Hold White Elephant Sale Demand Revival Services at Assembly of God W. N. SIMMONS action CONG LASTING MILL CITY Our Specialty Mrs. Kenneth Crosier, who has been ill the past few weeks was removed to a Portland hospital last week for treatment. Mrs. Milan Weston and daughter Ronna, and Mrs. Lloyd Collingwood of Klamath, California, visited family | and friends over the weekend. Next Sunday at the Community! SWISS STEAKS — for the Men FRUIT SALAD BOWL — for the Ladies Telephone Illi P.O. Box 1321 anannnB»H)a»n»BnnnnHBnnHiaa ASTHMA Don’t let coughing, wheezing, recurring at­ tack« of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MENDACO, which works thru the blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates coughing and aids freer breathing and better sleep. Oet MENDACO from drugaist. Batla» faction or money back guaranteed. Hinz Coffee Shop Open: 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GOLDEN HARVEST The Ideal I.aun and Garden Nutrient Builder Wally Riggs Sport Shirts Especially made for lawn and garden use, PSCs Golden Harvest fertilizer contains organic material designed to give a quick source of nitrogen as Now Available well as a long lasting organic form of nitrogen. Guaranteed Chemical Analyti» 6% MIROGEN 10% PHOSPHORIC ACID 4% POTASH Place orders today for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Golden Harvest provides your grass and plants a complete fertilizer to maintain productiveness and to prevent robbing the soil of the three major ele­ ments essential to growth. Lawns and gardens draw heavily on the soil for plant food—even more heavily than do commercial crops. They should be fed a little at a time . . . but often. Maintain luxuriant firotcfh throughout the year with GOLDEN HARVEST Available in 25 lb., 50 lb, and 100 lb bags SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Feeds Seeds Fertilizer Telephone 5024 Grinding Grinding and and Mixing Mixing ( leaning Custom Cleaning Seed Marketing Household Appliance* Machinery Hardware Petroleum Products STAYTON. ORE. Edward Williams "The Home of llalmark Cards” 330 Court Street SALEM lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll with CHOKED stomach THANK HEAVENS' Moil attack) are )u« aria Indiceatton When It Mrlket, take Bell-an« tablet* They contain the taeteet-aetin« medicine« known to doctor* tor th* relief of heartburn, aaa and »imilar di«u ¿free/js Always in Stock at the Gates General Store J a Z1Ü 1 * s r » . •