(hit of the Woods IN OUR 3—THE Mil 1. CITY ENTERPRISE Maj H. IfM Lyons Home Ec Club Community Bible Plans Food Sale Lyons — Mrs. Giles Wagner was hostess for the meeting of the Home School Planned By JAMES STEVENS Lovely lagging . . . Dr. Harry A. Brown In taking bearings on all views of the country's timber resource—views Dr. Bernard D, Brown of yesterday, today and tomorrow in Optometrists Economies club of the Santiam Val­ This year churches of Mill City are , the woods—two things are steadfast. ST. PATRICK S PARISH COMMUNITY CHURCH ley grange at her home Tuesday aft­ uniting for a union daily vacation Lyons, Oregon The stump we shall always have with Complete Optical Full Gospel Preaching ernoon. \\ ith Mrs. Wilson Stevens, Bible school which will be held from Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at us. And the logger, the man behind Sunday school 10 a.m. chairman presiding over the meeting. Service June 2 to 13, beginning at 9 a.m. each 10:30 a.m. . the stump, is here to stay. Morning worship 11 a.m. Many plans were made an^iiscussed. week day morning. The classes will' Since 1926 Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 a.m. Evangelistic service 8 p.m. The logger swung an ax of stone The by laws were signed and it was meet at the Presbyterian and Chris­ Fr. Leander Schneider, SDS.. Pastor Prayer meeting Tuesdays 10 a m. to in the time of Ug and Ag, in our time 422 Court Street voted to pay off the debt for the tian churches. The Beginners (ages • • • 3 p.m. ■ he is a power-saw operator in a metal Salem, Oregon building fund. Mrs. Stevens also ap ­ 5 and 6) and the Juniors (grade 4 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Preaching services Wednesday and J safety hat, and tomorrow, very likely, Eve. by Appt Ph. 3-3091 pointed committees to help take care to 6) meeting at the Presbyterian Friday 8 p.m. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. I he will raise his hand and drop his Morning worship 10:55 a.m. Rev. Lee M. Joiner, Pastor i tree with the flick of an atomic ax. of the dance suppers. It was also church, and the Primaries (grade 1 • » » » Y’oung Peoples meeting 6:30 p.m. planned to have a cooked food dis­ to 3) and Intermediate (grade 7 to “Great days in the timber," say Evening Services 7:30 p.m. play at the next regular meeting of 9) at the Christian church. Y’oung LYONS METHODIST CHURCH and fir-whack- the old-time pinetops Wed., 7:30 p.m. Bible study hour. the grange June 6, which will be sold ! people of the community are invited Church school at 9:45 a.m. ers. Mr. Hugh Jull, Pastor For Guaranteed Cleaning at a silent auction following the meet­ ! to attend the classes which will in- Worship service at 11 a. m. They tell that the fact of great • • • Evening service at 8 p.m. ing. Those attending the meeting ’ dude Bible lessons, crafts, supervised change in the woods first hit them Choir at morning service, ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH it’s the were Mesdames Jerry Coffman, Frank ' recreation, etc. Choir practice at 7 p.m. Thursday. between the eyes away back when Buckler, Elmer Taylor, Floyd Bassett, Sunday School 10 a.m. A nautical theme, “Sailing with they learned that the pretty dresses Rinke R. Feenstra, Pastor Morning Worship 11 a.m. Jake Myers, Ike Myers, Albert Stev­ | Christ”, will be featured. Those in- they saw on girls in the timber towns » » * Young people’s service at 6:30 p.m. ens, Wilson Stevens, May Patton and , terested in helping the school in any were often made from products of the Evening service 7:30 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the hostess Mrs. Wagner. way are invited to attend a staff meet­ West Coast hemlock log. It was a Prayer meeting and Bible study, Mill City 24-HOUR SERVICE ing this Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Thursday at 8 p.m. | Sunday School 9:45 a.m. piece of information no logger was Christian church. Rev. W. D. Turnbull, Pastor. Morning worship 11:00 a.m. apt to forget when he went to work Mill City « • > Music by choir. on a hemlock tree, back in the 1920s. CI<>H«>a at fl P.M. Y'oung People 6:30 p.m. SANTIAM CHAPEL Then the wood pulp industry was Evening services 8:00 p.m. (Undenominational) expanding nationally from growing Midweek service Wednesday 8 p.m. paper demand and from new pulp Installation of officers was the Services in old Lyons school house, Mehama Lyons, Ore. main business at the meeting of the products — and for pulp making the Morning worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 10 a.m. hemlock was prime. So the sons of Mari-Linn PTC club, Tuesday evening, Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Paul Bunyan were cutting and yard­ Thomas Putman presided over the Midweek service Thursday 8 p.m. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. On Wednesday, May 28th, Mr. and ing logs from which yarn as fine as meeting and was installing officer Rev. Noble Streeter, Pastor. « * * Mrs. Geradl Emerson, former mis­ due to the absence of Mrs. Keith Phil ­ • • « silk was spun, to make pretty clothes L.D.8. of JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Officers installed were Mrs. sionaries to Colombia, South America, I for the girls. This was what work in lips. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Detroit North Mill City the woods had come to. Holy old Merwin Knox, president, Miss Norma will be sneaking at the Presbyterian Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m. Miller, vice president, Mrs. George church. The ladies of the community Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. mackinaw' in high school building, Detroit. Morning worship 11 a m. Huffman, secretary, and Mrs. Ed are invited to hear Mrs. Emerson, I No Wood for Fuel . . . Priesthood meeting 11 a m. Junior church 11:00 a m. Goschie, treasurer who was unable to speak at 2 p.m. at the Recreation hall Zealand Fryer, Presiding Every development of the kind rep- Evening service 7:30 p.m. be present will be installed at a later of the church. The meeting will be • * • BEFORE BUYING SHOES Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm I resented increased utilization of the date. a followed by a tea. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE available wood on a given acre of Phone 1906 SEE THE? M ASON LINE At 6:00 there will be a fellowship Plans were also made and completed 3rd and Juniper, Mill City Rev. C. O. Tremain, Pastor forest land. It meant more work and for the school picnic which will be supper there, after which Mr. Emer­ earnings for the logger, bigger re­ Sunday 11 a.m. * * * Wednesday meeting 4th Wed. 8 pm turns for the land owner, stronger held on the school grounds Sunday, son will speak on life in South Amer­ GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH * * * reasons for applied forestry, more May 25, at 1 p.m. A general discus­ ica and will show slides. OF CHRIST The meeting is planned to end early IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH money to pay for it, less logging left­ sion was held on the keeping of the Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. CHARLES UMPHRESS, Prop. gym open for skating during the sum- enough so it will not interfere with Sunday school 10 a.m. overs to become fire hazards, cleaner Morning worship 11 a.m. me rand was decided they would.. the grade school graduation exer ­ Morning service 11 a.m. Open 7 AM. to 7 P.M. Loren R. Swanson, Pastor ground for nature's reseeding — and At the close of the meeting refresh­ cises for those interested in attending Evening service 7:00 p.m. more stumps! • » ♦ ments were served by the eighth grade Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m both. The public is invited. New surprises have kept coming DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bob Unger, Pastor along for the old-time loggers. Soon mothers. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. » » • Preaching at 11 a.m. by James after the last war a new logging camp ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC I —really, a new town with family from slash pine. The new forest in- Stock, minister. CHURCH, MILL CITY Y’outh meeting at 2:30 each Sun­ homes, school, church — was opened i dustry of the South has grown stead- Mass at 9 a m. every Sunday. j ily ever since, while Southern lumber day afternoon. far back in a Douglas fir area. Confessions heard before Mass. production has held up to about 40 All heating and cooking stoves in Fr. Franz Schubert, Pastor camp were equipped to use fuel oil. per cent of the American total. * * * Scientific forest fire control has; WALL PAPERS Any log in the area that was sound I OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH • FISSURE - FISTULA enough for use as fuel was too valu­ made mighty headway against the Jordan. Oregon PAPERING SUPPLIES PROLAPSE ond other able to burn in camp. So fuel oil was old farm tradition of “burn to bring 1 Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at RECTAL DISORDERS I on the grass, ” a tradition of death I hauled up 30 miles to the camp and 8:30 a.m. < Stomach and Colon RENT A I, every piece of sound wood was hauled to tree seedlings. Ailmenh Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. FLOOR SANDERS It has been demonstrated that an ! " no - hosp it aliza tion " down to the mills, for conversion into , Fr. Leander Schneider. SDS.. Pastor acre of Georgia slash pine land will Descriptive Booklet forest products. WINDOW GLASS on Request grow up to eight times as much celiu- i Down South . . . CONSISTENTLY 16se in 25 years as an average cotton The Southern forest region, with LINOLEUM 183,000,000 acres of commercial forest acre will yield in 25 annual crops. WOCTOLOG/Sr CELLO GLASS land, was amazingly and wonderfully Present and prospective markets make i naturopathic physician 1144 CINTI« STIHT . . . TELEPHONE 3 9460 re-invigorated in the 1920s by the tree farming good business for the i SALIM OREGON SCREEN tide of new demand for paper and new owner of ten acres of woodland, and methods of making newsprint pulp for the owner of ten square miles of HARDWARE ( LOTH industrial forest, in Georgia. So in the South, and in al) other forest regions of the country, the stump farmer is turning into a tree ' farmer on all shapes and sizes of the I privately owned land that has been ■ Phone 2206 MILL CITY surveyed and classified by experts I as “commercial forest land.” ' NU METHOD Mari-Linn PTA Installs New Officers Tuesday Missionaries Coming Wednesday, May 28 Rubber Boot Work Full Soles and Heels Chuck's Shoe Shop Dutch Boy Paints HEMORRHOIDS 7^: DR R REYNOLDS CLINIC Jenkins Hardware Total revenues received in 1951 Net income beio re direct taxes Direct faxes. amounting to b4 1 oi ne( income be- iore taxes Snd8.Paid “> share- holders m the busin Payments io PensiXPOyee and insurance benefits Payments for property ex- tensions and improve- ments Number of customers Number of common stock shareholders Number of preferred block shareholders Number of employ». 513,447,000 3.872,000 2.475,000 1.033,000 5,613.00C Saturday, May 24 of BALDWIN'S Dry Goods and Clothing 125,000 5,835 In Their New Location at 1,969 870 Lyons, Ore Opening Day Gift For Everyone All Types of Dry Goods :