7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE May 15. 1952 If It s in the C anyon, It's Advertised in The Enterprise! Wants and Sales FOR SALE Portable DC. electric WANTED — Strawberry, gooseberry FOR SALE Indian runner drake, 2 welder. GE generator 250 amp. and cherry pickers. Register now. white rock roosters, 2 bantam roost­ Chry. industrial motor. 50 ft. leads, C abins, if needed. Etzel Bros., Rte ers. 1 pair Buff Cochin bantams; pcice $400.00. Etzel Bros, Route 1, 1. Box 234, Stavton, five miles NW bantam eggs for hatching, taking Box 234. Stayton, Ore. 21-3p of Mehama. Ph. 14-F-71. 2O-3p orders for English Buff duck eggs, for May 15th, order early. These SALE -A 9-cubic ft. gas refrig­ FOR SALE or LEASE — 2 bedroom See W. R. HUTCHESON FOR SALE — Like new model 12A FOR ducks are a meat duck, also lay the erator. Excellent condition, $90. modern home. 1 block from school, entire year. Geo. Cree. 18-3 Mill City Mall chain saw, used about 40 hours. H. D. Langille, Route 5. Box 407, approx. l2-acre, good well. Howard Price $285. W. E. Phillips, Route Pratum-Stayton Rd* 20-2p Mells, Route 1. Box 282A, Lyons. TARPS—Tents, new and used. Selec­ FOR SALE — 16-ft. trailer house, all 2. Box 250, Scio, Ore. 17-5 tion of sizes. ____ 18-3p furnished including bedding and EXPERT AUTO and home radio Red’s Hill Top Trading Post cooking utensils, very clean, $550, PLUMBING SUPPLIES —Pipe fit­ service, 20 years experience, all WANTED — Small or large patches will finance. Zeeb's Used Cars, makes. Guaranteed service. tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, of timber to horse log. Drop card FOR SALE — Large New Hampshire 2325 Fairgrounds Rd., Ph. 2-6454. frvers. Mrs. E. Ogden, on the hill, bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. to Roy Westphal, Gen. Del., Mill 20-1 on West Evergreen. Mill City. 20-1 prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. City. 19-3p 1 SELL US YOUR CASCARA BARK FOR SALE—Rabbits, young does with SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate| TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma­ -green or dry. Red’s Trading litters, reasonable. Come and see buys in Canyon area. Listings | chines. We sell, rent, repair and Post, phone 1303, Mill City. 16tf FOR SALE — Household goods. L. K. Jordan, located behind Silver before you buy. E. Kingwood and wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, swap all makes. Trade your old Saddle Service Station, second house S. 4th, Mrs. Ruth Barney, or phone I NEED A TELEPHONE.’— Stop in machine towards a new one. salesman with C. E. COVILLE, to the left. 18-3p 1384. 20-3 and see the new Lech combination ROEN, 456 Court St.. Salem. Broker, west side Mill City. Phone j desk or wall phone, also used --------------------------------------------------- I FOR SALE — Baby bed, spring and 2207. 52tf | I.EGAI. ADVERTISING phones from $10.00 up. Telephone SPORTSMEN—Join the North San­ mattress practically new. $20. Mrs. tiam Sportsman’s club now. We are J and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Joe Walter. Box 211, Mill Citv. WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled NOTICE TO CREDITORS Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 20-3p In the Circuit Court Douglas fir poles, delivered to i devoted to game conservation and J for the State of propagation and need your help. I Lyons yard. For further informa­ FOR SALE—Universal washing ma­ FOR SALE—2-bedroom home, mod­ Oregon for the County of Marion Only $1.00 per year, you will have tion call or write Allen Gould, 1424 ’ chine, with wringer, good condition. Department of Probate ern. garage, on lot 75x108 feet, cen­ Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745,1 that much fun at one meeting. Phone 2224. Mill City. 20-lp In the Matter of the Will and Estate Enquire at Enterprise office, or see trally located. See Neal Marttala. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf of ONA DRAKE, Deceased. Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s. 9 INSULATION—Owens-Corning Fib­ corner SW 3rd and Cedar, Mill City. undersigned has been appointed FOR SALE — GMC 6x6 short log 19-3p by The erglass Blowing Wool—finest in­ the above entitled Honorable Court truck. Good running condition. STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil sulation known to man. Save over as Executor of the Estate of ONA $600. or wood. Save at See Jack Duggan, Lyons, 20 to 40% fuel costs. Phone col­ LOGGERS ATTENTION—Fire fight­ DRAKE. Deceased, and he has quali­ Red’s Hill Top Trading Post 20-1 Ore. ing equipment for sale, single jack­ lect for estimates. AMERICAN eted fire hose. 60c a foot with coup­ fied as such. IMPROVEMENT CO.. 975 Market NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to lings C. O. BRILES SALES CO., St., Salem, ph. 2-4687 or 2-8010. 6tf 386 Fourth St., Stavton, Ore. Phone creditors of. and all persons having 3648. 20-1 claims against said Deceased to pre­ TRUCK SEATS REPAIRED AND sent them, verified as required by law, UPHOLSTERED—one day service. FOR SALE—Must sell worn out trail­ within six months after the first pub­ Stavton Upholstery, W. Washing­ er house in Detroit, Ore. Govern­ lication of this Notice to the under­ ton St., Stayton. 20tf SALEM, ORE 1105 N. Front St. at the office of HEWITT, ment surplus 24 ft. trailer. Will signed ESTEP & SORENSEN. Attorneys at sell for $50. Call EV 13048, Port­ Law. 180 North Commercial Street, Salem Phones: Lyons Phone: REAL ESTATE land. 19-3p Salem, Oregon. 143 2-1924; Night 2-4417 FOR SALE—Low price house located Date of First Publication: in Marion county side of Mill City. 17th April. 1952. HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY Two bedrooms downstairs and two RANSOM S. DRAKE, WHEN IN SALEM and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons usable bedrooms upstairs. Bath­ Executor. HEWITT. ESTEP & SORENSEN. room remodeled recently, nice large Visit Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and %-yard shovels. Attorneys for Estate. 16-5 lot, with apple and nut trees, $3,750. “HUDSON CITY” Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers Two bedroom modern house, very neat NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Home of GOOD Used Cars andc lean, large rooms, Mill City, No. 14,747 close to schools, for $3,800, terms. In the Circuit Court of the State of HUDSON Oregon for the County of Marion Two-bedroom, unfinished house in Sales — Parts — Service Department of Probate Mill City, cement foundation, comp, In the Matter of the Estate of SILVER SADDLE roof, cedar siding located in new MARY FRANCES McCLELLAN, addition of Mill City for only $2,000, SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Deceased. i $500 down, $40 per month. NOTICE is hereby given that the MILL CITY Phone 903 316 N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 undersigned has filed his FIRST AND FRED A. LINDEMANN FINAL ACCOUNT as Administrator of the Estate of MARY FRANCES — Public Accounting — Gasoline McCLELLAN, Deceased, with the Real Estate — Insurance County Clerk of Marion County. Ore­ LYONS. OREGON gon. and the Court has fixed Monday. June 16, 1952, at the hour of 9:15 o’clock in the morning of said day as the time, and the Court Room of the Circuit Court, Department of Probate, TIRES — TUBES — BATTERIES in the Court House at Salem, Marion Motor Tune-ups Highway 222 County. Oregon, as the place for hear­ 1*2 miles East of Gates ing objections, if any, to the First and AND AUTO SUPPLIES Final Account so filed. Date of 1st publication SPECIALISTS IN Mav 15, 1952. MULLIGAN STEW DAVID S. McCLELLAN, Administrator Lou and Percy Mulligan, Props. HEWITT. ESTEP & SORENSEN Attorneys for Estate Mill City Phone 2103 Salem. Oregon. Next to Mar Dean Cafe FOR SALE — One bedroom home. 2 AVON COSMETICS years old, garage on 100x120 lot, See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, green on pavement. house north of Santiam Garage. APARTMENTS—For rent. Telephone 926, Box 658, Mill City. 3tf Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co 'I SHROCK'S The Maples Cafe & Tavern Safety Check Lubrication HEIDT S ÀUTO ELECTRIC « TRAILER HOMES Angelus New Willys Platt Traveleze PASSENGER CARS — 2- and 4-WHEEL DRIVE STATION WAGONS 4-W.D. PICKUPS — JEEPS PANELS Boles-Aero NEW AND USED ALL SIZES Immediate Delivery PARTS AND SUPPLIES g § Real Bargains in Used 1-WI). Pickups and Jeeps South Side Trailers ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E Elsner Motor Co Business Directory - Professional DR. R. ROY QUICK DENTIST Telephone 2261 for Appointment Tuesdays: 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office in Jenkins Bldg.. Mill City aBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBB t I* Dan River Prints. Children's Books, I Wool Scarfs, Stamped Pillow Cases,! Blankets. Handkerchiefs, Nylons I I llendricsoiis Store; I)R. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2274 Stayton. Ore. O BBBB « BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB MIKE'S Septic Service: HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Attorneys at Law 180 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 3-6412 <---------- !-------------------------------------------- -- VERNES BARBER SHOP 1 2nd & Broadway Mill City Hours: 10 to 7 1------------ ------- J Septic Tanka and Sewers Cleaned J Phone SALEM 3-9468. OOLI-ECT • 1079 Elm St., W. Salem [nA. REID. Ml). | ■ PHYSICIAN & SURGEONl Mill City ■aMXDOCDOOOOaXDQCMCc.iCNMMWQCn WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS UNG ERIE RFADV-TO-KTAR HOSIERY LUZTERS (X)SMETICS ■KPWMWOMMMKKXMDOtDOMmnSt J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON Phone 4148 Opposite Claude Lewis’ Service Station WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON S ore P iles Don’t let sore, fiery. painful, Itching simple Pile» drive you nearly crexy. In 15 ininulei CHINAROID starts (Ivin, you wonderful cooling. soothing temporary re­ lax in< relief from pain, burning and itch­ ing or money back guaranteed Oenulne CHINAROID costs only »1 00 at druggists Try It today for better sleep tonight and a brighter tomorrow. omsnraaactBssHBnDannHnnnDBBB MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups SI.50 per month HARLOW L WEINR1CK Also light hauling. Attorney at Law 318 Broadalbin Albany l-eonard Herman Phone 3952 amBMBBBBBBBBQMIHÏBBBnBaBaB SALEM, OREGON GIGANTIC Oliver Wendell Holmes did not claim to be a poet. He was a med­ ical doctor and attended faithfully to his work. His literary produc­ tions were merely a hobby, starting with his college days and with his first important poem. "Old Iron­ sides.’ written the year after his graduation. Dr. Holmes occupied the chair of anatomy at Harvard University Medical School with dis­ tinction until his retirement. He was popular as a teacher IDANHA By MRS. RUTH JOHNSON The meeting of the Legion auxiliary was held at Thelma Smith's home wieh 18 members present, an election of officers was held for the coming year, They are Gertrude Alvin, pres- ident; Roselle Vickers, 1st vice pres- ident; Myrtle Gestson, 2nd vice pres- ident: Opal Leming, secretary; Floy Storey, treasurer; Charlotte Mapes, chaplain; Donna Halford, historian; and Lanelie Davis, sergeant at arms. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Aiderman were weekend visitors at the Marion Aiderman home. Marion has just re­ turned home from the hospital in Portland where he underwent surgery recently. Bill Monahan of Clinton, Wash., is back to Idanha for a spell. He will be temporary filer at the Idanha shin­ gle mill. Geo. Clary of Lacombs, Ore., is visiting old friends in Idanha. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garbut have left Idanha this week. Mrs. Garbut has a job on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Carte Swanson who were former Idapha residents are back again. Mr. Swanson will work for the Idanha lumber company, where he was formerly employed. The Swan­ sons left last fall because Carte could not stand the winter climate. We all hope he will be ok now. Mr. and Mrs. Gudne Gestson were Salem visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mari-Linn All Community Picnic Planned May 25 All community picnic May 25, at Mari-Linn. The annual all school community picnic for the parents, children and friends of district 29-J will be held Sunday May 25, at the Mari-Linn school grounds in Lyons at 1 p.m. The various committees are food, Thelma Nydegger, Bernice Bridges, Eelanor Christenson; coffee and punch, Melvina Franklin, and Gladys Hurst; sports and games, Ivan Smith, John Prideaux, and Ralph Hurst; publicity, Thomas Putman; tables and chairs, Glenn Julian ard Herschel Cui- well; sound, Sam E. Bridges. Remember rain or shine the com­ munity picnic is to be May 25, at 1 p.m. It is honed that an even bigger and better crowd than last year can be had. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! Removal Sale am ALL ITEMS TO BE SOLD AT DISC OUNT To Reduce The Stock TO BE MOVED $1.50 per month and up Also serving Gates. Lyons, Idanha and Detroit ’Selling Down to the floors' DISPOSAL SERVICE — GET IN ON THE GOOD BUYS — Phone 3952 LEONARD HERMAN MOVING MAY 1st TO 185 N. High, Grand Bldg. Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. HIGH STREET MILL CITY ^7P/ TOW CM ANSI BIAM9 • panroi Gillette SUPfff-SPffD OMI-PIICI RAZO* SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. 'Better Light for Better Sight WITH lO-BlAOl •num DtiMNtia