9—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE May 8, 1952 Wants and Sales FOR SALE — One bedroom home, 2 AVON COSMETICS years old, garage on 100x120 lot, See Mrs. R. G. Herlofsen, green on pavement. house north of Santiam Garage. APARTMENTS—For rent. Telephone 926, Box 658, Mill City. 3tf See W. R. HUTCHESON FOR SALE — Like new model 12A Mall chain saw. used about 40 hours. Price $285. W. E. Phillips, Route PIANO LESSONS given Saturday at 2, Box 250, Scio, Ore. 17-5 Mill City. Gates, Detroit, and Idan ha by Willamette university student. PLUMBING SUPPLIES —Pipe fit Phone 3-8727 or write to Mrs. Doris tings, toilets, sinks, washbowls, Hale. 865 Marion St., Salem. 17-3 bathtubs, showers, etc. Bargain prices. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. FOR SALE—Equity in 3-yr.-old two- bedroom home on SE. Fairview St. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma across from Legion hall. Newly chines. We sell, rent, repair and painted and decorated. Inquire at swap all makes. Trade your old Santiam Garage. 17-3p machine towards a new one. ROEN. 456 Court St., Salem. SEE US FOR GOOD Real Estate' buys in Canyon area. Listings I SPORTSMEN—Join the North San wanted. See GLEN SHELTON, tiam Sportsman's club now. We are salesman with C. E. COVILLE, | devoted to game conservation and Broker, west side Mill City. Phone I propagation and need your help. Oaly $1.00 per year, you will have 2207. 52tf that much fun at one meeting. Enquire at Enterprise office, or see WANTED TO BUY — Clean peeled Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet's. 9 Douglas fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further informa tion call or write Allen Gould. 1424 STOVES—Heaters and ranges, in oil or wood. Save at Filbert Ave.. Lebanon, phone 5745, Red's Hill Top Trading Post Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 24tf I Mill City Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. 1405 N. Front St. SALEM, ORE. Lyons Phone: 143 Salem Phones: 2-1924; Night 2-4417 HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY MACHINERY and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons Including D8 and HD14 Cats, and %-yard shovels. Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT MILL CITY Phone 903 If It’s in the Canyon, It’s Advertised in The Enterprise! FOR SALE — Portable DC. electric FOR SALE — Large 4-yr.-old pure FOR SALE or LEASE — 2 bedroom FOR SALE -Must sell worn out trail welder. GE generator 250 amp. blood Guernsey cow, bred to white modern home, 1 block from school, er house in Detroit, Ore. Govern Chry. industrial motor, 50 ft. leads, face, be fresh May 1th, gentle, heavy | approx. li-acre. good well. Howard ment surplus 24 ft. trailer. Will price $400.00. Etzel Bros. Route 1. milker, easy milker, double tested. Wells, Route 1, Box 282A, Lyons. sell for $50. Call EV 13048, Port Box 234, Stayton, Ore. 18-3p Geo. Cree, phone 924. Mill City. 18-1 18-3p land. 19-3p FOR SALE — Modern 2-bedrm. home FOR SALE Indian runner drake, 2 with bath and utility, large win white rock roosters, 2 bantam roost FOR SALE —Eda’s Cafe, next door to Woods Store in Mill City. Writ* WHEN IN SALEM dows, knotty pine living rm, break ers, 1 pair Buff Cochin bantams; to Edith Kanuff, Box 141, Mill City fast nook, patio, garage. Also fur bantam eggs for hatching, taking Visit 17-3p nished 1 bedrm house (rental) with orders for English Buff duck eggs, “HUDSON CITY” bath and utility. Both on same lot for May 15th, order early. These FOR RENT—3-bedroom home near near Mill City schools and business ducks are a meat duck, also lay the Home of GOOD I sed Cars the schools. Arey Podrabsky, ph. district, nice view, lawn and shrubs. entire year. Geo. Cree. 18-3 1242, Mill City. 17-3 Total price $8500. For further in HUDSON formation inquire at M. C. Enter FOR RENT—Modern 3-room duplex WANTED — Small or large patches Sales — Parts — Service prise or P.O. Box 324, Mill City. apartment. Apply Walt Peterson of timber to horse log. Drop card 17-3p residence. Swift addition or The to Roy Westphal, Gen. Del.. Mill Enterprise. 19tf City. 19-3p EXPERT AUTO and home radio service, 20 years experience, all TARPS—Tents, naw and used. Selec-iFOR SALE—2-bedrooin home, mod- 316 N. Church St. Phone 3-9101 makes. Guaranteed service. tion of sizes. ern, garage, on lot 75x108 feet, cen Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. Red's Hill Top Trading Post trally located. See Neal Marttai*, corner SW 3rd and Cedar, Mill City. SELL US YOUR CASCARA BARK ------------- . —green or dry. Red’s Trading 19-8p Post, phone 1303, Mill City. 16tf FOR SALE — Household goods. L. NEED A TELEPHONE.’ —Stop in K. Jordan, located behind Silver and see the new Lech combination Saddle Service Station, second house desk or wall phone, also used to the left. 18-3p phones from $10.00 up. Telephone FOR SALE or TRADE — for calves or and Hearing Aid batteries staked. PASSENGER CARS — 2- and 1-WHEEL DRIVE pigs, good saddle mare. R. West Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. phal, 400 ft, east of King’s Cafe, STATION WAGONS INSULATION—Owens-Corning Fib on highway 222, west of Mill City. erglass Blowing Wool—finest in 19-lp 4-W.D. PICKUPS — JEEPS sulation known to man. Save over 20 to 40% fuel costs. Phone col FOR SALE -3 bdrm house on 5 acres, PANELS lect for estimates. AMERICAN less than 1 mile west of Mill City. IMPROVEMENT CO.. 975 Market Modern, with garage and 2 chicken St.. Salem, ph. 2-4687 or 2-8010. 6tf houses, fenced. On state veteran’s loan with about $100.00 down, bal. Immediate Delivery approx. $50-$55 per mo. W. H. At REAL ESTATE kinson, Broker. Atkinson Realty, FOR SALE—Low price house located 745 Main St., Lebanon, Ore. phone 3381 or 4623X. l6-3p in Marion county side of Mill City. Real Bargains in Used 4-WD. Pickups Two bedrooms downstairs and two and Jeeps usable bedrooms upstairs. Bath-1 LEGAL ADVERTISING room remodeled recently, nice large lot, with apple and nut trees, $3,750. NOTH I Two bedroom modern house, very neat THE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUAL IZATION will convene on Monday, andc lean, large rooms. Mill City, ■ May 12th, 1952, at the Court House close to schools, for $3,800, terms. in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, and Two-bedroom, unfinished house in remain in session three weeks or un SALEM, OREGON Mill City, cement foundation, comp, til the examination, correction and roof, cedar siding located in new equalization of the assessment rolls addition of MilJ City for only $2,000, I have been completed. Application for reduction of assessments shall be in $500 down, $40 per month. writing, verified as by law required, and filed within the first week it is by FRED A. LINDEMANN law required to be in session. — Public Accounting — JOHN W. SHEPPARD, Real Estate — Insurance 17-3 Assessor for Linn County. LYONS, OREGON NOTICK TO CREDITORS In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Marion Department of Probate In the Matter of the Will and Estate Motor Tune-ups of ONA DRAKE. Deceased. The undersigned has been appointed by the above entitled Honorable Court as Executor of the Estate of ONA DRAKE, Deceased, and he has quali fied as such. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to creditors of. and all persons having claims against said Deceased to pre Milt City Phone 2103 sent them, verified as required by law, wtthin six months after the first pub lication of this Notice to the under signed at the office of HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN. Attorneys at Law, 180 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Date of First Publication: 17th April. 1952. RANSOM S. DRAKE, Executor. HEWITT. ESTEP & SORENSEN. Attorneys for Estate. 16-5 I SHROCK'S New Willys Elsner Motor Co In co-operation with other safety programs . . . Safety Check Lubrication Gene Teague TIRES — TUBES — BATTERIES AND AUTO SUPPLIES «SööixlxXXX.W X'x '■■■ xx x «pfiCxXx;« X ax::« :: :: :: :: a :: :: a :: ::’a :Cx x:x’.x'XMXMX « TRAILER HOMES i Angelus Platt Traveleze Boles-Aero HEIDT S AUTO ELECTRIC Chevrolet Company Proudly brings you another Chevrolet First! CHEVROLET j I AND USED ALL SIZES PARTS AND SUPPLIES « i South a Side Trailers ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E Service Program Business Directory DR. R. ROY QUICK DENTIST Telephone 2261 for Appointment Tuesdays: 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Thursdays: 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Office in Jenkins Bldg.. Mill City | Dan River Prints, Children's Books, “ • Wool Scarfs, Stamped Pillow Cases,' I Blankets. Handkerchiefs, Nylons : Hendricson's Store Professional DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Post Office Building. 2nd Floor Phone: Stayton 2271 Stavton. Ore. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb A Mighty Move to Step Up Safety ... FOR YOU ... FOR YOUR FAMILY YOUR COMMUNITY . . . AND Our Goat : to reduce accidents in the Santiam Canyon HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN MIKE'S Septic Service Here’s a sensational new safety program, developed by the Chevrolet Division of General Motors Corporation and pio neered in this area by your Chevrolet dealer. Attorneys at Law 180 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 3-6412 Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Phone SALEM 3-9468, COLLECT 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem It’s a fact that many traffic accidents result from mechanical failures in the automobiles involved in the accidents. These are AVOIDABLE accidents. VERNE’S D.W. REID.MD BARBER SHOP PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 2nd 4 Broadway Mill City Hours: 10 to 7 Mill City V WOOD’S STORE General Dry Goods NOTIONS IAN G ERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LI ZIER’* (XISMETICS WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modem Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON S ore P iles Don’t let «ore, flery, painful Itchin« elmple Pile« drive you nearly crazy. In IS minute* CH1NAROID atari* (Ivins you vonderful cooling, soothing, temporary re laxing relief from pain, burning and itch ing or money back guaranteed Ganuina CHIWAROID coat* only 11 00 al druggl»l* Try It vwiay for better *lcrp tonight and • brighter tomorrow. «Hnnnnnmannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn "........ J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON PlHMie 111* Opposite ( laude Lawfal' Service Station Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups 11.50 ner month HARLOW L WEINR1CK Also licrht hauling. Attorney at law 318 Broadalbin Albany This long-range program is based on recurring safety in spections. It can eliminate a great silare of the mechanical failures which result in accidents. Very little is required of car owners. All you do is bring your car to our Service Department. Wc do the rest. . . . AND THERE’S ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE OR OBLIGATION TO YOU! Your Chevrolet dealer, as an important contribution to American safety, assumes the whole coat for the "Safe-T- Way” inspections. CO-OPERATE FOR SAFETY MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE I eon a rd Herman Phone 3952 SUMMONS No. 38,773 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion Department of Domestic Relations NELSON WILLIAM PACK, Plaintiff, vs. MARY ELLEN PACK, Defendant. TO. MARY ELLEN PACK, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, within four weeks from the date of th^ first publication of this Summons, and if you fail so to do, for want thereof Plaintiff will take a De cree against you dissolving the mar riage contract and bonds of matri mony now existing between you and the Plaintiff herein. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof pursuant to an Order of the above entitled Honorable Court entered herein on the 8th day of April, 1952. First piddication of this Summons: April 10, 1952. HEWITT. ESTEP & SORENSEN By GLEN V. SORENSEN of Attorneys for Plaintiff. 16-5 Act now for greater safety , . , for you. your family and our community. And encourage your friends to act. too. YOUR LOCAL ( HEVROLET DEALER Gene Teague Chevrolet Chevrolet Sale» and Service STAYTON, ORE NOW SHAVING’S QUICKER ...EASIERI GET A Gillette SUP»-SP£fD W (UM «iiirm