7—THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! 9uT i-veGor 1 THREE VHJHeS 0« m V H ns OS \ TôâET RiOOF GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET VW DON 'T "VOu iwfle FOR May 8. 1*57 iH *•« off DEFENSE Stayton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! C. C. Chapman’s OREGON VOTER Endorses Paget! “Our recommendation to party members is to vote for PAGET, because of his long faithful activity as organ By MRS. EVA BRESSLER izer and leader and his estab The mother and daughter banquet by the Womens Society of lished contacts with national | sponsored Christian Service will be served at the conventions and party lead Mari-Linn gym, instead of the Re- | bekah hall as first planned. The ers.” LYONS ‘ —Oregon Voter, May 3, 1952 guest speaker of the evening will be Mrs. Alice Chapel from Portland. I Every mother is invited to come and ' bring her daughter or borrow a daugh- ter and bring her along. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye were Mr. i and Mrs. Walter Rogers and Waltsj to this | Jr.. Mrs. Lynn Roye and Phillip Dyer | of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Laddie important Pesek of Lebanon. Additional guests Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shythe and sons and her mother Mrs. Clara Corbin of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield visited their son Bob Brassfield at the Veterans hospital in Portland, and re port that he is convalescing nicely following major surgery last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg spent Monday in Portland, with. relatives. They visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Altgelbers. Her father is seri ously ill in a hospital. The official board members of the Lyons Community Methodist church held their meeting at the parsonage Thursday evening with Rev. Feenstra presiding. Many plans were discussed, and plans made to finish and decorate the two Sunday school rooms which have been partly finished for some time. Albert Julian, church tieasurer Sleet a REAL REPUBLICAN GIGANTIC Removal Sale ALL ITEMS TO BE SOLI) AT DISCOUNT To Reduce The Stock TO BE MOVED 'Selling Down to the Floors' — GET IN ON THE GOOD BUYS — MOVING MAY 1st z TO 185 N. High, Grand Bldg Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. HIGH STREET SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. Better Light for Better Sight FRANK A. DOERFLER Republican Candidate for Nomination for presented the church budget for the coming year. “It is well with Thee” is question asked by an Old Testament prophet, and it will be used for his Mother's day message by Rev. Rinke A. Feen stra at the worship hour. The Junior church will furnish part of the serv ice, led by Mrs. R. A. Feenstra. The officers and teachers of the Lyons Community Methodist Sunday school have invited the mothers of i their pupils to a special Mothers day program next Sunday, May 11th at 9:45 a.m. Each mother will receive a little gift for attending this gram. Sunday’ guests at the home of and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra were and Mrs. Ford Waldo, Richard, Philip and Gayle Waldo. Her father Mr. Calonkey and Peggy Taylor, all of Portland. Mrs. Jack Johnston has returned from a trip to Myrtle Creek and Med ford. While in Myrtle Creek she was a guest at the home of her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hum phries. She also visited her grand daughter to see her great grand daughter for the first time. In Med ford she visited her sister Mrs. Nellie Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carleton are the parents of a baby girl born at the Salem Memorial hospital Tuesday morning, April 29. The young miss has been named Carolyn Modena, she with her mother were brought home Thursday. This is their second child first daughter. Maternal grand-par at the noon hour. The time was spent tending the meeting were Lucille Rog greaves. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Orville Down in hemming new table clothes which ers, Alice Huber, Claire Feenstra, Mrs. Jerome Lyons who is seriously ing, paternal grandparents are Mr. have been recently purchased for the Frances Garsjo, Garnett Bassett, ill was rushed'to the hospital in Port'« and Mrs. John McClurg, all of Lyons. tables at the club house. Plans were Eleanor Smith, Martha Cruson, Anna land Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Friends were shocked to hear of also made and completed for the B. Julian, Orpha Roye, Jacquie Smith, Lyons recently moved from Gates, and the sudden death of Alva Wise a mother-daughter banquet which will Evelyn Julian, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. are living in a trailer house on the ! former resident here. The Wises' re be held in the Mari-Linn gym. At- Wright and the hostess, Mrs. Har- Wayne Ransom place, cently moved from Marion to Greens ----------- ------ ---------- - -- ---- ■----- ' - — Bridge. Funeral services will be held in Albany Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen spent Sun-1 day at Suttle Lake, where Allen spent the day fishing. Mrs. Orville Britton underwent I major surgery Tuesday morning at the Lebanon General hospital. Mr. I and Mrs. Britton moved to Lyons from Lebanon and live at the Claire Hum phries place in Fox Valley, where he has charge of the McCulloch chain saw shop. Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis Kinzer are re ceiving congratulation upon the arri- I val of another son born Saturday eve- Power-hungry politicians, seeking to control the Oregon delegation I ning, weight 9 pounds, and has been I named Steven Curtis. His sister Mrs. to the National Republican Convention, are throwing the full force of Fred Jungwirth of Salem is assisting their machine into attacking the eight so-called “petition” delegates. in the care of the young man. Eighth grade graduation exercises The fact is that these delegates filed under provisions of the law will be held in the Mari-Linn gym designed to protect the public under just such conditions as we have in Thursday evening. May 29, at 8 p.m. the state of Oregon today. I Miss Ruth Carter will deliver the com- i mencement address. Miss Carter at PETITION METHOD PROTECTS THE PEOPLE present is teaching Extension classes I for the General Extension division at The Oregon Direct Primary law under which these eight delegates i the University of Oregon. Rev. Rinke filed by petition, seeking election as free delegates, not under control of | Feenstra of the Community Methodist the state political machine was initiated BY THE PEOPLE and adopted church will read the invocation and benediction. in June, 1904 by an overwhelming vote. Top honors for the class have been In 1915, the state legislature amended the original law to provide an won by Deo Bridges who will be vale dictorian. He is the eldest son of Mr. “additional method” for selecting delegates without in any way supplant and Mrs. Sam Bridges and second ing or disturbing the traditional and time-honored method of filing by honors go to Shirley Mohler who will petition. be salutorian. Shirley is the only- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mohler, In 1916 this amendment was carried to the State Supreme Court of Lyons. Eighth grade teacher is which ruled that the amendment “afforded another method (additional Ralph Hurst. Thomas L. Putman is to the petition method) for candidates to get before the voters,” leaving principal. Mrs. Ed Hargreaves was hostess for the original petition method unchanged and intact. the meeting of the Women’s Society of Christian Service held at her home PROTECTS AGAINST MACHINE POLITICS near Jordan Tuesday with an all-day In 1939, the legislature passed a law taking from the people the priv meeting and pot-luck dinner served IT’S AMAZING! REPUBLICANS Don’t Send a “Chain Gang” to the National Convention! ilege of naming their own delegates to the national conventions. The law was referred to the people who rejected it, choosing to leave both the petition method and the declaratory method on the statute books. The petition method of filing is therefore a valid law for the specific rpose of protecting the public against machine politics such as we have the state today. IF YOU DON’T WANT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN OREGON DOMINATED BY A MACHINE — VOTE FOR THE PETITION DELEGATES! The Oregon Primary this year is not representative because it does not give the voters a chance to vote on all the avowed candidates and lists several who claim not to be candidates. Don’t tie the hands of the Oregon Delegation to the National Convention — ELECT the eight un controlled petition delegates. REPRESENTATIVE in the legislative Assembly Twelfth District, Marion County Frank A. Doerfler. an economy-minded Marion county farmer, has served two terms in the Oregon Legislature. 194" and 1949. He is a candidate for the Republican nomination for representative from Marion county, at the May 16th primaries. He has been liberal and energetic in civic affairs pertaining to Marion county, including the chairmanship of the rural district bond drive for several years; past director of Marion County War Chest; member of school boards; president P.T.A., Salem; twice president Salem Garden Club; eight years director Salem Chamber of Commerce; several years and now director of Oregon Reclamation Project, Norblad District, three times delegate to National Reclamation convention; past president Oregon Nursery Association; chairman of the Oregon Legislative Interim committee of the Botanical Gardens. All the above without pay. Mr. Doerfler was born on his father's pioneer Marion county farm, near Silverton, in 1888. Hia mother, now 89. still resides at the home place. Mr. Doerfler resides on Lancaster Drive where he and his sons, Don and Wally, operate the F. A. Doerfler and Sons Nursery. Mrs. Doerfler passed away in January. 1951. His daughter Ann is in Panama with her husband, 1st Lieut. Wayne Rose. For eight years Mr. Doerfler was facm advisor of the First National Bank. He is a member of the Farmers Union, Farm Bureau Federation, Grange. Izaak Walton League, Elks, Eagles, Knights of Pythias and was King Bing of the Salem Cherrians in 1041. Better than promise» of economy — I refer you to my tax-saving record in the 194* and 1949 legislatures. r vi. paid for by Frank A. Doerfler, Salem. Ore. — Take This List With You When You Vote ! He has the ability to get things done STATE AT LARGE: 2. IRENE H. GERLINGER ROBERT A. BENNETT 4. PHIL METSCHAN JOHN R. LATOURETTE JR. 6. IRVING RAND LOWELL PAGET U. S. BALENTINE 7. SECOND DISTRICT (Eastern Ore.) 8. ERNEST G. SWIGERT THIRD DISTRICT (Multnomah Co.) Republican Good Government League CwrteMS «Hkient tervk«" WALTER W. R. MAY, Chairman 16625 S. W. Pacific Highway Oswego, Oregon r