Canyon Avenue Parade S" T he MILL CITY J. ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA MONGOI D By DON PETERSON Dan W. Poling and Dave Epps were ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGH« \Y — GATEW AY TO THE HEART OE NATURE’S EMPIRE in the city campaigning for a place on the legislative ticket of the Demo- eratic party, We all know Dave Epps $2.50 a Year. 1(L. a Copy and we hope he will get a place on the ticket, he will be a credit to the i party from Linn county. This is the 1 first time I have met Mr. Poling, but 1 he looks good to me and he comes 1 with good recommendations. He is a | young man and a veteran of the last | war. His family is well-known around Sweet Home and Lebanon. It is good Chairman of the Cub Scout com­ to see young men out campaigning mittee Eldon Lents announced the for public office—that is a good omen . Scout Circus in Salem. May 10, for for the future. the benefit of Scout camps in Marion, * * ’ . Linn and Polk counties. Tickets are Kay Colburn is collecting MJB cof- | available through the Den Mothers fee can bands, and is putting the “bee” ami assistants, Mesdames Leo Lemke, on all her friends and customers to Frank Dell, Park Savage, Arlo Tuers, save them for American Legion Aux- Harvey Hautala, Eldon Lents, Win. liary. When they get 2,000 of these Tickle. Joe McNealy, Bert Provost. little bands the auxiliary will get a Melvin Foster and Dudley Jones or new coffee maker for the Legion hall. any Cub Scouts or committeemen. Let’s all try to remember to save The Scout Circus parade will start and bring in those little metal bands at 2:30 p.m. in Marion square in of the MJB coffee cans. No other Salem; and the grand circus will begin brand will do for this job. In case in the evening on the grounds of the any of you don't know where to find famous Salem Senators. In the even» Kay, she is that attractive clerk in David Keyes, Mill City hi eh school of rain May 10, the circus will be held the Mill City Meat Market most any I senior, who has been awarded a May 24. day you’ll find her there. scholarship to Reed College for his • • • Everyone takes part in the Scout high scholastic standing. His schol­ parade. The local Cub Pack will par­ The Oregon Publisher for February arship. a regional one. was this week ticipate in “balloon bursts” and an 1952 published a rather interesting recognized by the high school. act “The Thing" in the Scout Circus. speech made by James S. Pope before Scouts will feature a chariot race and the 33rd annual Oregon Press Confer­ Explorers will present an "emergency ence in which he made several stae-1 act”. ments that are of pertinent interest to , New Cub Scout Pack No. 84 Den citizens of this community. Among Boy Scout activity like that pictured above will feature the Cascade Area Council Boy Scout Circus in Salem Mothers are Mrs. T. A. Baughman. some of the subjects Mr. Pope touched at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 10. Shown are fire by friction or steel (upper left): pioneer construction (bridge, on was the reluctance of public offi­ With the "th Infantry Div. in Korea Mrs. Kenneth Hunt, Mrs. Bob Hill Jr., lower left); Sea Scout ship (lower right); Cubs' capers (lower right and background). Exemplifying Boy cials to give out information. Along — Pvt. Lawrence E. Poole, son of Mr. Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and Mrs. Lowell Scouting above is Eagle Scout Carl Maxwell of Albany, formerly of Salem, who has made an outstanding record this line of thought he said: and Mrs. James E. Poole, Route 1, Stiffler. Over 100 persons, including and has sold the most circus tickets for the past three years. I Lyons, is now serving with the 7th 44 Cub Scouts and Den chiefs at­ “There can be no privileged class lnfuntry Division in the west-central tended the meeting in the Mill City class of public servants in our system. high school gym where the new Den sector oft he front in North Korea. If the couuty commissioners can de-| Despite a halt in large-scale actions, Mothers were named. cide to spend thousands on a new proj-' Awards to Cub Scouts were made men of the division move out daily in ect without any public notice or de-1 raiding and reconnaissance patrols by Cubmaster Ray Steiner as follows: bate, then the department of agricul­ Wolf awards to Laurence Hunt, Del­ against enemy installations. ture can make parity payments to Private Poole, a rifleman in Com­ bert Hill and Johnny Wood; Wolf Gold farmers without putting their names By JEAN ROBERTS Gates high school juniors and sen­ Mill City Red Cross workers will be Arrow awards to Charles Harman, on record. There cannot be a double iors are in the final week of rehearsal Mehama — Forest service officials quests at a social gathering in Salem’s pany C of the 17th Infantry Regiment, Dickie Haun, Johnny Wood. Bert Both­ standard in this field. The public’s of their play “The Curious Savage” in this area have recently noticed that Bush grade school on Mission street, arrived in Korea on April 4, 1952. He is a graduate of Mill City high well, Richard Dyhrman; Wolf Silver right to know is not a qualified right. to be presented Thursday, May 15, many fir trees are turning brown and Tuesday^ -J.?’ school, and attended Oregon State Arrow awards to Bert Provost, Lee "The main thing is to compel the 8:15 p.m. daylight saving time at the top or the Lowell Stiffler, Mill ( ity Red C ross dying. 1 Needles at the tree _________ college at Corvallis, before entering McNealy, Dickie Haun, Bert Bothwell official who is hiding information Mill City theatre. A matinee will be chairman, said today. ends of limbs first turn brown and. and Richard Tickle. the army last September. to justify himself. Usually he will given Wednesday, May 14 for both In support of the idea that Mill City rapidly spread inward. Bear award was made to Gregory talk himself onto a falling limb, like grade and high school students. Dorman; Bear Gold awards to Dennis In many places entire trees stand Red Cross workers deserve recogni­ the Wisconsin county school super­ The cast includes members from all Hunt, Jamie Baughman, Gregory Dor­ Trees bearing the tell-tale, tion is the fact that incomplete totals intendent who refused to make pub­ classes, although the majority of the dead. show more than $400 raised for the man, Gary Mathany, James Meinert; lic information about a new .school cast is juniors and seniors, and pro­ brown spots can be seen on all sides. and Bear Silver Arrow awards to Don­ It is reported that the destruction Red Cross in this area. route because "parents w ill complain Stiffler was loud in his praise of ceeds will go to these class funds. of trees is caused by a larvae under ald Dell, Jamie Baughman, Gregory ♦‘f they know the route." O. -ity Dorman and Dennis Hunt; Lion Silver Those appearing in the play are: the bark which hatches into a small the excellent work done. He stated councilman who. opposing the pres­ that, “Now that the Red Cross house- Arrow award was presented to Roger ence of reporters at council meet ¡qu­ Lorena Devine, Carolyn Brejcha, Joan black beetle. At the Mill City council meeting to-house drive is over — I want to eried: ‘If you quote us on what we Ryal, Elda Webster, Darlene Cole, I Only control method reported is to thank all of the volunteer workers Wednesday evening the problem of Kleoker. During the April Cub Pack meet, say at meetings we’ll sound like Maxine Schoeder, Allan Vail, Earle fall the diseased tree and burn it. who gave so generously of their time daylight time was discussed and it announcement was made of tentative Henness, Marlin Cole, Edward Romey. 1 damn fools'.” was decided to table the subject until Several of the diseased trees have to make it a success.” plans for softball practice every and Wilmer Crites. Mrs. Dorothy' A little further on in his speech, Wood is directing the play and Betty been noticed on the Little North Fork, Stiffler added, “To those, who may school is out. A budget committee Wednesday night, 6 to 7 p.m. for all was appointed to prepare the budget threatening well known picnic spots ifr. Pope said: have been missed or who want to Cub Scouts. Ken Siler, assistant Cub­ Tucker is assistant director. in that area. “I imagine that if we had to pick subscribe to the Missouri river flood for the next fiscal year. master Charles Harman and other» Committees for the play are: pub- 1 l*he council discussed the problem will be on the scene. the local group which abhors public­ relief, please contact our store’s per­ knowledge of its operations more licity, Earle Henness and Marlin Cole; of hiring a full-time play ground di ­ sonnel.” Bean bag ball was played on the than any other, we would have to programs, Verna Schnetzky and Lor­ Listed as Red Cross volunteer work­ rector for the summer months to di­ gym floor by the Clb Scouts after the ena Devine; tickets, Jerry Larson and pick the school board. ers are Mrs. Jim Barton, Mrs. Sue rect activities for the young people pack meeting. Next Cub Pack meet Mervin Haun; set, Wilmer Crites, Don “In almost every state there have Bates. Jack Oliver, and Leslie Beam­ Mikkelsen, Mrs. Ernest Brown, Mrs. during the vacation time. is slated for Monday, May 26. The council has started action to been skirmishes to open up board ish; set design, Patty Stewart and Geo. Rambo. Mrs. Turpin, Mrs. Walter pass an initiative and referendum meetings, or just to get access to min­ Peterson, Mrs. Clyde Baltimore, Bill Maxine Schoeder; lighting, Allan Vail, Marine Corporal Wiley Muise and Stewart Jr., R. B. McClain, Mrs. C. ordinance so that it will be possible utes afterwards, Some papers have Eddie Buttler and John Bamhardt; Staff Sergeant Donald E. Kelly of Mason, Mrs. Martin Hansen, Mr. and for the citizens to make changes in | won access to school business by liti- and properties, Danny Evans. Mill City took part in the atomic Mrs. Vernon Todd, Miss Daisy Geddes, I the city government without lengthy i gation . . . .” » * tests held at Camp Desert Rock, Las Mrs. “Dud” Stewart, Mrs. Herbert i and expensive delays. The new ordi- j Vegas, Nevada, Thursday, May 1. Then Mr. Pope to develop further CALLING ALL MINNESOTANS! Schroeder, Mrs. W .W. Allen, Mrs. Les ! nance will set un machinery to allow I Muise, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Owens, Mrs. Frank Hunter, Mrs. Tom the mayor, or other offices to be elec- ! With Poppy Day rapidly approach­ his point quoted Carl Saunders of the Minnesotans entertainment and Jenkins of Mill City and Kelly, son Booth, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Arey Po- tive, or speed un the time necessary ing, disabled veterans of both World Jackson, Mich, Citizen Patriot as dance Friday night. May 16. Pot- , to pass a bond issue for street or wars in veterans hospitals throughout follows: luck supper at 6.30 p.m. Following of Mr. and Mrs. Martin V. Kelly of drabsky and Mrs. D. B. Hill. | other improvements. At the present I the nation have completed working on “ Too many school administra- supper will be introductions, music Mill City were members of the first time the law is very cumbersome un- I tors fail to realize that the news­ with program. Main event will be Marine Corps units to participate in thirty million memorial poppies which der state statutes and takes a great Americans will wear on that day, Mrs. atomic exercises. papers also have obligations and du­ Melvin Johnson, Mr. Johnson will deal of time and expense, and it is Muise is a graduate of Willamette ties which predate those of the public put on a panamine, Moving pictures Kelly, Poppy chairman of Mill felt that an ordinance should be passed City American legion Auxiliary, re­ schools, and in some respects tran­ in dining room. Leap year dance at ' university and the Oregon College of to expedite the rights of citizens. Education. He enlisted in the Marine scend them in importance. ported. Poppy Day will be generally 9 p.m. in main hall. Election returns. Police Commissioner John Muir has observed on May 23 and 24. Corps at Portland, August 22, 1951. “ ‘Too many school people look upon Mrs. All Minnesotans and friends are in ­ parking ” on either side ordered "no The exercise unit was made up of Stayton ’ s annual Bean Festival newspaper reporters and editors as Kelyl estimated that approximately vited. Washington Masonic hall, E. on the block next to the of the street 2000 Marines from Camp Jejeune, looms in the limelight with the an­ Peeping Toms from whom the educa­ ten thousand disabled veterans unable Sth and Burnside. Portland. N.C.. and Camp Pendleton, Calif., plus nouncement of the various chairman­ ball park on Evergreen street during j to perform other work have been given tional system and its agents should approximately 100 other Marines ships recently. Gene Teague, ’52 ball games. Muir said he is ordering | employment by the American Legion be shielded. from stations throughout the world. Bean Festival horse show chairman these precautions in order to prevent | Auxiliary in its poppy program this “ ‘Too many school people feel that Formed into combat teams, the stated that the big four-day affair some child getting hurt by cars pass­ year. The majority have worked in they serve education best when they Marines were occupying pre-deter­ starts Wednesday, July 30 and lasts ing by. Children jump out from be- their beds wheelc hairs or hobby shopa set themselves up as censors to screen MONDAY— j tween cars and it is impossible to mined positions of safety at the in- until August 2. what shall and what shall not be in hospitals of the Veterans Adminis­ American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. | stant of the explosion. Minutes later Main features of the Bean Festival see them and stop in time to avert tration, although many have been em­ printed about their particular area of Lions club meeting. accidents, it is feared. they "attacked" an objective near the are the pet parade, amateur hour, government’.” ployed at special poppy workrooms A.F 4 A M. No. 180 stated meet­ 1 center of the burst area. • • • main parade, Friday night—featuring maintained by the Auxiliary in sev­ ing third Monday. The exercise provided Muise and floats of all kinds and descriptions, I call these quotations to your at­ eral states. With more than 1500 O.E.S. meeting. 2d Monday month. his unit with indoctrination and train- and the Saturday night horse show— tention to show that not only in Mil) Korean war veterans now in veterans j ing in operations featuring the use of star-studded with western garb. City has there been trouble experi­ TUESDAY— hospitals, it is probably that some of The Marines ob- According to Teague, “over 100 enced in getting the records of school Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues i atomic weapons. the poppies this year have been made j served first hand the effects of an boards ongn to the public, but it has by men disabled in that conflict, as 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues i atomic blast on equipment and re- horses are expected to participate, and all horsemen—regardless of affiliation ben a constant fight elsewhere. The well as by World War veterans. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday The final meeting for this term of | ceived on-the-spot training in essen- with a riding organization—will be Enterprise has insisted on learning “To men who have been confined Riders of the Santiam, 1st Tuesday ' tial physical protective measures. the Mil) City PTA, will be held next invited to participate in the competi­ what has been going on in school mat­ to the hospitals for months or even WEDNESDAY — On Saturday afternoon at abodt 3 tion for a multitude of trophies and Wednesday, May 14, at 8 p.m. A full years, the work is a godsend," Mrs. ters and at the present time a case in and varied program is planned, after Kelly explained. “It fills the long, the hands of Judge Olliver of Albany I Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation | n.m. over KOCO, an interview with prizes,” Teague stated that the “Main pa­ a short business meeting, including monotonous hospital hours with an City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. | Corporal Muise will be broadcast fol­ to decide the disposition of property Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. lowing the ball game to be broadcast rade will consist of floats of any tite the following: we felt had been illegally sold. The interesting activity, keeping hands On the program for next Wednes­ and minds busy and turning thoughts on that station. or description — stressing ingenuity at Mill City fire hall. case has been presented and all argu- rather than a large expenditure of day’s meeting is the following: pres­ away from self. The experience of Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd ments are in the hands of the judge money”. He stressed the fact that entation of the Flag by Explorer Scout awaiting his decision. Wed. at 8 p m (Continued on Page 4) this is a canyon affair, but, of course. group: special music; "Graduation” The attorneys for the school board Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. exercises of Mrs. Alien's kindergarten Stayton will be back of this annual came into court without an agrument PTA. second Wednesday 8 p.m. event full tilt. Also that Bean Fes­ class; speech on the kindergarten pro­ or a defense witness in defense of THURSDAY — tival chairman would appreciate the gram by Miss Jean Spaulding of the their actions. Why was it necessary S. T. Jackson was killed Wednesday aid of any interested men and women State Department of Education; in­ Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d for the school districts monies to be when he fell from a trash burner at in the canyon who will assist in the troduction of Dolores Poole, recipient and 4th Thursdays. wasted when they were coming into Miss Christine Phance, 5, daughter the Freres-Frank lumber company program. Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm of the PTA tuition scholarship to court to admit the truth of accusa- American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs plant at Lyons. Jackson’s safety belt Joe Peiser, well known Stayton busi­ Monmouth; convention report by Mrs of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chance of tions? slipped and caused the fatal plunge nessman, now retired is chairman of Roger Nelson, incoming president; and Mill City, was painfully burned while • • • Garden club fourth Thursday earthward. He died shortly aftgr the *52 Bean Festival. playing in her backyard, last Thurs­ Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs Ed Bell is installation of officers. Tuesday morning of this week I After the meeting refreshments day. Toastmistress Club, 2d A 4th, 7 p m. striking the ground of a broken neck. chairman of the amateur hour; M. presented myself at the grade school Christine was burned on the legs Jackson was engaged in painting Van Driesche, chairman of the pet will be served downstairs, by the first- office to the clerk, Mrs. Edna Ross. FRIDAY- the trash burner when the accident parade; and Mayor Matt Martin, will grade mothers. "We particularly in­ and hip when her fuel saturated cloth­ and requested to examine the records LOO F meeting. vite parents of pre-school children ing caught fire during her play. The occurred. His home was in Albany. chairman the grand parade. of the $43.000 on deposit and ear­ Mill City TWA meeting last Friday He was some 50 years of age. Sur­ Teague said that the “Governor and to attend this meeting, as we feel child in improving, but indications are marked for a building fund at the Farmers Union meeting at Mehama viving are his widow and four chil­ the Governor’s Guard will be invited it should be of special interest to that she will require tedious skin graft time the $101,000 bond issue was Woman's club, 2nd them,” according to Mrs. Jim O’Leary. operations. dren. to attend the show.” floated for the new grade school. 1 wished to examine the cancelled checks and learn how the money was spent. • • • I was refused permission to ex- (Cowtinued on Page 3) Scout Circus in Salem Saturday Pvt. Lawrence E. Poole Now Serving in Korea 'The Curious Savage’ Forest Trees Showing Red Cross Collects On Theatre Stage Disease Signs Here $400 In Mill City Mill City Council Tables Time Issue Mill City Marines In Atom Test Bomb Poppy Day Arrives May 23 This Year Stayton’s Annual Bean Festival Set Coming Evenfs . . . Final PTA Meeting Next Week May 14 Albany Man Killed On Lyons Job Wednesday Christine Chance, 5, Painfully Burned Three Links Food Sale - Sat., May 10 - I OOF Hall