r 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Fowler Entertains Gates Lucky Twelves FEMME PAGE Camp Fire Girls Hold Overnight Cookout Nuptial Shower Honors Mrs. Pat Schroeder The Wotoleto Group of the Camp Fire Girls went on an overnight cook­ out last weekend to Camp Brentwood near Salem. Those girls who went were Judy Bigger, Carol Cooke, Linda Dyhrman, Barbara Fleming, Carolyn Harman, Norma Nelson, Susie Palmer, Liana Schmitt, and Naomi Taylor. The group guardian Mrs. Lee Pinks­ ton went with them taking her chil­ dren Jo and Darrell. Mrs. Charles Harman went along to assist. Lots of fun and good food were reported by all. This was part of getting their rank for the grand coun­ cil fire May 16. Gates—A post-nuptial shower com­ plimenting Mrs. Pat Schroeder, nec Jo Anne Lake, was held Wednesday evening at the recreation rooms of the high school. Hostesses were Mrs. Merle Devine, Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Harold Wilson, and Mrs. Albert Millsap. Sharing honors with Mrs. Schroeder was Mrs. Marshall Lake, a recent bride, who was presented several gifts. Following the opening of gifts, re­ freshments were served by the host­ esses to the honored guests, Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Lake and to Mesd. Fred Ratzeburg of Salem, Frank Pow­ ell of Silverton, Roy Miller of Port­ land, Martha Bowes, Henry Eccleston, Gerald Garrison, Norman Garrison, Floyd Völkel. Elmer Klutke, Peter ! Etzel, Cecil Haun, Charles Tucker, Clarence Rush. Clare Henness.. Joe ' Joaauin, Miss Lorena Devine, Miss Betty Tucker, Maxine Schroeder and Cherie Edison. Those sending gifts were Joan Ryal, , Mrs. Lillie Lake, Mrs. David Barn- hardt, Mrs. Dan Morrison, Mrs. Elils Hill, Mrs. Rosa Roten, Mrs. Louisa Wrigles worth, and Mrs. Edmund Davis. Airs. Doreen Fowler stuck to tried and true in desserts for offering to Gates Lucky Twelve nochlers Thursday afternoon — apple pie and ice cream. Mrs. Edna Duvall faired well indeed upon the bill-of-fare as attest her winning of first prize and holding 1000 aces. Mrs. Rosalie Haywood ex­ hibited powers of the occult and mystic by coaxing the pinochle prize to her home base. Mrs. Lila Bush­ nell sheepishly told husband about the “booby” prize she got. A personal letter of an ardent Lucky member, Mrs. Marvin Keen, was read to the group. The Keens have moved to Portland. Guest player was Mrs. Margaret Clise. MILL CITY The Mill City Woman's club met in the Presbyterian recreation room Tuesday April 15th. Mrs. Dyhrman entertained with a very interesting RESPONSIBLE • talk about her home in Alaska, also mstwiM,;., showing pictures and relics she had brought back from there. 1 he Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church met April 23 • Yea, thia Prescription at the home of Rev. and Mrs. David Ferguson in Pratum, Mrs. Lester Pharmacy is responsible Hathaway, president, presided at the —responsible to you, and meeting. Mrs. Floyd Jones led the to your physician. In all devotions. The speaker was Mrs. seriousness we accept Collier of Salem, speaking on the work of the church in migrant camps this responsibility for It’s Your Newspaper—Subscribe Now At the close of the meeting Mrs. Fer­ safeguarding your health guson served refreshments to Mrs. and welfare. When you Collier and Mrs. Taft of Salem, Mes- bring a prescription here dames Lester Hathaway, Fred Grimes, Floyd Jones, Noble Streeter and Stev­ it will be promptly and WE ARE PLEASED en, Clayton Baltimore, Floyd Fleet- expertly compounded TO SERVE YOU! wood. Ida Geddes, Janies Swan, Fred and the price will be fair. Duffy. John Swan. Otto Witt, Herbert We hope you are pleased Schroeder. W. H. Davis, Corbin, Leon with our service. Faust, and Miss Daisy Geddes. Mill City Garden club met at the / / Salem Albert Toman home on Thursday eve­ ning with Mesdames James Rose, F. J. Potter and A. N. Robinson serving as hostesses. The merits and mis­ takes of the recent flower show were Mill City freely disedssed and Mrs. Charles PRESCRI Dolezal answered questions submitted by the members. Delegates to the flower show school to be held at River­ side hall, Albany, May 13-14 were selected namely, Mrs. H. D. Pound, club president and Mrs. Charles Dole­ zal, show chairman. It was also de­ cided the club would pay part of the expense of other club members wish­ ing to attend. Mrs. Pound appointed a committee to organize and direct a young group of gardeners, Mrs. EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE James Rose, chairman and Mrs. Bur­ ON ALL MAKES OR MODELS ton Boroughs Mrs. C. A. Bruder and Mrs. Joe Fencl will work on the youth project and any boy or girl interested New and Used Sewing Machines may contact them. There will be a special place for their display at the fall show. It was decided to hold the SALEM Phone 3-5773 153 S. Liberty fall flower show the week of August 15th exact date to be announced latq;. The May meeting will be at the home of Mrs. F. J. Potter on the 22nd. Each member to make and bring a | corsage, Mrs. Effie Sommers of Scio will speak on care of fushias. All members and their guests are invited to be present. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Sundays and evenings, flowers tele­ graphed anvwhere. Funeral sprays, planters, pot plants, corsages, wed­ dings. also shrubs and landscaping. 1319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone GREEN or DRY 3684. 42tf MILL CITY Phone 1303 The spring district meeting of San- I tiam Garden clubs will be held in the I Lebanon city hall next Saturday, May I I 3rd at 10 a.m. Anyone w ishing to | I ! attend is asked to bring a sack lunch. Dessert and coffee will be served by i | I the hostess group. I Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. i Frank Jackson Wednesday evening I were Mrs. Fred Varney and daughter Capitol Drug s IHI.LLCI.TH SUNDAY and MONDAY BOB HOPE expert on pi thrown at him and he’s tasted them all—while wipmj them off his chin. Bob, who is soon to be seen in Paramount’s “My Favorite Spy” has a favorite pie—vanilla custard It’s a delicious pastry and economical too. “Make one,” suggests Bob, "And try it on your husband.” Serve it, of course. Don’t throw it! Here’s the recipe: VANILLA CUSTARD PIE Roll the pie crust to l»-inch thickness and 2 inches larger than the diameter of the plate. Line a 9-inch pie plate with this pie crust, fitting it loosely. Fold back the edge of the pie crust all the way around and bring this double fold to an upright position. Flute the double fold of pie crust in the following manner: Place the floured tip or knuckle of the index finger of the right hand against the fold on the inside of the pie crust rim, so that it is between the tips of the thumb and index finger of the left hand, which are on the outside of the pie crust rim. F.nch gently, then remove the fingers and continue this same fluting motion around the entire rim of the pie. Combine the eggs, sugar and salt. Add the milk and vanilla, and pour into the pastry shell. Bake at 450° F. in a preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until a silver knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Red's Trading Post Buys Your Cascara Bark (Chittum) New Plumbing 4 at Lowest Prices! I *xx xwrto*« »narx m rts«»'« Feature at 5:30, 7:30 Sunday Tl ESDAY and WEDNESDAY AV \ GARDNER JAMES MASON in Pandora and the Flying Dutchman In Technicolor THURSDAY ONLY PT A BENEFIT SHOW Pacific North» est Premiere NAVAJO A remarkable film made entirely on Navajo reservation with native Indian east. FRIDAY and SATURDAY’ JOHN PAYNE and RHONDA FLEMING in Crosswinds In Technicolor ip. Kids Club Saturday Matinee 2:00 P.M. Shirley Temple in Rebecca of Sunny brook Farm” — A Iso — Ml IR'S "Cake of the Week” Birthday Cake for: Tommy Hautala. Rodney Stubbs. Jimmy Sullivan, and Michael Thomas 4 CAFE • Too Young To Kiss y, mipoon salt 3 cup» bottled milk 2 teaspoons Burnett's Pure Vanilla Plain pastry J .gyt. slightly beaten % cup granulate! sugar s MYRON'S Sewing Machines VAN JOHNSON and JUNE ALLYSON in Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 FRESH A current weather forecast might read . . . "Warm, spring day, fol­ lowed by small boys playing baseball.” Mothers know that baseball play­ ers have big appetites and need a healthful lunch to restore lost energy. When your young sportsmen come home hungry from a bail game, serve them a wholesome, nutritious lunch of ham-cheese club sandwiches made with enriched bread, plus milk, deviled egg, tomatoes or fruit, and deli­ cious bakers' pie. It’s a winning team that’s hearty and satisfying. Ha m-Cheese Club Sandwich 8 slices whole wheat bread 4 slices boiled ham or bologna 4 slices American or Swiss 4 slices enriched bread >4 cup soft butter or margarine cheese Spread bread with butter. Place 1 slice of ham on each of 4 slices of whole wheat bread and cover each with 1 slice of enriched bread. Top each sandwich with 1 slice of cheese and another slice of whole wheat bread. Yield: 4 Ham-Cheese Club Sandwiches. Eleanor of Victoria, B.C. and Mrs. John Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder went to Portland Saturday to attend the wedding of their nephew Willis Graf. Willis was a graduate of the Gates high school and has many friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Veteto attended the funeral of Mr. Veteto’s nephew Jack Marteni in Milwaukie Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McClain of Seattle were weekend guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McClain Mrs. McClain accompanied them to Corvallis returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cline and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruder, Nancy and Claudia attended the wedding of Miss Betty Schieman in Salem Saturday. Bob and Shelby Umphress went to Empire, Ore., Tuesday to visit their sister and husband and leaves Thurs­ day for Texas. ASTHMA Don't let coughing, wheezing, recurring at> tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and energy without trying MENDACO. which works thru the blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates coughing and aids freer breathing and better sleep. Get MENDACO from druggist. Batla* faction or money back guaranteed. Wally Riggs Sport Shirts Now Available 3-p. Bathroom Set $97-50 Place orders today for IM MEDI A TE DELI VER Y 5-ft. Recess STEEL TUB CHINA LAVATORY and CLOSET with Reverse Trap, without Fittings Hot Water Heater $75-00 10-GaI. MISSION Electric 4-in. Soil Pipe 79c per ft DObfr FORGET S. H. TO SELECT X)UR HALLMARK MOTHER'S DAY LARGE SUPPLY OF FITTINGS FOR Immediate Delivery Peter W. Rodich One Mile East of Lyons Route 1. Box 28 LYONS. ORE CARDS AT I I I I Edward Williams "The Home of Halmark Carda' 330 Court Street SALEM Always in Stock at the Gates General Store