Canyon Avenue Parade T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN a \TES ID \NH \ LYONS Ml II \M \ MONGOL!) By DON PETERSON Editor George B. Holcomb of the ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATURE’S EMPIRE International Woodworker commented on the grocery survey in his column “Chips ’n Shavings” as follows: Voi. Vili—No. IH MILL CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY. M AY 1, 1952 S2.50 a Year, J ( )<• a Copy “Crusading newspapers are a rarity , —outside labor circles—but Mill City, Ore., has one in its Mill City Enter-1 prise. “At this time its crusade concerns price gouging being carried out by some of the grocery stores in the area, The Mill City PTA takes great pleasure in presenting the film "Nav­ which is near the big Detroit dam building site. ajo’* at the Mill City theatre next “Many housewives in the area are Thursday, May 8 at the regular time The Mill City high school band, boycotting the grocery stores as a and the prevailing prices, 20c for chil­ result of surveys of prices being pub­ dren 50c for students and 60c for under the direction of Earl W. Loucks, received a "two” rating in the “Class lished by the paper. The stores, in adults. return, are attempting to undermine This movie has received exception­ D” band competition in Kelly junior the paper’s influence. ally fine reviews, and will have spe­ high school building in Eugene. The “Our congratulations go to its pub­ cial showings to school children from bands were rated according to instru­ lisher, Don Peterson, for his courage. Mari-Linn, Gates. Detroit and Idanha mentation, intonation, discipline on stage and selection, A "one” is the His paper is well edited and has in addition to those in Mill City. The Mill City ‘spirit’ marked all over it.” The PTA will particularly appre­ highest grade possible, group also was given an excellent Thanks, George. ciate your support of this last fund- grade in sight-reading, Each band * • * raising project of the year. played three numbers— a march—for Somebody sent me a copy of the warm-up, bandmembers’ choice, and column “Cracker Barrel Comments’’ the required overture. The Mill City by Jack Bedford writing in the "Ore- band played “The Footlifter", "Allan- gon Food Merchants Magazine” to­ a-Dale,” “Olympia,” in that order. gether with another copy of the above “Olympia” was the required rnfmber. quotation from the Woodworker’s The senior band has 28 members, magazine. Jack Bedford writes a good article. I reprint it below: Mill City's Toastmistresses used the as follows, flute, Denny Sheythe; confines of Mom & Pop’s Cafe as piccolo. Sharon Gibson; clarinets, “Income taxes are a sour subject their forum for their latest session, Vera Loucks, Yvonne Dart, Denny for most of us grocers. A little Podrabsky, and Rarbara Podrabsky; Thursday. simple arithmetic will show us how Mrs. Sue Mikkelsen was topic mis- trumpets, Gary Peterson, Philip Goble, many days a week, month or year we tress and chose childhood books as Truman Jones, and Delmer Skillings; are operating our grocery stores for the topic. Noteworthy is the fact that tenor saxophone, Richard Verbeck; the government . . . and the result is so many of the speakers chose the alto saxophone, Lyle Fleetwood; bari­ not happy music to my years. How Officers of Mill City chapter. Order of Eastern Star, are (front row from left) worthy patron, Wilson Stevens; same books as their favorites despite tone, Dale Andreassen; E flat sousa- about you? his daughter and worthy matron, Mrs. Albert Toman; associate matron. Mrs. Floyd Johnson; associate patron, their very wide-snread differences in phone, Dick Sverson; B flat sousa- “But, you know, there is something j George Huffman; second row: Mrs. Glenn Tinney, Mrs. Bert Morris, Mrs. Oswald Hirtie, Mrs. Walter Kay. that I have been overlooking about I Mrs. Verne Shaw, Mrs. William Shuey and Mrs. Mabel Parker; back row: Mrs. Jack Scott. Mrs. Lee Ross, Mrs. childhood background. Mrs. Edna phone, Roy Podrabsky; percussion, Ross was the day’s toastmistress. Her JoAnne Leach, Larry Harrington, this tax picture for a long time. The Arlo Tuers, Oswald Hirtie. Mrs, Floyd Jones, Mrs. Charles Kelly and Mrs. Hdith Mason. speakers were Mrs. Gwen Jones, who Rosalie Bassett, Anthony Berry, Sha- government will actually help us with (Photo Courtesy The Statesman and Robert Veness) gave “A report on the convention of ron Hagen, and Norma Downer; trom­ our advertising. Now. this is not an Willamette Presbyterian Society" and bones, Harold Kilewer, Maurie Bas­ advertising allowance like food manu­ Mrs. June Miley, who chose the sub­ sett, Donald Nesbitt, and Bruce facturers provide for brand promotion,1 Thomas; French horns, Dale Walczak ject, “Words Are Basic Tools”. :t is a definite saving in advertising, and Ralph Jull. The first named in that we can use for any brand we Cricket Pinkston and Mrs. Irene each section is the first chair player. want at any time. O'Leary were minute critics; Mrs. Special mention on the adjudicator's Miss Sharron Moore, age 5, caught “Here’s how this system works: O’Leary also was timer. Mrs. Ruby her dress on fire and received as a Gates Church of Christ was pre­ Income taxes, as you know, are based Charles Edgar Smith, 48, a well- Crosier was evaluator. Guests were sheet was made of the tone and beauty on the net profit we make in our store. sented with a $1,000.00 check Sunday. result bad third degree burns on her known and well-liked resident of the | Mrs. Aline Steffy, Mrs. Helen Paul, of student director Gary Peterson’s, The rate of tax increases with the in­ The money was a gift from the “Men s legs, body and chest. Sharron is the canyon died Thursday evening, April Mrs. Bobby Yates, Miss Daisy Geddes, trumpet solo in the “Olympia” over­ crease in the net profits we make. Ninety-Nine” organization of the . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore 24, in the Salem Memorial hospital Mrs. Mabel Nelson and her cousin ture. Judges complimented the trom­ bone, sousaphone, and percussion sec­ Thus a grocer with a high net profit Christian churches of Oregon, Loren of Mill City. The accident occurred as a result of contusion and lacera- i Mrs. T. C. Agee from Mobile, Ala. I tion of the brain. Smith’s fatal in-| Toastmistress members attending tions. will be paying a higher percent of his Swanson, minister of the Gates church Saturday afternoon about 5 p.m. The junior band also made the trip Sharron is the eldest child of the juries came about as he was operating profits back in income taxes. As the announced this week. the all-day Saturday convention of as assistants and observators. Moores. She is being treated at her profit increases the rate goes up, 20 u yarder for the Lee Logging company Each man in this Christian organi­ the Northwest Regional conference of per cent, 30 per cent, 50 per cent. in this area. Funeral services were the International Toastmistress clubs zation promises he will give at least home by Dr. Jack Reid. “Advertising is an expense of doing one dollar for the establishment of a conducted at the Weddle funeral home in Salem were Mrs. Edna Hutcheson, business and I'm sure most of you will new church. in Stayton, Sunday afternoon, April Mrs. June Miley, Mrs. Elsie Potter, Cates was the second agree that it is an essential tool for such church receiving a $1.000 check 27th. Mrs. Ruby Crosier, Mrs. Gwen Jones foci store opera t*... An1 wb^n ♦Ki. this year. Smith was born June 15, 1903, in , and Mrs. Gay Savage. Mrs. Pat expense can be used as a deductible Ezra Blebm, president of the “Men's Gates, and married Miss Rosalie Boat­ Wingo and Mrs. Vera Hathaway took item on income tax it makes the out- Ninety-Nine” presented the check to man, his widow, July 3, 1930, at i part in the Sunday night banquet The Consolidated Builders Inc. an­ of-pocket expense less. Mrs. Olive Barnhardt, the treasurei Salem. Smith was a lifelong resident held as a part of the conference. State Representative Robert Y. of Gates and received his schooling Present for the Sunday conference nounced today that they will go on "Besides that, it seems to me that of the building finances. It is re­ there are other benefits. When sales ported that the building is now debt Thornton of Tillamook, democratic in that community. His parents were j were Mrs. Edna Hutcheson, Mrs. June daylight saving time effective next Sunday morning according to a mem­ | candidate for attorney general, told Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith, and pre­ volume goes up our competitive posi­ free. i Miley, Mrs. Gwen Jones Mrs. Elsie tion is improved. Advertising will Minister Swanson stated that "The Oregon Young Democrats at their ceded him in death. Close relatives Potter. Mrs. Louise Palmer and Mrs. orandum distributed from the office of J. O. Murray, personnel director. increase our prestige in the commu­ needs are still great to complete the convention in Portland Saturday that »••e brothers — Raymond Smith of Pat Wingo. The memorandum reads as follows- nity. building, but ‘God is able to do ex­ their organization was the greatest North Bend; Wilbur Smith of Foster; Council No. 3, of which Mill “Tax-wise this advertising for fu­ ceeding abundantly above all that we hope for revitalizing democratic gov­ Robert Smith of Grants Pass; sister: “In order to conform with the time ture customers and continued good ask or think . . ernment and restoring the two-party Mrs. Alice Hoeye of Mill City; half- is a part, provided the table decora­ that has been established in Portland (Eph. 3:20). tions and favors for the breakfast ses­ system in Oregon. will is costing us less than the billed brother: George French of Toledo, O.; sion. Mill City created the center­ and other localities, the Detroit dam price. It is a perfect way to build “Get out and get practical experi­ sister: Mrs. Edith McCann. project will work on daylight saving piece. Mrs. Gay Savage built a re­ time. future customers without spending ence. Qualify yourselves by learning Pallbearers were Elmer Klutke, plica of Detroit dam. any more money right now. “Accordingly, we wish to advise all how your government operates. Run Oliver Karmen Jr., Joseph Bowes. “Just because this additional adver­ employees that Sunday morning. May for your city councils, school boards, George Stewart, Donald Flatman and tising is not going to cost a full dollar 4 1952. at 8:01 a.m., time on the water commissions. The legislature Len Y'oung. Interment was in the tax-wise is no reason to produce poor needs more young people. Make Fairview cemetery, Gates. Mrs. Doris Detroit dam project will be changed copy. FROM standard time to DAYLIGHT Civil service examinations will be yourselves effective politically,” the Sheythe was the soloist for the last “Advertising, regardless of its cost, held within the near future for selec­ Tillamook county legislator said. SAVING time. lites. must be designed to produce results. tion of a new postmaster for the "Employees working on the grave­ Thornton stressed that young wom- Mrs. Smith’s relatives attending the Large space is not the complete an­ Gates post office. Application must , en should be encouraged to run for yard shift Saturday, May 3, will finish funeral from a distance were Mrs. A bright comedy, “ We S ’ ^ >k the swer. their work at 8:00 a.m. Standard time. be made by May 15. responsible positions. “Healthy gov­ Christine Wyrick, mother, Mr». Wil­ “Remember: Just because advertis­ “Maintenance employees required to Applications must be on file with ernment must include women. Sen­ liam Conneally sister; William Wy­ Family Tree” presented by sti \ its of I the Detroit high school takes the stage ing is cheap tax-wise does not mean the U. S. Civil Service Commission, ator Wilcox and Representative Neu­ work on Sunday, May 4, will report rick, brother; Mrs. Anne Andrews, of the school gymnasium, May 2, at that it should be cheap promotion­ Washington 25, D.C., not later than berger alone had to represent the for work at 8:00 a.m. Standard time." aunt all of San Francisco, Calif.; Mr. 8 p.m. wise. * Mav 15, 1952. women’s point of view in the last leg­ and Mrs. George McCoy, aunt and “From my cracker barrel it looks The plot concerns young Hildegarde The requirements for this examina­ islature.” uncle of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dolson who is desperately determined like the grocers who believe they can­ tion are x>ven in detail on the forms He commended past president Wal­ Hoeye of Cherryville; Mr. and Mrs. to pet a date to a big dance. Hilde- not afford to advertise are only kid­ obtained at the post office for which ding themselves. It is business in­ this examination is held or from the ter Dennis on the Y’D’s activity in Bob White of Newberg; Mr. and Mrs.] garde’s frantic efforts are abetted by surance and has lower rates today U. S. Civil Service Commission, Wash­ the recent voters registration cam­ i Vic Meyer of North Bend; and cousins her mother who arranges a date with paign. from Sweet Home and Tillamook. Freddie Shermer, son of the local than ever before. ington 25, D.C. Kelly Lumber Sales softball team banker. “Advertising doesn’t cost (as much An earlier announcement stated that as we think after we consider the tax the examination for the Gates post­ Unfortunately, Freddie's old-fanh* has scheduled games for Mill City’s JOE BEAVER savings) ... it pays!” By Ed Nofziger mastership will be held in Salem’s ioned mother makes him wear knick- ■ lighted field, Allen Field, with two * * • ers (!) so Hildegarde again »tarts, outstanding teams from Salem. Fri­ post office building. The Publisher's Auxiliary this week maneuvers — this time just the op- 1 day, May 2, Kellys will play the carries a story from Williston, N.D., posite of her former bent. Freddie,; Randle Oil team. The roster of the in which it reports on a press associ­ himself, solves the situation, but in Oilers includes stars like pitcher “Wimpy” Carver and Warner Miller, ation meeting. In part it reported so doing, shakes the family tree. MONDAY— This is the first meeting of the as follows: season between these teams and “Weekly and small daily editor» American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. I should provide local fans with a full Lions club meeting will live ‘just so long as they make evening's softball entertainment. their life and work useful to the com­ A F. A A.M. No. 180 stated meet­ Salem Merchants softballers, with munity,’ Dean James L. C. Ford of ing third Monday. their Don Vandervant. anpear here the Montana State university school O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. The Portland District, Corps of again Friday, Mav 9. This will be of journalism, advised newsmen in an htspay - Engineers, has invited bids for the the third meeting for these teams. In address prepared for delivery during Women ’ i club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tuea removal of bodies and remains from the two previous encounters. Kelly's the North Dakota Press association 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues eight or more graves in the Detroit won the first 3 to I and lost the other convention, April 24-26. Reservior project and reinterment in 12 to 7. “Dean Ford discussed the editor’s1 Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday Both of these games will be double­ Riders of the Santiam, 1st Tuesday Fairview cemetery in the Detroit area. struggle for survival. “He declared that new spapers need l WEDNESDAY— Col. Thomas H. Lipscomb. Portland headers with the first game starting not fear competition if editors do a ditsrict engineer, said the bids would at 7 p.m. Boy Scouts. 7:30, H. S. Recreation good job." be opened in his office at 2 p.m.. May City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. Dean Ford further on in his speech 9, and that award of contract would Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. commented: “It's all true that .... be made as a whole to one bidder. at Mill City fire hall. important or would-be important peo­ Completion is 30 calendar days. Santiam Rebekah IM -1st and 3rd ple. like to make news hard to get. Bids are being invited under invita­ Wed. at 8 p.m. “But there if no excuse for any Hattie Bratzel, Salem attorney, will tion No. C1VENG-35-026 52 196. kind of iron curtain in our home’ Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. speak to the Idanha Women’» club on PTA. second Wednesday 8 p.m. towns.” Wednesday, May 7. at 7:30 p,m. Mis» • • • THURSDAY— Bratzel will show film» of European The Mill City State bank last week j Theta Rho Club for Girls, meet» 2d countries and offer an accompanying blossomed out with new awnings for | and 4th Thursdays. commentary for the colored pictures. Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. their windows. They look very at­ These films were taken by Miss Brat­ American Legion 2d and 4th Thur» tractive in their green color. Rev. C. O. Tremain. of the Mdl City zel when she was in Europe as official • • a Garden club fourth Thursday Free Methodist church announced this court reporter for the Nürnberg War week that his church will conduct re­ Crimes Trials in Germany. Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thur». On April 9. 1952. Senator Wayne vival services during the period April The young attorney, in addition to Toastmistress Club, 2d 4 4th, 7 p.m. Morse answered on the senate floor 2H to May 11. her Salem practice, is also a legal some statements made by Mr. Randall FRIDAY— Rev. W. H. McCormick will be the advisor to the Oregon State Civil De­ of B g Steel in a radio address to the LO O F meeting principal speaker and «inger. Serv­ fen se agency. She has been associ­ country. Senator Morse’s speech is j Mill City IWA meeting last Friday ices will be held each evening starting ated with the legal profession for 2d titled “Steel Mills Must Be Kept No, no! You're supposed Io prune the frees when they're standing__not Farmers Union meeting at Mehama at 7:30 p.m. There will be however, I years and studied law at W lh.mette Operating". I would like to print it when they're on the ground!'* Woman’s club. 2nd and Northwestern colleges. no services Saturday nights (Continued on Page 8) r Mill City P.T.A. Sponsors Movie 'Navajo' May 8 Schoo! Band Wins Honors Torstmistress Club Entertains Guests Gates Church Receives sharr0" Woore Re"'»« Charles E. Smith -Third Degree Burns $1,000 Contribution Buried Sunday Constructfon Work To Go On Fast Time Thornton Speaks To Young Democrats Examinations Set Gates Post Office Detroit High School Presents Comedy Local Softball Club Meets Salem Teams Coming Events Cemetery Removal Bids For Detroit Called Miss Brutzel Will Speak To Idanha Woman May 7 Free Methodist Church Announces Revival