Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1952)
'i • '2 LYONS IN OUR By MRS. EVA BRESSLER The Lyons Extension unit held their | April meeting at the community club : house Friday with an all day meeting, i A planned luncheon was served at the ST. PATRICK’S PARISH COMMUNITY CHURCH noon hour with Martha Cruson, Jo Lyons, Oregon Full Gospel Preaching Anne Cruson and Margaret McWhirk Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at Sunday school 10 a.m. the luncheon committee. Following 10:30 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. the luncheon the project leaders I Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 a.m. Evangelistic service 8 p.m. Jacquie Smith and Helen Johnston Fr. Leander Schneider, SDS.. Pastor Prayer meeting Tuesdays 10 a.m. to | gave a very instructive demonstration • * • I on “Freezing our cooked food." The 3 p.m. Preaching services Wednesday and I business meeting was called to order FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH i by the chairman, Garnett Bassett. Friday 8 p.m. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Rev. Lee M. Joiner, Pastor | Reports of all committees were heard, Morning worship 10:55 a m. * » « with election of officers the main busi Young Peoples meeting 6:30 p.m. ness, with the following elected and Evening Services 7:30 p.m. LYONS METHODIST CHURCH will be installed at the spring festival Wed., 7:30 p.m. Bible study hour. Church school at 9:45 a.m. held in Albany. Attending the meet Mr. Hugh Jull, Pastor Worship service at 11 a. m. ing were Vergene Scott, Modena Car- • * * Evening service at 8 p.m. ! leton .Helen Johnston, Jacquie Smith, Choir at morning service. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH | chairman. Bea Hiatt, vice chairman, Choir practice at 7 p.m. Thursday. I Evelyn Julian, sec.-treas., Martha Sunday School 10 a.m. Rinke R. Feenstra, Pastor Morning Worship 11 a.m. ! Cruson. JoAnne Cruson, Margaret Young people’s service at 6:30 p.m. McWhirk, Frances Gars jo, Garnett Evening service 7:30 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bassett, Mildred Carr, Mabel Down Prayer meeting and Bible study, Mill City ing, Rose Thayer, Alta Bodeker and Thursday at 8 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Claire Feenstra. Morning worship 11:00 a.m. Rev. W. D. Turnbull, Pastor. Lucille Donavon was hostess for the » « • Music by choir. afternoon card club with her party Midweek service Wednesday 8 p.m SANTIAM CHAPEL held at the Rebekah hall Wednesday Mehama (Undenominational) afternoon. A one thirty dessert Services in old Lyons school house, i Morning worship 9:45 a.m. luncheon was served followed by sev Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Lyons, Ore. eral tables of 500. High score was Midweek service Thursday 8 p.m. Sunday school 10 a.m. held by Garnett Bassett, second by Rev. Noble Streeter. Pastor. Morning worship 11 a.m. Mabel Downing, low by Mabel Bass, • • « Evening worship 7:30 p.m. and Bernaine Bridges drew the trav FREE METHODIST CHURCH • * « eling prize. Attending the party were North Mill City Bertha Allen, Doris Roy, Carrie Naue, L.D.S. of JESUS CHRIST CHURCH I Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Ethel Huffman, Frances Garsjo Alma Detroit Morning worship 11 a.m. Olmstead, Mabel Bass. Garnett Bas Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m. Junior church 11:00 a m. sett, Berneice Bridges, Ida Free. Wil in high school building, Detroit. Evening service 7:30 p.m. ma Free, Margaret Kunkle, Mabel Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm. Downing, Modena Carleton, Ruth Zealand Fryer, Presiding Phone 1906. Lyons and the hostess Lucille Don • • e Rev. C. O. Tremain, Pastor avon. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE • * « Dr. George Roseberry, district su 3rd and Juniper, Mill City perintendent of Salem was in Lyons GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday 11 a.m. Thursday evening for the 4th quarter OF CHRIST Wednesday meeting 4th Wed. 8 pm. ly conference meeting, held at the Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. • • • Good Community Methodist church, Morning worship 11 a.m. DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH reports were turned in from church. Loren R. Swanson, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Sunday school and Women’s Society by James Preaching at 11 of Christian Service. Stock, minister. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thiel enter- •popular Youth meeting at 2:30 each Sun- tained Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Donough day afternoon. and son Tom of North Bend over the * * • weekend. IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and M rs. Carl Stavang enter- Sunday school 10 a.m. tained 23 relatives and friends Friday Morning service 11 a.m. evening in honor of their son Wayne’s Evening service 7:00 p.m. 13th birthday anniversary. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trask and Bob Unger, Pastor daughter of Portland, and Ralph Trask For Guaranteed Cleaning * * « of Albany spent the weekend at the ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC home of Mrs. Inez Ring. CHURCH, MILL CITY it’s the Maxine Scott, oldest daughter of Mass at 9 a.m. every Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott is confined Confessions heard before Mass. to her home with a broken leg, which Fr. Franz Schubert, Pastor she received while skating Tuesday * * • evening. OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue had as 24-HOUR SERVICE Jordan, Oregon their guests over the weekend their Mill City Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Howard 8:30 a.m. Naue of Sandy. Closes at 6 P.M. Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Averiall of Hal Fr. Leander Schneider, SDS.. Pastor sey and Mr. and Mrs. Miche from NUMETHOD Community Church Will Conduct Special Services Mill City’s Community church will conduct special dedicatory ceremonies for servicemen, Sunday morning, April 27. The Sunday's entire pro gram will be in honor of those who are in the service of our country. A lovely service flag will be hung in the Mill City Community church. The flag will display a blue star for each serviceman being honored Sunday. During Sunday's dedication pro gram, Miss Helen Anna Joiner will play an accordian solo, “Under the Double Eagle”, Reverend Joiner’s address will be on the topic, “March- ing Orders”. Everyone is invited Sunday for the Community church’s special dedica tion service. Lebanon were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell, Mrs. Martell is a sister of Mrs. Miche and daughter of the Averialls. Santiain Valley grange held their social meeting at the hall Friday eve ning the time was spent in playing cards. High scores were held by Mrs. Earl Wolfkeil and Jake Myers. Mrs. Lyle Kinzer underwent major surgery at the Lebanon General hos pital Friday morning. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges were Miss Leona Atrz of Bremerton, Wash., and Mrs. Ben Artz of Vancouver, Wash., Leona Artz is a cousin and Mrs. Ben Artz, an aunt of Mrs. Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Power had as their guests Wednesday his cou- sin and wife Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCobb and daughter Betty Ann of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnston had as their guests over the weekend her mother Mrs. Carrie Osbrun of Ash land, also her sister Miss Dorothy Osburn of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roy spent the weekend in Portland with relatives and friends. The Women’s Society of Christian Service held their work day meeting at the community club house Tuesday with an all day meeting, In the aft- ernoon Mrs, Kathleen Barnes of Eugene was present and entertained with a White House party. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Culwell have sold their farm on the mountain near Gooch and have bought some acreage west of town and are building a new house. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Etheridge have bought the house and some of the acreage of the Bert Karr place be tween Lyons and Mill City. Etheridge who is agent at the Southern Pacific depot plans to move his family May 1st. Due to an error in last week’s paper some of the school teachers were givpn the wrong position, would like to make it right this time: Mrs. Kattie Skillings, 1st grade; Miss Norma Mil ler, 2nd; Mrs. Elva Kuiken, 3rd; Mrs. 3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE___________________ April 21, 1952 MILL CITY Teasing Dog May Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Schroeder, Joan and Gerry of Salem and Mr. Parmell and son were guests of the Lowell Stifflers Sunday. The men went | fishing. Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten of Salem were weekend guests at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross. Mrs. j Rhoten is a sister of Mr. Ross. Robert Veness, our genial theatre owner, blossomed out with a new Ford station wagon delivered by Herrold- Philippi Motor Co., of Stayton last Tuesday afternoon. A birthday dinner was prepared for Herbert Schroeder Sunday by his wife. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen called in the afternoon. Cleve Brewer drove to Mill City from Long Beach, Calif., to bring his father who spent the winter with him. He is in Portland for a few days be fore returning to Long Beach. Shirley Laird is back in the beauty shop this week after several weeks illness. Col. and Mrs. Willis Potter left Saturday for San Francisco, where they will visit their son Willis at Stanford university. They will con tinue on to San Antonio, Tex. Colonel Potter will be permanently located at Fort Sam Houston. Col. and Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Elsie Potter were joined at Roads End on the Beach by Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Potter and enjoyed three days together. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Salem were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McClain Sunday. W. R. Stewart of Stewart’s grocery left from Portland Tuesday evening by plane for Detroit, Mich. He will drive a new car back in about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Shelton and baby visited at the home of his par ents Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shelton Friday and Saturday. Mr. Shelton is youth director and assistant pastor at the Mallory avenue Christian church in Portland and is a graduate at Ix’wis Martha Poole, 4th; Miss Vivian Boyce, and Oren Morgan, 5th; Ivan Smith, 6th, Mrs. Hazel Wirth, 7th, Ralph Hurst, 8th, Miss Vivian Boyce, music instructor and Oren Morgan, principal. The bazaar sponsored by the Three Links club of the Rebekah lodge which was held at the hall Thursday eve ning, April 17, was quite successful although a smal crowd was in atten dance. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Thoma and her mother Mrs. Amos Hiatt of lx*- banon visited in Lyons Sunday after noon. Mrs. Hiatt returned to Lebanon with them where she is receiving medical treatment. ^¿Debunker BY JOHN HARVEY FURBAY PH D Lead To Trouble The Gaines Dog Research Center, New York, strongly advises parents to teach their children that teasing the dog is a forbidden form of play. Children should never be allowed to tease or maltreat their pets, states the Cetner, not only because of its cruelty but because it may be danger ous for the child. Most dogs are pa tient to an unbelievable degree with children but the day may come when a faithful and long-suffering Rover turns on the youngster and strikes back in the only way he knows—by biting. Even when a child is too small to inflict any serious physical injury to a dog, the confusion and mental an guish a dog suffers when his beloved young companion sudenly turns from petting to malicious teasing, to strik ing with a stick or other forms of unreasonable attack, may cause him to become surly and snappish. According to the Cetner, even grown people are sometimes guilty of teas ing a puppy because he “acts so cute” when he growls and gets angry. It may be amusing at the time to those who have that type of sense of humor but it isn’t so funny when the pup grows up into an ill-tempered dog. and Clark college this spring. Bob Shelton is a Mill City high graduate and Ellen graduates from eighth grade also this spring. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Turnbull of the Assembly of God and about 20 of their members attended fellowship meeting at Stayton Monday. Bob Umphress, U.S. Navy, arrived in Mill City Tuesday from the Naval Air station at I’atuxant River, Md., where he has been stationed for about three years for a 15-day leave with his parents. He was home Christmas 1950 the last time. He will return to Corpus Christi, Tex., where he will be stationed. Mrs. Luella Morgan visited by long distance telephone with her husband Tom last Friday. Tom is in stationed in Germany with the 43rd division. He expects to be discharged in Octo ber of this year. Visiting relatives and friends over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Reuel Phillips Jr. of Newport. Mrs. Phil lips is the former Wilma May Howe. Bob Hill Jr. flew to Denver Mon day morning on a business trip. Mrs. C. A. Bruder was called to Portland Monday to be with her son Bruder, who was injured in an auto wreck. Dr. Harry A. Brown Dr. Bernard D. Brown Optometrists Complete Optical Service Lets get down to brass tacks md the PLAIN HARD TACTS You pay less to buy! Here’s why a Chevrolet truck means dollars-and-cents savings! Size up the four facts why a Chev rolet truck cuts down your hauling or delivery costs. But there’s more to it than that. It’s the greatest truck to drive you ever got your hands on. Easier Ball-Gear Steering. Clutch smooth and easy. Fast, quiet Synchro Mesh transmission that eliminates double clutching. Roomy cab with five feet of hip room, ventipane windows, and seats with double deck springs. Come in and let us show you. CHEVROLET ; FACT No. 2 You save on cost per mile! FACT No. 3 You get the right truck for the ¡oh! FACT No. 4 Your truck investment is safer! RUGGED Y and thrifty hoir Gene Teague Chevrolet Since 1926 422 Court Street Salem, Oregon Eve. by Appt. Ph. 3-3091 Studies in the various parts of the United States have shown that cactus can be grown most any where, even living through frigid Winters of zero weather. Cactus is one of the most hardy plan’s known, and will stand much abus”, neglect and unfavorable weather. The truth is that some kind of cactus is native to nearly every State in the Union. Florence Laughlin is an authority on cactus, and has exploded many ideas about it. “Suffered 7 years -then I found Pazo brings amazing relief!” say« Mr. M. W., Les Ange/es, Calif. Speed amaung relief from miseries of simple pile«, with soothing Pazo*! Acts to relieve pain, itching initantly— soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates ary. hard ened parts—helps prevent cracking, sore ness—reduce swelling. You get real com forting help. Don't «offer needless torture from simple piles. Get Pazo for fast, won derful relief. Ask your doctor about it. Suppository form —also tubes with per forated pile pipe for easy application. ' ‘fata CitUattal aaj Sappoularia