The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 24, 1952, Image 1

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The Big Steel situation is occupy­
ing the attention of most of the Re­
publicans in and out of congress while
they spill their “crocodile tears” over
$2.50 a Year, |()t. a Copy
the rights of private property.
One member of congress wants to
impeach the President, another wants
to pass legislation prohibiting the
President seizing private property for
any reason whatsoever, most Repub­
licans and some Democrats are run­
ning to the aid of their bosses in the
steel industry claiming the President
exceeded his authority.
Big Steel is following the same |
Santiam Memorial hospital came one step nearer reality Tuesday as work
pattern all the big fellows do, when i
started on the planned $303,000 North Santiam hospital located on the out­
they get their fingers burned, by pub-1
skirts of Stayton. Ted Freres, Stayton lumberman, signaled the bustle and
lishing full page ads in all the daily [
business of constructing the hospital plant by lifting a spadeful of earth on
papers throughout the country trying
the site of the new future canyon hospital.
to convince the public that they have
Contractor R. L. Martin of Foothills Construction company, optimistically
been discriminated against. I wonder
predicted his firm would finish the
if the newspapers would be so indig­
job in eight months. The contract
nant if they didn’t get such lucrative
allows nine.
The hilltop hospital site overlooks
Taft is quoted is saying that “I
Stayton from the northeast, affording
don’t think he (Truman) can seize the
a sweeping view of the Cascade moun­
steel mills just because there is a war
tains, tall evergreens and the city’»
Construction of the new high-ten­ church steeples.
going on!”
♦ * *
sion 69,000 volt power transmission
Residents all along the winding
line from Scio to Lyons is progressing North
Do these critics want to leave our
Santiam highway gave finan­
boys on the fields and hills of Korea
on schedule, according to a report cial support that made construction
without the tanks and guns produced
of the hospital possible. It will be
by our steel mills? Is that the meth­
manager in this area for Mountain the only one between Salem and Bend.
States Power company.
od they would use to kill the United
The one-story structure will be built
Nations and allow “Joe” to take over
In the progress report Stewart of concrete block with a red brick
everything including our own lands
stated that he now expects the project veneer. It will have 34 hospital beds,
and homes?
They are acting like
to be completed as early as the first making it one of the largest hospitals
good little stooges of “Uncle Joe’’
of July. Approximately 60% of the in the mid-valley exclusive of Salem.
when they pursue the cry of Big Steel
Hr- Ä
power line has been reinsulated for
Construction of the building will
that they are not making enough
69,000 volt operation. The section of keep from 20 to 60 men busy for tho
money to pay the wage hike. If they
the new distribution power line which rest of the year. Contractor Martin
still have a steel company left after
Officials of the Santiam Menurial Hospital association watch ground breaking fcr the new $303,220 34-bed
is installed below the transmission line | reported Tuesday. Most of them will
the fighting they should be lucky—
hospital at Stayton Tuesday. From left they are Ted Freres, pointing, chairman of the building committee;
on the same poles has been completed j be Stayton and Salem men, he added.
Roy Philippi, Stayton. director; Albert Toman. Mill City, director; Mrs. Wendel Weddle, Stayton, president of
that is more than millions of the rest
between Jordan and Lyons. The “un­
This week a crew will drill and
women’s auxiliary; Walter Miller, director; R. L. Martin, contractor; Larry Goss, M. Van Drieache, and J. C.
of us will have, especially the boys
derbuild”, as the distribution line is I blast through 10 feet of solid rock
doing the fighting in the trenches.
called, will operate at 12,000 volts and | to carve a basement that will hoi-*
Just why do the steel companies , Santiam Memorial hospital board of directors finally received clearance to go ahead with building plans. The
will sunply electrictiy to farms and a hot-water heating plant. The main
think they are the privileged class, I city of Stayton has completed laying of water mains to service the new hospital and streets opened to gain
homes along the route of the new floor will have 14,462 square feet of
that they must have their “six per1 access to the ground.
(Photo courtesy Capital Journal)
transmission line. Much of the work space.
cent” profit, before they will be patri-!
on the new transmission and distribu­
Those present for the ground break­
.. 1 ,
otic enough to keep their mills op- |
tion lines was done by line crews ing included l^rrry Goss, John Silver-
nagle, Walter Miller, Roy Philippi,
* * *
done so that there might be the least Albert Toman. Mrs. W. Weddle, M.
If you would care to keep informed
possible interference with normal elec­ Van Driesche and Byron Shux, all
on the steel situation, I would rec­
tric service to customers along the canyon residents who have been active
ommend that you tune in every night
route of the power lines. Inclement
Charles Smith of Gates fell victim 1 Mrs. Naida Booker, age 44, died in weather during the course of construc­ in events leading to construction of
at 10:15 n.m. to Frank Edward’s
Her tion at times hindered construction the hospital.
newscasts and you will learn some of filled to overflowing Thursday night to the logging season’s burst of activ- ' ai Lebanon hospital April 18.
the arguments against the position when members of the Santiam Lions ! ity when a high-line broke and a por- l home was at Holly in Linn county. progress.
of the steel companies.
Just the club conducted their fourth highly sue- j tion of it struck him across his head, ; Mrs. Booker was born at Detroit, De­
Stewart said that work on the new
She had lived in substation at Lyons is moving along
other evening Mr. Edwards read a cessful Amateur Show. An estimated shoulder and back Wednesday inflict- I cember 9, 1907.
letter he had received from a lady 500 people attended, with approxi-j ing painful lacerations and __ loss of Oregon most all her life. She went very well. The concrete foundation
in the midwest who told about some mately $300 cleared for the benefit | considerable blood. Smith was rushed to high school in Stayton
“pads” for the 6000 kva transformers
to Salem General hospital by the Mil) and 1926.
stock she owned ¡¿i one of the steel of the local Boy Scout cabin.
have been completed and work has al­
married ready started on the substation st-lie
She stated that before
Over 20 acts were presented, includ­
i The breakfast hop at Troutdale air-
the war she received $20 a share each ing tap dancers, baton twirlers, vocal­ Hunt, where he received two blood 1 Willard Booker of Holley in Albany.: ture.
! port, sponsored by Oregon sportsmen
I Besides her husband Mrs. Booker
year in dividends, but that now the ists, pianists, an accordianist, a magic , transfusions.
Mountain States is constructing this ;
last year she had received $120 or number, horn players, a marimba solo, | Smith's injuries proved fatal when leaves a son Sgt. Norman Booker of $100,000 project to provide an in­ pilots, Sunday, April 20, saw in atten-
six times as much in dividends from and an acrobat.
Contestants were ; he failed to regain consciousness this the U. S. Army in Texas; four daugh­ creased power supply for the electrical I ! dance from Mill City flyers Jim Mo-
her stock. She seated that she failed divided into two age groups, those | evening (Thursday) and passed away ters, Mrs. Dorothy Hackney of Ran­ requirements of the Canyon area. The ' berg, Jim O’Leary, Geo. Gothero, Mr.
to see why the steel company couldn’t under 11 years, and those 11 years at 7:30 p.m. at the hospital. He was dall, Wash., Mrs. Loraine Cavanaugh new transmission line will substan­ and Mrs. Roy Walker, Lyle Martin,
nay the raise without the privilege and over.
An applause meter re­ employed by Lee Logging company of West Linn, and Marjorie and Joan tially increase the amount of electri­ Les (¡lazier, Geo. Humphrey and Clyde
of raising the price of steel. Now the corded audience reaction and was used j currently doing logging in the Sardine i at home.
city which may be delivered to the
At the breakfast hop a demonstra­
Four brothers, Earl Stahlman of area and the related substation equip­
question is, just who is causing the to determine the winners.
Vernon Creek area, the scene of last year’s
spiraling of prices, who is the friend Todd, Lee Ross, and Lowell Stiffler forest fire terror. He was working Detroit; Alfred of Mill City; Ward of ment will provide a well regulated, tion of the L-19 liason planes used in
Korea was put on by the Oregon
of his country and doing everything read the meter.
on the loading donkey at the time of Salem, and Don of Hood River; two even flow of electric power.
guard, also a jet plane was
in their power to protect its safety?
A new and youthful tap dance team, the accident.
demonstrated with a description of
Surely the profiteers and tax-dodgers Beverly Walker and Johnny Kelly,
and Mrs. Norma Booker of Detroit;
the flight being given by the pilot
cannot be thinking of their country captured first prize of $15 in the
also two grandsons.
of the jet who was in radio contact
first, last and alwaja*.
younger division. Second prize of $10
with the PA system at the airport.
went to Carol and Dubby Stewart in
With the clearing skies there is in­
The ladies of the Garden club set another tap dance routine, while Jo
I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Henderson, and
creased activity at our own airport.
up a lovely collection of flowers and Ellen Agee won the $5 third prize
Mill City and Gates can be justly
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore of Detroit.
plants at their flower show this Tues­ for her excellent baton twirling.
Cub Pack No. 84 committee met proud of the instructor who is at the
day afternoon. They are to be com­
Graveside ceremonies were con­
at the home of Eldon Lents, chairman,' Davis port.
First prize in the senior division
plimented for their splendid showing was awarded Mrs. Henry Chaney, ducted Tuesday afternoon at Fox Val­ Weddle funeral home in Stayton with last Tuesday. Plans were discussed | He is Lyle Martin, a former army
wife of one of the high school teach­ ley cemetery for William Herman the Rev. Kenneth Abbot, officiating. j for entry into the Cascade area coun-I air corps major who piloted a twin
Last week Peter Rodich advertised ers, for her remarkable exhibition of Erwin, 78, who formerly lived in Fox Burial was in the Fairview cemetery I cil’s annua) Boy Scout circus, Satur-' engine P-38 during World War II.
plumbing supplies at prices below acrobatic dancing. Second place went Valley on the Preston Donation Land at Gates.
day, May 10, in Salem.
He wax engaged in action in the
Salem and Portland. He will help to Dale Woodard, vocalist, while Bud Claim, now known as the George Ny-
The committee also made plans for Pacific, from the Solomons to Tokyo
you plan your bathroom or kitchen | Steiner as a baseball-minded pianist, degger premises.
the next Mill City Cub Pack meeting bay.
He wax awarded the distin­
sink changeover to something mod­ won third prize.
I Erwin was born September 12, 1863,
at the Mill City high school and on guished Flying Cross for locating a
ern at prices that will save you money.
the baseball field, April 28, at 7 p.m. camouflaged Jap battleship which was
The entire program, lasting two at Potsdam, New York. At the age
He is on the route near Lyons and it , hours, was thoroughly enjoyed by the of nine, he was brought to Oregon
The Mill City Cubs will take part in a Japanese mainland harbor.
will be worth your time to look him large audience who considered it the by his parents, Gilbert and Louis*
Since the war he has been engaged
! in the Boy Scout Circus afternoon
up before you get your next plumb­ . finest amateur show yet.
Many Erwin. For the past ten years, Erwin I Linn county’s largest Camporee | parade which starts at 2 p.m. on as an instructor at several airports.
ing supplies.
beautiful costumes enriched the scene, has lived in Portland. He died in i found Mill City Scout Troop 49 in Marion square. Lents also announced He is licensed as an instructor, com­
• • •
and considerable talent and training Portland, April 19. Erwin was pre-'
that the Cubs will enter two evening mercial pilot, multi-engine, day or
Alfred L. Havener of Gates for the were in evidence. Shields Remine did ceded in death by a daughter, Mrs. 1 there fighting for a top-notch posi­ acts, “balloon burst” and “the thing”, night.
tion. Troop 49 copped a fourth place
past three vears has purchased the his usual commendable job as master Eunice May of Mehama.
Those who desire to become pilots
Arrangements for
award alorjg with Albany and Salt a dragon man.
interest of Don Smith in the Union of ceremonies, and Bob Veness acted
Erwin is survived by his widow, j Lake school troops.
more than 20 Cubs, or ax many as can be assured of capable instruction
station here on Santiam boulevard in as stage manager.
Mrs. Ida Erwin; two children, Mrs.
Scouts attending the Camporee
were I can ’’’•k* the jaunt on behalf of Cub when Lyle Martin is giving the guid­
Mill City this past week. The station
Gladys Schaer of Portland and Iver Br?ce
“Tho‘mas””Tony' BSothby?M»^ Pack N°’ 841 were ma,le by the Cub ing hand.
will be known as Al’s Union Station
Erwin of Ashland, eight grandchildren Boothby, Alan Tuers, Tom Fend, and committee in their executive session.
Lloyd Wells purchased a Cessna 140.
hereafter and Al promises efficient
and 10 great-grandchildren.
It is neat 2-place ship with a jump
and prompt service. Havener worked
Terry Muir. Jerry Foster, and Larry »Pon-ored by the Salem Lions club. seat in back for children. Lloyd uses
the past three years for the CBI and MONDAY—
Urban of the Eagle patrol; Bill Haun,! Al> the proceeds go into improving a plane to good advantage on cross
Ozzie Hirte of Gates and is known
American legion Auxiliary 3d Mon.
I-ahny Podrabsky, and Arthur Cox S™“1 famP f»cllities in Linn, Polk country flights to his parent's home
by many in the canyon.
Lions club meeting
The trip usually
of the Flaming Arrow patrol; Lauren and Mar,nn counites . Price
Price for
for adults
adult, in Fresno, Calif.
* • •
. David Jones, Bill Hedge, Gary tail)
A.F. A AM No. 180 stated meet­
will be 74/-
74c, (in/l
and 91^
24c fur
for srhnnl
school age takes about five hours in a Cessna.
This week Mike Heidt of the Heidt’s
There are ten airplanes at the air­
ing third Monday.
Bevier, and David Jennings of the children—those younger may get in
Auto Electric started the construction
port at present. Three of them are
of a building with a 2-car stall and
A Boy Scout court of honor in De-
Ten per cent of the sales will be to be used for rental and instruction.
Scoutmaster Charles Kelly and Arlo
parts department for his auto elect- HESDAY—
troit Tuesday night brought many Tuers furnished the transportation for retained by the local Pack treasury
A new wind sox has been installed
trie service. The building is of frame Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tues awards for Detroit are Scouts of De-
Tickets at the local airport donated by the
for use by the Cub Pack.
construction 30x40 feet one story and
129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues troit Troop 43. Clarke Lethin, field the boys to the site near Cascadia. may be secured from any committee Standard Oil company.
Besides Mr. Kelly junior leaders
will have new aluminum siding and
Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday
Scout executive took part in the cere­ were George Rambo and LaVerne member. Cub Scout, Boy Scout or Ex-1
concrete Door. The building is located
Riders of the Santiam, 1st Tuesday monies.
plorer. The circus will include acts LINN COUNTY DEMOS
W’ha ley.
on lots nurhased by Mr. Heidt just WEDNESDAY—
Lethin presented Dick Woodward
Eugene Ellis, camping and activities of Scout skills, emergency acts, com­ MEET IN LEBANON
(Continued on Page 8)
Tenderfoot chairman for i'alapooia districts, re­ petition events, pioneering events, I
Boy Scouts. 7:30, H. S. Recreation with his Eagle award.
There will be a meeting of the Linn
swards were pinned unon Ijsrry and ports 254 Scouts and Explorers, and and all the circus trimmings.
City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m.
The local pack will hold their reg­ County Democratic Central committee,
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m Gary Neville by their parents, Brad- 45 leaders turned out for the largest
field —
Humphrey received a first class Camporee ever held in Linn county. ular monthly pack meeting on the last Monday evening, 7:30, April 28th, at
at Mill City fire hall.
the Wilshire hall. 825 Main Street,
Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd rate. Star awards went to Rus-ell
Clarke Lathin, field Scout executive, Monday in the month. This meeting
Rice., Donald Snyder and Frank Bar- stated "Award» were presentee! to will include a softball game, if weath-i in Lebanon.
Wed. at 8 pm
“All candidates are being invited,
Buck Cureton of Idanha was injured ; Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. ton. S. T. Moore handed out the Star unites participating and those unites er permits.
come and meet thepe candidates. Bring
by a fall in the woods, Tuesday morn­
exhibiting skill in patrol appearance,
PT A, second Wednesday 8 p.m.
Merit badges were meted out by camp set-up. food and menus, organi­ meeting in the I-entx home were com-, your friends,” Earl Mason, chairman,
ing at Marion Forks. After first aid ■
Stoll, chairman, and Al zation, morale. Scout craft and final mitteewomen Mesdames Dudley Jone«,. announced.
was given, ■Cureton was picked up at j
Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d Snyder, Scoutmaster.
Dick Wood- clean-up; while all units could not be Melvin Foster, Harvey Hautala. Park |
Detroit dam first aid station by the
and 4th Thursdays.
ward received merit badges for skiing first, they certainly did an excellent Savage, Donald Dell, Joe McNealy, ( ITY ( ill PI E RE UNITED
Mill City ambulance and hurried to
Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm
Eldon Lents, and Ray Steiner.
and automobiling; Bradfield Hum­ job of good Scouting.”
Clyde E. Barney and Ruth Golden
the Salem General hospital.
Cub Pack committeemen present1 ! Barney wer* re-married at Vancouver,
Cureton was hurt when a rotten I American Legion 2d and 4th Thur» phrey, Jr., home repairs, reading and
were Harry Dyhrman, Eldon Lanta,I Wash.. April 21, 1952, at 4:15 p.m.
first aid; Billy Cokenour, home re­
stump of a tree upon which he wti Garden club fourth Thursday
Charles Harman and Cubmaster Ray| Witnesses to the nuptials were their
standing accidentally turned over , Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thur» pairs and carpentry; Frank Barton,
Steiner. Guests were Mrs. Kenneth friends, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mooden-
Toastmistress Club, 2d & 4th, 7 p m. public health; Michael Moore, read­
while he was engaged in cutting logs
ing and public health; Donald Snyder,
A SON To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunt. Mrs. T. H Baughman and D. baugh of Portland, sister and brother­
with a newer saw.
animal industry and first aid; Lee I-ongfellow, Mehama, April 18, at B Hill Jr.
in law of Mr. and Mr». Waldo Carter
“Chet” Hollingshead, owner of Mil) I.O O F meeting
Cubmaster Steiner indicated that j of Mil! City.
City taxi and ambulance service drov* Mill City rWA meeting last Friday Hopson, Jr., home repair«; Leonard Salem Memorial hospital.
Snyder, animal industry.
The marriage ceremony was per­
A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs the Cub Pack committee is anxious
th* ambulance in which Cureton was
Farmers Union meeting at Mehama
Detroit Troop 43 is sponsored by Frank Crowther, Mill City, April 22. about the future of the Cubs in view formed by justice of the peace Fred 3.
taken to Salem.
The injured man
Woman's elub. 2nd
(Continued on Page 8)
the American I-egion post No. 10.
Boroman, Vancouver, Wash,
at Salem Memorial hospital.
worked for Verne Morgan.
Santiam Memorial Hospital
Construction Work Starts
New High-Tension
Line on Schedule
Amateur Show Pulls Charles Smith Dies Mrs. Naida Booker
Enthusiastic Crowd In Logging Accident Passes at Lebanon
Local Flyers Attend
Troutdale Breakfast
Cub Pack Committee
Plans Activities
Wm. H. Erwin Buried
Tuesday Afternoon
Mill City Scouts
Attend Camporee
Coming Events . . .
Boy Scouts Hold Area
Court of Honor
Buck Cureton Injured
In Woods Accident
Just Arrived...