Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1952)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Ypril 17, 1952 FEMME PAGE Brent Walker Celebrates His Fourth Birthday SHOW SENSATION Marilyn Chapter OES Honors Past Officers Brent \\ alker celebrated his fourth Marilyn chapter, OES, met in reg birthday in his parents home with a ular meeting Monday evening with a party in his honor, Saturday after large attendance. Mrs. Hallie Toman, noon. Mrs. Don Walker entertained worthy matron and Wilson Stevens, Santiam Rebekahs Elect Brent’s guests, worthy patron in charge. Five new Taking part in and enjoying Brent’s members were initiated. Grand Lodge Delegates fourth birthday affair were Sara Jo A degree was put on by the "Star Kelly, Susan Peterson, Lora Lyons, Points” in honor of the post worthy Santiam Rebekah lodge met ir. reg Ricky Lyons, Lenny Herman and matrons and past worthy patrons. ular session with noble grand Julia 1 he families of the American Legion Bruce Zahradnik. Bassett and vice grand, Ada Plymale, Those honored were Mrs. Cora Good in charge. Members voted to take a and Auxiliary met at the Legion hall win. Mrs. W. R. Stevens, Mrs. Jack $50 membership in the state grand Friday, April 11th for a potluck din- Scott. Mrs. W . B. Shuey, Miss Daisy Hendricson, Mrs. R. W. Hellwig, Floyd lodge project, sustain perpetual mem | ner celebrating the 33rd birthday of i the American Legion. A beautiful bership fund. Johnson, Don Sheythe, L. A. Wal cake was baked by the Muir bakery worth. L. St. Hellwig, W. R. Stevens, Delegates elected to attend grand i in honor of the occasion. Good news for the fishing minded and W. B. Shuey. lodge to be held in Salem on May 20 Poppy posters were on display and folks! We have a card from the new Refreshments were served by a com to 22 were: Dean Jackson, Alma Thomas and Mel Robinson. Alter the two judges, Mrs. Lester Hathaway owners and caretakers of Clear Lake, mittee composed of Mrs. Wallace Be Anyone inter vier, Mrs. Arlo Tuers, and Mrs. Glen nates elected were Goldie Rambo, of Mill City and Mrs. Don Miley of Max and Ed Kraft. Crissie Henderson and Ruby Brisbin. Gates selected the following winners: ested can write them at Foster, Ore. Tinney. Easter decorations were used High school division: 1st prize, Bev Their restaurant will be opened at in the hall and dining room. Alma Thomas was recommended by 4:30 a.m. on Fridays and, weekends. erly Timm. the lodge as district deputy president. 6 a.m. the rest of the week. That Mrs. Streeter was here for the ordina Grade school division: Rose Flem Antonia Thomas was elected advisor place is realyl a fisherman's paradise, tion and installation of her son Rev. of the Mill City Theta Rho Girls and ing, Sth grade, 1st prize; Evelyn John- and it’s only 63 miles from here. Noble Streeter. Mabel Veteto was named ass’t advisor. t ston and Jackie Bickett, Sth grade, Remember the May Day flower Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup drove A letter was read from Mrs. Olice tied for 2nd prize; Arthur Gilbert, 6th Ramey, vice president of the Rebekah grade, 1st prize; Donald Dell, 4th show by the Mill City Garden club to the home of their son Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, April 22 at 2 o’clock at the Robert Walkup to help their twin assembly of Oregon stating that she grade, 2nd prize. The winning posters were sent in Presbyterian recreation room. grandsons celebrate their fourth birth would make an official visit with San Carl Dixen drove to Prineville Tues day. tiam Rebekahs June 18. At the close to Portland for state judging and we Guests at the John Swans for the of the lodge session members held a hope Mill City has a winner. The rest day to take his mother home after at cake walk, a benefit for the new proj of the evening was spent in viewing tending the funeral of her brother weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smeenk and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ect of the lodge, “Sustain Perpetual interesting moving pictures belonging Lee Barry. to Lee Pinkston, they were taken dur Membership fund.” Mr. and Mrs. Verda Goble and Rod Swan and Lynn of Portland and Mr. ney and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mattson, and Mrs. William Swan and Ryan and Refreshments were served by Jen-| ing his travels. The next regular meeting of the Kathy and Jan drove to Oakland. Cal., George Stewart were dinner guests nie Davis. Laurel Brown, Nellie Ward Sunday. American Legion Auxiliary will be over the weekend. and Ada Dart. held in the Legion hall at 8 p.m., April Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto and Spending Easter at the home of 21. Our district president, Mrs. Cecyl Mrs. Rosa Daly and Alona Faye were Mrs. George Steffy drove to Salem UTTLE ILLS I Lucht, Mt. Angel, will be present and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and family Sunday afternoon and enjoyed some we hope every member will make an of Portland. Mr. Smith is Mrs. Daly’s of the beautiful scenic drives around MAKE appearance and bring a prospective brother. Other dinner guests were Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Mueller of Le member along. We also hope to have Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Minert and boys. banon and Mrs. Geo. Stewart and a representative from Detroit-Idanha Mrs. E. Cramer and daughters Mar Merle were digging clams and fishing unit. garet and Georgia of Los Angeles in Seaside over the weekend. Mrs. spent the pre-Easter week with the Stewart caught a cold. • True, that little ¡lines, Vincent Palmer family, Margaret The Firemen’s auxiliary met Wed I Shh! Silent Butler Rides and Georgia returned home Sunday. nesday you’« been mentioning in evening for their regular meet ao offhand way, may nv* Mrs. Cramer will visit some time at ing also honoring Mrs. Glen Minten teem to amount to much— Home With McCreary the Palmer home. Mrs. Palmer is with a pink and blue shower. The just a few faint symptoms, But, neglected, these "little It isn’t scandal or gossip, Just Mrs. Cramer’s daughter. meeting night was changed on account Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harlan are living of the Santiam Lions club amateur ills" can lead to big bills for good news! Edna McCreary came doctors, medicines, etc; not in Mill City, where he is working on out of the card slump she has been show. to mention needless suffering in for the past month and scored up the dam. Mrs. Frank Jackson enter Visiting at the Vincent Palmer home and loss of precious time. 8990 points to win the first prize, a tained with a bridal shower at her are her sisters Georgina and Margaret Consult a Doctor now— home for the couple who were recently silent butler. you'll save by it in the end, Craven and her mother Mrs. E. Craven And,of course, we hope you’ll Violet Keen captured the pinochle married. of Los Angeels. Mrs. Craven plans bring his prescription to us Mrs. D. W. Reid Sr., is improving an indefinite stay. prize consisting of eight foam rubber for careful compounding. i coasters, and Edna Duvall came in and has returned to her home in Mill Those from out of town attending for low winning a tisket tasket biscuit City. the funeral of Lee Berry were Mrs. RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open Dixon, Prineville, sister of Mr. Berry basket. Gracious hostess Inez Teal, always Sundays and evenings, flowers tele Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gallea and Mrs. I eager to please served the dieting graphed anywhere, Funeral sprays, Etta Gallea of Lebanon, Mrs. George Salem Twelvers a delicious lime avacado planters, pot plants, corsages, wed Blanchard and Charley Blanchard of dings, also shrubs and landscaping. Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slater of salad, ritz crackers and coffee. ■ REUABlfj 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone Portland. 42tf Mrs. Arthur Mason and children and ■’.'IS I. Those employed at the Bonneville • ••••• • ; (Ji,1 1 ••••••a Mrs. W. W. Mason of Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. Eianer Skinnarland branch office are Wilson Jeffers, resi spent Sunday in Mill City. and three children left Portland by dent engineer, James W. Chase, Al plane for New York Sunday. From bert M. Bozich, Howard Fast, Ray New York they will fly after a few mond McCaskey, George M. Leitze days visit for London, then to Norway and Donald P. Lentz. They expect I where they will visit Mr. Skinnar- to maintain an office here for six land’s parents. From Norway they months. Dinner guests at the Robert Veness will fly to Switzerland for a short I visit with friends and relatives, then home Easter Sunday were Mrs, Esther on to their destination in India where Ogden, her son Stanley, and little Mr. Skinnarland will take over his grandson Jimmie, from Cheyenne, new position of design engineer on a who has been visiting his grand mother. dam construction job. Mr. and Mrs. John Potter of Port The Free Methodist church will hold land were weekend guests at the home a revival at their church on Santiam GREEN or DRY of Mrs. Potter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. boulevard starting April 28 through to May 11. Assisting the pastor will, Frank Caraway. MILL CITY Phone 1303 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and fam be Rev. W. H. McCormack of Los ily and Miss Barbara Smith attended Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Don Frink and children visited Easter services at the First Christian at the Bill Teal home over the Easter church in Salem Sunday. Mrs. I.uvik. Mrs. Zahradnik, and weekend. Cable Towery are guests at the Don WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Walker home this week. ÍW!filli i'l;Ï111 AND INVITATIONS Mrs. T. C. Agee of Mobile, Ala., and her grandson Clint Agee are visi at The Mill City Enterprise tors at the Roger Nelson home, Mrs. III Agee is cousin of Mrs. Nelson and is Mi flB !¿1II*SÍJ enjoying the scenery of the great f III northwest and the hospitality of 111 Mill City residents. III Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, Terry III Shareen visited with her parents and Mrs. Iverson in Salem Sunday. Easter Sunday dinner guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter were Mr. and Mrs. William Shuey, We make Friends with Flowers and Mr. and Mrs. Que Haines of Port land. 319 W. Washington St. STAYTON, ORE 4* Rev. and Mrs. LYe M. Joiner are IS blocks on West Stay ton Highway caring for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jhue Johnson until Mrs. Johnson regains her health. Prayer meeting for the ministers of the city will be held Monday, April 21 at 10 o’clock at the Community X church. M Rev C. O. Tremain of the Free X Methodist church was in Redmond, « ‘this week helping the pastor there building a new church. RHODODENDRONS — CAMELLIAS Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oderman, Kathy and Jimmie of Aumsville, Mrs. FLOWERING and SHADE TREES George Gillenwater, Carol and Bob of MAGNOLIAS - PINK DOGWOODS Eugene visited their parents Easter Sunday. EVERGREENS Mrs. Noble Streeter Sr. left Tues day for her home in Berkeley, Calif mm.çiTV SI ND \Y and MONDAY BURT LANCASTER and JODY LAW HENCE in Legion Celebrates 33rd Birthday Ten Tall Men In Technicolor Feature at 5:20, 7:30 Sunday MILL CITY Capitol Drug Co Red's Trading Post Buys Your Cascara Bark Chittum 1 i Ili X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X i.- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X .X X X X X X X XX It’s a BIG Country News THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY' One of the Great Pictures of All Times! The standout sensation of the 1952 Chicago furniture show this year is not a chair ... or a table 4- or a bed . . but, believe it or not, a shortie nightgown, created especially for The Englander Com pany, Inc., leading makers of sleep equipment, by Elizabeth llult, noted designer. The wide-striped gown is made out of an exciting fashion-wise mattress cover material of great importance because it introduces ticking that is softei than the tra ditional kind, with sensational eye appeal. The new Englander ticking was designed with broad stripes in varying shades of aqua or wood lose and is used on tile company’s Airfoam ensemble, featuring its Airfoam matt-ess and exclusive Red Line Foundation. tf Con-Glomerations H In Color — Plus — Featurette DENNIS MORGAN and CLIFF EDWARDS in RIDE, COWBOY, RIDE Kid’s Matinee—2 p.m. Saturday “Snow White" and "Ride, Cowboy, Ride" — Also — MUIR’S “Cake of the Week” Birthday Cake for: Dave Chalupa, William Delaney, Jimmy Fish, Vernon Johnson, Larry Kain iff, Robert Kenagy, Karen Rue, Hazel Joyce Webb Doors open at 7:20 I’.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 the 1952 PRISON SHOW State Penitentiary SALEM 8 APRII All-Inmate Cast p n!\ 18 to : 60 MUSICIANS DANCERS COMEDIANS 3 — BANDS — 3 General Admission $1.00 Reserved .... $2.00 Tickets: STEVENS & SON Jewelers SALEM BENEFIT OREGON HEART FUND CONSISTENTLY IVV PS annööHBtnöBawaaHanHnnnHnnHi Auditor Tax Consultant W. N. SIMMONS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Service Corner 3rd 4 Marion STAYTON, ORE. Telephone 1111 P.O. Box 1321 aQnnun»nnnnnnHnnanHHHHmna ASTHMA Don’t let coughing, wheeling, recurring at tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin aleep and energy without trying MENDACO, which works thru the blood to reach bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviate* coughing and aids freer breathing and better aleep. Qet MENDACO from druggist. Satis faction or money back guaranteed, r Wally Riggs Sport Shirts Now Available Place orders today for IM MEDI A TE DELIVER Y SHRUB Planting Time Is Here ROSE BUSHES, Many Varieties Phone 3684 - All Hours Our Shop Is Open 7 A.M. to 9 I’.M. Funeral Sprays — Cut Flowers Flowers For All Occasions WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with oor aervice. Mom s and Pop s 9 Corsages x x"x x x x x x x X Xx x x x x x x xx x :: x x x x x x x x x x x xx XXJ0SOÍ J (¡ARY COOPER, in 1 Seven Days a Week 4 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY CAFE Mill City Always in Stock at the Gates General Store