LYONS iaten bod <;.»es revs«... I'M that By MRS. EVA BRESSLER and Mrs. Jake Myers left Monday morning by plane for Detroit, Mich., where they will purchase new cars and drive. They will also visit various places of interest enroute home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen motored to Redmond Sunday. They also vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston at Culver. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman and daughters Janet and Jeanette spent Sunday in Eugene. They were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard, they also visited her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard they also visited her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ ence Decker. Mrs. Hattie Hiatt went to Lebanon Sunday where she will spend some time at the home of her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson and son Chris of Salem were week guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mre. Alex Bodeker. Mrs. Rinke Feenstra is suffering from severe bruises of the head and face which she received when her ankle turned throwing her to the pave­ ment, while in Stayton to attend to I i lay at the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Art Baltzer and fam- ' ilv have moved to thei> new borne west of town. The Baltzers have been *MÄSTW„ ... j J l iftcdy bwadu! WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with our service. Mom's and Pop's CAFE Mill City Our Great America ft bf M¡/:^ \ a \ Borne / Vi MCG AR ' B«e»K cwr / A PReSF>»ATlOH.„ \ Tx S^ h T of A M0JJ6 \ ZAAWES *e KUMtfRV fo« CHeeSE A«O CXE5E. *e iNOlSESTtON i Mrs. Charles Power and little son Vincent returned home Sunday eve­ ning from Glendale, Calif., after an extended visit at the home of her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Syrial. Her father who is quite ill is not much improved. Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and little son Jimmie spent Friday and Monday in I Corvallis with her mother Mrs. Bent-i ford who is ill. Sunday dinner guests at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Don Huber and fam­ ily were her parents Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey of Silverton. George Huffman, Hugh Johnston, and Burl Smith of Lyons, and Robert Draper of Mehama, went to Prineville Saturday where they attended a dis­ trict meeting of school of instructions of the Masons. Mr. and Mrs. James Hollingshead went to Sand Lake Monday morning where they will spend several days at the home of their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer “Taylor and Mr. touch a IT’S AMAZING! living on the Murphy place south of town. Mrs. Wood Oliver and Mrs. Clyde Bressler was hostess for the meeting of the Women’s Society of Christian Service held at the community club house Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Alice Huber president and Mrs. Glen Julian secretary presiding over the business meeting. The devotions were led by Mrs. Rinke Feenstra. Reports 1 of all committees were heard and all bills ordered paid. Plans were discus­ sed for the Mother and Daughter ban­ quet which will be held the first pait of May, with committees to be ap­ pointed later. Several members were reported on the sick list. Plans were also discussed for the annual baazar which will be held this fall. At the close of the meeting cake and coffee were served to Mesdames Chester Roy Donald McWhirk, Glen Julian, Virgil Rogers, Burl Smith, Ed Hargreaves Rinkle Feenstra, George Huffman. Mrs. Alice Huber and the hostesses Mrs. Oliver and Mrs. Bressler. Friday, March 28, the monthly teachers dinner and meeting for the faculty and their families of the Mari- Linn school was held at the Chinese Tea Garden in Salem at 7 p.m. A com­ plete six course Chinese meal was en­ joyed, tea and all. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillings, Miss Norma Miller, Mrs. Elva Kuiken. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Pools and son Roody, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Putman and daughter Mary Lynn, Miss Vivian Boyce. Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Hazel Worth, Ralph Hurst, Mrs. Gladys| .g All pupils are required by all to Hurst and son Roger, and Mr. and present a health certificate before Mrs. Ivan Smith. | entering school. This will be a fine Mrs. Doreen Hellemn was hostess chance for the first graders of next for the afternoon card club with her year. party held at the Rebekah hall Wed- Mrs. Willard Hartnell left Wednes­ nesday afternoon. A one-thirty dessert day morning for Kansas City, Mo., luncheon was served followed by sev­ where she will visit her brother who eral tables of 500. High score went to is seriously ill. Mrs. Bertha Allen, second high Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dateman and Modena Carleton, low )>y Frances daughters of Spokane, Wash., are Garsjo, and Dorothy Helemn drew the visiting at the home of her father Mr. traveling prize. Attending the party and Mrs. John McClurg. were Ida Free, Doris Roy. Bernice Mrs. Grant Murphy of Salem spent Bridges, Carrie Naue. Bertha Allen, several days at the home of her daugh­ Garnett Bassett, Ethel Huffman, ter and family Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mabel Downing. Eulalia Lyons, Leota Jungwirth. Worden, Charolette Theil, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swan and son Kunkle, Modena Carleton. Dorothy of Portland visited at the home of Helemn. Frances Garsjo, Mabel Bass, her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Shel­ Thelma Nydegger. Eleanor Christen­ ton near Jordan. They attended fun­ son, Mildred Aronson. Alma Olmstead, eral services in Mill City for his and the hostess Doreen Helemn. brother Jerry Swan who body recently Mr. and Mrs. Dee Ethridge and arrived from Korea. children spent several days in Grants Pass looking after business interests and visiting at the home of her par­ I ents. Saturday evening dinner guests at By MRS. ELSIE MYERS the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc­ Quick action on the part of an Elk­ Clurg were Mr. and Mrs. Orville horn resident Saturday night led to Downing. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton the arrest of one of the three house and son Larry. The occasion honored breakers and the recovery of stolen Mr. and Mrs. Downing on their 27th goods from the Elkhorn guest ranch. wedding anniversary. About 8:30 the resident noticed a Parents are urged to keep in mind light flashing over the fields near the free pre-school clinic which will their home and believing spot-lighters be held at the Mari-Linn school April. at work called the state police. The car proceeded up the valley and did not return for about two hours when it came at a high rate of speed only to encounter two game wardens when they reached the road leading over the Gates hill. Although ordered to stop they sped down the road followed by the police, but upon reaching the Lumker bridge failed to negotiate the sharp turn onto the bridge and plunged down a twenty foot rock embankment with the two ¡7T front wheels of the car resting in the river. One occupant of the car jumped but the other two rode it to the bot­ tom. All quickly disappeared into the brush but several hours later one re- turned to the scene in search of his pardners and was picked up by the police. At last reports Monday eve­ ning the other two were still at large. The car bearing California license plates, was filled with blankets, sheets, cooking utensils, rug, etc., which later were found to have been taken from Mr. and the Elkhorn guest ranch. $1.3» $4‘iS Mrs. Randall, owners were at Oak- qt. c_: Kai. ridge at the time. John Payton. a former Elkhorn resident but now serving in the Navy on the troon transport V.S.S. General H. W Butner has been spending a few days leave at the home of his DECORATOR COLORS sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker Dramatic, rr»rrm to ftre raltef from the "Mot flöhe» and other fwncoonaL'y-caused dU- treaae» of "change of Uff."* April 10, 1952 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HUCKLEBERRY FINN TO BE MOVED 'Selling Down to the floors' — GET IN ON THE GOOD BUYS — MOVING MAY 1st TO 185 N. High. Grand Bldg etOCAFSt »*•> »tCTAl CsSOKDFWS • Washable again and again! Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. MO HO$*1TAUZAT»ON Santiam farmers Co-op DR R REYNOLDS CLINIC Staj ton. Oregon 1144 CIWTII nillT . rilPMOWf J <4*1 SAUM OKGON . HIGH STREET : kxo AN SENATOR HOTEL BLOG. Better Light for Better Sight' i