Canyon Avenue Parade By DON PETERSON T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE s ELKHORN GATES IDANHA LYONS MEHAMA MONGOLD Somehow the paper drive date as ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OE NATURE'S EMPIRE announced last week was wrong and should have been this Saturday in­ Vol. VIII—No. 15 stead of next Thursday. Be sure to MILL CITY, OREGON. Till RSDAY, \PRIL 10. 1952 $2.50 a Year. ]()(. a Copy bundle up your papers and have them ready for the boys to pick up THIS Saturday'. Place your bundles well- tied and sorted on your porch or front yard near the street, in plain sight of the boys so they will not be missed. 1 * • • Next Tuesday is the last day you can register to vote at the May prim­ aries—don’t delay, but get yourself Mil) City's Cub I’ack 84 meeting for March enlivened Mill City high registered so that you may be eligible school’s recreation room and gym through the courtesy of school district to do your duty come election day. officials. An average of one parent per Cub was present. Some 84 persons It is your duty and privilege to vote watched the Cub- receive their awards and play their games. for the candidates you believe will Bobcat awards were made to new members, Larry Jordan, James Goforth serve you best. and Edward Kendler. In Linn county you make register at Chuck's Shoe Repair in Mill City, Wolf badge awards were made t<» Cub scouts Bert Bothwell; Bear Cut* and at Brassfield’s grocery in Lyons. award was made to Michael Kelly. In Marion county you may register Gold Arrow awards were bestowed at the home of Mrs. C. M. Cline at upon Michael Kelly, Larry Lemke. NE. Alder and Third streets or at The Roger Kleckler, Dean Savage and Enterprise office in Mill City, at Gates Funeral service» for Mill City’s Ger­ Donald Dell. you may register at the Gates Furni- ald Lee Swan, killed while aboard ship Silver Arrow awards were given to ture Store. * * « January 11, 1952, in Wonsan. Korea, Kenneth Siler, Ronine Foster, Darrel waters by enemy shore fire, were con­ Jones, Michael Kelly, Jerry Foster. Nine days left before the opening ducted Saturday afternoon, March 29, Bert Provost and Donald Dell. of the regular fishing season, accord­ ing to the blackboard in the Mill City One Year Service Pins Awarded Tavern. Are you ready? One year service pins were pre­ • * » sented to Jimmy Fish, Michael Kelly, Interest is spowballing in the Groc­ Ronald Knowles, David Reid, and Ron­ ery Survey. Several women are out ald Sullivan. organizing support for the stand we Jerry Foster received the Weblos have taken. We urge you to support award. those advertisers who remain loyal to The Cubs, under the direction of this newspaper, we regret that two Cubmatser Steiner and assistant Cub­ have already seen fit to withdraw master Siler, went through the flag their advertising after the long and drill, calisthenics and played "Knock the Ball”, “In the Pond” and "Tug- friendly loyal support they have al­ of-war”. ready given this newspaper. Scout Circus Planned May 10 This week several women, WITH­ OUT ANY SOLICITATION ON OUR A Cub Scout committee from Stay- PART, have been busy circulating ton and vicinity will be present for petitions getting signatures of those' the April Cub Pack meet, April 28, who had agreed to have their pet.ition , The Scout Circus for this year will printed in The Enterprise for all to | be in Salem, May’ 10. Cubs, Scout» see. They have already secured the and Explorers will be present for the signatures of over 50 housewives to conclave Saturday, May 10, at the the following petition: Geo. E. Waters park in Salem (home “We, the undersigned do hereby of the Salem Senators). GERALD LEE SWAN agree to support Mr. Don Peterson, Cost of admission to the Scout Cir­ editor and owner of The Mill City in the Mill City Presbyterian church cus is 74c for adults and 25c for Enterprise in his honest endeavor to by Rev. Noble Streeter. Swan while students. Each ticket selling group try and stabilize grocery prices in in action, died an instant death when retains 10% of their collections for this city, and bring (o the commu­ enemy shrapnel entered his head. He their treasury. nity through his paper, the support Salem's Lions Club is sponsoring was 19 years of age, born December of the grocers by their advertising. the big show, All money made by 13. 1932. “When this has been accomplished, the show goes into camp irwiirove- Swan was borh and reared in Mill irqnts far Scouts in Linn,. Polk anil we will spend all our money in the City and left the first time when Canyon. Signed............... ” Marion counties. r entering the U/rv Navy. February 27, » » * At the circus itself one will see a 1951. He attended Mill City grade Cub act, Scout skills, emergency acts, • tie face of Detroit Dam looks like this after 20 months of round-the-clock concrete pouring. ('enter of •“■ Ve t-ie deeply grateful to these and high schools. He attended and competitive events, pioneering feats 183-foot dam will rise another GO feet by early sumner when concrete work is scheduled for completion. their efforts and shall ap- ladies for was graduated from the electrician Water in stilling basin (foreground) is 12 feet deep, his run down front of dam from wetting-down operations. and all the circus trimmings. preciate their continued support in our school in San Diego. Calif. One of (Photo courtesy Oregon Statesman) Camp Pioneer Scholarship efforts to give them shopping news in Navyman Swan’s hobbies was photog­ relation to their daily grocery needs. Camp Pioneer scholarship, five in raphy. He was affiliated with the We don’t believe it necessary to pub­ number, will be awarded to the five Presbyterian church. lish their names and subject them to Music for the funeral was provided Scouts or Explorers selling the most any undue pressure, we are sure there by Mrs. Don Shey he,; and tickets. Cubs will receive a $10 credit is no doubt as to the existence of this Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull, singing. slip. Prizes will be made on the basis “May Day” is the theme for the small cupped variety, B. 3 blooms, one petition. The evidence is fast piling Lee Barry passed away this morn ­ Pallbearers were Merle Stewart, Leo­ of one to each district. Cub theme up that the housewives have long spring flower show of the Mill City small cupped variety. ing at 7:15 at the home of his daugh­ nard Swarson. Clvde Hathaway. of the circus is “Jungle Tales”. Garden club, Tuesday, April 22, 2 to Class 3- — A. Double daffodil, speci- j found it necessary to travel outside Cubmaster Steiner reminded “Re­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Ander.-on, Stanley Ogden and the city for the safety of their house­ 8 p.m. in the Presbyterian church rec­ men bloom, any variety, B. 3 bloom>. Dewey Fiatman. Mr. Barry had been member the date, May 10, parade Verle Moberg. same variety. hold budget. Everj*>ne realizes that reation hall. starts at Marion square at 2 p.m. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and sharp. The public is invited to exhibit at Class 4—Any daffodil or narcissus ’ ill for several months. the smaller grocery stores and other Circus time at 7:30 p.m.— Funeral arrangements have been set business establishments cannot meet this show. Exhibits must be in by not in above classes—A. single speci­ for Monday at 2 p.m. at the Presby­ Mrs. John Swan, sister, Mrs. Albert Water Field.” Smeenk, Portland; brothers, John E. 11:30 a.m. and removed by 8:30 p.m. men, B. 3 of any one variety. big city competition, but the publica­ Chairman Lenta made a talk on the terian church, with interment at Fair Swan, Fithian. III., Ronald L. Swan, tion of the grocery surveys has shown Judging will be between 12 noon and Section B—Tulips participation of other people in carry­ view cemetery. Portland, and William A. Swan, of ing on the Cub program in Mill City. Class 1—A. Specimen bloom, any an unusually wide spread that many 2 p.m. All exhibits brought in after Mill City. cannot afford. There are many who 11:30 a.m. will be used for display variety, B. 3 blooms, one variety, C. Lents commented, “A lively interest Interment was in Beicrest Memorial has been shown by the boys under do not have transportation and there­ “only” and will not be judged for specimen bloom, double variety. prizes. Containers will be furnished Section C—Primroses Park, Salem. Present from a dis­ 11 years of age, and their constant fore are powerless to go elsewhere to Exhibitors (To be shown as potted plants) tance for the services were John Estel attendance at weekly den and month­ protect their budgets. Prices have for specimen blooms. Class 1—A. Single specimen, in con­ Swan. Fithian. III., Mr. and Mrs. Earl ly pack meetings has been gratifying, apparently been cut on many items must provide containers and make tainer, B. 3 blooms, one variety, C. as is being shown in the survey as own arrangements. Danniel Stephen Otto, three month Dudley, Portland, Fred Stout, Spok­ however, anyone in the community in­ The club will not be responsible for small variety (as viola), any color, old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. ane, Wash., Miss Erma Stout, Camas, terested in seeing the program con­ it progresses, week by week. property left at the show, but will D. blooming clump, large variety. • • * L. Otto Jr., of the Santiam Trailer Wash., Mrs. Willard Stout and daugh­ tinued should make themselves known exercise utmost care to protect same. Section E—Flowering Shrubs and participate in the activities now Court passed away Thursday morn­ ter, Caroline. Washougal, Wash. I was forcibly ejected from one A special prize will be awarded the Class 1 — Camellias, A. specimen ing about 7 a.m. Com. Ian M. I^tird, U.S.N. wrote while a full committee is active, so meat market last Saturday afternoon | best “ May Basket ” . Also one prize bloom, B. group of three. the following when he sent personal they can familiarize themselves with He had suffocated in his sleep. His when I called to get their prices on each for specimen and arrangement Class 2—One branch spring flower-1 body was removed to Bremerton, articles belonging to Swan to his the program. meat. I have been welcome at this and a sweepstakes prize. ing shrub or tree, any variety. "Anyone on the committee will be Wash., where the funeral services will mother, “I am forwarding to you the door on numerous other occasions and Section F—Wild flowers Division I—Horticulture flag that was flown on boa-d during glad to take their names and let them be held. so had no idea that I might be tres­ Class 1 — A. single specimen, any the Memorial services held for your know of the frequent meetings re­ passing—I was informed that I was Section A-—Daffodils son. The services were conducted by quired to conduct the Cub program.” Class 1—A. Single specimen, any variety, B. 3 of one variety, C. clump a liar and many other epithets that or plant, any variety (potted). the chanlain from the U.S.S. Ajax. cannot be printed here, This gentle­ large cupped variety, B. 3 blooms, one Section G—Unscheduled All hands were in dress uniform and large cupped variety. man cannot be blamed too much since Any worthy specimen not provided j Class 2—A. Single specimen, any it was, I think, a very nice and im­ he is young and inexperienced, and for elsewhere in schedule. pressive service, and a tribute to Jerry. probably regretted his action after Division II—Arrangements Linn County Farmers Union will I know the flag will bring you com­ He was highly in- more thought. Foliage will be permitted in all ar-' hold its quarterly convention at the fort and serve ax a reminder that your censed because I wouldn't take a rangements. Waverly school on the north edge of son gave his life in the service of his Silly boy! I have MONDAY— swing at him. Albany at 8 p.m., Saturday. April 12. country, and that his memory is pre­ American Legion Auxiliary 3d Mon. Section H An outstanding well attended meet­ since been getting offers from friends Class 1 —Table arrangement, free The membership will greet Mr. and served with his friends and shipmates ing was the occasion of the regular Lions club meeting to act as my bodyguard on my weekly Mrs. Richard Moeller, the newly on broad.” monthly meeting of the North San­ trip! AT A A.M. No. 180 stated meet­ standing, any flower. Class 2—Buffet, hall or mantle, one elected state president, and his wife, * • * tiam Sportsman club, held in the ing third Monday sided. who will meet with Linn county mem ­ Legion hall. Stayton, on Monday eve­ The soft-ball league will hold an- O.E.S. meeting. 2d Monday month. Class 3—Coffee table. bers for the first time. ning, April 7th. Presided over by other meeting next Monday evening rTFSDAY— Class 4 — Miniature, 3 inches or Standing committees will report and Jerry Coffman, president, of Mehama, at the fire hall to push plans for the Women's club 8 p m. 1st. 3rd Tues less, over all. musical numbers will be given by I they are formulating plans to assist coming soft-ball season. All players Class 5—Small arrangement, drift juniors of the Riverside local. 129-J School Board meeting 2d Tues ! in suggestions ax to the coming hunt­ and managers are urged to attend and auto Al Geddes and Dick Williams ’ wood, seed pods, dry grasses, straw- j The Riverside local will act as hosts Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday ing season and fishing season laws. bring a list of their players, accord­ Ste- tangled Monday morning near ¿Continued on Page 8) to the convention. Riders of the Santiam. 1st Tuesday The deer and doe season was prin­ ing to Russell Kelly, president of the A1 warts' grocery in Mill City. league. Kellys, (BI Engineers and WEDNESDAY— Geddes got his pertacles broken and cipal topic of discussion. Again thia the Fire Department already have minor bruises when he was thrown vear this club is sponsoring an active Boy Scouts, 7:30, H. S. Recreation teams entered, others are expected be­ down by the car driven by Williams. : trout derby, in which liberal funds City council first Wed. 7:30 p.m. fore the Monday meeting. Fortunately for Geddes, Williams were voted for prizes. Derby rules, Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. • • • The following is a comparison of grocery prices in Mill City as found | was in the act of narking his car and etc., will be announced later. at Mill Citv fire hall The club also voted to give the San­ I attended the trial in Albany Fri­ Santiam Rebekah 18«-1st and 3rd Saturday, April 5. In some cases the article is not carried in stock in the therefore was traveling at a slow rate brand or size that the other store« carry the article, therefore the price is of speed. By-standers came to Geddes tiam Area Girl Scout council suffi­ day morning of Charles Powelson vs. Wed at 8 p.m. cient funds to pay for camp fee for omitted. However, in some cases miscellaneous brands are compared where School District No'. 129-J in Judge Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. quality is apparently similar. In the case of meats, grades and packaging rescue and dusted him off after his one week of a girl participant. It Victor Olliver's court. The defense bump by the car. Geddes finally con­ PTA. second Wednesday 8 p.m. may make a difference in price, and we cannot identify the grade sold more sented to examination by a doctor— was voted to secure a site and boat apeared and failed to make a defense accurately than is here used. The meats in Ressler’s, Red and White, and results not reported as yet. landing on the coming Detroit dam of their position in the matter before THURSDAY— lake. Archery program was also out­ the court. The school district's attor­ Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 2d Hill Top are packaged and priced by Kliewer, lined. neys stipulated that the complainant's Stew art Kellom RAW Re««ler M< Meat Hilltop and 4th Thursdays. QUINBY ANNOUNCES HIS The highly popular Cancer Film was contention that no election had been Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm. .60 50 Milk. misc. brands, lge, 4 cans .58 .58 .62 SOCIETY’S RIG AFFAIR shown with narrations and was fol­ held before they transferred property American I-egion 2d and 4th Thur» lettuce, lb. .17 .19 F. G. Quinby, president of the M;n- lowed by Sportsman film of moose out of the possession of the school Garden club fourth Thursday Lettuce, 2 large head« .39 .27 .35 nesota state so^i»tv «’»ted that the hunting in Canada being shown by district was correct, which was the Firemen Auxiliary meet« 3d Thurs Carrots, bulk, lb. .09 2/25 group is having a dance and card Rov Davenport of Silverton. core of the whole matter. My con­ .25 Toastmistress Club. 2d 4 4th, 7 p m. i Carrots, 2 bunches .23 .19 .19 party Friday, April 18, at 8 p m. in Mehama was elected for the next tention is: why should the school dis­ FRIDAY— .19 .18 .18 Purex, qt. .19 .17 .17 Washington Masonic Temple, East monthly meeting place, on May 5, trict be put to the expense of defend­ .69 .69 , Sliced Bacon, Swifts P, Neb'gal .69 .69 .70 LO OT, meeting. Sth and Burnside. Portland. 1952. This North Santiam Sportsman ing the board over a matter that could .40 .41 -39 .38 .40 Mill City TWA meeting last Friday Miracle Whip, pt. Quinby indicated door and card club is an organization composed of have been settled at the time The 63 .65 .69 .63 .69 qt. prices and plenty of parking •pare sportsmen and their ladies from the Farmers Union meeting at Mehama Enterprise called it to their attention? ,29 .25 Tomato Juice, misc., 46 os. - .29 .27 at the entrance on 8th street. 41 entire Santiam canyon and valley. Woman ’ s club, 2nd (Continued on Page 8) Detroit Dam-A Towering Wall of Concrete Mill City Cub Scouts Make Advancement Progress Swan Rites Recall Korean Sacrifices May Day’ Flower Meet Theme Lee Barry Passes at Daughter’s Home Danniel Otto, Infant Suffocates in Sleep Linn Farmers Union Slates Quarterly Meet Deer Season Laws Before Sportsmen Coming Events . . . Al Geddes Tangles With Dick Williams’ Auto Saturday, April 5, Grocery Survey