LYONS By MRS. EVA BRESSLER Elsie Myers and Millie Bickett were hostesses for the meeting of the Three Links club held in the Rebekah hall Friday afternoon. With a one o’clock luncheon served followed by the busi­ ness meeting, with Mildred Carr presi­ dent presiding over the meeting. Many plans were made and discussed. The main business was making plans for the bazaar which will be held the hall Thursday evening, April 17. Each member of the lodge is asked to make and donate some article for the bazaar. Maxine Berry will be the next hostess for the meeting April 25. Attending Friday's meeting were Rose Berry, Mildred Carr, Blanche Wagner, Gar­ nett Bassett, Carrie Naue, Ethel Huff­ i man, Mabel Bass, Inez Ring, Roberta Longnecker, Maxine Berry, Jean Rob­ erts and the hostesses Elsie Myers and Millie Bickett. Friday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phelps was her nephew Iceland Holt, U.S.N.T.C. from San Francisco, Calif. He also visited his parents who live near Jordan, and left for San Francisco Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burgess of Klamath Fails were weekend guests at the home of her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett. Addi- WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU! We hope you are pleased with our eervire. CAFE Mill City LOOKS I rt ft RW0C* FfcCToPrt LOOKS L'.KE *■ .‘■a HO'-CfzrCOC jn tional Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Waiace Bevier and sons of Mill City, and Mrs. Merle Devine and daughter Lorena June of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rosheim had as their guests over the weekend his youngest brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rosheim of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Rammie Martell are the parents of a baby boy born Mon­ day, March 31 at the Lebanon hos­ pital, weight 6 lbs., 10 oz. The young man has an older brother. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and son, Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plaster of Tillamook visited relatives in Lyons over the weekend. They were guests at the George Berry, Mar­ vin Berry and Paul Pennington home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetherston and daughter of Prineville, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gavette and family from Harrisburg were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland, Mrs. Fetherston and Mrs. Gavette are daughters of the Tolands. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker was their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, Douglas and Margo Lee of Salem. The Women's Society of Christian Service held their annual Silver Tea at the community club house Wednes­ day afternoon, with guests present i from Mehama, Mill City and Stay­ ton. The guest speaker for the after­ noon was Miss Glaeser, an exchange student from Germany, who is attend­ ing Willamette university, Mrs. Don Shythe of Mill City favored with a vocal solo. Mrs. Glen Julian and Mrs. FRESH' Never o Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hili’’ MILL CITY TAVERN 'IINMUHNI FOR YOUR PROTECTION! IT’S AMAZING! Eugene Roye presided at the tea table which was beautifully decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. Oral Toland was brought home Thursday from the Salem General hospital after spending several days there for treatment. Thirty young people from this com­ munity attended the inter-denomina­ tional skating party held in Albany. All Protestant churches from Stayton, Mehama, Lyons and Turner were rep­ resented. At the close of the eve­ ning, a devotional service was held. The Linn County Health depart­ ment, will conduct a pre-school clinic at the Mari-Linn school in Lyons Tuesday morning from 9 to 11 a.m., April. 15, A pre-school examination is req'uried by law for all first prade pupils before entering school, The clinic is free, but the parent must accompany the child, Thomas L. Put- man, principal has asked the same women who assisted last year to help again for this year’s clinic. They are Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs. Ivan Smith, Mrs. Marvin Toland, Mrs. Burl Smith and Mrs. Tom Putman. The schedule committee for the spring flower show of the Lyons Gar­ den club met at the home of Mrs. John McClurg Thursday afternoon, to make plans and to work out the schedule. The date for the show will be made later. Serving on the committee are Mrs. John McClurg, chairman, Mrs. Percy Hiatt, Mrs. Dob Brotherton, Mrs. Carl Nuttieman, and Mrs. Cleve O'Neil. There will be no school Monday, April 14, as the Mari-Linn teachers Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young of Toke­ home of Mrs. Donna Halford April 8 will attend an in-service confeience land, Wash., were visitors at the R. F. with nomination of officers. on Health and Physical Education held Mr. Johnson and I took a little trip Andreasson home over the weekend. in Albany. By MRS. RUTH JOHNSON down to Detroit last Saturday. Gosh, Mrs. Young is Mrs. Andreasson’s The regular meeting of Faith Re­ Our new residents are the John its getting to be a ghost town alright. sister. bekah lodge was held at the ha'l Lute family, Mr. and Mrs. L. J Kelly Well, Detroit has a lot of memories Wednesday evening, March 26, with 37 present, and Zona Sischo, noble and Rex Cecil, who have moved in to drown when its covered with water, there has been murders, suicides, grand and Jean Roberts, vice grand Idanha from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook have moved fights, and about every sort of joy with Helen Andersen, secretary pre­ siding over the business meeting. The their grocery store to its new location or sorrow any little town could ever regular routine of business was car­ in new Detroit. John will be selling have one old resident told me Detroit ried out, reports of all committees groceries soon, he says, and at fair will never stay under water, its ghost ♦ will always ride the waves of the lake heard, followed by the initiatory work, I prices, too. staying in the like a chip, always with Blanche Wagner, new degree cap­ Mrs. Earl Carte and Anna Bess tain conferred the degree upon two went to Myrtle Creek last week to' hearts and minds of all the true old new candidates, Rose Coffman and visit Mr. Carte's mother, Mrs. Anna) timers. As long as any of the true Doris Kelly, in a very impressive | Carte an dsister, Mrs. A. J. Pasqua- old timers are alive, old Detroit will manner. For good of the order many lone, who is visiting in Myrtle Creek, be alive too. New Detroit is up and coming, the post office moved today, BEFORE BUYING SHOES plans were discussed and plans made Her home is at Gallup, N.M. two grocvery stores wil soon be open SEE THE MASON LINE for the Three Links club which will Earl Carte was called to Myrtle for business. The night club is in meet at the hall Friday afternoon Creek as his mother was reported ill, plans are underway for the bazaar she is much improved at this writing. the making, and Layman’s tavern will which will be held at the hall April Mrs. Carte will remain at Myrtle he pen soon. Francis is going to build a garage and service station in the » 17. At the close of the evening lovely Creek fo ra while. Earl returned near future, and I hear but not con­ ♦ » refreshments were served by the com­ home as he has a business to take firmed that Bob Manning will build CHARLES VMPHRESS, Prop. mittee. Elsie Myers, Norma Penning­ care of. a restaurant building soon. The ton, Hazel Lewis and Inez Ring. Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Denny, son of Mr. and Mrs. James stretets are taking shape and build­ Mrs. Effie llieneek of Aumsville McKinney had his tonsils removed last ings are being moved to their new visited friends in Lyons Wednesday week. He had a set-back and had to afternoon and attended Faith Rebekah be taken to Salem for medical atten-1 locations. lodge in the evening. She was an tion. But he is better now. For he over-night guest at the home of Mrs. is in mischief again and that shows Alice Huber. he is OK. Mrs. Marion Aiderman went to Mill City Tuesday to be prettied up a bit. NOW IS THE TIME TO REPLACE She has a nice new permenant. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Aiderman of i THAT OLD LEAKY ROOF! Prineville visited the Marion Alder-1 man home. Bonnie and Marion are brothers. Mrs. Melba DeLaire and Mrs. Myr­ at Salem 3-7177 Collect for tle Geston are working at the new FREE ESTIMATE fish hatchery this week. They are branding fish or de-finning them be­ fore they are turned loose in Oregon streams. The idea of branding is to keep records of their migration and 201 N. Commercial — SALEM to see if they come back to their na­ tive haunts or get over the fish lad­ ders at the dams. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jacobson have moved front the Schaffer duplex to a new location next to the highway. The Auxiliary of the American Le­ gion met at the home of Mrs. Opal Leming. Members present were, Mesdames Floy Storey, Bernadine I Stoll, Esther Fouts, Pearl Giebler. Myrtle Geston, Donna Halford, Molly Faulhaver. Alma Lady, and Gene Can­ non, a visitor, a one time member. The next meeting will be at the IDANHA Rubber Boot Work Kellom’s Fresh Meats FKF.SII DAILY — VERY REASON ABIE PRICES Kellom’s Grocery MILL CITY OPEN WEEK DAYS: 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. CLOSED: Sundays and Holidays TKAUING si Wil'S \XD Al l MINI M AND DISHES Pains, distress of “those days” stopped or amazingly relieved : I Call Western Auto Gambe's Western Auto Supply Co. GIGANTIC ♦ 1 ALL ITEMS TO BE SOLI) AT DISCOUNT • Here's wonderful news for women and girls who — each month — suffer the tortures of "bad days” of functionally- caused menstrual cramps and pain headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged- out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf­ fering I Here is the exciting news. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound — gave complete or ttriking relief of such distress in an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! S >. Start taking Lydia Pinkham s today' I I Full Soles and : Heels Do Yon Know? WK GIVI April 3, 1952 6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE IHIKIEHEKKY FIM it ; This is ■ la) photo enlarger lb) electron microscope (<■ > radar control panel The correct answer is This is the $25,000 electron microscope recently installed in General Foods’ Central Laboratories at Hoboken, N J , to help carry on research for the benefit of the American con­ sumer. To Reduce The Stock TO BE MOVED 'Selling Down to the Floors' — GET IN ON THE GOOD BUYS — HEMORRHOIDS MOVING MAY 1st TO 1 n 5 N. High, Grund Bldg • FISSURE . FISTULA AIO IAFSÍ and ©♦•»•r RECTAL DISORDERS < Stomach c^d Colon Welz Mobilgas NO MO1T1T Alli AVION DR R REYNOLDS CLINIC AKXTOcOGlST II«« ciarli trun . • Ail* . tiii »~ oni i OtIGON Sublimity or H VTHAWAY GARAGE Phone 3202. Mill City Salem Lighting & XpplianceCo. 236 N. HIGH STREET SEN VTOR HOTEL BLDG. Better Light for Better Sight"