5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE April 3, 1952 FEMME PAGE Mill City Gardeners Ministers Plans For Girl Scouts Entertain Plan Flower Show Holy Week Services At Dancing Party SI ND \Y and MONDAY Plans were discussed for a flower Speakers for the union services to Girl Scouts of Mill City sponsored show when about 25 members of the be held the week preceding Easter1 a square dance Friday, March 28, FRF.DRIC MARCH in 1 Mill City Garden club met at the in the First Christian sanctuary are| at the American Legion hall in Mill Mrs. Rose Haywood Serves i James Swan home on Thursday eve- scheduled as follows: City. Mrs. Bernice Bigger and Mrs. Death of a Salesman ning. Monday evening. Lee M. Joiner. Veronica Klecker were chaperones for As Hostess To Pinochlers Not Recommended The flower show will be held at the Tuesday, W. D. Turnbull. the Giri Scouts and their guests. For Children Reportedly 40 persons attended the Mrs. Rose Haywood took over the Presbyterian recreation hall Tuesday, I Wednesday, C. O. Tremaine April 22nd from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.| Friday, Noble Streeter. square dance in the newly improved Feature at 5:15, 7:30 Sunday Mrs. Gale Carey, whose husband, duties of hostess at the Gates Lucky I Exhibits must be brought in between' The Thursday night Communion Legion hall. Mrs. Klecker is assist Lt. Gale Carey is in the service in the Twelve pinochle club last week and 9 and 11 a.m.. Those brought in after ■ Service will be in charge of the host ant leader of the Girl Scouts. Tl ESI) A Y and WEDNESDAY Pacific area, was complimented with thrilled her guests with a delightful 11 will be for display only. pastor, Hugh E. Jull. The John Markhams directed and a stork shower, Monday evening, apple pie and ice cream desert. Mrs. Charles Dolezal, flower show I The director for the song service called the square dances. Miss Pat HUMPHREY BOGART During the afternoon of play Mrs. chairman has appointed the following [ and the special music for Monday March 24. Mrs. Don Miley and Mrs. VI \|{ r \ rom X Murray provided the records and David Barnhardt were hostesses for Mike Keen moved into the lead and department chairman to assist her: | night will be provided by the Pres record player for the ballroom dancing in the affair, which was held in the captured first place for her efforts Schedule, Mrs. C. M. Cline; entries, byterian church; Tuesday night by that was held in addition to the square i ecreation rooms of the high school. and skill at the card table. Mrs. P. A. Bruder; classification, Mrs. the Community church; Wednesday dancing. Mrs. James O’Kins and Games with several selections on the Mrs. Edna McCreary turned up H. D. Pound; staging. Mrs. Herbert night by the Assembly of God church; son, Charles, donated the use of their News piano, by Mrs. Miley, preceded open lucky enough to take home the travel Schroeder; publicity, Mrs, Geo Veteto; Thursday by the Free Methodist and records and record player for the ing of the gifts. Refreshments, coffee ing pinochle prize, and Mrs. Millie clean-up committee will be headed by Friday by the Christian church. square dancing. The Legion hall was WEDNESDAY ONLY and individual cakes each topped by a Wood took the consolation prize for a Mrs. James Swan; theme committee, An Easter Sunrise service will be brightened by the addition of daffodils tiny bootee were served by the host poor day of cards. Mrs. Fred Duffy and Mrs. Bert Mor conducted by the community young to the tables. ON THE STAGE esses. The guests were seated at a people at 6:30 a.m., in the Rogers’ ris, which is to be “May Day”. A pot-luck lunch was enjoyed by long table, which was centered by a Club members also voted to help clearing just above the Kelly Lumber those present. large arrangement of daffodils, Lyons Methodist Church I sponsor a Mill City high student at yard on NE. Santiani boulevard, if It's Great! It's Fun! radiating from the center were white the weather permits. If the weather Girls’ State this year. You’ll Enjoy It! satin streamers, each holding a small Plan Easter Program Refreshments will be sold from 2 is inclement, the service will be held umbrella. Yellow candles in fhrystal Proceeds to National Society for to 8 p.m. Judging will be from 12 in the Presbyterian church. On Palm Sunday, April 6, the Junior to 2 p.m. Prizes are to be awarded holders, flanked the centerpiece and Crippled Children the matching bouquets at either end church will take part in the morning in sweepstakes arrangements and of Roseburg spent the weekend in Curtain at 8:00 p.m. of the table. Seated were the guest service. There will be several adults specimens. Mill City with relatives. Mrs. Nora baptized and received into membership Third Grade of honor, Mrs. Carey, her mother, Goodwin, mother of Mrs. Howe accom THCRS.. FRI. and SATURDAY Mrs. Fred Stone, Mrs. Clarence John and some children ¿edicated to the The third grade "Lucky” Blue Birds, panied them home. son, Mrs. Robert Levon, Mrs. Gwen Lord in baptism. At 7:30 the topic of members, and a message of triumph wrote invitations to the fourth grade All Color Show! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown were Blue Birds inviting them to a weiner Schaer, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Joe will be “The Person and W’ork of over death and the grave. LUCILLE BALL in Salem visitors on Tuesday. Rev. R. A. Feenstra has Joaquin, Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs. Christ”. roast on Monday, April 7 at 4 p.m. The Magic Carpet Mrs. Lloyd Wood, and Mr. and Mrs. chosen for his morning message the Laura Joaquin, Mrs. Mary Eggle- to be held at the home of Mrs. Earl Donald Wood and children Gary Don Nelson. Jo Ann Challender furnished strom, Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mrs. theme, “Love’s Redeeming Work”. — Plus -- ald and Nancy Lee spent the week refreshments. Clarence Rush, Mrs. Glen Henness, On Thursday of Holy Week, there ROBERT CUMMINGS in end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood. Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs. Merle Devine, wil be a “Service of Remembrance”. Ilov Scout New s Harrison Caughey is reported to be Gary and Nancy are Mr. Harry Wood’s Barefoot Mailman and Mrs. Lincoln Henness. Those Different people will present the seven The Boy Scout meeting was held unable to attend and sending gifts words of the Cross, and the Lord’s showing very good progress in his grandchildren. Kids Club Saturday recovery from a heart attack early Robert Johnston of Mill City re in the high school. The patrol meet were Mrs. Clare Henness, Mrs. George Supper will be observed. Matinee 2:00 P.M. last week. Mrs. Caughey reports that ceived word this week that his brother ings, were held during the meeting, Stafford, Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson and On Easter Sunday morning the Bun he is being permitted outside of his the topic was the coming camporee Jimmy Durante in Walter Johnston of Glasgow, Mont., Mrs. Albert Millsap. day school will present a program at oxygen tent and is resting satisfac Scout circus, -we are going to "The Great Rupert” had passed away. Mr. Johnston will and 10:15 a.m. in which all the classes torily. a camp to show at the circus. be remembered as a visitor in Mill make — Also — Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gorton and sons will take part and all ages will par We pledged allegiance to the flag on Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Keene visiter! City last January. with Mrs. Jeannette Dickinson were ticipate. the football field.—Tony Boothby. Ml IR’S "Cake of the Week" friends in Prineville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith who have The Easter worship service will be Sunday dinner guests at the Lowell Birthday Cake for: Mr. and Mrs. James Duvall were been living in the Riverside addition a service of joyful music, reception Cree home. Bill Barr, Arthur Cox. recently. The Langfords have moved in Portland over the weekend. are moving to Salem. He plans to x x'x x x x x X x xx :■ x x X X x x X x’X'gXx'XWii’X >CX X'X x X X X :: x x X X :: x x x x Xx x x Marcia Ann Cox, Jerry Foster to Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Knowles spent work in Aumsville. l.araine Lee, Wayne Stiffler Mr. and Mrs. Joe I.alack and son, the weekend in Bengen, Wash., visit- Miss Golda Henry, second grade a Monte, visited Mr. Lalack’s brother 5? relatives. teacher in the Mill City school, was 5 Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vanderhoff and in Newport over the weekend visiting and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andy I.alack H Complete show can be seen any of Salem last Saturday and Sunday. son Ronnie spent Sunday in Sweet her brother. time up to 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin La Vine and The Presbyterian Eriendship class, Home. 5 daughter Sheron visited his brother led by Mrs. Herbert Schroeder cleared Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Walkup visited and family Clifford La Vine at To their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and one hundred dollars on their luncheon ledo, Sunday. M y and tamale sale. The money to be Mrs. Robert Walkup in Salem Sunday. help pay off the debt on the X Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pound Jr. of used to organ. Eugene were weekend guests at the church W. R. Meisner from Enumclaw, H. D. Pound home here. Mr. and Mrs, Wash., was in Mill City Saturday Ford Wilson and daughter Jeanne his daughter and family, Mr. BY JOHN HARVEY FURBAY PH D joined the group for a family dinner visiting and Mrs. R. F. Andreasson. He also on Sunday. RUBBING ONE EYE WILL visited his son and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Arey Podrabsky is recuperat Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Meisner in Me NOT GET A CINDER OUT ing from the flu. aaannaEtnnHHnnnnHnHHnnaHnni hama. OF THE I2IHER EYE Shelby Umphress was in Indepen AFRICAN VIOLETS, small medium Auditor dence Saturday to visit friends. or large; fuchsias, and geraniums at Tax Consultant The Assembly of God church is hav Berger’s Green House, 1101 Third St., HUGH and ALICE WALKUP. Props. ing teachers training classes Tuesday, Stayton, Phone 2095. 13-4 Thursday and Friday nights of this Mill City was represented at the ;; x x x x x x x x x x x x x'xTi'x x x x x K « « 8 week, to train teachers for Sunday Margaret Truman concert in Portland PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ; school work. by the Misses Mary Jane and Phyllis Five members of the Legion Auxil Cox, Mrs. Edward Yarnell, Mrs. Bill Bookkeeping, Accounting and iary went to Salem Thursday to hear Stover, Mrs. Chester Ferguson and Tax Service the national auxiliary president, Mrs. Miss Marlene Tickle. Corner 3rd 4 Marion Ilah Campbell from Louisiana. Mem Miss Alice Smith physical ed and bers attending were the Mesds. Dave music teacher at the Mill City grade STAYTON, ORE. Kelly, Jess Lee, Al Stahlman, Ramon school received a painful foot injury It is a common superstition P. O. Box 1321 Telephone 4114 Roberts, and John Muir. when a piano fell on it. that if you get a cinder in one Mrs. Frank Carter returned home Miss Freda Reed of Scio visited eye, the thing to do is to rub innnnnHHHHHUMMMnHnHHnlaHJUta Sunday from a two weeks visit with with her sister, Mrs. Anna Van Beber the other eye. Medical specialists her daughter in Portland. , over Sunday. say this is all bunk; that it will Judy Hinz of Salem visited her Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vincent visited do no good—unless perhaps it parents Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hinz in , with Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Horner keeps you from rubbing the eye Mill City Sunday. Don't let coughing, wheezing, recurring at** with the cinder in It. Rubbing Wednesday evening. tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep and RALEIGH HAROLD, Florist, open the eyes is always a bad practice, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Armstrong, SP energy without trying MENDACO, which Sundays and evenings, flowers tele agent, returned home this week from works thru the blood to reach bronchial doctors say, and should I e avoided tubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly graphed anywhere. Funeral sprays, a visit to Kansas with relatives of at all times. There are many germs remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates on the hands- at any time, and coughing and aids freer breathing and better planters, pot plants, corsages, wed both Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. sleep. Oet MENDACO from druggist. Batla« these may be transferred to the dings, also shrubs and landscaping. faction or money back guaranteed, r Mr. and Mrs. Jim Storey and daugh eyes, producing infections. 319 W. Washington, Stayton. Phone ters moved into the Langford home 3684. 42tf iu Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reveal and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon White and Vicky spent Sunday with Mrs. Reveal’s mother, Mrs. Grace Dart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faust of Taft were in Mill City Saturday to attend the Swan funeral. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Ethel Clymer mother and sister of Mrs. Art Roda are visiting her from Redding, Calif. Mrs. Charlie Freres and Mrs. Gail Lowery spent Friday afternoon shop ping in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Waren Howe and sons Mrs. Gale Carey Given Blue-White Sirocco Mill City Grade School NEWS MILL CITY Advance Showing of Easter Baskets Cards Candies ^¿Debunker MILL CITY VARIETY W. N. SIMMONS ■ MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats and Groceries ASTHMA FOOD LOCKERS FROZEN FOODS Wally Riggs Sport Shirts Now Available ■ The Maples Cafe <£ Tavern Place orders today for IM MEDI A TE DELIVER Y Highway 222 1 *'2 miles East of Gates SPECIALISTS IN MULLIGAN STEW Say it with a Hallmark Card You 11 find Easter cards as gay and bright as sunshine, as sweet as Easter lilies, in our Hallmark collection of Easter cards. There's one for every one you want to remember. Select yours today. EDWARD WILLIAMS “The Home of Hallmark Cards" I 330 Court Street Salem, Ore. I.ou and Pere) Mulligan, Props. Suffered 7 years then I found Pazo brings amazing relief! »•>« Mr. M. W., ¿0« Angtltt, Calif. Speed amazing relief from miseries of simple piles, with soothing Pazo*! Acts to relieve pain, itching inamtly— soothes inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard ened parts—help, prevent cracking, sore ness—reduce swelling. You get real com forting help. Don’t suffer needless torture from simple piles. Get Pazo for fast, won derful relief. Aslt your doctor about it. Suppository form — also tubes with per. footed pile pipe for easy application. Always in Stock at the Gates General Store